how to create a pimcore ldap data mapper - pimcore

I am quite new to Pimcore, I have a basic installation of version 6.8 on ubuntu 20.
I installed blackbit_digital_commerce/pimcore-ldap and configured it so I can log in via an Active Directory server.
Now I want to customize the DataMapper to be able to assign users to certain roles based on data from AD.
To start I created a custom Datamapper class MyLdapUserMapper in src/MyDam/MyLdapUserMapper.php which is a copy of DefaultLdapUserMapper.
I just adapted the namespace and the class name:
namespace MyDam;
class MyLdapUserMapper implements LdapUserMapperInterface
In app/config/config.yml I added
enabled: true
base_dn: "DC=***,DC=local"
search_dn: "CN=..."
search_password: "***"
uid_key: "sAMAccountName"
logger: "monolog.logger"
#mapper: 'Alep\LdapBundle\DataMapper\DefaultLdapUserMapper'
#mapper: 'Alep\LdapBundle\DataMapper\MyLdapUserMapper'
mapper: 'MyDam\MyLdapUserMapper'
When I run bin/console debug:config AlepLdapBundle it tells me that it does not find the Mapper:
Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException: The service "Alep\LdapBundle\Service\Ldap" has a dependency on a non-existent service "MyDam\MyLdapUserMapper". in /var/www/html/dam/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Compiler/CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass.php:86
I tried various variants, even putting my new datamapper under vendor/blackbit_digital_commerce/pimcore-ldap/... .
After composer dump-autoload I even can find MyLdapDataMapper in the mappings.
What do I have to do to make MyLdapDataMapper available?
Thanks in advance

Ah, what I had to do to make it work:
In app/config/services.yml add a service:
# My LdapUsermapper
class: MyDam\MyLdapUserMapper
In the mapper class add a use statement for the interface:
namespace MyDam;
use Alep\LdapBundle\DataMapper\LdapUserMapperInterface;
class MyLdapUserMapper implements LdapUserMapperInterface


Using Typescript Declaration (.d.ts) Files to Expose Microservice API

I'm fairly new to Typescript.
I have 2 microservices, let's call them ManagerMs and HandlerMs.
They communicate through RabbitMq.
Each of their public methods, becomes a queue on Rabbit when service starts.
The ManagerMs need to preform an RPC call on a function, called 'handle' that belongs to HandlerMs.
Ideally, I want ManagerMs to be able to import just the declarations of HandlerMs so that it can do something like (inside the ManagerMs class):
import HandlerMsApi from '<path-to-declaration-file?>'
class ManagerMs {
... // instead of:'HandlerMsApi.handle')
The point is that a certain service will have access to the declaration of another service and not the implementation.
Currently, both services can't import each other because of the way the project is structured.
So I thought of creating a shared library which will hold just the declaration files of the different modules, but that mean that .d.ts files aren't located next to their corresponding implementation files (.ts).
Questions are:
Is it a good idea?
How can I achieve such behaviour?
Currently, when I tried to do so I have the following .d.ts file (in a different folder than the implementation):
declare class HandlerMsApi {
handle(req: string): Promise<any>;
export = HandlerMsApi;
But when I try to compile (tsc) my code I get the following error:
"....handler.d.ts' is not a module"
Any help?

Stripe + TypeScript: How to extend #types/stripe definitions for stripe-node?

I'm working on project, where we're using Stripe library for Node. We also want to use TypeScript on this project.
I've figured out that Stripe isn't providing official TypeScript definitions but I've found some community definitions #types/stripe on NPM. So I installed them and after a while I got an error:
Property 'sources' does not exist on type 'Stripe'.
Well there are missing some definitions, for example for this stripe.sources-related functionality.
I want to add missing definitions locally. So I need to extend this file:
I think that for the problem above I need:
to add property sources: Stripe.resources.Sources; to class Stripe,
to add class Sources to namespace resources,
to add missing function declarations to class Sources.
The problem is that I really don't know how. How should the .d.ts file with extensions look like? I've made many attempts according some examples and TypeScript docs but it always doesn't work. Do you have any idea?
I don't believe there's a way to augment the export-assigned Stripe class; the problem is similar to this open issue about augmenting a default-exported class. At this time, since you can't use augmentation, you'll have to fork the #types/stripe definitions for your project, and then you may as well make all the desired changes that way.
I think my colleague has found a solution that works for me. Here is how he made it:
import ST from 'stripe'
declare module 'stripe' {
namespace sources {
interface ISource extends IResourceObject {
interface ISourceCreationData {
namespace resources {
class Sources {
create(data: sources.ISourceCreationData): Promise<sources.ISource>;
retrieve(source: string, client_secret?: string): Promise<sources.ISource>;
class Stripe extends ST {
sources: ST.resources.Sources;

symfony2 getting the user provider from the service container

I need to get a user provider in a controller in Symfony2.
I've got multiple user_providers, with 1 chain-provider chaining those.
There is a service defined in the container with the name security.user.provider.concrete.XXX (where XXX is what you specified in security.yml), but that service is marked as private.
I've managed to define an alias in the extension class of my bundle:
$container->setAlias('my_bundle.user.provider', new Alias('security.user.provider.concrete.XXX')));
But I rather do it in a more nice way.
So, I got a couple of questions:
Is there a service I can use to fetch a specific user-provider? Which one?
If not, is there a simple way (in a pre-compiler-pass or something) to fetch all user-provider names and simply create Aliases for those services?
I've played with the configuration a little, and figured out how to generically create aliasses for any providers configured using a CompilerPass:
namespace MyBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Alias;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
class TestCompilerPass implements CompilerPassInterface
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
$securityConfig = $container->getExtensionConfig('security');
foreach ($securityConfig[0]['providers'] as $providerName => $providerConfig) {
$container->setAlias('my_security.provider.' . $providerName, new Alias('security.user.provider.concrete.' . $providerName));
Add the following to your Bundle class:
public function build(ContainerBuilder $container) {
// call parent
// run extra compilerPass
$container->addCompilerPass(new TestCompilerPass());
This will create an alias for each UserProvider that is present. It will be available under the key: my_security.provider.XXX where XXX is the name configured in your security.yml.
I'm however unsure why the config is prepended with an array with key 0.
I'm also not really sure if this is a good approach. If nothing better comes up I will be using this solution though.
You can get a specific provider by the current loggedin users firewall name:
$token = $this->securityContext->getToken();
$providerKey = $token->getProviderKey(); // secured_area / firewall name
You can get see it here:

Handling standard commands in custom editor

I have created a Visual Studio extension that provider syntax highlighting by implementing IClassifierProvider. I would like to add additional features such as support for the standard Edit.CommentSelection and Edit.FormatDocument commands, but I have no idea how to do that. All the documentation I can find is about adding new commands, but the commands I want to handle already exist.
How can I handle these commands?
I considering the specific Comment Selection and Uncomment Selection commands you refer to as special cases, because I'm working on a Commenter Service specifically intended to support these two actions. The service is being developed on GitHub and will be released via NuGet when it is ready. I'll start with a description of this service, and follow with some general information about implementing support for specific commands, including the Format Document command.
I would like to release the library and its dependencies this week, but the restriction that the Commenter Interfaces assembly be an immutable assembly demands more testing than is generally given to a library prior to its initial release. Fortunately the only thing in this particular assembly is two interfaces is the Tvl.VisualStudio.Text.Commenter.Interfaces namespace.
Using the Commenter Service
Source: Commenter Service (Tunnel Vision Labs' Base Extensions Library for Visual Studio)
This services allows extension developers to easily support the Comment and Uncomment commands for new languages in Visual Studio.
Providing a Standard Commenter
The easiest way to provide commenting features is to use the standard Commenter implementation of the ICommenter interface. The following steps show how to create an instance of Commenter and provide it to the Commenter Service by exporting an instance of ICommenterProvider.
Create a new class derived from ICommenterProvider. This class is exported using the MEF ExportAttribute for one or more specific content types using the ContentTypeAttribute. The commenter in the example supports C++-style line and block comments, for the SimpleC content type.
public sealed class SimpleCCommenterProvider : ICommenterProvider
public ICommenter GetCommenter(ITextView textView)
// TODO: provide a commenter
throw new NotImplementedException();
Define the comment format(s) the commenter will support.
private static readonly LineCommentFormat LineCommentFormat =
new LineCommentFormat("//");
private static readonly BlockCommentFormat BlockCommentFormat =
new BlockCommentFormat("/*", "*/");
Implement the GetCommenter(ITextView) method by returning an instance of Commenter. The ITextUndoHistoryRegistry service is imported in order for Commenter to correctly support the Undo and Redo commands. The following code is the complete implementation of ICommenterProvider required to support the Comment and Uncomment commands for a simple language.
public sealed class SimpleCCommenterProvider : ICommenterProvider
private static readonly LineCommentFormat LineCommentFormat =
new LineCommentFormat("//");
private static readonly BlockCommentFormat BlockCommentFormat =
new BlockCommentFormat("/*", "*/");
private ITextUndoHistoryRegistry TextUndoHistoryRegistry
public ICommenter GetCommenter(ITextView textView)
Func<Commenter> factory =
() => new Commenter(textView, TextUndoHistoryRegistry, LineCommentFormat, BlockCommentFormat);
return textView.Properties.GetOrCreateSingletonProperty<Commenter>(factory);
Command Handling in Visual Studio
The following are general steps for handling commands in Visual Studio. Keep in mind that the implementation details are quite complicated; I've created some abstract base classes to simplify specific implementations. After this overview, I will point to both those and a concrete example of their use for you to reference.
Create a class which implements IOleCommandTarget. The QueryStatus method should check for the specific commands handled by your command target and return the appropriate status flags. The Exec method should be implemented to execute the commands.
Register the command target with a specific text view by calling IVsTextView.AddCommandFilter. If you are working with an MEF-based extension, you can obtain the IVsTextView by either exporting an instance of IVsTextViewCreationListener, or by importing the IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService component and using the GetViewAdapter method to obtain an IVsTextView from an instance of ITextView.
Here are some specific implementations of the interfaces described here:
CommandFilter: This class implements the basic requirements for IOleCommandTarget
TextViewCommandFilter: This class implements additional functionality to simplify the attachment of a command filter to a text view
CommenterFilter: This class is a concrete implementation of a command filter used by the Commenter Service implementation to handle the Comment Selection and Uncomment Selection commands

ServiceStack - generate ASP.NET webservice -reference issue

I am using the very excellent servicestack libaries and trying to generate a ASP.NET web-service reference (old style not WCF) from within VS2010 across my servicestack WSDL - Soap11. To nicely wrap the service WSDL.
The DTO's are in a seperate assembly/namespace (My.WS.DTO) from the AppHost/services and are following the request/response naming convention.. when I try to generate the reference through visual studio I get the following error in VS.
Custom tool error: Unable to import WebService/Schema. Unable to import binding 'BasicHttpBinding_ISyncReply' from namespace ''. Unable to import operation 'GetMyDetails'. The element '' is missing.
NOTE: GetMyDetails is just the first service that appears in the list - so I dont believe this is the problem.
I have tried adding the assembly namespace in the AppHost file using
EndpointHostConfig.Instance.WsdlServiceNamespace = "My.WS.DTO"; and this just causes the same generation error (as above) but with 'My.WS.DTO' instead of ''.
I assume it is perhaps some sort of referencing problem but any guidance as to what I might be doing wrong would be great.
I don't know if this is still an issue for you but I had a similar problem and found that I had not decorated one of my DTOs with [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes, as described on the SOAP Support wiki page. Once you have added these to your DTO it will be declared in the type section of the WSDL.
Have a look at using [DataContract (Namespace = "YOUR NAMESPACE")] on top of your DTO's. This is how my objects are referenced.
[DataContract(Namespace = "My.WS.DTO")]
public class Account{
I also use this in my service model. [System.ServiceModel.ServiceContract()] and [System.ServiceModel.OperationContract()]
public class SendGetAccountResponseService : IService<SendGetAccountNotification>
#region IService implementation
public object Execute (SendGetAccountNotification request)
Console.WriteLine ("Reached");
return null;
Hope this helps / solves your problem.
I know this is an old question, but I had to add SOAP support for a 3rd party that refused to support REST very recently to my ServiceStack implementation so it could still be relevant to other people still having this issue.
I had the same issue you were having:
Unable to import binding 'BasicHttpBinding_ISyncReply'...
And like mickfold previously answered I needed to add [DataContract] and [DataMember] to my class definitions and their properties.
But I also had to add the following to my AssemblyInfo.cs file before the error went away for me:
[assembly: ContractNamespace("", ClrNamespace = "My Type Namespace")]
I assume that you will need one of these lines for every single namespace where you have a type declared, which based upon the original question above would be My.WS.DTO.
