Splitting text file into multiline records using regex - python-3.x

I would like to separate my text into a list of records using the timestamp as the separator. My current code captures the first record, but not the second. How should I modify my code to capture both?
s = """13:45:09 HEY HOW ARE YOU
13:50:10 OK THEN
import re
text_regex = r'^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d(.*?)(?=\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)'
pattern = re.compile(text_regex,re.DOTALL)
records = []
for match in pattern.findall(s):
match = match.rstrip()

My current code captures the first record, but not the second. How should I modify my code to capture both?
Your code doesn't capture the second record because due to the trailing (?=\d\d:\d\d:\d\d) lookahead it matches only if a timestamp follows, which isn't so for the last record.
Wiktor Stribiżew's suggestion works if corrected to
records = re.split(r'(?!\A)(?=^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)', s, flags=re.M)
- otherwise the multiline flag would be taken for the third positional argument maxsplit.
A slightly simplified variant of Wiktor Stribiżew's suggestion which drops extra text before the first timestamp:
records = re.split(r'(?=\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)', s)[1:]
Another variant which (as in your original code) doesn't capture the timestamps:
records = re.split(r'\d\d:\d\d:\d\d', s)[1:]


Need guidance with Regular Expression in Python

I need help with one of my current tasks wherein i am trying to pick only the table names from the query via Python
So basically lets say a query looks like this
Create table a.dummy_table1
select a.dummycolumn1,a.dummycolumn2,a.dummycolumn3 from dual
Now i am passing this query into Python using STRINGIO and then reading only the strings where it starts with "a" and has "_" in it like below
table_list = set(re.findall(r'\ba\.\w+', str(data)))
Here data is the dataframe in which i have parsed the query using StringIO
now in table_list i am getting the below output
whereas the Expected output should have been like
<Let me know how we can get this done , have tried the above regular expression but that is not working properly>
Any help on same would be highly appreciated
Your current regex string r"\ba.\w+" simply matches any string which:
Begins with "a" (the "\ba" part)
Followed by a period (the "." part)
Followed by 1 or more alphanumeric characters (the "\w+" part).
If I've understood your problem correctly, you are looking to extract from str(data) any string fragments which match this pattern instead:
Begins with "a"
Followed by a period
Followed by 1 or more alphanumeric characters
Followed by an underscore
Followed by 1 or more alphanumeric characters
Thus, the regular expression should have "_\w+" added to the end to match criteria 4 and 5:
table_list = set(re.findall(r"\ba\.\w+_\w+", str(data)))

Regular expression match / break

I am doing text analysis on SEC filings (e.g., 10-K), and the documents I have are the complete submission. The complete filing submission includes the 10-K, plus several other documents. Each document resides within the tags ‘<DOCUMENT>’ and ‘</DOCUMENT>’.
What I want: To count the number of words in the 10-K only before the first instance of ‘</DOCUMENT>’
How I want to accomplish it: I want to use a for loop, with a regex (regex_end10k) to indicate where to stop the for loop.
What is happening: No matter where I put my regex match break, the program counts all of the words in the entire document. I have no error, however I cannot get the desired results.
How I know this: I have manually trimmed one filing, while retaining the full document (results below). When I manually remove the undesired documents after the first instance of ‘</DOCUMENT>’, I yield about 750,000 fewer words.
Current output
Note: Apparently I don't have enough SO reputation to embed a screenshot in my post; it defaults to a link.
What I have tried: several variations of where to put the regex match break. No matter what, it almost always counts the entire document. I believe that the two functions may be performed over the entire document. I have tried putting the break statement within get_text_from_html() so that count_words() only performs on the 10-K, but I have had no luck.
The code below is a snippet from a larger function. It's purpose is to (1) strip html tags and (2) count the number of words in the text. If I can provide any additional information, please let me know and I'll update my post.
The remaining code (not shown) extracts firm and report identifiers, (e.g., ‘file’ or ‘cik’) from the header section between tags ‘<SEC-HEADER>’ and ‘</SEC-HEADER>’. Using the same logic, when extracting header information, I use a regex match break logic and it works perfectly. I need help trying to understand why this same logic isn’t working when I try to count the number of words and how to correct my code. Any help is appreciated.
regex_end10k = re.compile(r'</DOCUMENT>', re.IGNORECASE)
for line in f:
def get_text_from_html(html:str):
doc = lxml.html.fromstring(html)
for table in doc.xpath('.//table'): # optional: removes tables from HTML source code
for tag in ["a", "p", "div", "br", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5"]:
for element in doc.findall(tag):
if element.text:
element.text = element.text + "\n"
element.text = "\n"
return doc.text_content()
to_clean = f.read()
clean = get_text_from_html(to_clean)
def count_words(clean):
words = re.findall(r"\b[a-zA-Z\'\-]+\b",clean)
word_count = len(words)
return word_count
header_vars["words"] = count_words(clean)
match = regex_end10k.search(line) # This should do it, but it doesn't.
if match:
You dont need regx, just split your orginal string, and then in the part before count the words, simple example above:
text = 'Text before <DOCUMENT> text after'
splited_text = text.split('<DOCUMENT>')
splited_text_before = splited_text[0]
count_words = len(splited_text_before.split())
Text before

Using REGEX to grab the information after the match

I ran a PDF through a series of processes to extra the text from it. I was successful in that regard. However, now I want to extract specific text from documents.
The document is set up as a multi lined string (I believe. when I paste it into Word the paragraph character is at the end of each line):
NOA Selection: 20-0429.07
#for some reason, in this editor, despite the next line having > infront of it, the following line (Pni/Trk) keeps wrapping up to the line above. This doesn't exist in the actual doc.
Pni/Trk: 3 Panel / 3 Track
Panel Stack: STD
Width: 142.0000
The information is want to extract are the numbers following "NOA Selection:".
I know I can do a regex something to the effect of:
pattern = re.compile(r'NOA\sSelection:\s\d*-\d*\.\d*)
but I only want the numbers after the NOA selection, especially because NOA Selection will always be the same but the format of the numbers/letters/./-/etc. can vary pretty wildly. This looked promising but it is in Java and I haven't had much luck recreating it in Python.
I think I need to use (?<=...), but haven't been able to implement it.
Also, several of the examples show the string stored in the python file as a variable, but I'm trying to access it from a .txt file, so I might be going wrong there. This is what I have so far.
with open('export1.txt', 'r') as d:    
contents = d.read()    
p = re.compile('(?<=NOA)')
s = re.search(p, contents)
Thank you for any help you can provide.
With your shown samples, you could try following too. For sample 20-0429.07 I have kept .07 part optional in regex in case you have values 20-0429 only it should work for those also.
import re
val = """Send Unit: COMPLETE
NOA Selection: 20-0429.07"""
matches = re.findall(r'NOA\s+Selection:\s+(\d+-\d+(?:\.\d+)?)', val)
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation(only for explanation purposes).
NOA\s+Selection:\s+ ##matching NOA spaces(1 or more occurrences) Selection: spaces(1 or more occurrences)
(\d+-\d+(?:\.\d+)?) ##Creating capturing group matching(1 or more occurrences) digits-digits(1 or more occurrences)
##and in a non-capturing group matching dot followed by digits keeping it optional.
Keeping it simple, you could use re.findall here:
inp = """Send Unit: COMPLETE
NOA Selection: 20-0429.07"""
matches = re.findall(r'\bNOA Selection: (\S+)', inp)
print(matches) # ['20-0429.07']

String contains substring and substring not part of longer word (exact match)

I have captured the full text of a PDF-file in a string called pdfText.
Next I am looping through an array containing substrings to be found/searched for in the pdfText-string.
One of the substrings is Invoice.
Both pdfText and the substrings I am searching for are converted to lower case.
If at least one of the substrings are found in the pdfText, a boolean is set to true.
Now, I have an example where the pdtText contains '...Net amount to be invoiced...'. This is the only variant of 'invoice' in the text.
This of course returns true if I use
substring = "Invoice" ... pdfText.contains(substring.ToLower).
But in this case I need it to return false. I need to find only exact matches.
Another example, if the pdfText contains '...This is an invoice. Please pay....Net amount to be invoiced...' the boolean should be set to true because of the first invoice-match, but not the second invoiced-(non)match.
So what I am looking for is to find a substring Invoice in a string pdfText and make sure, that the substring is not part of a longer word invoiced, invoice-process etc.. Note, that invoice. should return True.
I believe this should be possible, but cannot wrap my head around it currently.
I might need to use regex?
This one uses the RegEx, with a slight change, proposed by #Mederic at https://stackoverflow.com/a/45587916/2326360
Use the build in UiPath activity Is Match, found under Programming->String.
Use it inside your loop, with the current settings.
The RegEx is: substring+"[^a-zA-Z]"
I have declared the following variables:
RegEx would be a good approach.
I only started RegEx not long ago but I think this would work fine.
() Creates a Capture Group
invoice looks for the match for invoice
[^a-zA-Z] Checks there are no characters from a-z or A-Z after
Sample: This was invoiced
Result: No Result
Sample: This is an invoice.
Result: Match on invoice. Capture group 1 = invoice
Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(pdfText.ToLower,"(invoice)[^a-zA-Z]")
' If successful, write the group.
If (m.Success) Then
Dim key As String = m.Groups(1).Value
End If

rstrip() has no effect on string

Trying to use rstrip() at its most basic level, but it does not seem to have any effect at all.
For example:
Desired Result:
Actual Result:
Using Python 3, PyScripter
What am I missing?
someString.rstrip(c) removes all occurences of c at the end of the string. Thus, for example
'text&&&&'.rstrip('&') = 'text'
Perhaps you want
This splits the string on the delimiter "&" into a list of strings, removes the last one, and joins them again, using the delimiter "&". Thus, for example
'&'.join('Hello&World'.split('&')[:-1]) = 'Hello'
'&'.join('Hello&Python&World'.split('&')[:-1]) = 'Hello&Python'
