Twig function/filter with no input? - twig

I'm using Slim 3 and Slim Twig-View. I want to add a Twig function (or filter, not sure what is the difference?) which generates a random string, and doesn't take any input.
I was able to add a filter like this:
new \Twig_Filter('guid', function(){ return generateGUID(); })
But I can't seem to use it without providing some dummy input:
{{ 0|guid }} This will work
{{ guid }} This will not work
How can I use my guid filter/function without providing any input?

A filter always apply on something, it filters something.
What you want is a function, indeed.
The extending Twig page of the documentation is an incredible source of information on that matter.
At first glance, I would even have said you should define a tag for this but the documentation on the tag, explicitly says:
If your tag generates some output, use a function instead.
So indeed, in order to define a function:
Functions are defined in the exact same way as filters, but you need to create an instance of \Twig\TwigFunction:
$twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader);
$function = new \Twig\Twig_Function('function_name', function () {
// ...
So more specifically for you:
new Twig_SimpleFunction('guid', function(){ return generateGUID(); })
Will be accessible via:
{{ guid() }}
Other worth reading:
extending twig, in Slim documentation
you can achieve the same with a macro


How to pass nested data structures as properties in LitElement?

In a parent component I have something like:
render() => {
const data = {a:1,b:[1,2,3]}; // of course this is a simplified version of the code
return html`<child-component data=${data}></child-component>`
Which is basically equivalent to:
render() => {
const data = {a:1,b:[1,2,3]}; // of course this is a simplified version of the code
return html`<child-component data="[object Object]"></child-component>`
Which is basically useless...
Is there a simple way to pass complex object hierarchies into litElement components?
As far as I can tell, my options are:
Option 1. Use attributes: I'm a bit of a litElement noob so I'm not sure if this will work and I'm not sure how to make it work without having to make extra function calls. It would be nice if I could just do all the necessary work inside html.
Research in progress.
Option 2. Use Json.
Stringify the object in the parent component
render() => {
const data = {a:1,b:[1,2,3]}; // of course this is a simplified version of the code
return html`<child-component data=${JSON.stringify(data)}></child-component>`
then parse the json in the child component.
This just seems a bit inelegant to me though.
But it works.
In this case what you probably want is to pass the object as a property rather than as an attribute. For complex data such as objects, arrays, functions, etc. that's the preferred method.
You can do it with the following syntax:
render() => {
const data = {a:1,b:[1,2,3]};
// note the period (.), that's the token used to identify that you're passing data as a property
return html`<child-component .data=${data}></child-component>`
In general, you should probably give Lit's templating guide a read as some of the most common use cases are covered throughout it.

Jade/Pug - appending to a class name

Hello I have a unique id in an object and I want to append it to a class name. I am trying to do something like the following but it isn't working:
res.render('./edu/school_dashboard_elementary', { attendanceAnalytics:attendanceChart });
I suppose I could create a class name in my route and send it as a variable with something like:
var className = '.googleChartContainer-attendanceChart.uid}';
res.render('./edu/school_dashboard_elementary', { attendanceAnalytics:attendanceChart, attendanceClassName:className });
and then in the jade file:
#{attendanceClassName} //- output is .googleChartContainer-someUid?
I was wondering if there was a way to get the first approach to work correctly, or if there is another preferred way.
You have two choices. You can do it the JavaScript way with a string, like:
div(id=attendanceAnalytics.uid, class='googleChartContainer-' + attendanceAnalytics.uid)
or you create an JavaScript object containing keys and values to use them with the typical jade attribute div&attribute(object), like this:
- var attr = {"id": attendanceAnalytics.uid, "class": 'googleChartContainer-' + attendanceAnalytics.uid}
Take a look into the JadeLang Docs, chapter attributes.

Changing anyMatch default for Filter.JS in ExtJS for MultiSelect search

I have a multiselect bound to a store in which I implemented use of anyMatch: true to allow for True to allow any match - no regex start/end line anchors will be added (as per the comment in Filter.js). My problem is that I need to implement this as per the answer to multiselect-search-whole-string, in particular the solution provided in this fiddle
What I want to do is just set anyMatch: true, regardless, so I set it in Filter.js, but this has no effect on use of it. I searched the entire codebase for other instances of anyMatch: false and the only other one is in ext-all-debug.js. Why isn't setting these values having any effect? I don't see where else this default value could be set?
I tried a different override, and while it is not exhibiting the right behavior, it is actually doing something this time. I figured that since the chunk of code that does work when embedded in the search attribute within the MultiSelector control was pretty much what was found in the MultiSelectorSearch's search method, that this was what I needed to focus on for the override. Any suggestions on tweaking this would be most welcome:
Ext.define('Ext.overrides.view.MultiSelectorSearch', {
override: 'Ext.view.MultiSelectorSearch',
search: function (text, me) {
var filter = me.searchFilter,
filters = me.getSearchStore().getFilters();
if (text) {
if (filter) {
} else {
me.searchFilter = filter = new Ext.util.Filter({
id: 'search',
property: me.field,
value: text,
anyMatch: true
} else if (filter) {
Got it! The key was that originally, since this code was embedded in a singleton, I could reference the method by passing me from the calling form.panel. This did not work globally as an override, and required me to define the method as
search: function (text) {
var me = this,
I hope this helps someone out there!
Changing in ext-all-debug.js is not safe, when you do a production build this file will not get included.
Best way is to override the Filter class, here is how you can do it.
Ext.define('Ext.overrides.util.Filter', {
override: 'Ext.util.Filter',
anyMatch: true
And import this class in Application.js

Why don't ES6 tagged template strings provide the original string template?

When creating tag functions for template strings in ES6, the function is expected to take a literals parameter and a values parameter.
tagFunc `Hello ${someVar}`;
function tagFunc(literals, ...values){
// do something
However, it does not provide access to the original, unevaluated, deconstructed template. Like this for example:
tagFunc `Hello ${someVar}`;
function tagFunc(literals, ...values, template){
// template would be 'Hello ${someVar}'
or perhaps a literals.originalTemplate property to complement literals.raw.
Is there a specific reason for this? The best I can think of is that there may be some security implication if the variable names were passed through to a tag function?

How to call ucwords in twig?

EDIT: Dec 3 2016
Want to learn how to add custom extensions(filters) to twig? see this answer by lxg
Do you just need to find the twig equivalent for ucwords? see this answer by Javier Eguiluz
I found several posts on calling php functions from twig, that show it should be supported, however it doesn't seem to work.
{{ ucwords( item|replace({'_':' '}) ) }}
results in :l
Slim Application Error
The application could not run because of the following error:
Type: Twig_Error_Syntax Message: The function "ucwords" does not exist
in "home.twig" at line 101
Line: 572
As #lxg said, it's not possible to call all PHP functions from Twig templates ... unless you want to do that and define your own filters/functions. Instead of a drawback, this is a good thing to "force" you to create good templates that don't contain too much logic.
Anyway, in this particular case, Twig already contains a filter called title which applies the "title case", which is equivalent to the ucwords() PHP function:
{{ item|replace({'_':' '})|title }}
Update: Twig 2.x comes with the capitalize filter which does exactly that.
It is not true that all PHP functions are available in Twig. Only a few Twig filters and functions go by the same names as their equivalents in PHP.
But you can easily create your own Twig extension for ucwords – filter as well as function:
namespace Acme\TestBundle\Twig;
class UcWordsExtension extends \Twig_Extension
public function getFunctions()
return [
new \Twig_SimpleFunction('ucwords', 'ucwords')
public function getFilters()
return [
new \Twig_SimpleFilter('ucwords', 'ucwords')
public function getName()
return 'ext.ucwords';
The first parameter of Twig_SimpleFunction/Twig_SimpleFilter is the name of the function/filter in Twig. The second parameter is a PHP callable. As the ucfirst function already exists, it is sufficient to pass its name as a string.
Test in Twig:
{{ "test foobar"|ucwords }} {# filter #} <br>
{{ ucwords("test foobar") }} {# function #}
Test Foobar
Test Foobar
Why not use title filter?
I was looking for a filter that will work as like ucwords() php function and I found this title filter in Twig Documentation.
Usage example;
{{ 'i am raziul islam'|title }}
Outputs: I Am Raziul Islam
You can use the capitalize twig filter:
{{ item | capitalize }}
