How do I make a paraphrase generation using BERT/ GPT-2 - nlp

I am trying hard to understand how to make a paraphrase generation using BERT/GPT-2. I cannot understand how do I make it. Could you please provide me with any resources where I will be able to make a paraphrase generation model?
"The input would be a sentence and the output would be a paraphrase of the sentence"

Here is my recipe for training a paraphraser:
Instead of BERT (encoder only) or GPT (decoder only) use a seq2seq model with both encoder and decoder, such as T5, BART, or Pegasus. I suggest using the multilingual T5 model that was pretrained for 101 languages. If you want to load embeddings for your own language (instead of using all 101), you can follow this recipe.
Find a corpus of paraphrases for your language and domain. For English, ParaNMT, PAWS, and QQP are good candidates. A corpus called Tapaco, extracted from Tatoeba, is a paraphrasing corpus that covers 73 languages, so it is a good starting point if you cannot find a paraphrase corpus for your language.
Fine-tune your model on this corpus. The code can be something like this:
import torch
from transformers import T5ForConditionalGeneration, T5Tokenizer
# use here a backbone model of your choice, e.g. google/mt5-base
backbone_model = 'cointegrated/rut5-base-multitask'
model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(backbone_model)
tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(backbone_model)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=[p for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad], lr=1e-5)
# todo: load the paraphrasing corpus and define the get_batch function
for i in range(100500):
xx, yy = get_batch(mult=mult)
x = tokenizer(xx, return_tensors='pt', padding=True).to(model.device)
y = tokenizer(yy, return_tensors='pt', padding=True).to(model.device)
# do not force the model to predict pad tokens
y.input_ids[y.input_ids==0] = -100
loss = model(
A more complete version of this code can be found in this notebook.
After the training, the model can be used in the following way:
from transformers import pipeline
pipe = pipeline(task='text2text-generation', model='my_paraphraser')
print(pipe('Here is your text'))
# [{'generated_text': 'Here is the paraphrase or your text.'}]
If you want your paraphrases to be more diverse, you can control the generation procress using arguments like
'Here is your text',
encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size=3, # make output different from input
do_sample=True, # randomize
num_beams=5, # try more options
max_length=128, # longer texts

you can use T5 paraphrasing for generating paraphrases


How to generate sentence embedding using long-former model

I am using Hugging Face mrm8488/longformer-base-4096-finetuned-squadv2 pre-trained model
I want to generate sentence level embedding. I have a data-frame which has a text column.
I am using this code:
import torch
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForQuestionAnswering
ckpt = "mrm8488/longformer-base-4096-finetuned-squadv2"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(ckpt)
model = AutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(ckpt)
text = "Huggingface has democratized NLP. Huge thanks to Huggingface for this." # I will pas text-column here from my data-frame
#question = "What has Huggingface done ?"
encoding = tokenizer(question, text, return_tensors="pt")
# I don't want to use it for Question-Answer use-case. I just need the sentence embeddings
input_ids = encoding["input_ids"]
# default is local attention everywhere
# the forward method will automatically set global attention on question tokens
attention_mask = encoding["attention_mask"]
How can I do modification in the above code to generate embedding for sentences. ?
I have the following examples:
i've added notes to the claim and it's been escalated for final review
after submitting the request you'll receive an email confirming the open request.
hello my name is person and i'll be assisting you
this is sam and i'll be assisting you for date.
I'll return the amount as asap.
ill return it to you.
The Longformer uses a local attention mechanism and you need to pass a global attention mask to let one token attend to all tokens of your sequence.
import torch
from transformers import LongformerTokenizer, LongformerModel
ckpt = "mrm8488/longformer-base-4096-finetuned-squadv2"
tokenizer = LongformerTokenizer.from_pretrained(ckpt)
model = LongformerModel.from_pretrained(ckpt)
text = "Huggingface has democratized NLP. Huge thanks to Huggingface for this." # I will pas text-column here from my data-frame
#question = "What has Huggingface done ?"
encoding = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt")
global_attention_mask = [1].extend([0]*encoding["input_ids"].shape[-1])
encoding["global_attention_mask"] = global_attention_mask
# I don't want to use it for Question-Answer use-case. I just need the sentence embeddings
# default is local attention everywhere
# the forward method will automatically set global attention on question tokens
o = model(**encoding)
sentence_embedding = o.last_hidden_state[:,0]
You should keep in mind that mrm8488/longformer-base-4096-finetuned-squadv2 was not pre-trained to produce meaningful sentence embeddings and faces the same issues as the MLM pre-trained BERT's regarding sentence embeddings.

Using glove.6B.100d.txt embedding in spacy getting zero lex.rank

I am trying to load glove 100d emebddings in spacy nlp pipeline.
I create the vocabulary in spacy format as follows:
python -m spacy init-model en spacy.glove.model --vectors-loc glove.6B.100d.txt
glove.6B.100d.txt is converted to word2vec format by adding "400000 100" in the first line.
spacy.glove.model/vocab has following files:
5468549 key2row
38430528 lexemes.bin
5485216 strings.json
160000128 vectors
In the code:
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md")
from spacy.vocab import Vocab
vocab = Vocab().from_disk('./spacy.glove.model/vocab')
nlp.vocab = vocab
print(nlp.vocab.vectors.shape) gives
(400000, 100)
However the problem is that:
max_rank = max(lex.rank for lex in V if lex.has_vector)
gives 0
I just want to use the 100d glove embeddings within spacy in combination with "tagger", "parser", "ner" models from en_core_web_md.
Does anyone know how to go about doing this correctly (is this possible)?
The tagger/parser/ner models are trained with the included word vectors as features, so if you replace them with different vectors you are going to break all those components.
You can use new vectors to train a new model, but replacing the vectors in a model with trained components is not going to work well. The tagger/parser/ner components will most likely provide nonsense results.
If you want 100d vectors instead of 300d vectors to save space, you can resize the vectors, which will truncate each entry to first 100 dimensions. The performance will go down a bit as a result.
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md")
assert nlp.vocab.vectors.shape == (20000, 300)
nlp.vocab.vectors.resize((20000, 100))

Cannot reproduce pre-trained word vectors from its vector_ngrams

Just curiosity, but I was debugging gensim's FastText code for replicating the implementation of Out-of-Vocabulary (OOV) words, and I'm not being able to accomplish it.
So, the process i'm following is training a tiny model with a toy corpus, and then comparing the resulting vectors of a word in the vocabulary. That means if the whole process is OK, the output arrays should be the same.
Here is the code I've used for the test:
from gensim.models import FastText
import numpy as np
# Default gensim's function for hashing ngrams
from gensim.models._utils_any2vec import ft_hash_bytes
# Toy corpus
sentences = [['hello', 'test', 'hello', 'greeting'],
['hey', 'hello', 'another', 'test']]
# Instatiate FastText gensim's class
ft = FastText(sg=1, size=5, min_count=1, \
window=2, hs=0, negative=20, \
seed=0, workers=1, bucket=100, \
min_n=3, max_n=4)
# Build vocab
# Fit model weights (vectors_ngram)
ft.train(sentences=sentences, total_examples=ft.corpus_count, epochs=5)
# Save model'./ft.model')
del ft
# Load model
ft = FastText.load('./ft.model')
# Generate ngrams for test-word given min_n=3 and max_n=4
encoded_ngrams = [b"<he", b"<hel", b"hel", b"hell", b"ell", b"ello", b"llo", b"llo>", b"lo>"]
# Hash ngrams to its corresponding index, just as Gensim does
ngram_hashes = [ft_hash_bytes(n) % 100 for n in encoded_ngrams]
word_vec = np.zeros(5, dtype=np.float32)
for nh in ngram_hashes:
word_vec += ft.wv.vectors_ngrams[nh]
# Compare both arrays
print(np.isclose(ft.wv['hello'], word_vec))
The output of this script is False for every dimension of the compared arrays.
It would be nice if someone could point me out if i'm missing something or doing something wrong. Thanks in advance!
The calculation of a full word's FastText word-vector is not just the sum of its character n-gram vectors, but also a raw full-word vector that's also trained for in-vocabulary words.
The full-word vectors you get back from ft.wv[word] for known-words have already had this combination pre-calculated. See the adjust_vectors() method for an example of this full calculation:
The raw full-word vectors are in a .vectors_vocab array on the model.wv object.
(If this isn't enough to reconcile matters: ensure you're using the latest gensim, as there have been many recent FT fixes. And, ensure your list of ngram-hashes matches the output of the ft_ngram_hashes() method of the library – if not, your manual ngram-list-creation and subsequent hashing may be doing something different.)

How to use mozilla deepspeech to convert speech to text using it's pre-trained model?

I want to convert speech to text using mozilla deepspeech. But the output is really bad.
I have downloaded mozilla's pre trained model and then what i have done is this:
LM_WEIGHT = 1.50
ds = Model(model, N_FEATURES, N_CONTEXT, alphabet, BEAM_WIDTH)
fs,audio =
data = audio[:,0] ## changing to mono channel (using only one channel)
prediction = ds.stt(data,fs)
Now the output is nowhere near to my audio sample. What do i have to do to increase it's accuracy?
I assume it's because you are not including any LanguageModel.
The pre-trained model is basically just the acoustic model which will only transcribe the audio to similar sounding text that may not make sense.
If you combine the acoustic model with a language model (LM) you will likely get better results.
In your code example I can see the Parameter LM_WEIGHT but not any refenrence to the LM itself.
I'm unsure in which Language you want to integrate deepspeech but here is the example for node-js. This is the part where the LM is integrated
const LM_ALPHA = 0.75;
const LM_BETA = 1.85;
let lmPath = './models/lm.binary';
let triePath = './models/trie';
model.enableDecoderWithLM(lmPath, triePath, LM_ALPHA, LM_BETA);
If I'm not mistaken, the LM & Trie file is included in the pre-trained download ZIP
Otherwise you can also create your own Language Model which would make sense if you only need the Model to recognize specific words.

Improving on the basic, existing GloVe model

I am using GloVe as part of my research. I've downloaded the models from here. I've been using GloVe for sentence classification. The sentences I'm classifying are specific to a particular domain, say some STEM subject. However, since the existing GloVe models are trained on a general corpus, they may not yield the best results for my particular task.
So my question is, how would I go about loading the retrained model and just retraining it a little more on my own corpus to learn the semantics of my corpus as well? There would be merit in doing this were it possible.
After a little digging, I found this issue on the git repo. Someone suggested the following:
Yeah, this is not going to work well due to the optimization setup. But what you can do is train GloVe vectors on your own corpus and then concatenate those with the pretrained GloVe vectors for use in your end application.
So that answers that.
I believe GloVe (Global Vectors) is not meant to be appended, since it is based on the corpus' overall word co-occurrence statistics from a single corpus known only at initial training time
You can do is use gensim.scripts.glove2word2vec api to convert GloVe vectors into word2vec, but i dont think you can continue training since its loading in a KeyedVector not a Full Model
Mittens library (installable via pip) does that if your corpus/vocab is not too huge or your RAM is big enough to handle the entire co-occurrence matrix.
3 steps-
import csv
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter
from nltk.corpus import brown
from mittens import GloVe, Mittens
from sklearn.feature_extraction import stop_words
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
1- Load pretrained model - Mittens needs a pretrained model to be loaded as a dictionary. Get the pretrained model from
with open("glove.6B.100d.txt", encoding='utf-8') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ',quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
embed = {line[0]: np.array(list(map(float, line[1:])))
for line in reader}
Data pre-processing
sw = list(stop_words.ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS)
brown_data = brown.words()[:200000]
brown_nonstop = [token.lower() for token in brown_data if (token.lower() not in sw)]
oov = [token for token in brown_nonstop if token not in pre_glove.keys()]
Using brown corpus as a sample dataset here and new_vocab represents the vocabulary not present in pretrained glove. The co-occurrence matrix is built from new_vocab. It is a sparse matrix, requiring a space complexity of O(n^2). You can optionally filter out rare new_vocab words to save space
new_vocab_rare = [k for (k,v) in Counter(new_vocab).items() if v<=1]
corp_vocab = list(set(new_vocab) - set(new_vocab_rare))
remove those rare words and prepare dataset
brown_tokens = [token for token in brown_nonstop if token not in new_vocab_rare]
brown_doc = [' '.join(brown_tokens)]
corp_vocab = list(set(new_vocab))
2- Building co-occurrence matrix:
sklearn’s CountVectorizer transforms the document into word-doc matrix.
The matrix multiplication Xt*X gives the word-word co-occurrence matrix.
cv = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1,1), vocabulary=corp_vocab)
X = cv.fit_transform(brown_doc)
Xc = (X.T * X)
coocc_ar = Xc.toarray()
3- Fine-tuning the mittens model - Instantiate the model and run the fit function.
mittens_model = Mittens(n=50, max_iter=1000)
new_embeddings =
initial_embedding_dict= pre_glove)
Save the model as pickle for future use.
newglove = dict(zip(corp_vocab, new_embeddings))
f = open("repo_glove.pkl","wb")
pickle.dump(newglove, f)
