What can cause "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1" in a prepared query? - cassandra

This is in Cassandra 3.11.4.
I'm running a modified version of a query that previously worked fine in my app. The original query that is fine was like:
SELECT SerializedRecord FROM SxRecord WHERE Mark=?
I modified the query to have a range of a timestamp (which I also added an index for, though I don't think that is relevant):
SELECT SerializedRecord FROM SxRecord WHERE Mark=? AND Timestamp>=? AND Timestamp<=?
This results in:
ResponseError {reHost = datacenter1:rack1:, reTrace = Nothing, reWarn = [], reCause = ServerError "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1"}
When this occurs, I don't see the query CQL being logged in system_traces.sessions, which is interesting, because if I put a syntax error into the query, it is still logged there.
Additionally, when I run an (as far as I know, identical, up to timestamps) query in cqlsh, there doesn't seem to be a problem:
cqlsh> SELECT SerializedRecord FROM test_fds.SxRecord WHERE Mark=8391 AND Timestamp >= '2021-03-06 00:00:00.000+0000' AND Timestamp <= '2021-03-09 00:00:00.000+0000';
This results in the following query trace:
cqlsh> select parameters from system_traces.sessions;
{'consistency_level': 'ONE', 'page_size': '100', 'query': 'SELECT SerializedRecord FROM test_fds.SxRecord WHERE Mark=8391 AND Timestamp >= ''2021-03-06 00:00:00.000+0000'' AND Timestamp <= ''2021-03-09 00:00:00.000+0000'';', 'serial_consistency_level': 'SERIAL'}

It seems that the query, executed inside a prepared/bound statement, is not recieving all the parameters needed OR too many (something bound in previous code)
The fact that you don't see the query traced comes from the fact that the driver does not even perform the query as it has unbound parameters


Cosmos Db Sql Query produces drastically different results when using order by

I have a Cosmos Db instance with > 1 Million JSON Documents stored in it.
I am trying to pull data of a certain time frame as to when the document was created based on the _ts variable which is auto-generated when the document is inserted. It represents the UNIX timestamp of that moment.
I am unable to understand, why both these queries produce drastically different results:
Query 1:
Select *
from c
where c._ts > TimeStamp1
AND c._ts < TimeStamp2
Produces 0 results
Query 2
Select *
from c
where c._ts > TimeStamp1
AND c._ts < TimeStamp2
order by c._ts desc
Produces the correct number of results.
What I have tried?
I suspected that might be because of the default CosmosDb index on the data. So, I rewrote the index policy to index only that variable. Still the same problem.
Since my end purpose is to group by on the returned data from the query, then I tried to use group by with order by alone or in a subquery. Surprisingly, according to the docs, CosmosDb yet doesn't support using group by with order by.
What I need help on?
Why am I observing such a behavior?
Is there a way to index the Db in such a way that the rows are returned.
Beyond this, is there a way to still use group by and order by together (Please don't link the question to another one because of this point, I have gone through them and their answers are not valid in my case).
#Andy and #Tiny-wa, Thanks for replying.
I was able to understand the unintended behavior and it was showing up because of the GetCurrentTimestamp() used to calculate the TimeStamps. The documentation states that
This system function will not utilize the index. If you need to
compare values to the current time, obtain the current time before
query execution and use that constant string value in the WHERE
Although, I don't fully understand what this means but I was to solve this by creating a Stored Procedure where the Time Stamp is fetched before the SQLAPI query is formed and executed and I was able to get the rows as expected.
Stored Procedure Pseudocode for that is like:
function FetchData(){
var Current_TimeStamp = Date.now();
var CDbQuery =
`Select *
where (c._ts * 10000000) > DateTimeToTicks(DateTimeAdd("day", -1, TicksToDateTime(` + Current_TimeStamp + ` * 10000)))
AND (c._ts * 10000000) < (` + Current_TimeStamp + ` * 10000)`
var isAccepted = collection.queryDocuments(
function (err, feed, options) {

Syntax issue in Stream Analytics Query running in Azure: Invalid column name: 'payload'

I am having a syntax issue with my stream analytics query. Following is my Stream Analytics query, where i am trying to get following fields from the events:
Vehicle Id
Diff of previous and current fuel level (for each
Diff of current and previous odometer value (for each
SELECT input.vehicleId,
FUEL_DIFF = LAG(input.Payload.FuelLevel) OVER (PARTITION BY vehicleId LIMIT DURATION(minute, 1)) - input.Payload.FuelLevel,
ODO_DIFF = input.Payload.OdometerValue - LAG(input.Payload.OdometerValue) OVER (PARTITION BY input.vehicleId LIMIT DURATION(minute, 1))
from input
Following is one sample input event on which the above query/job is ran on the series of events:
Following syntax error is thrown when the Stream Analytics job is ran:
Invalid column name: 'payload'. Column with such name does not exist.
Ironically, the following query works just fine:
SELECT input.vehicleId,
FUEL_DIFF = LAG(input.Payload.FuelLevel) OVER (PARTITION BY vehicleId LIMIT DURATION(second, 1)) - input.Payload.FuelLevel
from input
The only diffrence between WORKING QUERY and NON-WORKING QUERY is number of LAG constructs used. The NON-WORKING QUERY has two LAG constructs, while WORKING QUERY has just one LAG construct.
I have referred Stream Analytics Query Language, they only have basic examples. Also tried looking into multiple blogs. In addition, I have tried using GetRecordPropertyValue() function, but no luck. Kindly suggest.
Thank you in advance!
This looks like a syntax bug indeed. Thank you for reporting - we will fix it in the upcoming updates.
Please consider using this query as a workaround:
SELECT vehicleId, Payload.FuelLevel, Payload.OdometerValue
FROM input
SELECT vehicleId,
FUEL_DIFF = LAG(FuelLevel) OVER (PARTITION BY vehicleId LIMIT DURATION(minute, 1)) - FuelLevel,
ODO_DIFF = OdometerValue - LAG(OdometerValue) OVER (PARTITION BY vehicleId LIMIT DURATION(minute, 1))
from Step1

Issue with Cassandra lightweight transaction

I am seeing some interesting behavior with Cassandra lightweight transactions in a standalone Cassandra instance. I am using DataStax Enterprize 5.0.2 for my testing. The issue is, a table being updated using lightweight transaction is returning true, which means it is updated. But a subsequent query on the same table shows that the row is NOT updated. Please note that I tried the same in a clustered environment and it worked absolutely fine! So I am just trying to understand what's going wrong in my environment.
Here is a simple example of what I am doing.
I create a simple table as provided below:
TOPNM text,
STATUS text,
I I put the following set of preload data for testing purpose:
insert into smart.topicsconsumerassnstatus (topnm, partid, status) values ('ESP', 0, 'UNASSIGNED');
insert into smart.topicsconsumerassnstatus (topnm, partid, status) values ('ESP', 1, 'UNASSIGNED');
insert into smart.topicsconsumerassnstatus (topnm, partid, status) values ('ESP', 2, 'UNASSIGNED');
insert into smart.topicsconsumerassnstatus (topnm, partid, status) values ('ESP', 3, 'UNASSIGNED');
insert into smart.topicsconsumerassnstatus (topnm, partid, status) values ('ESP', 4, 'UNASSIGNED');
Now, I put the first select statement to get the details from the table:
select * from smart.topicsconsumerassnstatus where topnm='ESP';
It lists all partids with status UNASSIGNED. To assign partid 0, I then fire the following update statement:
update smart.topicsconsumerassnstatus set status='ASSIGNED' where topnm='ESP' and partid=0 if status='UNASSIGNED';
It returns true. And now, when I fire the above select query again, it lists all 5 rows with status UNASSIGNED. Interestingly, repeated execution of the update statement keeps returning true all the time - this clearly mean that actual data is not getting updated in the table.
I have seen the query trace as well and the update seems to be working fine as CAS is returned successful.
Also note that this behavior is seen explicitly when a query is used with "allow filtering" at least once, and from then on...
Can anyone please put some lights on what could be the issue? Is it something to do with "allow filtering" clause?

CQL no viable alternative at input '(' error

I have a issue with my CQL and cassandra is giving me no viable alternative at input '(' (...WHERE id = ? if [(]...) error message. I think there is a problem with my statement.
SET <attribute1> = 13381990-735b-11e5-9bed-2ae6d3dfc201
WHERE <attribute2> = dfa2efb0-7247-11e5-a9e5-0242ac110003
IF (<attribute1> = null OR <attribute1> = 13381990-735b-11e5-9bed-2ae6d3dfc201) AND <attribute3> = 0;
Any idea were the problem is in the statement about?
It would help to have your complete table structure, so to test your statement I made a couple of educated guesses.
With this table:
CREATE TABLE lwtTest (attribute1 timeuuid, attribute2 timeuuid PRIMARY KEY, attribute3 int);
This statement works, as long as I don't add the lightweight transaction on the end:
UPDATE lwttest USING TTL 300 SET attribute1=13381990-735b-11e5-9bed-2ae6d3dfc201
WHERE attribute2=dfa2efb0-7247-11e5-a9e5-0242ac110003;
Your lightweight transaction...
IF (attribute1=null OR attribute1=13381990-735b-11e5-9bed-2ae6d3dfc201) AND attribute3 = 0;
...has a few issues.
"null" in Cassandra is not similar (at all) to its RDBMS counterpart. Not every row needs to have a value for every column. Those CQL rows without values for certain column values in a table will show "null." But you cannot query by "null" since it isn't really there.
The OR keyword does not exist in CQL.
You cannot use extra parenthesis to separate conditions in your WHERE clause or your lightweight transaction.
Bearing those points in mind, the following UPDATE and lightweight transaction runs without error:
UPDATE lwttest USING TTL 300 SET attribute1=13381990-735b-11e5-9bed-2ae6d3dfc201
WHERE attribute2=dfa2efb0-7247-11e5-a9e5-0242ac110003
IF attribute1=13381990-735b-11e5-9bed-2ae6d3dfc201 AND attribute3=0;

Cassandra does not execute insert statement with timestamp field

--Update: it seems it was a glitch with the Virtual Machine. I restarted Cassandra service and it works as expected.
--Update: It seems that the problem is not in the code, I tried to execute the insert statement in a Cassandra client and I get the same behavior, No error is displayed, nothing is inserted.
The column that causes this behavior is of type timestamp. When I set this column value to some values (ex. '2015-08-25 22:15:12')
The table is:
create table player
(msisdn varchar primary key,
game int,keyword varchar, inserted timestamp,lang int,mo int,mt int,qid int,score int)
I am new to Cassandra, downloaded the VirtualBox snapshot to test it.
I am trying the example code of the batch and it did nothing, so I tried as people suggested to execute the prepared statement directly.
var addPlayer = casDemoSession.Prepare("INSERT INTO player (msisdn,qid,keyword,mo,mt,game,score,lang,inserted) Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
var bs = addPlayer.Bind(getRandMSISDN(), 1, "", 1, 0, 0, 10, 0, DateTime.Now);
The code above does not throw any exceptions nor insert any data. I tried to trace the query but it does not show the actual cql query.
PlannetCassandra V0.1 VM running Cassandra 2.0.1
datastax driver 2.6 https://github.com/datastax/csharp-driver
One thing that might be missing is the keyspace name for your player table. Usually you would have "INSERT INTO <keyspace>.name (..."
If you're able to run cqlsh, could you add the output from "DESCRIBE TABLE <keyspace>.player" to your question, and show what happens when you attempt to do the insert in cqlsh.
