How do I verify a key pair matches? (node-forge) - node.js

I need to make sure a client generated RSA key pair matches before signing it. I can't seem to find any documentation (npm:node-forge) on how to do so. I'm guessing I could sign something with it, and then verify the signature, but that's not efficient. I currently have this:
const Forge = require("node-forge");
try {
publicKey = Forge.pki.publicKeyFromPem(publicKey);
privateKey = Forge.pki.privateKeyFromPem(privateKey);
} catch(err) {
// ...
// ...
Any ideas are appreciated.

I've found my answer: I don't need to be sent the public key in the first place. You can build the public key from the private key like this:
// const privateKey = ...;
const publicKey = Forge.pki.setRsaPublicKey(privateKey.n, privateKey.e);
More information on this solution can be found here: Extract public key from private key pem using only nodejs/javascript.


Imported a public RSA key into nodejs

I am trying to transfer a public RSA key generated in swift into my Nodejs server. I generated the RSA key using the following code.
private var clientPriv: SecKey?
private var clientPub: SecKey?
private init(){
let params: [String: Any] = [
String(kSecAttrKeyType): kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
String(kSecAttrKeySizeInBits): 4096
SecKeyGeneratePair(params as CFDictionary, &clientPub, &clientPriv)
I send the key to my server using this code
guard let clientPub = clientPub else { return }
let key = SecKeyCopyExternalRepresentation(clientPub, nil)! as Data
let pem = exportToPEM(data: key, withLabel: "PUBLIC KEY")
let data = ["clientPub": pem]
var urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)
do {
try urlRequest.httpBody = data)
urlRequest.httpMethod = "POST"
urlRequest.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
}catch let err {
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: urlRequest){ data, response, error in
guard let data = data, error == nil else {
The exportToPem helper looks like this.
public func exportToPEM(data: Data, withLabel label: String) -> String {
let key = data.base64EncodedString(options: [.lineLength64Characters])
var pem = "-----BEGIN \(label)-----\n"
pem += key
pem += "\n-----END \(label)-----\n"
return pem
On my Nodejs side, I am using express to handle my requests and body-parser to parse my json post data in requests. Here is what my Nodejs receiving code looks like.'/api/init', jsonParser, function (req, res) {
CLIENTPUB = crypto.createPublicKey({ key: req.body.clientPub, format: 'pem', type: 'pkcs1' });
res.write(JSON.stringify({'server-pub': SERVERPUB.toString()}));
The problem is that the function crypto.createPublicKey keeps throwing an error, error:0D0680A8:asn1 encoding routines:asn1_check_tlen:wrong tag. I have tried many different ways to write the string of my key but no matter what it seems that the crypto createPublicKey just refuses to take it. I have tried keeping the format with \n every 64 bytes or without \n at all, removing the header/footer altogether, and many other different combinations. I can not figure out why it keeps refusing to accept any format I send it. I have also tried using just the der format but that also gets refused.
Can anyone please offer me any advice on how to get this function to accept my key format?
SecKeyCopyExternalRepresentation() exports the public key in PKCS#1 format, which is correctly specified on the NodeJS side in the createPublicKey() call with 'pkcs1' for the type parameter.
However, the header and footer texts of a PEM encoded key for PKCS#1 format are BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY and END RSA PUBLIC KEY, so when calling exportToPEM(), "RSA PUBLIC KEY" must be passed in the second parameter instead of "PUBLIC KEY":
let pem = exportToPEM(data: key, withLabel: "RSA PUBLIC KEY")
BEGIN PUBLIC KEY and END PUBLIC KEY are used for a PEM encoded public key in X.509/SPKI format. This is what the error message wrong tag means.

Azure "JsonWebTokenError: invalid algorithm"

Azure Static Web App (SWA) with integrated API. One of the step at backend API is to validate the Bearer Token with public key submitted in request headers:
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken"); // v 8.5.1
async function getMSPublicKey(misc) // misc contains kid and tenantId, confirmed in F12 request header
var vurl = "" + misc.tenantId + "/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration";
const x1 = await fetch(vurl);
const x2 = await x1.json();
const x3 = await fetch(x2.jwks_uri);
const k = await x3.json();
return pkey = k.keys.find( k => k.kid === misc.kid).x5c[0]; // public key in the entry matching kid
var vmisc = JSON.parse(ac.req.headers["misc"]);
var publickey = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" + await getMSPublicKey(vmisc) + "\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
// next line is reported in AppTraces, Message = JsonWebTokenError: invalid algorithm
var payload = jwt.verify(theToken, publickey, { algorithms: ['RS256'] });
// theToken is validated ok at
It only occurs when deployed to Azure cloud, local Azure Static Web Apps emulator is all ok.
Update, Guess this is something about Azure cloud, particularly security. similar result on another package Jose, error only on Azure cloud.
Update: found culprit My original code was sending the token in under Authorization name. Azure log shows its read-in length is always 372 vs. 1239 tested in local emulator. After renaming it to something else like mytoken, all good! This is undocumented, reminder to everyone: avoid sensitive/reserved words.
This ought to be painless and work the same with less code on your end, it handles rotation, re-fetching of the public keys, as well as implements a complete applicable JWK selection algorithm for all known JWS algorithms. Also does not depend on a brittle x5c[0] JWK parameter.
const jose = require('jose')
const JWKS = jose.createRemoteJWKSet(new URL(`${misc.tenantId}/discovery/v2.0/keys`))
// JWKS you keep around for subsequent verifications.
const { payload, protectedHeader } = await jose.jwtVerify(jwt, JWKS)
Please check if the below steps help to work around:
Replace the CERTIFICATE keyword with PUBLIC KEY if you're using the public key or PRIVATE KEY if you're using the Private Key or RSA PRIVATE KEY if you are using RSA Private Key.
Also, the problem again occurs in the way we format the Public Key which requires begin and end lines, and line breaks at every 64 characters.
Refer here for more information.

Nodejs construct the public key using public key string

I have a public key string as follows
let pk_str = "public key strig here" and I am using the library jose to verify a JWS
(async() => {
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const jws = vc_proof_value;
const { payload, protectedHeader } = await compactVerify(jws, pk_str);
I am getting the following error when trying to run the script
(node:75986) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Key must be one of type KeyObject, CryptoKey, or Uint8Array. Received type string
Is there a way to construct the key ?
In NodeJS (I refer to NodeJS, since you have tagged this), the public key is passed as KeyObject wich is created with crypto.createPublicKey(). You didn't say much about the key, presumably it's PEM encoded (since it's a string). In this case, you simply have to pass the PEM encoded key:
var key = crypto.createPublicKey(pk_str);
If in the compactVerify() call pk_str is replaced by key, verification works.
In addition to PEM keys (default), JWK and DER keys (X.509/SPKI or PKCS#1) are also supported.
Here is the documentation for the key argument of all applicable functions.

Create RSA-SHA256 sign with PEM key

I've been creating a gateway for a legacy service, this legacy service needs a signature as a body parameter of a PUT request, in order to create this sign I need to follow the following steps:
Create a hash with certain text as data, this hash needs to be SHA256.
Encrypt the result of the hash using RSA with a PEM key
Encode the result of the RSA to Base64
Following the previous steps I create the following code
export class Signature {
// class body
public static sign(text: string){
const key = readFileSync('key.pem')
const passphrase = '12345678'
const createdSign = createSign('RSA-SHA256')
return createdSign.sign({ key, passphrase }).toString('base64')
But I'm not sure if this the correct implementation, taking into consideration the previous steps, and the existence of the hash API in NodeJS.
If someone could tell me if I'm correctly implementing this algorithm.

How to generate a PEM-formatted Key from a 64Byte raw hex-formatted Key

I have the following problem:
After recreating the public key from a signed transaction, I try to encrypt some payload with it.
However the node.js-module named "crypto" is expecting a pem-formatted key in the publicEncrypt(key, payload) function.
My Question:
How can I create the pem-formatted key from a raw hex-encoded key?
Here is the recreated 64 Byte public key:
I know, that a pem-format-key consists of base64 encoded data, a header and a footer.
I have also found out that within the base64 encoded data the following DER-structure is present:
RSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE {
modulus INTEGER, -- n
publicExponent INTEGER -- e
So the only question is how to get from the raw hex-encoded key to this DER-structure.
I would appreciate any help!
Problem solved
Thanks to Maarten Bodewes and his comment regarding the key being secp256k1 and not RSA.
After some further research, I finally managed to encrypt/decrypt a message asymmetrically with secp256k1 keys.
With the help of Cryptos ECDH class I managed to create a key-object and then assign the private key to it. When assigned, you can easily derive the public key with getPublicKey(). All participants would create a key object for themselves and assign their private keys to it. Then they share their retrieved public keys (in my case over a shared medium). In addition I used a npm-package named standard-ecies which provides the ECIES encryption-scheme.
const crypto = require('crypto');
const ecies = require('standard-ecies');
var buffer = new Buffer("Hello World");
var ecdh = crypto.createECDH('secp256k1');
var encryptedText = ecies.encrypt(ecdh.getPublicKey(), buffer);
var decryptedText = new Buffer(ecies.decrypt(ecdh, encryptedText));
I should have noticed this, because crypto's encryption function (link to the api-doc) clearly works only with RSA keys and not with secp256k1 keys.
Anyway if someone has a similar issue, I hope this answer helps!
