GPU memory increasing at each batch (PyTorch) - pytorch

I am trying to build a convolutionnal network using ConvLSTM layer (LSTM cell but with convolutions instead of matrix multiplications), but the problem is that my GPU memory increases at each batch, even if I'm deleting variables, and getting the true value for the loss (and not the graph) for each iteration. I may be doing something wrong but that exact same script ran without issues with another model (with more parameters and also using ConvLSTM layer).
Each batch is composed of num_batch x 3 images (grayscale) and I'm trying to predict the difference |Im(t+1)-Im(t)| with the input Im(t)
def main():
config = Config()
train_dataloader =, batch_size=config.batch_size, num_workers=0, shuffle=True, drop_last=True)
nb_img = len(train_dataset)
step_tensorboard = 0
# Model Setup #
model = fully_convLSTM()
if torch.cuda.is_available():
model = model.float().cuda()
lr = 0.001
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),lr=lr)
# Training Loop #
model.train() #Put model in training mode
train_loss_recon = []
train_loss_recon2 = []
for epoch in tqdm(range(config.num_epochs)):
running_loss1 = 0.0
running_loss2 = 0.0
for i, (inputs, outputs) in enumerate(train_dataloader, 0):
# if torch.cuda.is_available():
inputs = autograd.Variable(inputs.float()).cuda()
outputs = autograd.Variable(outputs.float()).cuda()
im1 = inputs[:,0,:,:,:]
im2 = inputs[:,1,:,:,:]
im3 = inputs[:,2,:,:,:]
diff1 = torch.abs(im2 - im1).cuda().float()
diff2 = torch.abs(im3 - im2).cuda().float()
pred1 = model.forward(im1)
loss = reconstruction_loss(diff1, pred1)
# optimizer.step()
pred2 = model.forward(im2)
loss2 = reconstruction_loss(diff2, pred2)
## print statistics
running_loss1 += loss.detach().data
running_loss2 += loss2.detach().data
if i==0:
with torch.no_grad():
img_grid_diff_true = (diff2).cpu()
img_grid_diff_pred = (pred2).cpu()
f, axes = plt.subplots(2, 4, figsize=(48,48))
for l in range(4):
axes[0, l].imshow(img_grid_diff_true[l].squeeze(0).squeeze(0), cmap='gray')
axes[1, l].imshow(img_grid_diff_pred[l].squeeze(0).squeeze(0), cmap='gray')
writer_recon_loss.add_scalar('Reconstruction loss', running_loss1, step_tensorboard)
writer_recon_loss2.add_scalar('Reconstruction loss2', running_loss2, step_tensorboard)
step_tensorboard += 1
del pred1
del pred2
del im1
del im2
del im3
del diff1
del diff2#, im1_noised, im2_noised
del inputs
del outputs
del loss
del loss2
for obj in gc.get_objects():
if torch.is_tensor(obj) :
del obj
epoch_loss = running_loss1 / len(train_dataloader.dataset)
epoch_loss2 = running_loss2/ len(train_dataloader.dataset)
print(f"Epoch {epoch} loss reconstruction1: {epoch_loss:.6f}")
print(f"Epoch {epoch} loss reconstruction2: {epoch_loss2:.6f}")
del running_loss1, running_loss2, epoch_loss, epoch_loss2
Here is the model used :
class ConvLSTMCell(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_channels, hidden_channels, kernel_size):
super(ConvLSTMCell, self).__init__()
# assert hidden_channels % 2 == 0
self.input_channels = input_channels
self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
# self.num_features = 4
self.padding = 1
self.Wxi = nn.Conv2d(self.input_channels, self.hidden_channels, self.kernel_size, 1, self.padding, bias=True)
self.Whi = nn.Conv2d(self.hidden_channels, self.hidden_channels, self.kernel_size, 1, self.padding, bias=False)
self.Wxf = nn.Conv2d(self.input_channels, self.hidden_channels, self.kernel_size, 1, self.padding, bias=True)
self.Whf = nn.Conv2d(self.hidden_channels, self.hidden_channels, self.kernel_size, 1, self.padding, bias=False)
self.Wxc = nn.Conv2d(self.input_channels, self.hidden_channels, self.kernel_size, 1, self.padding, bias=True)
self.Whc = nn.Conv2d(self.hidden_channels, self.hidden_channels, self.kernel_size, 1, self.padding, bias=False)
self.Wxo = nn.Conv2d(self.input_channels, self.hidden_channels, self.kernel_size, 1, self.padding, bias=True)
self.Who = nn.Conv2d(self.hidden_channels, self.hidden_channels, self.kernel_size, 1, self.padding, bias=False)
self.Wci = None
self.Wcf = None
self.Wco = None
def forward(self, x, h, c): ## Equation (3) dans Convolutional LSTM Network: A Machine Learning Approach for Precipitation Nowcasting
ci = torch.sigmoid(self.Wxi(x) + self.Whi(h) + c * self.Wci)
cf = torch.sigmoid(self.Wxf(x) + self.Whf(h) + c * self.Wcf)
cc = cf * c + ci * torch.tanh(self.Wxc(x) + self.Whc(h)) ###gt= tanh(cc)
co = torch.sigmoid(self.Wxo(x) + self.Who(h) + cc * self.Wco) ##channel out = hidden channel
ch = co * torch.tanh(cc)
return ch, cc #short memory, long memory
def init_hidden(self, batch_size, hidden, shape):
if self.Wci is None:
self.Wci = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, hidden, shape[0], shape[1])).cuda()
self.Wcf = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, hidden, shape[0], shape[1])).cuda()
self.Wco = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, hidden, shape[0], shape[1])).cuda()
assert shape[0] == self.Wci.size()[2], 'Input Height Mismatched!'
assert shape[1] == self.Wci.size()[3], 'Input Width Mismatched!'
return (autograd.Variable(torch.zeros(batch_size, hidden, shape[0], shape[1])).cuda(),
autograd.Variable(torch.zeros(batch_size, hidden, shape[0], shape[1])).cuda())
class fully_convLSTM(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(fully_convLSTM, self).__init__()
layers = []
self.hidden_list = [1,32,32,1]#,32,64,32,
for k in range(len(self.hidden_list)-1): # Define blocks of [ConvLSTM,BatchNorm,Relu]
name_conv = "self.convLSTM" +str(k)
cell_conv = ConvLSTMCell(self.hidden_list[k],self.hidden_list[k+1],3)
setattr(self, name_conv, cell_conv)
name_batchnorm = "self.batchnorm"+str(k)
setattr(self, name_batchnorm, batchnorm)
name_relu =" self.relu"+str(k)
setattr(self, name_relu, relu)
self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
def initialize_hidden(self):
for k in range(len(self.hidden_list)-1):
name_conv = "self.convLSTM" +str(k)
(h,c) = getattr(self,name_conv).init_hidden(config.batch_size, self.hidden_list[k+1],(256,256))
def update_hidden(self):
for i, hidden in enumerate(self.internal_state_new):
self.internal_state[i] = (hidden[0].detach(), hidden[1].detach())
self.internal_state_new = []
def forward(self, input):
x = input
for k in range(len(self.hidden_list)-1):
name_conv = "self.convLSTM" +str(k)
name_batchnorm = "self.batchnorm"+str(k)
name_relu =" self.relu"+str(k)
x, c = getattr(self,name_conv)(x, self.internal_state[k][1], self.internal_state[k][0])
x = getattr(self,name_batchnorm)(x)
if k!= len(self.hidden_list)-2:
x = getattr(self,name_relu)(x)
else :
x = self.sigmoid(x)
return x
So my question is, what in my code is causing memory to accumulate during the training phase?

A few quick notes about training code:
torch.Variable is deprecated since at least 8 minor versions (see here), don't use it
gc.collect() has no point, PyTorch does the garbage collector on it's own
Don't use torch.cuda.empty_cache() for each batch, as PyTorch reserves some GPU memory (doesn't give it back to OS) so it doesn't have to allocate it for each batch once again. It will make your code slow, don't use this function at all tbh, PyTorch handles this.
Don't spam random memory cleaning, that's most probably not where the error is
Yes, this is probably the case (although it's hard to read this model's code).
Take notice of self.internal_state list and self.internal_state_new list also.
Each time you call model.initialize_hidden() a new set of tensor is added to this list (and never cleaned as far as I can tell)
self.internal_state_new seems to be cleaned in update_hidden, maybe self.internal_state should be also?
In essence, check out this self.internal_state property of your model, the list grows indefinitely from what I see. Initializing with zeros everywhere is quite strange, there is probably no need to do that (e.g. PyTorch's RNN is initialized with zeros by default, this is probably similar).


nn.CrossEntropyLoss attribute Error while trying to develop video to caption generator in pytorch

I am getting
AttributeError: 'CrossEntropyLoss' object has no attribute 'dim'
This is the code block which I run and got the error
decoder1 =DecoderRNN(hidden_size, vcd.lang_object.n_words).to(device)
trainIters_modified(encoder1, decoder1,encoder_hidden)
A more detailed code of each layer.
trainIters_modified - It just a function that trains for a multiple number of times.
def trainIters_modified(encoder,decoder,encoder_hidden,print_every=10,plot_every=10):
print_loss_total=0 # Reset every print
plot_loss_total=0 #plot every
encoder_optimizer = optim.Adagrad(encoder.parameters())
decoder_optimizer = optim.Adagrad(decoder.parameters())
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
for ep in range(1):
for vid,lab in train_loader:
for iter in range(1, n_iters + 1):
input_tensor = vid[iter-1]
target_tensor = lab[iter-1]
loss,encoder_hidden = train(input_tensor, target_tensor, encoder,decoder, encoder_optimizer, decoder_optimizer, criterion,encoder_hidden)
print_loss_total += loss
plot_loss_total += loss
if iter % print_every == 0:
print_loss_avg = print_loss_total / print_every
print_loss_total = 0
print('%s (%d %d%%) %.4f' % (timeSince(start, iter / n_iters),iter, iter / n_iters * 100, print_loss_avg))
if iter % plot_every == 0:
plot_loss_avg = plot_loss_total / plot_every
plot_loss_total = 0
train function
def train(input_tensor,target_tensor,encoder,decoder,encoder_optimizer,decoder_optimizer,encoder_hidden,criterion,max_length=MAX_LENGTH):
encoder_optimizer.zero_grad() #set's encoder gradients to zero
decoder_optimizer.zero_grad() #set's decoder gradients to zero
input_length = input_tensor.size(0) #no_of_wordsin*
target_length = target_tensor.size(0)
encoder_outputs = torch.zeros(max_length, encoder.hidden_size, device=device)
loss = 0
for ei in range(input_length):
#print("passing input tensor.shape",in_tensor.shape) #torch.Size([1])
#print("encoder_hidden.shape:",encoder_hidden.shape) #torch.Size([1, 1, 256])
encoder_output, encoder_hidden = encoder(in_tensor, encoder_hidden) #
#the outputs are being stored in encoder_outputs matrix
#after we have trained encoder for one epoch
decoder_input = torch.tensor([[SOS_token]], device=device) #SOS_token and EOS_token where defined above.
#set the encoder hidden as decoder hidden state
decoder_hidden = encoder_output
use_teacher_forcing = True if random.random() < teacher_forcing_ratio else False
if use_teacher_forcing:
#teacher forcing , feed the target as next input
for di in range(target_length):
decoder_output,decoder_hidden = decoder(decoder_input,decoder_hidden)
loss += criterion(decoder_output, target_tensor[di])
decoder_input = target_tensor[di]
# Without teacher forcing: use its own predictions as the next input
for di in range(target_length):
decoder_output, decoder_hidden = decoder(decoder_input, decoder_hidden)
topv, topi = decoder_output.topk(1)
decoder_input = topi.squeeze().detach() # detach from history as input
loss += criterion(decoder_output, target_tensor[di])
if decoder_input.item() == EOS_token:
return (loss.item() / target_length) ,encoder_hidden
class VideoEncoderGRU(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,hidden_size):
nn.Linear(512 * 7 * 7, 1024)
def initHidden(self):
return torch.rand(1, 1, self.hidden_size, device=device)
def forward(self,input,hidden):
return out,hidden
class DecoderRNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, hidden_size, output_size):
super(DecoderRNN, self).__init__()
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.embedding = nn.Embedding(output_size, hidden_size)
self.gru = nn.GRU(hidden_size, hidden_size)
self.out = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)
self.softmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)
def forward(self, input, hidden):
output = self.embedding(input).view(1, 1, -1)
output = F.relu(output)
output, hidden = self.gru(output, hidden)
output = self.softmax(self.out(output[0]))
return output, hidden
def initHidden(self):
return torch.rand(1, 1, self.hidden_size, device=device)
My dataset consists of videos stored in a folder and csv file containing names of video along with thier captions. I think I have loaded my data correctly and convert it into a video of frame size =8 and each caption is changed to a tensor of max_length =8 containing indices of each wod in caption.
You can look at my whole source code in this notebook file
There might be a simple logical error I just knew the theory behind this problem and so I coded it
I tried to implement an LSTM encoder which takes frames of video as input. These frames are first directly passed into vgg16 network which encodes it and encoded representation is passed into each frame and final output of encoder is passed as initial hidden state to decoder along with SOS_token as first input to decoder. I wanted this model to work and predict output

how can I predict only 5 days price in this LSTM model (by pytorch)

class StockDataset(Dataset):
#데이터 셋은 i번째 레코드 값을 주는 역할 수행
def __init__(self, symbol, x_frames, y_frames, start, end):
self.symbol = symbol
self.x_frames = x_frames
self.y_frames = y_frames
self.start = datetime.datetime(*start)
self.end = datetime.datetime(*end)
#위에서 지정했던 데이터, 날짜 값들 다 받아옴 = pdr.DataReader(self.symbol, 'yahoo', self.start, self.end)
def __len__(self):
return len( - (self.x_frames + self.y_frames) + 1
def __getitem__(self, idx):
global data
#global data_set
#데이터셋 i번째 값 입력받았을때 그걸 출력해줌 데이터를 '리스트'화 하는 것
idx += self.x_frames
data =[idx-self.x_frames:idx+self.y_frames]
data = data[['High', 'Low', 'Open', 'Close', 'Adj Close', 'Volume']]
data = data.apply(lambda x: np.log(x+1) - np.log(x[self.x_frames-1]+1)) #로그수익률 변환 한뒤, 혹시모를 결측값 위해 1더해줌
global x_ex
global y_ex
x_ex= data[:self.x_frames]
y_ex= data[self.x_frames:]
data = data.values #numpy array로 변환한거
X = data[:self.x_frames]
y = data[self.x_frames:]
return X, y
This one is dataset
class LSTM(nn.Module):
#50분 이후부터 모델설명
def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, num_layers, batch_size, dropout, use_bn):
super(LSTM, self).__init__()
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
self.output_dim = output_dim
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.dropout = dropout
self.use_bn = use_bn
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(self.input_dim, self.hidden_dim, self.num_layers)
self.hidden = self.init_hidden()
self.regressor = self.make_regressor()
def init_hidden(self):
return (torch.zeros(self.num_layers, self.batch_size, self.hidden_dim),
torch.zeros(self.num_layers, self.batch_size, self.hidden_dim))
def make_regressor(self):
layers = []
if self.use_bn:
layers.append(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.hidden_dim // 2))
layers.append(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim // 2, self.output_dim))
regressor = nn.Sequential(*layers)
return regressor
def forward(self, x):
lstm_out, self.hidden = self.lstm(x, self.hidden)
y_pred = self.regressor(lstm_out[-1].view(self.batch_size, -1))
return y_pred
This one is model
def test(model, partition, args):
global y_true
global y_pred
global X
testloader = DataLoader(partition['test'],
shuffle=False, drop_last=True)
test_acc = 0.0
with torch.no_grad():
for i, (X, y) in enumerate(testloader):
X = X.transpose(0, 1).float().to(args.device)
y_true = y[:, :, 3].float().to(args.device)
model.hidden = [ for hidden in model.init_hidden()]
y_pred = model(X)
test_acc += metric(y_pred, y_true)[0]
test_acc = test_acc / len(testloader)
return test_acc
This is test data loader.
# ====== Random Seed Initialization ====== #
seed = 666
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args("")
args.exp_name = "exp1_lr"
args.device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
# ====== Data Loading ====== #
args.symbol = '005930.KS' #원하는 종목
args.batch_size = 4 #배치사이즈
args.x_frames = 5 #수정x 이전 n일치 데이터 이게 너무 길면 1주일 예측 불가능
args.y_frames = 5 #수정y 이후 n일치 데이터 이게 너무 길면 1주일 예측 불가능
# ====== Model Capacity ===== #
args.input_dim = 6
args.hid_dim = 50
args.n_layers = 2 # (은닉층의 레이어 갯수)링크 참고
# ====== Regularization ======= #
args.l2 = 0.0001
args.dropout = 0.3
args.use_bn = True
# ====== Optimizer & Training ====== #
args.optim = 'RMSprop' #'RMSprop' #SGD, RMSprop, ADAM... = 0.001
args.epoch = 1
# ====== Experiment Variable ====== #
name_var1 = 'lr' # lr=러닝레이트
name_var2 = 'n_layers'#뉴럴 네트워크 몇개를 쌓을것인지?
list_var1 = [0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001]
list_var2 = [1,2,3]
#데이터셋 실제 형성
trainset = StockDataset(args.symbol, args.x_frames, args.y_frames, (2012,1,1), (2021,1,1)) #학습기간
valset = StockDataset(args.symbol, args.x_frames, args.y_frames, (2021,1,2), (2021,12,30)) #검증기간 최소 +6 월, +19 일 안하면 float division by zero 에러 발생 왜?? 21년 기준
testset = StockDataset(args.symbol, args.x_frames, args.y_frames, (2022,1,10), (2022,1,14)) #테스트기간 최소 +6 월, + 25일 안하면 float division by zero 에러 발생. 22년기준
#기간이 일정 영업일 이상을 요구하는듯? <<146 영업일 이상 데이터 요구. 그만큼 안주면 오류남 왜??
partition = {'train': trainset, 'val':valset, 'test':testset}
for var1 in list_var1:
for var2 in list_var2:
setattr(args, name_var1, var1)
setattr(args, name_var2, var2)
setting, result = experiment(partition, deepcopy(args))
save_exp_result(setting, result)
#꼭 디렉토리에 있는 파일들 지운다음에 그래프 그려야한다. 안그러면 결과값 전부 겹쳐서 나옴
This one is hyper parameter regulate.
I wonder how can I get result when I set testset length in 5days? (like (2022,1,10) (2022,1,14))
This cord didn't work when I set testset length at least 7month (maybe + 146 trade day)
error is float divided by zero. (when I use lower 146 days.)
if I set length +146 days, then codes work well.
I think this code cause error:
data = data.apply(lambda x: np.log(x+1) - np.log(x[self.x_frames-1]+1))
log data was so small, so error occurred. (my opinion)
data is yahoo finance data. Thanx to read
When I # below code, then data got infinite.
data = data.apply(lambda x: np.log(x+1) - np.log(x[self.x_frames-1]+1))

Fluctuations and overfitting in first epochs

I am training a CNN network on the DVS gesture dataset using PyTorch. However, the training is not progressing in a soft way, the accuracies of both training and validation fluctuate a lot, they are both progressing, but there is a big difference between them (5~6% up to 10%) as if there is overfitting in 3/4 epoch. I have tried L2 regularization as well as a dropout with high values, the difference disappears in the first iterations but reappears strongly afterward, and I am sure that datasets are perfectly merged and split randomly, changed several times the batch size but didn't impact, normalization make it worse.
PS: May this be an underfit, how to identify an underfit ?
Thanks in advance!
CODE (Using snntorch library) :
spike_grad = surrogate.fast_sigmoid(slope=5.4)
beta = 0.72
num_epochs = 200
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
# Initialize layers
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(2, 16, kernel_size=5, bias=False)
self.pool1 = nn.AvgPool2d(2)
self.lif1 = snn.Leaky(beta=beta, spike_grad=spike_grad, threshold=2.5)#, threshold_p=2.5, threshold_n=-2.5)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(16, 32, kernel_size=5, bias=False)
self.pool2 = nn.AvgPool2d(2)
self.lif2 = snn.Leaky(beta=beta, spike_grad=spike_grad, threshold=2.5)#, threshold_p=2.5, threshold_n=-2.5)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(800, 11)
self.drop1 = nn.Dropout(0.93)
self.lif3 = snn.Leaky(beta=beta, spike_grad=spike_grad, threshold=2.5)#, threshold_p=2.5, threshold_n=-2.5)
self.flatten = nn.Flatten()
def forward(self, x):
mem1 = self.lif1.init_leaky()
mem2 = self.lif2.init_leaky()
mem3 = self.lif3.init_leaky()
spk_rec = []
mem_rec = []
for step in range(x.size(1)):
cur1 = self.pool1(self.conv1((x.permute(1,0,2,3,4))[step]))
spk1, mem1 = self.lif1(cur1, mem1)
cur2 = self.pool1(self.conv2(spk1))
spk2, mem2 = self.lif2(cur2, mem2)
cur3 = self.drop1(self.fc1(self.flatten(spk2)))
spk3, mem3 = self.lif3(cur3, mem3)
return torch.stack(spk_rec), torch.stack(mem_rec)
net_9 = Net().to(device)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net_9.parameters(), lr=7.5e-3, betas=(0.9, 0.999))#, weight_decay=1e-2)
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, T_max=735, eta_min=0, last_epoch=-1)
loss = SF.mse_count_loss() # spk mse
train_loss_hist_9 = []
valid_loss_hist_9 = []
train_acc_hist_9 = []
valid_acc_hist_9 = []
path_9 = "1-DVS\net_9_"
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
batch_train = batch_valid = 0
# Minibatch training loop
for data_train, targets_train in iter(train_loader):
data_train =
targets_train =
spk_train, mem_train = net_9.forward(data_train)
loss_train = loss(spk_train, targets_train)
_, idx = spk_train.sum(dim=0).max(1)
acc_train = np.mean((targets_train == idx).detach().cpu().numpy())
batch_train += 1
# Minibatch validation loop
with torch.no_grad():
for data_valid, targets_valid in iter(valid_loader):
data_valid =
targets_valid =
spk_valid, mem_valid = net_9.forward(data_valid)
loss_valid = loss(spk_valid, targets_valid)
_, idx = spk_valid.sum(dim=0).max(1)
acc_valid = np.mean((targets_valid == idx).detach().cpu().numpy())
batch_valid += 1
scheduler.step(loss_valid){'model_state_dict': net_9.state_dict()}, path_9 + str(epoch))
print_epoch_accuracy(train_acc_hist_9, valid_acc_hist_9, batch_train, batch_valid)

Pytorch on Windows : Dataloader problems with numworkers

I have just got a new computer running Windows 10 which has a GPU so I wanted to see if I could sensibly use it for machine learning.
So I tried running an old model which I previously trained on Google Colab.
The answer is that it does do quite well, but I discovered that I could not use more than one worker in the Dataloader. Googling found that this is a known issue with PyTorch on Windows in Jupyter Notebooks so I tried running it in a normal Python program. I found that it did work but that the creation of the DataIterator took a very long time. Below are the times in seconds for 1, 2 and 6 workers, each done twice:
I note that 2 workers seems to be the fastest and there seems to be quite a lot of variation which surprised me as the machine was doing nothing else.
So the first question is:
Is there a way to let PyTorch choose the most efficient number of workers to use?
The second question is:
If I install a version of Linux will I be able to use Jupyter Notebooks with multiple workers which is what I would prefer to do in an ideal world.
The code I ran is below the relevant part is after if __name__ == "__main__":
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import torch
import torchvision
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from import Dataset,DataLoader
import os
import numpy as np
#import gym
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
class BasicBlock(nn.Module):
expansion = 1
def __init__(self, in_planes, planes, stride=1):
super(BasicBlock, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(
in_planes, planes, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=1, bias=False)
self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(planes, planes, kernel_size=3,
stride=1, padding=1, bias=False)
self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes)
self.shortcut = nn.Sequential()
if stride != 1 or in_planes != self.expansion*planes:
self.shortcut = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(in_planes, self.expansion*planes,
kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False),
def forward(self, x):
out = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)))
out = self.bn2(self.conv2(out))
out += self.shortcut(x)
out = F.relu(out)
return out
# create dataset
class C4Dataset(Dataset):
the data for the first 12moves is held in a pickles list
as (key,val)
The key has to be converted to the pos amd mask which can then be converted to the ones,twos and zeros
Val is the value for the player playing so needs to be changed for wnen moves i odd to minus val
fileName = r'C:\Users\alan\Desktop\Python\Python36\connect4\Layers\ListAllKeyVal19'
bottom_mask = 4432676798593
board_mask = bottom_mask * ((1 << 6) - 1)
bNos = 2**np.arange(49, dtype = np.uint64)
def getData(fileName):
with open(fileName,'rb') as inFile:
dict = pickle.load(inFile)
return dict
def oneHot(x):
return np.eye(37,dtype = np.float32)[x]
def getNoMoves(ones,twos) :
return np.sum(ones+twos)
def getPosMask(key):
binary = ('{:049b}'.format(key))[::-1]
arr = np.frombuffer(binary.encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'),'u1') - ord('0')
outArr = np.reshape(arr,(7,7),order = 'F')
arr = np.flipud(outArr)
pos = arr.copy()
mask =arr.copy()
for col in range(7):
res = np.where(arr[:,col]==1)
topPos = res[0][0]
pos[topPos,col] = 0
mask[topPos,col] = 0
if topPos<6:
mask[topPos+1:,col] = 1
msk = np.flipud(mask)
msk = np.reshape(msk,(49),order = 'F')
maskNo = np.array(,dtype = np.uint64).item()
return pos.astype('float32'),(pos ^ mask).astype('float32'),(np.logical_not(mask)).astype('float32'),maskNo
def possible(mask) :
poss = (mask + C4Dataset.bottom_mask) & C4Dataset.board_mask
binary = ('{:049b}'.format(poss))[::-1]
arr = np.frombuffer(binary.encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'),'u1') - ord('0')
outArr = np.reshape(arr,(7,7),order = 'F')
arr = np.flipud(outArr)
return arr
def __init__(self):
self.lst = C4Dataset.getData(C4Dataset.fileName)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.lst)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
key,val = self.lst[idx]
val = int(val)
ones,twos,zeros,mask = C4Dataset.getPosMask(key)
arr = np.zeros((5,7,7),dtype = np.float32)
arr[0,:6,:7] = ones[1:,:]
arr[1,:6,:7] = twos[1:,:]
arr[2,:6,:7] = zeros[1:,:]
moves = int(C4Dataset.getNoMoves(ones,twos))
p = (moves % 2) + 3
arr[p,:6,:7] = C4Dataset.possible(mask)[1:,:]
return arr,val+18 #C4Dataset.oneHot(val+18)
class C4Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, inFilters,outFilters):
super(C4Net, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(inFilters, 32, kernel_size=3,
stride=1, padding=1, bias=False)
self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(32)
self.layer1 = BasicBlock(32,32)
self.layer2 = BasicBlock(32,32)
self.layer3 = BasicBlock(32,32)
self.layer4 = BasicBlock(32,32)
self.layer5 = BasicBlock(32,32)
self.layer6 = BasicBlock(32,32)
self.layer7 = BasicBlock(32,32)
self.layer8 = BasicBlock(32,32)
self.linear = nn.Linear(32*7*7,outFilters)#1568
def forward(self, x):
out = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)))
out = self.layer1(out)
out = self.layer2(out)
out = self.layer3(out)
out = self.layer4(out)
out = self.layer5(out)
out = self.layer6(out)
out = self.layer7(out)
out = self.layer8(out)
#out = F.avg_pool2d(out, 2)
out = out.view(out.size(0), -1)
out = self.linear(out)
return out
# show some images
def show(img):
npimg = img.numpy()[:3,:,:]
plt.imshow(np.transpose(npimg, (1,2,0)), interpolation='nearest')
# get some random training images
if __name__ == "__main__":
dirName =r'C:\Users\alan\Desktop\Python\Python36\connect4\Layers'
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Assuming that we are on a CUDA machine, this should print a CUDA device:
# create dataloader
max_epochs = 1
batchSize = 1024#512#256
learningRate = .00003
# Parameters
params = {'batch_size': batchSize,'shuffle': True,'num_workers': 2}
# Generators
dataset = C4Dataset()
start = time.time()
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, **params)
middle = time.time()
print('create dataloader',middle-start)
dataiter = iter(dataloader)
end = time.time()
print('create data iterator',end-middle)
images, labels =
final = time.time()
print('get one batch',final-end)
# show images
#create the weights
wts =np.array([59, 963, 12406, 148920, 62551, 47281, 55136, 54312, 44465, 31688,
27912, 37907, 114778, 242800, 394530, 495237, 582174, 163370, 480850,
201152, 690905, 633937, 721340, 372479, 193375, 84648, 76576, 91087, 130428,
154184, 157339, 156453, 227696, 1705325, 548155, 44315, 2082],dtype = np.float32)
maxwt = wts.max()
weights = wts/maxwt
weights = torch.from_numpy(weights)
# create the network
net = C4Net(5,37)
PATH = r'C:\Users\alan\Desktop\Python\connectX\c4Net37Weights00003.pth'
#create the loss function and optimiser
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight = )
optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=learningRate)
#train the network
import time
start = time.time()
for epoch in range(max_epochs): # loop over the dataset multiple times
running_loss = 0.0
for i, data in enumerate(dataloader, 0):
# get the inputs; data is a list of [inputs, labels]
inputs, labels = inputs, labels = data[0].to(device), data[1].to(device)
# zero the parameter gradients
# forward + backward + optimize
outputs = net(inputs)
loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
# print statistics
running_loss += loss.item()
if i % 2000 == 1999: # print every 2000 mini-batches
print('[%d, %5d] loss: %.3f' %
(epoch + 1, i + 1, running_loss / 2000))
running_loss = 0.0,r'C:\Users\alan\Desktop\Python\connectX\tempWeights')
print('Finished Training')
# save the weights
PATH = r'C:\Users\alan\Desktop\Python\connectX\c4Net37Weights00004.pth', PATH)
end = time.time()
print('elapsed time',end-start)
PS the machine is a Dell XPS 17 with Intel Core i9-10885H with 8 cores and the GPU is a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 with Max-Q. In this one test it runs 4 times faster than on Google Colab but I do not know what GPU I was allocated.

Must the input height of a 1D CNN be constant?

I'm currently doing my honours research project on online/dynamic signature verification. I am using the SVC 2004 dataset (Task 2). I have done the following data processing:
def load_dataset_normalized(path):
file_names = os.listdir(path)
num_of_persons = len(file_names)
initial_starting_point = np.zeros(np.shape([7]))
x_dataset = []
y_dataset = []
for infile in file_names:
full_file_name = os.path.join(path, infile)
file = open(full_file_name, "r")
file_lines = file.readlines()
num_of_points = int(file_lines[0])
x = []
y = []
time_stamp = []
button_status = []
azimuth_angles = []
altitude = []
pressure = []
for idx, line in enumerate(file_lines[1:]):
nums = line.split(' ')
if idx == 1:
nums[2] = 0
initial_starting_point = nums
max_x = max(x)
max_y = max(y)
max_azimuth_angle = max(azimuth_angles)
max_altitude = max(altitude)
max_pressure = max(pressure)
min_x = min(x)
min_y = min(y)
min_azimuth_angle = min(azimuth_angles)
min_altitude = min(altitude)
min_pressure = min(pressure)
#Alignment normalization:
for i in range(num_of_points):
x[i] -= int(initial_starting_point[0])
y[i] -= int(initial_starting_point[1])
azimuth_angles[i] -= int(initial_starting_point[4])
altitude[i] -= int(initial_starting_point[5])
pressure[i] -= int(initial_starting_point[6])
#Size normalization
for i in range(num_of_points):
x[i] = ((x[i] - max_x) / (min_x - max_x))
y[i] = ((y[i] - max_y) / (min_y - max_y))
azimuth_angles[i] = ((azimuth_angles[i] - max_azimuth_angle) / (min_azimuth_angle - max_azimuth_angle))
altitude[i] = ((altitude[i] - max_altitude) / (min_altitude - max_altitude))
pressure[i] = ((pressure[i] - max_pressure) / (min_pressure - max_pressure))
#data points to dataset
x_line = []
for i in range (num_of_points):
x_line.append([x[i], y[i], time_stamp[i], button_status[i], azimuth_angles[i], altitude[i], pressure[i]])
if i == num_of_points-1:
infile_without_extension = infile.replace('.TXT','')
index_of_s = infile_without_extension.find("S")
index_of_num = index_of_s + 1
sig_ID = int(infile_without_extension[index_of_num:])
if sig_ID < 21:
x_dataset = np.asarray(x_dataset)
y_dataset = np.asarray(y_dataset)
return x_dataset, y_dataset
I also have another method that takes the values as they are in the text file and created an "original" dataset.
Now, the aim of my research is to create a CRNN (convolutional recurrent neural network) that can identify if a signature is authentic or forged. Here is the code for the model:
class crnn_model:
def __init__(self, trainX, trainy, testX, testy, optimizer_method):
self.trainX = trainX
self.trainy = trainy
self.testX = testX
self.testy = testy
def evaluate_model(self, optimizer_method):
verbose, epochs, batch_size = 0, 40, 10
n_timesteps, n_features, n_outputs = len(self.trainX), 7, 2
model = keras.Sequential()
model.add(keras.layers.Conv1D(filters=64, kernel_size=3, activation='relu', input_shape=(n_timesteps, n_features), use_bias=True))
model.add(keras.layers.Conv1D(filters=64, kernel_size=3, activation='relu'))
model.add(keras.layers.LSTM(2, input_shape=[30592,1], return_sequences=True))
# Compile the model
model.compile(optimizer=optimizer_method, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
#fit model, self.trainy, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=verbose)
# evaluate model
_, accuracy = model.evaluate(self.testX, self.testy, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0)
return accuracy
Here is the problem I am having: the number of points used to store each signature is different, hence making the input height of the input matrix vary from one signature to the next. Must I now force the dataset to some uniform/constant number of points?
Much appreciated for your time.
