Azure B2C injects different html despite LoadUri having the same html content - azure-ad-b2c

I am using custom policies and all is working great except that I do not understand the following wierd behavior of the injected html. I am working on a password reset flow and adapted the starterpack.
In a ContentDefinition and indpendent from the layout version (here 2.1.2, but the problem occurs also for 2.1.0)
I get a different injected html based only on whether I use the default page
or my custom one,
But this custom page contains excatly the same html as the AzureBlue one. Specifically,
I navigated to the page /tenant/templates/AzureBlue/selfAsserted.cshtml , copied the html content and pasted it in my custom file in blobstorage.
Expected result
I expect the html page where the id="api" div is injected to be exactly the same if I call the LoadUri one or two. Nothing else in the custom policy files is changed.
If I use the default LoadUri, the cancel button is shown just below the div id="api", as expected for a proper html document format
If I use my custom page, which again contains the same html but lives in blobstorage, the cancel button appears below the continue button in the html (but is rendered on top via css absolute positioning)
Also notice the appeareance of an empty div with class="buttons" at the beginning of the div id="api".
I need to understand what is happening for the purpose of understanding and ideally I would like the generated cancel button to appear just like the default AzureBlue.
I checked out that the old, classic userflow puts the button at the bottom, so it is as if I am using version 1.2.0 but only for my custom page, whereas my content definition is always 2.1.2 or 2.1.1.

Thanks Octopus and please find the same response here.
This is expected because of policy engine and location of storage with predefined CORS server and corresponding linked metadata files for rendering. So please use as best practices provided in the document -


Can I render all zones to an HTML string in a controller method

I'm trying to render the HTML for a content item to a string from within a controller action. Technically I just want to get the "body" part of it without any header/footer stuff. I want to do this so I can get a content item rendering the way I want once, and then display it as a normal orchard page OR by requesting the HTML for the content item via ajax to display it in a div in a JavaScript app. I don't want to have to manually render everything in the JavaScript as that would be duplicating the layout logic I already did. I want to re-use the bulk of the server side rendering so any changes are reflected in my normal orchard page and my JavaScript page. I've been digging into the code and searching everywhere and have gotten close but not all the way there.
I found these:
How to render shape to string?
Using FindView in Orchard
In my controller I have:
var shape = _contentManager.BuildDisplay(contentItem);
Using either of the two methods above, I can render that shape to an HTML string in my controller. All was golden. I was getting the body of that page and using it in JS. Then, I changed a placement file:
<Place Parts_Common_Body="Content:1" />
was changed to:
<Place Parts_Common_Body="/AsideFirst:1" />
The body moved where I wanted it (AsideFirst) in my normal Orchard page but disappeared from the HTML retrieved using the two methods above.
If I look at shape.Content.Items after the BuildDisplay call, I can see the item for the body is no longer there... why is it not rendering all the zones? Or, I guess a more specific question is why is the BuildDisplay method not building the complete shape? Is there a way I can make this work?
I tried a million different things and eventually got this working. Not sure I totally get it yet, but I think the problem had to do with the fact that I was using shape.Content and I'd moved stuff out of the Content zone. And maybe when I was looking at what the BuildDisplay method was returning I was just not looking at some newly created zone that actually did had the stuff I thought was missing. Clearly I need to learn more about zones and shapes... Anyway, I have a new zone called "MainInfo" now that I created in a placement file. I get a MainInfo property on the main shape returned form BuildDisplay and pass shape.MainInfo to the view rendering code and all seems to be working well now.

Orchard - access a content type through different URLs so they use different views

I'm trying to create a CSS documentation library in Orchard. I want to save a description, CSS snippet and HTML snippet against each content type. The first view would show the description and CSS and HTML code written out. The second view would show a preview of what the CSS and HTML look like rendered.
I've created the content type and the first view. But I'm not sure how to create the second view. I can see if I can create the alternative URL I can use the Url Alternates module to create an overriding .cshtml
To create an alternative URL I've looked at the autoroute module but this only allows you to adapt a single URL (unless I'm missing something?) and I've looked at Alias UI but this forces me to manually create an alternative URL everytime I create a content item.
Is this possible in Orchard without writting too much C#? (I'm a frontend developer so I only dabble in the behind the scenes stuff)
Thanks for any help
Best solution is to do this within your own module. But as a secondary option instead of having a second page, combine this content with your first page and hide it with CSS. When the user clicks a button to navigate to the next step render the CSS/HTML result on the same page. You can do this in many ways, here are a few ideas:
Render the CSS/HTML result out straight away on the same page but hide it. Show it when the user clicks a button
using jQuery to render the result on the client side. More dynamic if you allow editing of the HTML and CSS.
Redirecting the user to the same page with specific url parameters which you can pick up in your alternate to modify the output.

CSS issues with Web Forms for Marketers in Sitecore

I have successfully loaded WFFM on my local Instance of Sitecore. I have successfully created a Form, I have tested it and everything works perfectly.
I have also successfully been able to render the form using an .ascx web control and placing it in my "main" placeholder. Very happy so far, with one exception.
when I enter the URL of the page where the form is being rendered, my top Navigaton, Left Navigation, Right Navigation, and footer is all a different font then the rest of
my site. I have been able to play with the font sizes of the form, but that does not have any impact on the other placeholders.
I don't know what to do to correct this issue. Any help would be appreciated.
Also the navbar-collapse didn't close in ipad in all page that has form.
It might be that the Webform stylesheet is overriding some of your styles. You can view the webform stylesheet under: \sitecore modules\Shell\Web Forms for Marketers\Themes\
By default the default.css stylesheet is used. To start out you can try to remove any font stylings in that stylesheet, to see if that will give better results.
To fix it you might want to add identifiers to the default.css ensuring that it only points to styles inside your allowed placeholder.

Mobile Safari fails to scroll to named anchor

I have a big SVG document here, containing a map of all the quests in a certain online game. Each quest node is inside a SVG <a> element, linking to a distinct named anchor in a big HTML document that loads in another tab, containing further details about that particular quest. This works exactly as desired in desktop Safari, and I'd expect it to work just as well in any browser that supports SVG at all since I'm using only the most basic form of linking, but it fails badly on Mobile Safari (iOS 6) - which is my single most important browser target, considering that the game in question is for the iPad. It only scrolls to the correct anchor on the initial load of the HTML page; clicking a different quest in the SVG tab will cause a switch to the HTML tab, and the hash (fragment ID) in the address bar changes, but the page doesn't auto-scroll.
This appears to be a known limitation in Mobile Safari - hash-only changes in the URL apparently used to force a page reload, and that got over-fixed such that nothing gets triggered at all now. The fixes I've found online all seem to be applicable only in cases where the URL change is being generated programatically, from within the same document, rather than static links from a different document.
Further details:
I've tried doing the named anchors in both the old <a name="..."> form, and the newer <h1 id="..."> form. No difference.
I've tried adding an onhashchange handler, to force the scrolling to take place, but the handler isn't being called at all (verified by putting an alert() in it).
I could presumably fix the problem by having each quest's details in a separate HTML file, but that would severely affect usability - with all the details in a single file, you can use your browser's Find feature to search through them all at once. (Also, deploying 1006 files to my web hosting after each update would be a bit of a pain...)
Anybody have an idea for a work-around?

Contents of h:head are not getting updated while using template in JSF (ICEFACES)

Adding javascript file for a given page (which uses templates).
After successful login, user is navigated to a page, where he can perform different actions.
I have used common template in all the pages (apart from login page).
The template contains head tag, code for including header, footer and body (in which dynamic content will be included).
I observed that contents of head tag of the template are not getting updated (i.e. title tag, script tag).
The contents of head tag remains same as that of login page and also the URL of my browser.
Can you please let me know the possible cause for above.
It is probably related to the fact partial updates require id of a tag to be updated and html head element does not support id. There is no address in the html to apply update to. Icefaces are using partial updates heavily. You can try to enforce full update upon interaction which triggers changes to head element.
