Attempt to create simple Contact gives error: PATCH requests require components to be updated - sap-cloud-sdk

I am currently using SDK version 3.39.0 and version 0004 of the API_MKT_CONTACT service definition to create a new Contact in Marketing Cloud with the following code:
ContactOriginData contact =
// use low level API as a work around for
ODataRequestUpdate contactRequest = service
.withHeader("Sap-Cuan-RequestTimestamp", getFormattedTime(System.currentTimeMillis()))
.withHeader("Sap-Cuan-SequenceId", "UpdatePatch")
.withHeader("Sap-Cuan-SourceSystemType", "EXT")
.withHeader("Sap-Cuan-SourceSystemId", "sdk-test")
String servicePath = "/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_MKT_CONTACT_SRV;v=0004";
ODataRequestBatch requestBatch = new ODataRequestBatch(servicePath, ODataProtocol.V2);
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientAccessor.getHttpClient(destination);
ODataRequestResultMultipartGeneric batchResult = requestBatch.execute(httpClient);
Running this produces the following error:
"error": {
"code": "/IWFND/CM_MGW/096",
"message": {
"lang": "en",
"value": "PATCH requests require components to be updated"
"innererror": {
"application": {
"component_id": "CEC-MKT-DM-IC",
"service_namespace": "/SAP/",
"service_id": "API_MKT_CONTACT_SRV",
"service_version": "0004"
"transactionid": "3B63A2A6CC920630E0060492A51E7EE7",
"timestamp": "20210310210334.4378960",
"Error_Resolution": {
"SAP_Transaction": "For backend administrators: use ADT feed reader \"SAP Gateway Error Log\" or run transaction /IWFND/ERROR_LOG on SAP Gateway hub system and search for entries with the timestamp above for more details",
"SAP_Note": "See SAP Note 1797736 for error analysis (",
"Batch_SAP_Note": "See SAP Note 1869434 for details about working with $batch ("
"errordetails": []
However, if I execute a similar request in postman it works without issue:
Request Payload:
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
PATCH ContactOriginData(ContactOrigin='<ContactOrigin>',ContactID='24D8F7F6-440D-44F8-A24B-552435477688') HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 172
Sap-Cuan-RequestTimestamp: '2021-03-10T14:07:00.000'
Sap-Cuan-SequenceId: UpdatePatch
Sap-Cuan-SourceSystemType: EXT
Sap-Cuan-SourceSystemId: postman-test
Response Payload:
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=1D7E85E6BC66B34E61ACF0EF3964CBD91
Content-Length: 430
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Length: 262
content-transfer-encoding: binary
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Length: 0
dataserviceversion: 2.0
sap-message: {"code":"HPA_STAGING_AREA/037","message":"Payload is processed via staging area. See Import Monitor for details.","target":"","severity":"info","transition":false,"details":[]}
I should note that I have also tried using .replacingEntity() which doesn't work either and produces a completely different error:
Inline component is not defined or not allowed (HTTP PUT)
Is there something with the SDK that I am missing or not using correctly?
Any help would be appreciated!

To update an entity you should get it from the service first. That is regardless whether you are using:
PATCH which will update only changed fields
or PUT which will send the full entity object
Currently you are creating a new entity object via the builder: ContactOriginData.builder(). Instead, please use the corresponding getContactOriginDataByKey() method of your service to first retrieve the entity to update from the service. Actually many services will force you to do this to ensure you are always editing the latest version of your data. This often happens via ETags which the SDK will also handle for you automatically.
You can find more information about the update strategies from the SDK on the documentaiton.
As you pointed out in the comments the actual goal is to create an entity and the specific service in question only allows PUT and PATCH to create objects.
In that case using replacingEntity() (which translates to PUT) should already work with your code. You can make PATCH work as well by replacing the builder approach with a constructor call + setter approach.


Update-MgPrivilegedAccessResourceRoleSetting : No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI '

Bonjour !
I want to use Update-MgPrivilegedAccessResourceRoleSetting cmdlet, from the Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module, in my Azure portal.
I want to update some settings of my PIM role (for example MfaRule or ExpirationRule)
But I obtain this error :
{"message":"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI ''********-****-****-****-************')/roleSettings('********-****-****-****-************')?'."}
What is this URL ??
In the debug log (I can't copy/paste the .jpg here), I have :
DEBUG: [CmdletBeginProcessing]: - Update-MgPrivilegedAccessResourceRoleSetting begin processing with parameterSet 'UpdateExpanded'.
DEBUG: [Authentication]: - AuthType: 'Delegated', AuthProviderType: 'InteractiveAuthenticationProvider', ContextScope: 'CurrentUser', AppName: 'Microsoft Graph PowerShell'.
DEBUG: [Authentication]: - Scopes: [Application.ReadWrite.All, DelegatedPermissionGrant.ReadWrite.All, Directory.Read.All, Domain.Read.All, Group.Read.All, openid, Policy.Read.All, Policy.Read.ConditionalAccess, Policy.ReadWrite.ConditionalAccess, PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureAD, PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureADGroup, PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources, PrivilegedAccess.ReadWrite.AzureResources, profile, RoleAssignmentSchedule.Read.Directory, RoleEligibilitySchedule.Read.Directory, RoleEligibilitySchedule.ReadWrite.Directory, RoleManagement.Read.All, RoleManagement.Read.Directory, RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory, User.Read, User.ReadWrite.All, email].
DEBUG: ============================ HTTP REQUEST ============================
HTTP Method:
Absolute Uri:********-****-****-****-************/roleSettings/********-****-****-****-************
FeatureFlag : 00000047
Cache-Control : no-store, no-cache
SdkVersion : graph-powershell/1.18.0,Graph-dotnet-1.25.1
User-Agent : Mozilla/5.0,(Windows NT 10.0; Microsoft Windows 10.0.22621; fr-CA),PowerShell/7.3.1
Accept-Encoding : gzip
DEBUG: ============================ HTTP RESPONSE ============================
Status Code:
Transfer-Encoding : chunked
Vary : Accept-Encoding
Strict-Transport-Security : max-age=31536000
request-id : 5fb90750-367b-4976-8913-659c5b5863ba
client-request-id : 5fb90750-367b-4976-8913-659c5b5863ba
x-ms-ags-diagnostic : {"ServerInfo":{"DataCenter":"Canada East","Slice":"E","Ring":"2","ScaleUnit":"002","RoleInstance":"QB1PEPF00001038"}}
Date : Fri, 16 Dec 2022 21:00:48 GMT
"error": {
"code": "UnknownError",
"message": "{\"message\":\"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI ''********-****-****-****-************')/roleSettings('********-****-****-****-************')?'.\"}",
"innerError": {
"date": "2022-12-16T21:00:48",
"request-id": "5fb90750-367b-4976-8913-659c5b5863ba",
"client-request-id": "5fb90750-367b-4976-8913-659c5b5863ba"
Line |
20 | … Update-MgPrivilegedAccessResourceRoleSetting -PrivilegedA …
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| {"message":"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI ''********-****-****-****-************')/roleSettings('********-****-****-****-************')?'."}
DEBUG: [CmdletEndProcessing]: - Update-MgPrivilegedAccessResourceRoleSetting end processing.
The first Id is always the rigth resource id, and the second the rolesettings id
My exact command is :
Update-MgPrivilegedAccessResourceRoleSetting -PrivilegedAccessId azureResources -GovernanceResourceId $RoleSetting.ResourceId -GovernanceRoleSettingId $RoleSetting.Id
And I'm sure to have the right Ids for ResourceId and RoleSettingsId.
Maybe I forgot something ?
That works with AzureAD module, but I don't want to use it anymore :
Set-AzureADMSPrivilegedRoleSetting -ProviderId AzureResources -Id $RoleSetting.Id -ResourceId $RoleSetting.ResourceId -RoleDefinitionId $RoleSetting.RoleDefinitionId -UserMemberSettings $setting
Is there someone to help me ?
Microsoft documentation page is not very complete !
Thanks, a lot
Install Governance module to run Graph Powershell Cmd.
Module Name:
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Goverance
Follow the MS Doc here:
FYI, I had my response (here).
I have to use this cmdlet :
This one is not functionnal :
So, just use :
$setting = #{
UserMemberSettings = #(
RuleIdentifier = "MfaRule"
Setting = '{"mfaRequired":true}'
Update-MgPrivilegedAccessRoleSetting -PrivilegedAccessId "azureResources" -GovernanceRoleSettingId $RoleSetting.Id -BodyParameter $setting

Influxdb2 Python API: Path not found

I have a working InfluxDb2 server and, on a Raspberry Pi, the Python client library.
I've generated the the tokens in the server UI and copied an all-areas one into the Python. The test bucket is set up in the UI too. In the Python program I have this:
bucket = "test"
org = "test-org"
token = "blabla=="
# Store the URL of your InfluxDB instance
client = influxdb_client.InfluxDBClient(
Followed later by:
p = influxdb_client.Point("my_measurement").tag("location", "Prague").field("temperature", 25.3)
write_api = client.write_api(write_options=SYNCHRONOUS)
write_api.write(bucket='test', org='test-org', record=p)
I've overcome the not-authorized but now, whatever I do, I end up with this: (404)
Reason: Not Found
HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'X-Influxdb-Build': 'OSS', 'X-Influxdb-Version': 'v2.2.0', 'X-Platform-Error-Code': 'not found', 'Date': 'Tue, 26 Apr 2022 14:35:50 GMT', 'Content-Length': '54'})
HTTP response body: {
"code": "not found",
"message": "path not found"
I've also gone back to Curl which gives me not authorized problem with the same parameters. Any help appreciated, beginning to regret trying to upgrade now.
You don't need the /api/v2 in your url parameter, just url=""

Cloud2Edge package: error

I'm testing a deployment of the Eclipse IoT Cloud2Edge package and have followed the instructions here to test. After creating the new tenant and device, and configuring the connection between Hono and Ditto, I can send telemetry to the new device via the Hono http adapter as shown here:
curl -i -u my-auth-id-1#my-tenant:my-password -H 'application/json' --data-binary '{
"topic": "my-tenant/org.acme:my-device-1/things/twin/commands/modify",
"headers": {},
"path": "/features/temperature/properties/value",
"value": 53
}' http://${HTTP_ADAPTER_IP}:${HTTP_ADAPTER_PORT_HTTP}/telemetry
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
vary: origin
content-length: 0
and expected to see this property value updated in Ditto. The updated device property value does not update in Ditto, and when I check the Ditto logs I see the following entries:
2022-02-13 20:11:35,265 INFO [] o.e.d.c.s.m.a.AmqpConsumerActor akka://ditto-cluster/system/sharding/connection/3/hono-connection-for-my-tenant/pa/$a/c1/amqpConsumerActor-0-telemetry%2Fmy-tenant-010 - Received message from AMQP 1.0 with externalMessageHeaders: {orig_adapter=hono-http, qos=0, device_id=org.acme:my-device-1, creation-time=1644783095260, message-id=ID:AMQP_NO_PREFIX:GenericSenderLink-12, content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded, to=telemetry/my-tenant, orig_address=/telemetry}
2022-02-13 20:11:35,271 INFO [81c41f10-4d59-435b-8ae1-bf5194dcf6bf] o.e.d.c.s.m.InboundDispatchingSink - onMapped mappedHeaders ImmutableDittoHeaders [{ditto-entity-id=thing:my-tenant:org.acme:my-device-1, ditto-inbound-payload-mapper=default, content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded, hono-device-id=org.acme:my-device-1, ditto-reply-target=0, ditto-expected-response-types=["response","error"], ditto-origin=hono-connection-for-my-tenant, ditto-auth-context={"type":"pre-authenticated-connection","subjects":["pre-authenticated:hono-connection"]}, correlation-id=81c41f10-4d59-435b-8ae1-bf5194dcf6bf}]
2022-02-13 20:11:35,278 INFO [b3b11410-6df8-4bfc-a940-fafa87d65be2] o.e.d.c.s.m.InboundDispatchingSink - Got exception <> when processing external message with mapper <default>: <The configured filters could not be matched against the given target with ID 'org.acme:my-device-1'.>
2022-02-13 20:11:35,278 INFO [b3b11410-6df8-4bfc-a940-fafa87d65be2] o.e.d.c.s.m.InboundDispatchingSink - Resolved mapped headers of ImmutableDittoHeaders [{ditto-inbound-payload-mapper=default, ditto-entity-id=thing:my-tenant:org.acme:my-device-1, response-required=false, content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded, hono-device-id=org.acme:my-device-1, ditto-reply-target=0, ditto-expected-response-types=["response","error"], ditto-origin=hono-connection-for-my-tenant, ditto-auth-context={"type":"pre-authenticated-connection","subjects":["pre-authenticated:hono-connection"]}, correlation-id=b3b11410-6df8-4bfc-a940-fafa87d65be2}] : with HeaderMapping Optional[ImmutableHeaderMapping [mapping={hono-device-id={{ header:device_id }}, content-type={{ header:content-type }}}]] : and external headers {orig_adapter=hono-http, qos=0, device_id=org.acme:my-device-1, creation-time=1644783095260, message-id=ID:AMQP_NO_PREFIX:GenericSenderLink-12, content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded, to=telemetry/my-tenant, orig_address=/telemetry}
2022-02-13 20:11:35,283 INFO [] o.e.d.c.s.m.a.AmqpConsumerActor akka://ditto-cluster/system/sharding/connection/3/hono-connection-for-my-tenant/pa/$a/c1/amqpConsumerActor-0-telemetry%2Fmy-tenant-010 - Acking <ID:AMQP_NO_PREFIX:GenericSenderLink-12> with original external message headers=<{orig_adapter=hono-http, qos=0, device_id=org.acme:my-device-1, creation-time=1644783095260, message-id=ID:AMQP_NO_PREFIX:GenericSenderLink-12, content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded, to=telemetry/my-tenant, orig_address=/telemetry}>, isSuccess=<true>, ackType=<1 accepted>
I think the problem is the "" error but I don't know how to troubleshoot. Any advice appreciated.
What you configured is the Connection source enforcement which makes sure that a Hono device (identified via the AMQP header device_id) may only updates the twin with the same "thing id" in Ditto.
That enforcement fails as your thingId you set in the Ditto Protocol JSON is my-tenant:org.acme:my-device-1 - the topic's first segment is the namespace, the second segment the name - combined those 2 segments become the "thing ID", see also: Protocol topic specification.
So you probably want to send the following message instead:
"topic": "org.acme/my-device-1/things/twin/commands/modify",

Expected type object but found type string

I am having trouble with setting up my API. The error I am getting is as follows:
"message": "Wrong data in the response. ",
"error": [
"code": "INVALID_TYPE",
"params": [
"message": "Expected type object but found type string",
"path": "#/"
"content": "{\"success\":true,\"payload\":{\"userId\":47}}"
With response headers:
connection: keep-alive
content-length: 233
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 08:09:38 GMT
etag: W/"e9-2OFjPp0RZp8asoi4T2vo8yXiZxE"
x-powered-by: Express
Now I expected this to work, as this very same code worked when using Swagger 2.0 instead of the oas-tools 3.0.1. This is my swagger file:
openapi: 3.0.1
title: Swagger test
version: 0.0.1
- url: http://localhost:8081/
x-router-controller: 'addUser'
description: Adds a user to the database
operationId: add
$ref: '#/components/requestBodies/AddUser'
description: Successfully added the user to the database
type: object
type: boolean
type: object
type: integer
And this is my node script in which I send the response back:
.query(insert_user_query, [username, password])
.then(function(result) {
var response = {
"success": true,
"payload": {
"userId": result.rows[0].user_id
Now I am completely lost, as I am building the JSON in the response variable, and I am setting response code 201 and sending it as json (which adds the application/json content-type), and yet Swagger interprets is as a string instead of an object.
Anyone here who could please point me in the right direction?
You have to take the string and parse it back into an object.
res.json() takes your object and converts it to a string using the json format. application/json is a string format and that's how you send javascript formatted objects over the network. They get converted to a canonical string format, sent over the network and then to use them as objects, they have to be parsed and converted back into real live objects.
You don't show your receiving code, but something on the receiving side needs to call JSON.parse() on the string response. That will return to you an actual object that you can use as it converts the json string back into an object on the receiving side.
I had the same problem and was using Express 4.x.
I could be mistaken, but I think there might be an issue with "res.json" (i.e. res.status(xxx).json({ a:b });)
I worked around the issue by using send:
res.status(201).send(response); // in your case

Alpha release 'Deployed' but unavailable

I have built a Google Action using Dialogflow and having trouble releasing an updated version to Alpha today.
The updated action works OK in Draft and I submitted it for Alpha deployment. The Actions console is showing the release as "Deployed". However, when I try to access the Alpha version I get an "isn't responding right now" response (from the simulator, Home device and Assistant smartphone app). The backend fulfilment service which is shared by Draft and Alpha is working OK.
I can see the following in the Debug console on the simulator:
"response": "MyAction Test isn't responding right now. Try again soon.",
"expectUserResponse": false,
"conversationToken": "EucBS2o5Uk...",
"audioResponse": "//NExAAP+H...",
"ssmlMarkList": [],
"debugInfo": {
"assistantToAgentDebug": {
"curlCommand": "curl -v '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' -H 'Google-Actions-API-Version: 2' -H 'Authorization: XXXXX' -A Google-ActionsOnGoogle/1.0 -X POST -d '{\"user\":{\"accessToken\":\"eyXXXXX\",\"locale\":\"en-US\",\"lastSeen\":\"2019-09-12T09:58:03Z\",\"userStorage\":\"{\\\"data\\\":{\\\"welcomes\\\":53,\\\"intentCounts\\\":{\\\"BALANCE\\\":2}}}\",\"userVerificationStatus\":\"VERIFIED\"},\"conversation\":{\"conversationId\":\"ABXXXXXX\",\"type\":\"NEW\"},\"inputs\":[{\"intent\":\"actions.intent.MAIN\",\"rawInputs\":[{\"inputType\":\"KEYBOARD\",\"query\":\"Talk to MyAction Test\"}]}],\"surface\":{\"capabilities\":[{\"name\":\"actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT\"},{\"name\":\"actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT\"},{\"name\":\"actions.capability.ACCOUNT_LINKING\"},{\"name\":\"actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER\"},{\"name\":\"actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO\"}]},\"availableSurfaces\":[{\"capabilities\":[{\"name\":\"actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER\"},{\"name\":\"actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT\"},{\"name\":\"actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT\"}]}]}'",
"assistantToAgentJson": "{\"user\":{\"accessToken\":\"eyXXXXX\",\"locale\":\"en-US\",\"lastSeen\":\"2019-09-12T09:58:03Z\",\"userStorage\":\"{\\\"data\\\":{\\\"welcomes\\\":53,\\\"intentCounts\\\":{\\\"BALANCE\\\":2}}}\",\"userVerificationStatus\":\"VERIFIED\"},\"conversation\":{\"conversationId\":\"ABXXXXX\",\"type\":\"NEW\"},\"inputs\":[{\"intent\":\"actions.intent.MAIN\",\"rawInputs\":[{\"inputType\":\"KEYBOARD\",\"query\":\"Talk to MyAction Test\"}]}],\"surface\":{\"capabilities\":[{\"name\":\"actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT\"},{\"name\":\"actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT\"},{\"name\":\"actions.capability.ACCOUNT_LINKING\"},{\"name\":\"actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER\"},{\"name\":\"actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO\"}]},\"availableSurfaces\":[{\"capabilities\":[{\"name\":\"actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER\"},{\"name\":\"actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT\"},{\"name\":\"actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT\"}]}]}",
"delegatedRequest": {
"delegatedRequest": ""
"agentToAssistantDebug": {
"agentToAssistantJson": "<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=en><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=viewport content=\"initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width\"><title>Error 400 (Not Found)!!1</title><style nonce=\"2YtDuE0THEDAcE3p1uuIgA\">*{margin:0;padding:0}html,code{font:15px/22px arial,sans-serif}html{background:#fff;color:#222;padding:15px}body{color:#222;text-align:unset;margin:7% auto 0;max-width:390px;min-height:180px;padding:30px 0 15px;}* > body{background:url(// 100% 5px no-repeat;padding-right:205px}p{margin:11px 0 22px;overflow:hidden}pre{white-space:pre-wrap;}ins{color:#777;text-decoration:none}a img{border:0}#media screen and (max-width:772px){body{background:none;margin-top:0;max-width:none;padding-right:0}}#logo{background:url(// no-repeat;margin-left:-5px}#media only screen and (min-resolution:192dpi){#logo{background:url(// no-repeat 0% 0%/100% 100%;-moz-border-image:url(// 0}}#media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2){#logo{background:url(// no-repeat;-webkit-background-size:100% 100%}}#logo{display:inline-block;height:54px;width:150px}</style><div id=\"af-error-container\"><a href=//><span id=logo aria-label=Google></span></a><p><b>400.</b> <ins>That’s an error.</ins><p>The requested URL was not found on this server. <ins>That’s all we know.</ins></div>",
"delegatedResponse": {
"delegatedResponse": ""
"sharedDebugInfoList": [],
"conversationBuilderExecutionEventsList": []
"visualResponse": {
"visualElementsList": [
"displayText": {
"content": "MyAction Test isn't responding right now. Try again soon."
"suggestionsList": [],
"agentLogoUrl": ""
"clientError": 0,
"is3pResponse": true,
"clientOperationList": [
"operationType": 4,
"startIndicatorPayLoad": {
"status": 1
"operationType": 7,
"exitIndicatorPayLoad": {
"status": 1
"projectName": "",
"renderedHtml": ""
And the Stackdriver log is showing:
2019-09-12 11:56:49.381 BST App returned an HTTP error. State: URL_ERROR
insertId: "1iedwiug2dbgn68"
labels: {
channel: "preview"
querystream: "GOOGLE_USER"
logName: "projects/myaction-test/logs/"
receiveTimestamp: "2019-09-12T10:56:49.389233862Z"
resource: {
labels: {…}
type: "assistant_action"
severity: "ERROR"
textPayload: "App returned an HTTP error. State: URL_ERROR"
timestamp: "2019-09-12T10:56:49.381445860Z"
trace: "projects/XXXXX/traces/ABXXXXX"
Looking at Dialogflow, the Environments / versions view shows the status of the release as "Deploying", so there seems to be a mismatch between the Action and Dialogflow deployments..?
I have tried re-releasing to Alpha (original attempt was nearly 4 hours ago), but the same problem/ errors still exist. Both attempted releases are showing as "Deploying" in Dialogflow.
Has anyone seen this before? Any idea what the problem may be or how to resolve it?
No solution yet but I have opened a support request with logs that have the same error.
Haven't received a support response yet but did find a workaround.
Inside of the Dialogflow agent settings > Environments and under draft I was able to view all versions. The latest version that I was looking for did say "Ready". When I clicked on the three dots to the right I loaded it to draft. Then in the Actions on Google console I went to Deploy, then the alpha section and clicked "Submit for alpha". Almost immediately after deploying and seeing "Deployed", the skill was available again for the alpha users.
Definitely don't remember doing this previously.
Finally got a response from Google who said there was an "issue" that day. Seems to be working OK now
