Optionally call `skip` in a custom iterator `next()` function - rust

I have a custom iterator and I would like to optionally call .skip(...) in the custom .next() method. However, I get a type error because Skip != Iterator.
Sample code is as follows:
struct CrossingIter<'a, T> {
index: usize,
iter: std::slice::Iter<'a, T>,
impl<'a, T: Float> Iterator for CrossingIter<'a, T> {
type Item = (usize, T);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, T)> {
let iter = (&mut self.iter).enumerate();
let iter = if self.index == 0 {
self.index += 3;
} else {
// lots of code here working with the new iterator
The issue is that after calling .skip(3), the type of iter has changed. One solution would be to duplicate the // lots of code ... in each branch of the if statement, but I'd rather not.
My question is: Is there a way to conditionally apply skip(...) to an iterator and continue working with it without duplicating a bunch of code?

skip is designed to construct a new iterator, which is very useful in situations where you want your code to remain, at least on the surface, immutable. However, in your case, you want to advance the existing iterator while still leaving it valid.
There is advance_by which does what you want, but it's Nightly so it won't run on Stable Rust.
if self.index == 0 {
self.index += 3;
We can abuse nth to get what we want, but it's not very idiomatic.
if self.index == 0 {
self.index += 3;
If I saw that code in production, I'd be quite puzzled.
The simplest and not terribly satisfying answer is to just reimplement advance_by as a helper function. The source is available and pretty easy to adapt
fn my_advance_by(iter: &mut impl Iterator, n: usize) -> Result<(), usize> {
for i in 0..n {
All this being said, if your use case is actually just to skip the first three elements, all you need is to start with the skip call and assume your iterator is always Skip
struct CrossingIter<'a, T> {
index: usize,
iter: std::iter::Skip<std::slice::Iter<'a, T>>,

I think #Silvio's answer is a better perspective.
You may call skip(0) instead of the iter itself in else branch...
And the return value of the iterator generated by enumerate doesn't match your definition: fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, T)>. You need to map it.
Here is a working example:
use num::Float;
struct CrossingIter<'a, T> {
index: usize,
iter: std::slice::Iter<'a, T>,
impl<'a, T: Float> Iterator for CrossingIter<'a, T> {
type Item = (usize, T);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, T)> {
let iter = (&mut self.iter).enumerate();
let mut iter = if self.index == 0 {
self.index += 3;
} else {
// lots of code here working with the new iterator
iter.next().map(|(i, &v)| (i, v))


Iterator that skips every nth element

Rather than taking every Nth element from an iterator which I can do with Iterator::step_by, I would like to skip every Nth element. How can I achieve this idiomatically? Is there maybe even a standard library or itertools function?
This is what I came up with to skip every 7th say. It requires enumerate, filter, and map, though one could use a filter_map instead of the latter two.
.filter(|&(i, x)| (i + 1) % 7 != 0)
.map(|(i, x)| x);
How could I cast this into a function so that I could simply write:
If you want to get the exact interface you asked for, your best option at this time is to implement a custom iterator adapter type. Here's a basic version of such a type:
pub struct SkipEvery<I> {
inner: I,
every: usize,
index: usize,
impl<I> SkipEvery<I> {
fn new(inner: I, every: usize) -> Self {
assert!(every > 1);
let index = 0;
Self {
impl<I: Iterator> Iterator for SkipEvery<I> {
type Item = I::Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.index == self.every - 1 {
self.index = 1;
} else {
self.index += 1;
pub trait IteratorSkipEveryExt: Iterator + Sized {
fn skip_every(self, every: usize) -> SkipEvery<Self> {
SkipEvery::new(self, every)
impl<I: Iterator + Sized> IteratorSkipEveryExt for I {}
A more complete implementation could also add optimized versions of further Iterator methods, as well as implementations of DoubleEndedIterator and ExactSizeIterator -- see the implementation of StepBy as an example.
Your code is pretty easy to turn into a function:
fn skip_every<I: Iterator> (iter: I, n: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = <I as Iterator>::Item> {
.filter_map(move |(i, v)| if (i + 1) % n != 0 { Some (v) } else { None })
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", skip_every (0..20, 7).collect::<Vec<_>>());
Or avoiding the expensive modulo:
fn skip_every2<I: Iterator> (iter: I, n: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = <I as Iterator>::Item> {
iter.zip ((0..n).rev().cycle()).filter_map (|(v, i)| if i != 0 { Some (v) } else { None })

How to return a reference when implementing an iterator?

I would like to return a reference to an owned object that is in a collection (viz., a Vec), but I cannot seem to get the lifetimes correct. Here is what I first tried:
struct StringHolder {
strings: Vec<String>,
i: usize,
impl Iterator for StringHolder {
type Item<'a> = &'a String;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.i >= self.strings.len() {
} else {
self.i += 1;
fn main() {
let sh = StringHolder { strings: vec![], i: 0 };
for string in sh {
println!("{}", string);
I get an error that generic associated types are unstable and lifetimes do not match type in trait. I tried a few other iterations, but nothing seemed to work.
I gather that this may not be possible based on some things I've read, but then I can't seem to figure out how Vec does it itself. For example, I can use the following to simply iterate over the underlying Vec and return a reference on each iteration:
struct StringHolder {
strings: Vec<String>,
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a StringHolder {
type Item = &'a String;
type IntoIter = ::std::slice::Iter<'a, String>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
fn main() {
let sh = StringHolder { strings: vec!["A".to_owned(), "B".to_owned()] };
for string in &sh {
println!("{}", string);
So that makes me think it is possible, I just haven't figured out lifetimes yet. Thanks for your help.
The Iterator trait doesn't included a lifetime for Item, which is one of the errors you are seeing. The other alludes to GATs which is an unstable Rust feature. GATs applied to this example would let you bound the lifetime of an item for each individual call to next() instead of all items having the same lifetime. Having said that, the Iterator trait is unlikely to change so this more flexible behaviour would have to be a new trait.
Given the design of the Iterator trait, you can't have an iterator own its data and have its Item be a reference to it. There just isn't a way to express the lifetime.
The way iterators are usually written, in order to have the items be references, is to make them hold a reference to the underlying data. This provides a named lifetime for the data, which can be used on the associated Item. Vec sort of does this, but it's a bit different because Vec actually gets its iteration from slice.
Your complete example:
struct StringHolder {
strings: Vec<String>,
struct StringHolderIter<'a> {
string_holder: &'a StringHolder,
i: usize,
impl<'a> Iterator for StringHolderIter<'a> {
type Item = &'a str;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.i >= self.string_holder.strings.len() {
} else {
self.i += 1;
Some(&self.string_holder.strings[self.i - 1])
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a StringHolder {
type Item = &'a str;
type IntoIter = StringHolderIter<'a>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
StringHolderIter {
string_holder: self,
i: 0,

How to implement Iterator yielding mutable references [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How can I create my own data structure with an iterator that returns mutable references?
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am trying to implement a simple lookup iterator:
pub struct LookupIterMut<'a, D> {
data : &'a mut [D],
indices : &'a [usize],
i: usize
impl<'a, D> Iterator for LookupIterMut<'a, D> {
type Item = &'a mut D;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.i >= self.indices.len() {
} else {
let index = self.indices[self.i] as usize;
self.i += 1;
Some(&mut self.data[index]) // error here
The idea was to allow a caller consecutive mutable access to an internal storage. However I am getting the error cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter in function call due to conflicting requirements.
As far as I understand I would have to change the function signature to next(&'a mut self) -> .. but this would not be an Iterator anymore.
I also discovered that I could simply use raw pointers, though I am not sure if this is appropriate here:
// ...
type Item = *mut D;
// ...
Thanks for your help
Your code is invalid because you try to return multiple mutable references to the same slice with the same lifetime 'a.
For such a thing to work, you would need a different lifetime for each returned Item so that you wouldn't hold 2 mutable references to the same slice. You cannot do that for now because it requires Generic Associated Types:
type Item<'item> = &'item mut D; // Does not work today
One solution is to check that the indices are unique and to rebind the lifetime of the referenced item to 'a in an unsafe block. This is safe because all the indices are unique, so the user cannot hold 2 mutable references to the same item.
Don't forget to encapsulate the whole code inside a module, so that the struct cannot be build without the check in new:
mod my_mod {
pub struct LookupIterMut<'a, D> {
data: &'a mut [D],
indices: &'a [usize],
i: usize,
impl<'a, D> LookupIterMut<'a, D> {
pub fn new(data: &'a mut [D], indices: &'a [usize]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
let mut uniq = std::collections::HashSet::new();
let all_distinct = indices.iter().all(move |&x| uniq.insert(x));
if all_distinct {
Ok(LookupIterMut {
i: 0,
} else {
impl<'a, D> Iterator for LookupIterMut<'a, D> {
type Item = &'a mut D;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
self.indices.get(self.i).map(|&index| {
self.i += 1;
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(&mut self.data[index]) }
Note that your code will panic if one index is out of bounds.
Using unsafe
Reminder: it is unsound to have, at any time, two accessible mutable references to the same underlying value.
The crux of the problem is that the language cannot guarantee that the code abides by the above rule, should indices contain any duplicate, then the iterator as implemented would allow obtaining concurrently two mutable references to the same item in the slice, which is unsound.
When the language cannot make the guarantee on its own, then you either need to find an alternative approach or you need to do your due diligence and then use unsafe.
In this case, on the Playground:
impl<'a, D> LookupIterMut<'a, D> {
pub fn new(data: &'a mut [D], indices: &'a [usize]) -> Self {
let set: HashSet<usize> = indices.iter().copied().collect();
assert!(indices.len() == set.len(), "Duplicate indices!");
Self { data, indices, i: 0 }
impl<'a, D> Iterator for LookupIterMut<'a, D> {
type Item = &'a mut D;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.i >= self.indices.len() {
} else {
let index = self.indices[self.i];
assert!(index < self.data.len());
self.i += 1;
// Safety:
// - index is guaranteed to be within bounds.
// - indices is guaranteed not to contain duplicates.
Some(unsafe { &mut *self.data.as_mut_ptr().offset(index as isize) })
Performance wise, the construction of a HashSet in the constructor is rather unsatisfying but cannot really be avoided in general. If indices was guaranteed to be sorted for example, then the check could be performed without allocation.

How to implement an Iterator where the associated type Item is a slice? [duplicate]

I am having trouble expressing the lifetime of the return value of an Iterator implementation. How can I compile this code without changing the return value of the iterator? I'd like it to return a vector of references.
It is obvious that I am not using the lifetime parameter correctly but after trying various ways I just gave up, I have no idea what to do with it.
use std::iter::Iterator;
struct PermutationIterator<T> {
vs: Vec<Vec<T>>,
is: Vec<usize>,
impl<T> PermutationIterator<T> {
fn new() -> PermutationIterator<T> {
PermutationIterator {
vs: vec![],
is: vec![],
fn add(&mut self, v: Vec<T>) {
impl<T> Iterator for PermutationIterator<T> {
type Item = Vec<&'a T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<&T>> {
'outer: loop {
for i in 0..self.vs.len() {
if self.is[i] >= self.vs[i].len() {
if i == 0 {
return None; // we are done
self.is[i] = 0;
self.is[i - 1] += 1;
continue 'outer;
let mut result = vec![];
for i in 0..self.vs.len() {
let index = self.is[i];
*self.is.last_mut().unwrap() += 1;
return Some(result);
fn main() {
let v1: Vec<_> = (1..3).collect();
let v2: Vec<_> = (3..5).collect();
let v3: Vec<_> = (1..6).collect();
let mut i = PermutationIterator::new();
loop {
match i.next() {
Some(v) => {
println!("{:?}", v);
None => {
(Playground link)
error[E0261]: use of undeclared lifetime name `'a`
--> src/main.rs:23:22
23 | type Item = Vec<&'a T>;
| ^^ undeclared lifetime
As far as I understand, you want want the iterator to return a vector of references into itself, right? Unfortunately, it is not possible in Rust.
This is the trimmed down Iterator trait:
trait Iterator {
type Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Item>;
Note that there is no lifetime connection between &mut self and Option<Item>. This means that next() method can't return references into the iterator itself. You just can't express a lifetime of the returned references. This is basically the reason that you couldn't find a way to specify the correct lifetime - it would've looked like this:
fn next<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Option<Vec<&'a T>>
except that this is not a valid next() method for Iterator trait.
Such iterators (the ones which can return references into themselves) are called streaming iterators. You can find more here, here and here, if you want.
Update. However, you can return a reference to some other structure from your iterator - that's how most of collection iterators work. It could look like this:
pub struct PermutationIterator<'a, T> {
vs: &'a [Vec<T>],
is: Vec<usize>
impl<'a, T> Iterator for PermutationIterator<'a, T> {
type Item = Vec<&'a T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<&'a T>> {
Note how lifetime 'a is now declared on impl block. It is OK to do so (required, in fact) because you need to specify the lifetime parameter on the structure. Then you can use the same 'a both in Item and in next() return type. Again, that's how most of collection iterators work.
#VladimirMatveev's answer is correct in how it explains why your code cannot compile. In a nutshell, it says that an Iterator cannot yield borrowed values from within itself.
However, it can yield borrowed values from something else. This is what is achieved with Vec and Iter: the Vec owns the values, and the the Iter is just a wrapper able to yield references within the Vec.
Here is a design which achieves what you want. The iterator is, like with Vec and Iter, just a wrapper over other containers who actually own the values.
use std::iter::Iterator;
struct PermutationIterator<'a, T: 'a> {
vs : Vec<&'a [T]>,
is : Vec<usize>
impl<'a, T> PermutationIterator<'a, T> {
fn new() -> PermutationIterator<'a, T> { ... }
fn add(&mut self, v : &'a [T]) { ... }
impl<'a, T> Iterator for PermutationIterator<'a, T> {
type Item = Vec<&'a T>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<&'a T>> { ... }
fn main() {
let v1 : Vec<i32> = (1..3).collect();
let v2 : Vec<i32> = (3..5).collect();
let v3 : Vec<i32> = (1..6).collect();
let mut i = PermutationIterator::new();
loop {
match i.next() {
Some(v) => { println!("{:?}", v); }
None => {break;}
Unrelated to your initial problem. If this were just me, I would ensure that all borrowed vectors are taken at once. The idea is to remove the repeated calls to add and to pass directly all borrowed vectors at construction:
use std::iter::{Iterator, repeat};
struct PermutationIterator<'a, T: 'a> {
impl<'a, T> PermutationIterator<'a, T> {
fn new(vs: Vec<&'a [T]>) -> PermutationIterator<'a, T> {
let n = vs.len();
PermutationIterator {
vs: vs,
is: repeat(0).take(n).collect(),
impl<'a, T> Iterator for PermutationIterator<'a, T> {
fn main() {
let v1 : Vec<i32> = (1..3).collect();
let v2 : Vec<i32> = (3..5).collect();
let v3 : Vec<i32> = (1..6).collect();
let vall: Vec<&[i32]> = vec![&v1, &v2, &v3];
let mut i = PermutationIterator::new(vall);
(EDIT: Changed the iterator design to take a Vec<&'a [T]> rather than a Vec<Vec<&'a T>>. It's easier to take a ref to container than to build a container of refs.)
As mentioned in other answers, this is called a streaming iterator and it requires different guarantees from Rust's Iterator. One crate that provides such functionality is aptly called streaming-iterator and it provides the StreamingIterator trait.
Here is one example of implementing the trait:
extern crate streaming_iterator;
use streaming_iterator::StreamingIterator;
struct Demonstration {
scores: Vec<i32>,
position: usize,
// Since `StreamingIterator` requires that we be able to call
// `advance` before `get`, we have to start "before" the first
// element. We assume that there will never be the maximum number of
// entries in the `Vec`, so we use `usize::MAX` as our sentinel value.
impl Demonstration {
fn new() -> Self {
Demonstration {
scores: vec![1, 2, 3],
position: std::usize::MAX,
fn reset(&mut self) {
self.position = std::usize::MAX;
impl StreamingIterator for Demonstration {
type Item = i32;
fn advance(&mut self) {
self.position = self.position.wrapping_add(1);
fn get(&self) -> Option<&Self::Item> {
fn main() {
let mut example = Demonstration::new();
loop {
match example.get() {
Some(v) => {
println!("v: {}", v);
None => break,
loop {
match example.get() {
Some(v) => {
println!("v: {}", v);
None => break,
Unfortunately, streaming iterators will be limited until generic associated types (GATs) from RFC 1598 are implemented.
I wrote this code not long ago and somehow stumbled on this question here. It does exactly what the question asks: it shows how to implement an iterator that passes its callbacks a reference to itself.
It adds an .iter_map() method to IntoIterator instances. Initially I thought it should be implemented for Iterator itself, but that was a less flexible design decision.
I created a small crate for it and posted my code to GitHub in case you want to experiment with it, you can find it here.
WRT the OP's trouble with defining lifetimes for the items, I didn't run into any such trouble implementing this while relying on the default elided lifetimes.
Here's an example of usage. Note the parameter the callback receives is the iterator itself, the callback is expected to pull the data from it and either pass it along as is or do whatever other operations.
use iter_map::IntoIterMap;
let mut b = true;
let s = "hello world!".chars().peekable().iter_map(|iter| {
if let Some(&ch) = iter.peek() {
if ch == 'o' && b {
b = false;
} else {
b = true;
} else { None }
assert_eq!(&s, "hell0o w0orld!");
Because the IntoIterMap generic trait is implemented for IntoIterator, you can get an "iter map" off anything that supports that interface. For instance, one can be created directly off an array, like so:
use iter_map::*;
fn main()
let mut i = 0;
let v = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].iter_map(move |iter| {
i += 1;
if i % 3 == 0 {
} else {
assert_eq!(v, vec![1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6, 0]);
Here's the full code - it was amazing it took such little code to implement, and everything just seemed to work smoothly while putting it together. It gave me a new appreciation for the flexibility of Rust itself and its design decisions.
/// Adds `.iter_map()` method to all IntoIterator classes.
impl<F, I, J, R, T> IntoIterMap<F, I, R, T> for J
where F: FnMut(&mut I) -> Option<R>,
I: Iterator<Item = T>,
J: IntoIterator<Item = T, IntoIter = I>,
/// Returns an iterator that invokes the callback in `.next()`, passing it
/// the original iterator as an argument. The callback can return any
/// arbitrary type within an `Option`.
fn iter_map(self, callback: F) -> ParamFromFnIter<F, I>
ParamFromFnIter::new(self.into_iter(), callback)
/// A trait to add the `.iter_map()` method to any existing class.
pub trait IntoIterMap<F, I, R, T>
where F: FnMut(&mut I) -> Option<R>,
I: Iterator<Item = T>,
/// Returns a `ParamFromFnIter` iterator which wraps the iterator it's
/// invoked on.
/// # Arguments
/// * `callback` - The callback that gets invoked by `.next()`.
/// This callback is passed the original iterator as its
/// parameter.
fn iter_map(self, callback: F) -> ParamFromFnIter<F, I>;
/// Implements an iterator that can be created from a callback.
/// does pretty much the same thing as `std::iter::from_fn()` except the
/// callback signature of this class takes a data argument.
pub struct ParamFromFnIter<F, D>
callback: F,
data: D,
impl<F, D, R> ParamFromFnIter<F, D>
where F: FnMut(&mut D) -> Option<R>,
/// Creates a new `ParamFromFnIter` iterator instance.
/// This provides a flexible and simple way to create new iterators by
/// defining a callback.
/// # Arguments
/// * `data` - Data that will be passed to the callback on each
/// invocation.
/// * `callback` - The callback that gets invoked when `.next()` is invoked
/// on the returned iterator.
pub fn new(data: D, callback: F) -> Self
ParamFromFnIter { callback, data }
/// Implements Iterator for ParamFromFnIter.
impl<F, D, R> Iterator for ParamFromFnIter<F, D>
where F: FnMut(&mut D) -> Option<R>,
type Item = R;
/// Iterator method that returns the next item.
/// Invokes the client code provided iterator, passing it `&mut self.data`.
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>
(self.callback)(&mut self.data)

How do I specify the lifetime for the associated type of an iterator that refers to itself but does not mutate itself?

I have this struct:
struct RepIter<T> {
item: T
I want to implement Iterator for it so that it returns a reference to its item every time:
impl<T> Iterator for RepIter<T> {
type Item = &T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
return Some(&self.item);
This doesn't compile since a lifetime must be specified for type Item = &T;. Searching for a way to do this I found this question. The first solution doesn't seem applicable since I'm implementing a preexisting trait. Trying to copy the second solution directly I get something like this:
impl<'a, T> Iterator for &'a RepIter<T> {
type Item = &'a T;
fn next(self) -> Option<&'a T> {
return Some(&self.item);
This doesn't work either since I need a mutable self as argument to next. The only way I was able to get it to compile was to write it like this:
impl<'a, T> Iterator for &'a RepIter<T> {
type Item = &'a T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a T> {
return Some(&self.item);
But now self is a reference to a reference, right? I don't know how to call next on an instance of RepIter. For example, this doesn't work:
fn main() {
let mut iter: RepIter<u64> = RepIter { item: 5 };
let res = iter.next();
This makes me think my implementation of the trait could be written in a better way.
As discussed in the question that Shepmaster linked to, this is a bit tricky because you really want to change the type of next(), but you can't because it's part of the trait. There are a couple of approaches to solve this though.
Making minimal changes to your code, you can just use the Iterator implementation on the &'a RepIter<T>:
pub fn main() {
let mut iter = RepIter { item: 5 };
let res = (&iter).next();
It's a bit unpleasant though.
Another way of looking at this is to change the ownership of your item. If it was already borrowed, then you can make all the types match up nicely:
struct RepIter<'a, T: 'a> {
item: &'a T,
impl<'a, T> Iterator for RepIter<'a, T> {
type Item = &'a T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a T> {
pub fn main() {
let val: u64 = 5;
let mut iter = RepIter { item: &val };
let res = iter.next();
When designing an iterator, it's often useful to have distinct types for the collection and for the iterator over that collection. Usually, the collection will own the data, and the iterator will borrow from the collection. Collection types typically implement IntoIterator and don't implement Iterator. This means that creating an iterator happens in two steps: we need to create the collection first, then create the iterator from the collection.
Here's a solution that turns your RepIter type into a collection. I'll use Shepmaster's proposition to use iter::repeat to produce the iterator.
use std::iter::{self, Repeat};
struct RepIter<T> {
item: T,
impl<T> RepIter<T> {
// When IntoIterator is implemented on `&Self`,
// then by convention, an inherent iter() method is provided as well.
fn iter(&self) -> Repeat<&T> {
impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a RepIter<T> {
type Item = &'a T;
type IntoIter = Repeat<&'a T>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
fn main() {
let iter: RepIter<u64> = RepIter { item: 5 };
let res = iter.iter().next();
println!("{:?}", res);
let res = iter.iter().fuse().next();
println!("{:?}", res);
let res = iter.iter().by_ref().next();
println!("{:?}", res);
I would recommend writing your code as:
use std::iter;
fn main() {
let val = 5u64;
let mut iter = iter::repeat(&val);
let res = iter.next();
One thing that I don't quite understand yet is that your existing code almost works, but only for certain Iterator methods; those that take self by value instead of reference!
struct RepIter<T> {
item: T,
impl<'a, T> Iterator for &'a RepIter<T> {
type Item = &'a T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a T> {
return Some(&self.item);
fn main() {
let iter: RepIter<u64> = RepIter { item: 5 };
// Works
let res = iter.fuse().next();
println!("{:?}", res);
// Doesn't work
let res = iter.by_ref().next();
println!("{:?}", res);
There's probably some interesting interaction happening.
