Custom Grok Pattern for [serverity]MMDD - logstash-grok

I'm a beginner in writing grok patterns and I'm unable to figure out how to write custom grok pattern for this
I0224 22:37:20.377508 2437 zookeeper_watcher.cpp:326] Zk Session
Disconnected, notifying watchers
"I" being log_severity. and "0224" is in MMDD format.
I've tried to work in with the standard grok patterns but I'm unable to seperate log_severity from month and day.
Really appreciate any help or directions.

%{DATA:severity}%{MONTHNUM:month}%{MONTHDAY:day} %{TIME:timestamp}%{SPACE}%{INT:num}%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:message}
This is what I've come up with after quite a bit of researching. Hopefully it'll be useful for someone who's looking!


Logstash grok pattern to match and count UTF-8 text?

I have pipeline which receives events something like below from winlogbeat. I need to extract how many "error", "Information" events are received etc., (or) ability to count how many particular Event ID are received in like last 60 seconds etc.,
I think "Event ID" is straight approach, like I can use grok pattern, but the challenge is with "Log Level". My events are can be from computers which are in different countries and may have UTF-8 characters like below example. Did anyone use grok to do pattern matching on these UTF-8 characters? If no, any alternative ways to achieve this? If yes, any examples you could help with?
You can use for testing

Logstash Grok pattern to cut split a string and remove last part

Below is the field that is filebeat log path, that I need to split with delimiter '/' and remove the log file name in the text.
"source" : "/var/log/test/testapp/c.log"
I need only this part
"newfield" : "/var/log/test/testapp"
If you do a little of research you can find that this is a trivial question and it has not much complexity. You can use grok-patterns to match the interesting parts and differentiate the one you want to retrieve from the one you don't.
A pattern like this will match as you expected, having the newfield as you desire:
Anyway, you can test your Grok patterns with this tool, and here you have some usefull grok-patterns. I recommend you to take a look to those resources.

Telegraf parsing “grok” patterns

I have custom log file and i need to parse it with telegraf parser, this is an example:
2018-12-03 13:51:31,682 grafana s.testname EXPERTISE
full_access,mentor,employee EXPERTISE_LIST
I created a pattern but gives an error
patterns = ["%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}" "%{WORD:grafana}" "%{DATA:user}" "%{DATA:project}" "%{DATA:permissions}" "%{DATA:action}" "%{DATA:additional}"] i
done this pattern but its not working
I cant understand what i'm doing wrong.
I don't know exactly what are you doing, but your pattern is wrong. You are splitting it into multiple patterns that will never work.
I make a try with your example with this pattern:
%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{WORD:grafana} %{DATA:user} %{DATA:project} %{DATA:permissions} %{WORD:action}
And it works.
You can try it here.

logstash custom patterns not parsing

i am facing an issue in parsing the below pattern
the log file will have log importance in the form of == or <= or >= or << or >>
I am trying the below custom pattern. Some of the log msgs may not have this pattern, so I am using *
But the log mesages are not parsing and give 'grokparsefailure'
kindly check and suggest if the above pattern is wrong.. Thanks much
below pattern is working fine.
the one which I used earlier and was erroring is
One thing to note, there is a better way to handle the "some do, some don't" aspect of your log-data.
That will match more than you want. To get the sense of 'sometimes':
This says, match these three characters and define the field Importance, or leave the field unset.
Second, you're matching specifically two characters, in combinations:
This should match two instances of any of the trio of characters you're looking for.

Logstash and Grok always show _grokparsefailure

I am using to build grok filters for logstash, but even though grokdebug shows corrected parsed message, my kibana showing _grokparsefailure
message [2015-12-01 08:53:16] app.INFO: Calories 4 [] []
What am I doing wrong? Notice that first filter with tag "google" and GREEDYDATA works, and second always fails
Ok so I found the solution. Correct pattern is:
\[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}\] %{DATA}%{LOGLEVEL:level}: Calories %{WORD:calories_count} %{GREEDYDATA:msg}
Even tough I used to find the pattern, it was completely irrelevant.
