microservice architecture in node js - node.js

If I use different ports for different services and share the same database then can I call it microservice architecture? Like running orders services in port 8080 and running checkout service in 8081 port.

Unfortunately no, it's far more complex and I suggest investing some hours in reading on internet about it from people who will be able to explain it a lot better than me, but long story short at least you should have:
independent applications, each one with its own database. Of course each app on different ports
you most likely want to containerize them with docker and I personally suggest orchestrating the containers with kubernetes and in this case you will need a deployment file and a clusterIP service for each application ( read more into 'pods' , 'deployments' etc on kubernetes )
the independent services should not reach each other, in stead you use what is called event bus. You'll want to read more about that
You can sync each serice's database through the event bus. You'll duplicate some data but this is an acceptable thing because storage is cheap and service independence is far more important.
You'll need a Load Balancer to access your app eventually of course
At least this is what came in my mind in the first place. You can use it as a starting point and look into this more but as a heads up, it should not be easy. Data consistency throughout the services usually is hell.


Scaling microservices using Docker

I've created a Node.js (Meteor) application and I'm looking at strategies to handle scaling in the future. I've designed my application as a set of microservices, and I'm now considering implementing this in production.
What I'd like to do however is have many microservices running on one server instance to maximise resource usage whilst they are using a small number of resources. I know containers are useful for this, but I'm curious if there's a way to create a dynamically scaling set of containers where I can:
Write commands such as "provision another app container on this server if the containers running this app reach > 80% CPU/other limiting metrics",
Provision and prepare other servers if needed for extra containers,
Load balance connections between these containers (and does this affect server load balancing, e.g., send less connections to servers with fewer containers?)
I've looked into AWS EC2, Docker Compose and nginx, but I'm uncertain if I'm going in the right direction.
Investigate Kubernetes and/or Mesos, and you'll never look back. They're tailor-made for what you're looking to do. The two components you should focus on are:
Service Discovery: This allows inter-dependent services (micro-service "A" calls "B") to "find" each other. It's typically done using DNS, but with registration features on top of it that handle what happens as instances are scaled.
Scheduling: In Docker-land, scheduling isn't about CRON jobs, it means how containers are scaled and "packed" into servers in various ways to maximize efficient usage of available resources.
There are actually dozens of options here: Docker Swarm, Rancher, etc. are also competing alternatives. Many cloud vendors like Amazon also offer dedicated services (such as ECS) with these features. But Kubernetes and Mesos are emerging as standard choices, so you'd be in good company if you at least start there.
Metrics could be collected via Docker API ( and cool blog post ) and it's often used for that.
Tinkering with DAPI and docker stack tools (compose/swarm/machine) could provide alot of tools to scale microservice architecture efficiently.
I could advise in favor of Consul to manage discovery in such resource-aware system.
We are using AWS to host our miroservices application, and using ECS (AWS docker service) to containerize the different API.
And in this context, we use AWS auto scaling feature to manage the scale in and scale out. Check this.
Hope it helps.

What does the Azure Web Apps architecture look like?

I've had a few outages of 10 to 15 minutes, because apparently Microsoft had a 'blip' on their storages. They told me that it is because of a shared file system between the instances (making it a single point of failure?)
I didn't understand it and asked how file share is involved, because I would assume a really dumb stateless IIS app that communicates with SQL Azure for its data.
I would assume the situation below:
This is their reply to my question (I didn't include the drawing)
The file shares are not necessarily for your web app to communicate to
another resources but they are on our end where the app content
resides on. That is what we meant when we suggested that about storage
being unavailable on our file servers. The reason the restarts would
be triggered for your app that is on both the instances is because the
resources are shared, the underlying storage would be the same for
both the instances. That’s the reason if it goes down on one, the
other would also follow eventually. If you really want the
availability of the app to be improved, you can always use a traffic
manager. However, there is no guarantee that even with traffic manager
in place, the app doesn’t go down but it improves overall availability
of your app. Also we have recently rolled out an update to production
that should take care of restarts caused by storage blips ideally, but
for this feature to be kicked it you need to make sure that there is
ample amount of memory needs to be available in the cases where this
feature needs to kick in. We have couple of options that you can have
set up in order to avoid any unexpected restarts of the app because of
a storage blip on our end:
You can evaluate if you want to move to a bigger instance so that
we might have enough memory for the overlap recycling feature to be
kicked in.
If you don’t want to move to a bigger instance, you can always use
local cache feature as outlined by us in our earlier email.
Because of the time differences the communication takes ages. Can anyone tell me what is wrong in my thinking?
The only thing that I think of is that when you've enabled two instances, they run on the same physical server. But that makes really little sense to me.
I have two instances one core, 1.75 GB memory.
My presumption for App Service Plans was that they were automatically split into availability sets (see below for a brief description) Largely based on Web Apps sales spiel which states
App Service provides availability and automatic scale on a global data centre infrastructure. Easily scale applications up or down on demand, and get high availability within and across different geographical regions.
Following on from David Ebbo's answer and comments, the underlying architecture of Web apps appears to be that the VM's themselves are separated into availability sets. However all of the instances use the same fileserver to share the underlying disk space. This file server being a significant single point of failure.
To mitigate this Azure have created the WEBSITE_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION which will cache the contents of the file server onto the individual Web App instances. Using caching in lieu of solid, high availability engineering principles.
The problem here is that as a customer we have no visibility into this issue, we've no idea if there is a plan to fix it, or if or when it will ever be fixed since it seems unlikely that Azure is going to issue a document that admits to how badly this has been engineered, even if it is to say that it is fixed.
I also can't imagine that this issue would be any different between ASM and ARM. It seems exceptionally unlikely that there was originally a high availability solution at the backend that they scrapped when ARM came along. So it is very likely that cloud services would suffer the exact same issue.
The small upside is that now that we know this is an issue, one possible solution would be to deploy multiple web apps and have a traffic manager between them. Even if they are in the same region, different apps should have different backend file servers.
My first action would be to reply to that email, with a link to the Web Apps page, (and this question) with a copy of the quote and ask how to enable high availability within a geographic region.
After that you'll likely need to rearchitect your solution!
Availability sets
For virtual machines Azure will let you specify an availability set. An availability set will automatically split VMs into separate update and fault domains. Meaning that servers will end up in different server racks, and those server racks won't get updates at the same time. (it is a little more complex than that, but that's the basics!)
Azure Web Apps do used a shared file storage. The best way to think about it is that all the instances of your app map to the same network share that have your files. So if you modify the files by any mean (e.g. FTP, msdeploy, git, ...), all the instances instantly get the new files (since there is only one set of files).
And to answer your final question, each instance does run on a separate VM.

How to make a distributed node.js application?

Creating a node.js application is simple enough.
var app = require('express')();
res.send("Hello world!");
But suppose people became obsessed with your Hello World! application and exhausted your resources. How could this example be scaled up on practice? I don't understand it, because yes, you could open several node.js instance in different computers - but when someone access http://your_site.com/ it aims directly that specific machine, that specific port, that specific node process. So how?
There are many many ways to deal with this, but it boils down to 2 things:
being able to use more cores per server
being able to scale beyond more than one server.
For the first option, you can user node-cluster or the same solution as for the seconde option. node-cluster (http://nodejs.org/api/cluster.html) essentially is a built in way to fork the node process into one master and multiple workers. Typically, you'd want 1 master and n-1 to n workers (n being your number of available cores).
load balancers
The second option is to use a load balancer that distributes the requests amongst multiple workers (on the same server, or across servers).
Here you have multiple options as well. Here are a few:
a node based option: Load balancing with node.js using http-proxy
nginx: Node.js + Nginx - What now? (using more than one upstream server)
apache: (no clearly helpful link I could use, but a valid option)
One more thing, once you start having multiple processes serving requests, you can no longer use memory to store state, you need an additional service to store shared states, Redis (http://redis.io) is a popular choice, but by no means the only one.
If you use services such as cloudfoundry, heroku, and others, they set it up for you so you only have to worry about your app's logic (and using a service to deal with shared state)
I've been working with node for quite some time but recently got the opportunity to try scaling my node apps and have been researching on the same topic for some time now and have come across following pre-requisites for scaling:
My app needs to be available on a distributed system each running multiple instances of node
Each system should have a load balancer that helps distribute traffic across the node instances.
There should be a master load balancer that should distribute traffic across the node instances on distributed systems.
The master balancer should always be running OR should have a dependable restart mechanism to keep the app stable.
For the above requisites I've come across the following:
Use modules like cluster to start multiple instances of node in a system.
Use nginx always. It's one of the most simplest mechanism for creating a load balancer i've came across so far
Use HAProxy to act as a master load balancer. A few pointers on how to use it and keep it forever running.
Useful resources:
Horizontal scaling node.js and websockets.
Using cluster to take advantages of multiple cores.
I'll keep updating this answer as I progress.
The basic way to use multiple machines is to put them behind a load balancer, and point all your traffic to the load balancer. That way, someone going to http://my_domain.com, and it will point at the load balancer machine. The sole purpose (for this example anyways; in theory more could be done) of the load balancer is to delegate the traffic to a given machine running your application. This means that you can have x number of machines running your application, however an external machine (in this case a browser) can go to the load balancer address and get to one of them. The client doesn't (and doesn't have to) know what machine is actually handling its request. If you are using AWS, it's pretty easy to set up and manage this. Note that Pascal's answer has more detail about your options here.
With Node specifically, you may want to look at the Node Cluster module. I don't really have alot of experience with this module, however it should allow you to spawn multiple process of your application on one machine all sharing the same port. Also node that it's still experimental and I'm not sure how reliably it will be.
I'd recommend to take a look to http://senecajs.org, a microservices toolkit for Node.js. That is a good start point for beginners and to start thinking in "services" instead of monolitic applications.
Having said that, building distributed applcations is hard, take time to learn, take LOT of time to master it, and usually you will face a lot trade-off between performance, reliability, manteinance, etc.

Create azure VM on my local machine

Is it possible to create one or several azure VMs on my local machine? I want to create a web app and load test it locally, without the need of putting it in the cloud. I'm thinking at the following scenario: I have a local VM running a IIS server with my web app; I use a tool to generate a lot of load; I need to deploy the second VM containing the same things as the first VM. The downtime of the web app should be equal to 0(hopefully).
I want to achieve the following: create a web app and a monitoring app(CPU,Memory) and deploy them on one VM. On a load test, if the VM cannot handle it(e.g. CPU goes above 80%), I want to programmatically deploy a new VM(with the same configuration, having both the web app and the monitoring app), such that no downtime occurs.
Azure has several ways for you to host sites.
Virtual Machines is just that, normal VMs. You can create them locally and upload them, but everything is up to you, including how to handle upgrades. If that is what you need to do then I don't know how you would handle upgrades with no down time; though, you can add multiple VMs to a load balancer and then upgrade them one at a time.
It sounds like what you really want to explore is Cloud Services. You can run one or more VMs locally in the emulator, upgrade with no down time once in the cloud, implement auto scaling (you will have to use a tool or write some code).
Alternatively you may want to look at Azure Web sites, but that is a completely different concept and you can't really test load and load balancing locally the same way.
Based on your statement that you essentially want to auto-scale your application you want to look at Cloud Services with Auto Scaling. However, you can't fully test this in the cloud emulator - but you can test your logic.
Azure Cloud Services is designed for this kind of thing; You don't really work with VMs in the way you may be used to, instead you create a package that Azure then deploys to as many servers as you like. Once up and running, you can manually go into the management console and increase or decrease the number of active servers simply by moving a slider. Of course, you want to do this automatically, so you have a few options.
There is a management API you can use to change the number of servers. So, it would be quite simple to write a bit of code that you spin up in another thread from WebRole.Start and that simply sits and monitors the CPU on the machine and then calls the management API to spin up a new server instance if your CPU goes over a certain treshold. Okay, locally you can only test that the call to the management API is made, you won't actually see the new server coming up. But, if you grab your free trial of Azure and just try it you will see that you really don't need to test that part - it just works.
However, in practice there is an awful lot more to auto scaling. Here are some of the things you need to consider;
Even relatively idle web servers will often spike briefly to 100% so just having a simple treshold is unlikely to be good enough; You need to decide on how long the server needs to be over a certain treshold before you spin up another server instance.
What happens when you have more than one server? And, on Azure, you should always have at least two servers to ensure you have resilience. Note that the idea with Cloud Services really is to have many small servers rather than a few big servers. You pay per core, not per number of servers.
Imagine you currently have three servers and one is really busy for some reason and the other two are idle. Do you want to spin up a fourth server?
Imagine you currently have two servers and they are both quite busy. Do you really want them both to start a new server so you end up with four servers running?
There are several ways to handle these challenges. For starters, rather than having monitor programs running locally on each server, you are better of moving that monitoring outside; Azure comes with the ability to dump performance metrics to table storage at whatever interval you choose. You can then run an external program that retrieves the performance data over time from all your current servers and then reason about the overall workload before deciding to spin up or shut down additional servers. Now, you can of course host that external monitor program in a separate thread on each of your webroles to give your monitoring resilience - but the key point is that the monitoring program doesn't monitor the server it runs on, it monitors all the servers. You will, of course, still have to deal with stopping multiple monitoring program instances from all starting and stopping servers. One way to do is to place stop/start commands onto an Azure "message queue" (there are a few different types) and use the built-in "de-duper" which will automatically delete identical commands that are put on the queue within a certain time window (I am over simplyfing but you get the idea).
The actual answer
Really, though, you want to look at the Auto Scaling Application Block which will do most of this for you. I guess that is the real answer to your question, but I wanted to provide a bit of context first.
Again, I recognise you asked for how to test this locally - but I believe that that question doesn't really make sense in the context of Azure and I hope the above information helps.
I'm pretty sure you can't do that and it wouldn't make sense anyway. If you want load testing, you need to run that in an environment as similar to production as possible and that means you have to run your application is Azure cloud. How else do you know that the load will actually be processed fine on real cloud?

Are databases attached to dynos in heroku?

I want to try out heroku, but am not quite sure if I understand all terms correctly.
I have an app with node.js and redis & my main focus is scaling and speed.
In a traditional environment I would have two servers in front of a load balancer; both servers are totally independent, share the same code and have an own redis instance. Both servers don't know of each other (the data is synched by a third party server, but that is not of interest for that case).
I would then push a load balancer in front of them. Know I could easily scale, as both instances are not aware of each other and I could just add more instances if I wish.
Can I mirror that environment in a dyno or can't I attach a redis instance to a dyno?
If something is unclear, please ask, as I'm new to paas!
As I understand it: I would have a dyno for my node-app and would just add another instance of it. That's cool, but would they share the same redis or can I make them independent?
You better forget traditional architectures and try to think it this way:
A dyno is a process processing HTTP requests, the absolute minimum of an app instance on heroku.
For one application instance you can have as many dynos you want and
it is totally transparent . No need to think about servers, load
balancing, etc... everything is taken care.
A redis instance is a basically a service used by the application
instance and therefore by one or more dynos. Again, servers, load
balancing, etc all is taken care.
Maybe you want to review the How it works on heroku.com now again.
You can have as many dynos for one URL as you want - you just change the value in the controller. This is actually one of the best features of Heroku - you don't care about servers, you increase the number of dynos and by this increase the number of requests which can be processed simultaneously.
Same thing with redis - it basically doesn't work that you add instances, you just switch to a more performant plan, see https://addons.heroku.com/redistogo. Again, forget about servers.
