How to remove caret symbol on Neovim - vim

Neovim is my main editor and I cannot get rid of the carets (^) when opening Nerdtree or even a normal file.
Take a look:

It appears the problem was due to a theme I was using.
Switching to a different one fixed the problem.


Cmder cursor and highlight issues with Neovim

Currently in normal mode and the cursor is still just a | instead of the usual block
This doesn't change regardless of the mode, I have tried reinstalling both neovim and cmder and the same result happens regardless of the .vim file being used.
using the / command to search for the word "there" and it makes the word im searching for invisible with or without a stock config for both cmder and neovim
currently in visual select highlighting all of the text but the highlight on the text is clear/can't see it but it is working.
For all of these issues I have tried using a new .vim file and a stock cmder config and have reinstalled both and the issue still occurs, the issue doesn't happen when I use neovim through the command prompt or from powershell.
The highlight issue doesn't occur when using regular vim through cmder only with Neovim, however the cursor staying a | persists in regular vim as well.
Update with regular vim:
Regular vim is working properly with highlighting cursor and everything, the issue only happens with neovim now, if this doesn't get fixed then ill just switch to regular vim.
I've never used cmder before, but for iterm2, for example, there is a setting associated to this:
If you're on osx you can hit <⌘ + ,> to get to the preferences for the current application.

set vim to autoindent using the same characters as the previous line

I use tabs for indentation in all my files. However, some bigger projects still use spaces, so I also need to follow those guidelines when I contribute.
This issue could easily be solved if the editor would detect the indent character used in the edited file, and use that one when e.g. autoindenting.
Sadly, vim forces spaces for indent, even when I am editing a file which otherwise only uses tabs.
How can I tell vim to always just use what the file is using (and use tabs if the file isn't using anything)?
I tried adding the following line (as I understand it, this should be forcing tabs - not exactly what I want, but better than inserting spaces everywhere) to ~/.vimrc and reopening the file I was editing, but this failed to take effect.
I am running vim-8.0.0386.
It looks like tpope/sleuth plugin is exactly what you want.
Otherwise, DetectIndent works too.
Clone the DetectIndent repo in your .vim/bundle/ directory (I use pathogen to install plugins), then open any file and type: :DetectIndent
Now shiftwidth, expandtab and tabstop should be adjusted to your file.
Here's another plugin recommendation: My IndentConsistencyCop plugin. It does not only detect the used indent setting, but also warns you if inconsistent settings are used within the same file.

vim moves cursor in tex files "randomly"

For some reason my vim is weird when editing tex files, and I am not sure how to solve this problem. Here is an example, where I use | as the location of my cursor.
| \title{Seminar report}
I then press fS to go to the beginning of the word Seminar (this works without problems). I then want to change the word to Evaluation, so I hit cw and the word is deleted and leaves me in insert mode. I type the E in insert mode and it looks like the following (I also added the v for visual effect):
\title{ repEv|ort}
I am sure this is a problem in my .vimrc, but I don't even know where to start with it.
It seems there is some problems with plugins. In this case it is caused by YouCompleteMe.
The way I found out was to follow the link given by #mMontu
Vim-FAQ 2.5. helps.
Basically try to reproduce the problem with no vimrc loaded and gradually adding more until the problems reappeares. For me this happened, when I run vim with plugins, and after some time, specifically it was LaTeX-Box and YouCompleteMe.
A solution for the problem is not found, and I do not look for one anymore, as I will more to vim-latex in the near future (same authos as LaTeX-Box.

Vertical delete in IdeaVIM

In my normal VIM installation, I can select vertically with ctrl+v, move down and over however many lines, and then hit x to delete everything I've highlighted.
In IdeaVIM, doing the same thing only deletes the single character that I am highlighting with my cursor at the time.
Does anyone know how to change the IdeaVIM behavior to the regular VIM behavior?
This is fixed in IdeaVIM version 0.36, released 2014-10-14. The bug is tracked in VIM-632. Note off-by-one error tracked in VIM-501 is fixed in an upcoming release (probably will be called 0.38).

Fix hover "ri" in Janus, Vim setup?

I have installed Janus to improve my vim. All works fine, except for the Ri documentation, that opens on hovering a keyword. On my installation it shows the output of "ri --help" instead of the documentation of the keyword.
I have found a way to disable it, but I'd rather just fix it. I am using gvim on Ubuntu 11.10.
What is the name of the plugin or script that offers these tooltips?
Could it have anything to do with RVM being active?
The problem is a bug in the ruby.vim plugin. That triggers ri with a wrong argument.
There is a bug report for this.
Solving is easy: edit file .../ftplugin/ruby.vim and change line 194: the -f argument should not be simple, but either bs or ansi. I had success with bs.
Does any of these shortcuts (from ri's homepage) work, especially the last two?
,r opens the search/autocomplete window, and will use a horizontal split to display matching documentation
,R opens the search/autocomplete window, and will use a vertical split to display matching documentatoin
,K opens the search/autocomplete window and prefills it with the keyword under the cursor
K is automatically remapped to use ri.vim if the current buffer is a *.rb file
