Let's consider the following code:
f = 40; # Hz
tmin = -0.3;
tmax = 0.3;
t, sampling_period = linspace(start=tmin, stop=tmax, num=400, retstep=True); # here I am saying split in 400 regular interval the 0.6 units of times.
# Based on the above, I obtain the distance between two regular intervals of 0.0015 = 0.6/400 ==>
# sample period T = 0.0015
significant_digits = 2
rounded_sampling_period = round(sampling_period, significant_digits -
int(math.floor(math.log10(abs(sampling_period)))) - 1)
sampling_frequency = 1/rounded_sampling_period
print("sampling_period - regular intervals of T = ", sampling_period)
print("rounded_sampling_period ", rounded_sampling_period)
print("sampling_frequency or sample rate = 1/T ", sampling_frequency)
x = cos(2*pi*f*t); # signal sampling
plot(t, x)
I am getting as results:
sampling_period - regular intervals of T = 0.0015037593984962405
rounded_sampling_period 0.0015
sampling_frequency 666.6666666666666
What is wrong in trying to understand the difference between Sample rate vs sample period? 666.666 does not make sense?
Thank you in advance for you help.
I believe you are mixing two different concepts, the signal frequency/period and the sample frequency/period.
The signal frequency/period is the interval in which the signal repeat itself.
The sample frequency/period is the distance between samples (between points in an array in this case)
So that's why you are getting 666.66, because your signal is sampled between 400 data points over a period of time of 0.6 seconds (0.3 -(-0.3)), and thats results in 666.66
I have a for loop where there are a series of operations performed but one method in particular I discovered takes about 44% of the time for the entire iteration to execute. In order to increase the speed of this for loop, what should I do? Use asyncio, multiprocessing? My idea for increasing the execution speed is to have the next iteration of the loop begin when huge_method is called and have both iterations run at the same time. Any suggestions on how I can do this?
Example of what I mean:
for i in range(len(some_list)):
x = some_list[i]['model']
y = some_other_list[i]['prediction']
result = huge_method(x, y) # This is what's taking up most of the time in this loop
# some more code...
Note: anything calculated during an individual iteration is not dependent on anything calculated in a previous iteration. Also, each iteration appends a result to a list. Maintaining the order of each iterations results is important but I can make it work otherwise. What I'm referring to as huge_method here is a method from a 3rd party library and not code I would like to modify.
Edit: For clarity, here is the actual code I'm working with:
for ii_day in range(len(prediction_indices)):
model_idx = prediction_indices[ii_day]["model_idx"]
prediction_idx = prediction_indices[ii_day]["prediction_idx"]
# Fit model
regression_period_signal = historical_signal_levels[model_idx, :]
regression_period_price_change = historical_price_moves[model_idx]
# This is the huge_method that takes half the time of an iteration
rolling_regression_model = LinearRegression().fit(regression_period_signal, regression_period_price_change)
# Calculate model error
predictions = rolling_regression_model.predict(regression_period_signal)
forecast_horizon_model_error = np.sqrt(
mean_squared_error(regression_period_price_change, predictions))
# Predictions
forecast_distance = 1
current_research = historical_signal_levels[prediction_idx, :]
forecast_price_change = rolling_regression_model.predict(current_research)
# Calculate drift and volatility
volatility = ((1 + forecast_horizon_model_error) * (forecast_distance ** -0.5)) - 1
# Kelly recommended optimum
if volatility < 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError("Volatility needs to be positive value.")
if volatility == 0:
volatility = 0.01
kelly_recommended_optimum = forecast_price_change / volatility ** 2
rule_recommended_allocation = self.kelly_fraction * kelly_recommended_optimum
rule_recommended_allocation = np.zeros(len(prediction_idx))
# Apply the calculated allocation to the dataframe.
price_research_series.loc[prediction_idx, position_key] = rule_recommended_allocation
I am trying to solve a signal processing problem. I have a signal like this
My job is to use FFT to plot the frequency vs. signal. This is what I have coded so far:
def Extract_Data(filepath, pattern):
data = []
with open(filepath) as file:
for line in file:
m = re.match(pattern, line)
if m:
data.append(list(map(float, m.groups())))
data = np.asarray(data)
#Convert lists to arrays
variable_array = data[:,1]
time_array = data[:,0]
return variable_array, time_array
def analysis_FFT(filepath, pattern):
signal, time = Extract_Data(filepath, pattern)
signal_FFT = np.fft.fft(signal)
N = len(signal_FFT)
T = time[-1]
signal_freq = np.fft.fftfreq(N, d = T/N)
#Shift the frequencies
signal_freq_shift = np.fft.fftshift(signal_freq)
#Real and imagniary part of the signal
signal_real = signal_FFT.real
signal_imag = signal_FFT.imag
signal_abs = pow(signal_real, 2) + pow(signal_imag, 2)
#Shift the signal
signal_shift = np.fft.fftshift(signal_FFT)
#signal_shift = np.fft.fftshift(signal_FFT)
signal_spectrum = np.abs(signal_shift)
What I really concern about is the sampling rate. As you look at the plot, it looks like the sampling rate of the first ~0.002s is not the same as the rest of the signal. So I'm thinking maybe I need to normalize the signal
However, when I use np.fft.fftfreq(N, d =T/N), it seems like np.fft.ffreq assumes the signal has the same sampling rate throughout the domain. So I'm not sure how I could normalize the signal with np.fft. Any suggestions?
This is what I got when I plotted shifted frequency [Hz] with shifted signal
I generated a synthetic signal similar to yours and plotted, like you did the spectrum over the whole time. Your plot was good as it pertains to the whole spectrum, just appears to not give the absolute value.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as p
%matplotlib inline
T=0.05 # 1/20 sec
n=5000 # 5000 Sa, so 100kSa/sec sampling frequency
fr=260 # Hz
y1= - np.cos(2*np.pi*fr*t) * np.exp(- 20* t)
y2= 3*np.sin(2*np.pi*10*fr*t+0.5) *np.exp(-2e6*(t-0.001)**2)
p.plot(t,y ,color='green', lw=1 )
p.xlabel('time (sec)')
p.ylabel('Velocity (m/s)')
p.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
p.ylabel('Velocity (m/s)');
p.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
p.ylabel('Velocity (m/s)');
On the bottom, I zoomed in a bit to show the two main frequency components. Note that we are showing the positive and negative frequencies (only the positive ones, times 2x are physical). The Gaussians at 2600 Hz indicate the frequency spectrum of the burst (FT of Gaussian is Gaussian). The straight lines at 260 Hz indicate the slow base frequency (FT of sine is a delta).
That, however hides the timing of the two separate frequency components, the short (in my case Gaussian) burst at the start at about 2.6 kHz and the decaying low tone at about 260 Hz. The spectrogram plots spectra of short pieces (nperseg) of your signal in vertical as stripes where color indicates intensity. You can set some overlap between the time frames,which should be some fraction of the segment length. By stacking these stripes over time, you get a plot of the spectral change over time.
from scipy.signal import spectrogram
f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(y,sf,nperseg=256,noverlap=64)
p.pcolormesh(t, f[:20], Sxx[:20,:])
#p.pcolormesh(t, f, Sxx)
p.ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
p.xlabel('Time [sec]')
It is instructive to try and generate the spectrogram yourself with the help of just the FFT. Otherwise the settings of the spectrogram function might not be very intuitive at first.
I'm running a physics simulation related to visible light, and the resulting wave function has a very, very high frequency -- cyclic frequency is on the order of 1.0e15, and the spatial frequency k is on the order of 1.0e7. Thankfully, I only use the spatial frequency, but when I calculate it for later usage (using either math or numpy), I get something that resembles a beat wave, unless I use N ~= k sample points, because I have to calculate it over a much greater range (on the order of 1.0e-3 - 1.0e-1). It produces a beat wave so consistently I spent a few hours to make sure I'm not actually calculating one. I'll also have to use fft() on the resulting wave and I'm afraid it won't work properly with a misrepresented wave.
I've tried using various amounts of sample points, but unless it's extraordinarily high (takes a good minute or two to calculate), only the prominence of beating changes. Just in case I'm misusing numpy, I tried the same thing with appending wave.value calculated by math.sin to a float array, but it had the same result.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mmScale = 1.0e-3
nmScale = 1.0e-9
c = 3.0e8
N = 1000
class Wave:
def __init__(self, amplitude, wavelength):
self.wavelength = wavelength*nmScale
self.amplitude = amplitude
self.omega = 2*pi*c/self.wavelength
self.k = 2*pi/self.wavelength
def value(self, time, travel):
return self.amplitude*np.sin(self.omega*time - self.k*travel)
x = np.linspace(50, 250, N)*mmScale
wave = Wave(1, 400)
y = wave.value(0.1, x)
The code above produces a graph of the function, and you can put in different values for N to see how it gives different waveforms.
Your sampling spatial frequency is:
1/Ts = 1 / ((250-50)*mmScale) / N) = 5000 [samples/meter]
Your wave's spatial frequency is:
1/Tw = 1 / wavelength = 1 / (400e-9) = 2500000 [wavelengths/meter]
You fail to satisfy Nyquist criterion by a factor of (2*2500000 ) / 5000 = 1000.
Thus you must expect serious aliasing effects. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliasing.
Not much can be done to battle it. But there are some tricks that may help you depending on application. One is to represent a wave as a complex envelop around carier frequency, which is 400e-9. Please provide more detail on what you do with the wave.
Let's say I have a data set and used matplotlib to draw a histogram of said data set.
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(data, normed=1)
How do I calculate the standard deviation, using the n and bins values that hist() returns? I'm currently doing this to calculate the mean:
s = 0
for i in range(len(n)):
s += n[i] * ((bins[i] + bins[i+1]) / 2)
mean = s / numpy.sum(n)
which seems to work fine as I get pretty accurate results. However, if I try to calculate the standard deviation like this:
t = 0
for i in range(len(n)):
t += (bins[i] - mean)**2
std = np.sqrt(t / numpy.sum(n))
my results are way off from what numpy.std(data) returns. Replacing the left bin limits with the central point of each bin doesn't change this either. I have the feeling that the problem is that the n and bins values don't actually contain any information on how the individual data points are distributed within each bin, but the assignment I'm working on clearly demands that I use them to calculate the standard deviation.
You haven't weighted the contribution of each bin with n[i]. Change the increment of t to
t += n[i]*(bins[i] - mean)**2
By the way, you can simplify (and speed up) your calculation by using numpy.average with the weights argument.
Here's an example. First, generate some data to work with. We'll compute the sample mean, variance and standard deviation of the input before computing the histogram.
In [54]: x = np.random.normal(loc=10, scale=2, size=1000)
In [55]: x.mean()
Out[55]: 9.9760798903061847
In [56]: x.var()
Out[56]: 3.7673459904902025
In [57]: x.std()
Out[57]: 1.9409652213499866
I'll use numpy.histogram to compute the histogram:
In [58]: n, bins = np.histogram(x)
mids is the midpoints of the bins; it has the same length as n:
In [59]: mids = 0.5*(bins[1:] + bins[:-1])
The estimate of the mean is the weighted average of mids:
In [60]: mean = np.average(mids, weights=n)
In [61]: mean
Out[61]: 9.9763028267760312
In this case, it is pretty close to the mean of the original data.
The estimated variance is the weighted average of the squared difference from the mean:
In [62]: var = np.average((mids - mean)**2, weights=n)
In [63]: var
Out[63]: 3.8715035807387328
In [64]: np.sqrt(var)
Out[64]: 1.9676136767004677
That estimate is within 2% of the actual sample standard deviation.
The following answer is equivalent to Warren Weckesser's, but maybe more familiar to those who prefer to want mean as the expected value:
counts, bins = np.histogram(x)
mids = 0.5*(bins[1:] + bins[:-1])
probs = counts / np.sum(counts)
mean = np.sum(probs * mids)
sd = np.sqrt(np.sum(probs * (mids - mean)**2))
Do take note in certain context you may want the unbiased sample variance where the weights are not normalized by N but N-1.
I want to build a guitar tuner app for Iphone. My goal is to find the fundamental frequency of sound generated by a guitar string. I have used bits of code from aurioTouch sample provided by Apple to calculate frequency spectrum and I find the frequency with the highest amplitude . It works fine for pure sounds (the ones that have only one frequency) but for sounds from a guitar string it produces wrong results. I have read that this is because of the overtones generate by the guitar string that might have higher amplitudes than the fundamental one. How can I find the fundamental frequency so it works for guitar strings? Is there an open-source library in C/C++/Obj-C for sound analyzing (or signal processing)?
You can use the signal's autocorrelation, which is the inverse transform of the magnitude squared of the DFT. If you're sampling at 44100 samples/s, then a 82.4 Hz fundamental is about 535 samples, whereas 1479.98 Hz is about 30 samples. Look for the peak positive lag in that range (e.g. from 28 to 560). Make sure your window is at least two periods of the longest fundamental, which would be 1070 samples here. To the next power of two that's a 2048-sample buffer. For better frequency resolution and a less biased estimate, use a longer buffer, but not so long that the signal is no longer approximately stationary. Here's an example in Python:
from pylab import *
import wave
fs = 44100.0 # sample rate
K = 3 # number of windows
L = 8192 # 1st pass window overlap, 50%
M = 16384 # 1st pass window length
N = 32768 # 1st pass DFT lenth: acyclic correlation
# load a sample of guitar playing an open string 6
# with a fundamental frequency of 82.4 Hz (in theory),
# but this sample is actually at about 81.97 Hz
g = fromstring(wave.open('dist_gtr_6.wav').readframes(-1),
g = g / float64(max(abs(g))) # normalize to +/- 1.0
mi = len(g) / 4 # start index
def welch(x, w, L, N):
# Welch's method
M = len(w)
K = (len(x) - L) / (M - L)
Xsq = zeros(N/2+1) # len(N-point rfft) = N/2+1
for k in range(K):
m = k * ( M - L)
xt = w * x[m:m+M]
# use rfft for efficiency (assumes x is real-valued)
Xsq = Xsq + abs(rfft(xt, N)) ** 2
Xsq = Xsq / K
Wsq = abs(rfft(w, N)) ** 2
bias = irfft(Wsq) # for unbiasing Rxx and Sxx
p = dot(x,x) / len(x) # avg power, used as a check
return Xsq, bias, p
# first pass: acyclic autocorrelation
x = g[mi:mi + K*M - (K-1)*L] # len(x) = 32768
w = hamming(M) # hamming[m] = 0.54 - 0.46*cos(2*pi*m/M)
# reduces the side lobes in DFT
Xsq, bias, p = welch(x, w, L, N)
Rxx = irfft(Xsq) # acyclic autocorrelation
Rxx = Rxx / bias # unbias (bias is tapered)
mp = argmax(Rxx[28:561]) + 28 # index of 1st peak in 28 to 560
# 2nd pass: cyclic autocorrelation
N = M = L - (L % mp) # window an integer number of periods
# shortened to ~8192 for stationarity
x = g[mi:mi+K*M] # data for K windows
w = ones(M); L = 0 # rectangular, non-overlaping
Xsq, bias, p = welch(x, w, L, N)
Rxx = irfft(Xsq) # cyclic autocorrelation
Rxx = Rxx / bias # unbias (bias is constant)
mp = argmax(Rxx[28:561]) + 28 # index of 1st peak in 28 to 560
Sxx = Xsq / bias[0]
Sxx[1:-1] = 2 * Sxx[1:-1] # fold the freq axis
Sxx = Sxx / N # normalize S for avg power
n0 = N / mp
np = argmax(Sxx[n0-2:n0+3]) + n0-2 # bin of the nearest peak power
# check
print "\nAverage Power"
print " p:", p
print "Rxx:", Rxx[0] # should equal dot product, p
print "Sxx:", sum(Sxx), '\n' # should equal Rxx[0]
subplot2grid((2,1), (0,0))
title('Autocorrelation, R$_{xx}$'); xlabel('Lags')
mr = r_[:3 * mp]
plot(Rxx[mr]); plot(mp, Rxx[mp], 'ro')
xticks(mp/2 * r_[1:6])
grid(); axis('tight'); ylim(1.25*min(Rxx), 1.25*max(Rxx))
subplot2grid((2,1), (1,0))
title('Power Spectral Density, S$_{xx}$'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
fr = r_[:5 * np]; f = fs * fr / N;
vlines(f, 0, Sxx[fr], colors='b', linewidth=2)
xticks((fs * np/N * r_[1:5]).round(3))
grid(); axis('tight'); ylim(0,1.25*max(Sxx[fr]))
Average Power
p: 0.0410611012542
Rxx: 0.0410611012542
Sxx: 0.0410611012542
The peak lag is 538, which is 44100/538 = 81.97 Hz. The first-pass acyclic DFT shows the fundamental at bin 61, which is 82.10 +/- 0.67 Hz. The 2nd pass uses a window length of 538*15 = 8070, so the DFT frequencies include the fundamental period and harmonics of the string. This enables an ubiased cyclic autocorrelation for an improved PSD estimate with less harmonic spreading (i.e. the correlation can wrap around the window periodically).
Edit: Updated to use Welch's method to estimate the autocorrelation. Overlapping the windows compensates for the Hamming window. I also calculate the tapered bias of the hamming window to unbias the autocorrelation.
Edit: Added a 2nd pass with cyclic correlation to clean up the power spectral density. This pass uses 3 non-overlapping, rectangular windows length 538*15 = 8070 (short enough to be nearly stationary). The bias for cyclic correlation is a constant, instead of the Hamming window's tapered bias.
Finding the musical pitches in a chord is far more difficult than estimating the pitch of one single string or note played at a time. The overtones for the multiple notes in a chord might all be overlapping and interleaving. And all the notes in common chords may themselves be at overtone frequencies for one or more non-existent lower pitched notes.
For single notes, autocorrelation is a common technique used by some guitar tuners. But with autocorrelation, you have to be aware of some potential octave uncertainty, as guitars may produce inharmonic and decaying overtones which thus don't exactly match from pitch period to pitch period. Cepstrum and Harmonic Product Spectrum are two other pitch estimation methods which may or may not have different problems, depending on the guitar and the note.
RAPT appears to be one published algorithm for more robust pitch estimation. YIN is another.
Also Objective C is a superset of ANSI C. So you can use any C DSP routines you find for pitch estimation within an Objective C app.
Use libaubio (link) and be happy . It was one the biggest time lose for me to try to implement a fundemental frequency estimator. If you want to do it yourself I advise you follow to YINFFT method (link)