This question already has answers here:
How to slice a large Vec<i32> as &[u8]?
(2 answers)
What is the correct way to write `Vec<u16>` content to a file?
(2 answers)
How to convert vector of integers to and from bytes? [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am looking to build an array that will be copied into RAM and sent to an LCD driver. I would like to be able to pass in a color value (color: u16) and use it to populate the array. Note that I am using #![no_std] as this is intended for an embedded application.
The obvious simple approach would be as follows:
let mut block: [u8;256] = [0; 256];
for i in (0..block.len()).step_by(2) {
block[i] = ((color && 0xFF00) >> 8) as u8;
block[i+1] = (color && 0xFF) as u8;
As more of my personal experience comes from C, I wondered if there were any better solutions using type casting and conversion. For example, using Rust to initialize a u16 array and cast as a u8 array:
let block_u16: [u16; 128] = [color; 128]
let block_u8 = block_u16 as [u8; 256];
For reference, the target function prototype is:
spi::setup_block(block: &[u8]);
You could go the unsafe route via transmute, but I would not recommend it. I would not vouch for a C-style version to do the same on a little and big-endian machine.
Personally I would take the chunk iterator over the slice.
let color_bytes = color.to_le_bytes();
for word in block.chunks_exact_mut(2) {
word[0] = color_bytes[0];
word[1] = color_bytes[1];
You could use something like your second approach (casting the u16 array to a u8 pointer).
let color: u16 = 0x0102;
let mut block: [ u16; 128 ] = [ color; 128 ];
let mut block = unsafe {
core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut( block.as_mut_ptr( ) as *mut u8, block.len( ) * 2 )
Beware of endianness with this solution, it might not do what you want on your target architecture.
for chunk in block.chunks_exact_mut(2) {
This question already has answers here:
Converting a char to &str
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I can't believe I'm asking this frankly, but how do I create a &str (or a String) when I have a single character?
The first thing to try for simple conversions is into().
It works for String because String implements From<char>.
let c: char = 'π';
let s: String = c.into();
You can't build a &str directly from a char. A &str is a reference type. The easiest solution is to build it from a string:
let s: &str = &s;
An alternative for most kinds of values is the format macro:
let s = format!("{}", c);
If just need to use the &str locally and you want to avoid heap allocation, you can use char method encode_utf8:
fn main() {
let c = 'n';
let mut tmp = [0; 1];
let foo = c.encode_utf8(&mut tmp);
println!("str: {}", foo);
fn main() {
let tmp = [b'n'; 1];
let foo = std::str::from_utf8(&tmp).unwrap();
println!("str: {}", foo);
To work with every char you need to use a u8 array of length 4 [0; 4]. In utf8, ascii chars can be represented as a single byte, but all other characters require more bytes with maximum of 4.
This is a simplified example based on an answer from a very similar question:
Converting a char to &str
I have no problem to do it for u16 to u8 using bit shifts and cast but how could I do it with an array of u16? Even ideally I would prefer to convert directly from vec to [u8]. What would be the most elegant way to do it?
&my_vector[..] // my vector converted to [u16] but I need [u8]
Was able to make it work thanks to #Aplet123 insight:
From Vector to bytes array
From Vec to [u8]
let mut my_u16_vec : Vec<u16> = Vec::new();
let my_u8_array = my_u16_vec.align_to::<u8>().1;
From bytes array back to Vector
From [u8] to Vec
let n = my_u16_vec.len() * 2;
let my_u16_vec_bis:Vec<u16> = (my_u8_array[..n].align_to::<u16>().1).to_vec();
Getting the bytes right
And then reverse bytes as values are written reversely in memory due to endianness:
for e in my_u16_vec_bis:Vec.iter() {
let value = e >> 8 | (e & 0xff) << 8;
This question already has answers here:
How do I convert a Vec<T> to a Vec<U> without copying the vector?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Is there a better way to cast Vec<i8> to Vec<u8> in Rust except for these two?
creating a copy by mapping and casting every entry
using std::transmute
The (1) is slow, the (2) is "transmute should be the absolute last resort" according to the docs.
A bit of background maybe: I'm getting a Vec<i8> from the unsafe gl::GetShaderInfoLog() call and want to create a string from this vector of chars by using String::from_utf8().
The other answers provide excellent solutions for the underlying problem of creating a string from Vec<i8>. To answer the question as posed, creating a Vec<u8> from data in a Vec<i8> can be done without copying or transmuting the vector. As pointed out by #trentcl, transmuting the vector directly constitutes undefined behavior because Vec is allowed to have different layout for different types.
The correct (though still requiring the use of unsafe) way to transfer a vector's data without copying it is:
obtain the *mut i8 pointer to the data in the vector, along with its length and capacity
leak the original vector to prevent it from freeing the data
use Vec::from_raw_parts to build a new vector, giving it the pointer cast to *mut u8 - this is the unsafe part, because we are vouching that the pointer contains valid and initialized data, and that it is not in use by other objects, and so on.
This is not UB because the new Vec is given the pointer of the correct type from the start. Code (playground):
fn vec_i8_into_u8(v: Vec<i8>) -> Vec<u8> {
// ideally we'd use Vec::into_raw_parts, but it's unstable,
// so we have to do it manually:
// first, make sure v's destructor doesn't free the data
// it thinks it owns when it goes out of scope
let mut v = std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(v);
// then, pick apart the existing Vec
let p = v.as_mut_ptr();
let len = v.len();
let cap = v.capacity();
// finally, adopt the data into a new Vec
unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(p as *mut u8, len, cap) }
fn main() {
let v = vec![-1i8, 2, 3];
assert!(vec_i8_into_u8(v) == vec![255u8, 2, 3]);
transmute on a Vec is always, 100% wrong, causing undefined behavior, because the layout of Vec is not specified. However, as the page you linked also mentions, you can use raw pointers and Vec::from_raw_parts to perform this correctly. user4815162342's answer shows how.
(std::mem::transmute is the only item in the Rust standard library whose documentation consists mostly of suggestions for how not to use it. Take that how you will.)
However, in this case, from_raw_parts is also unnecessary. The best way to deal with C strings in Rust is with the wrappers in std::ffi, CStr and CString. There may be better ways to work this in to your real code, but here's one way you could use CStr to borrow a Vec<c_char> as a &str:
const BUF_SIZE: usize = 1000;
let mut info_log: Vec<c_char> = vec![0; BUF_SIZE];
let mut len: usize;
unsafe {
gl::GetShaderInfoLog(shader, BUF_SIZE, &mut len, info_log.as_mut_ptr());
let log = Cstr::from_bytes_with_nul(info_log[..len + 1])
.expect("Slice must be nul terminated and contain no nul bytes")
.expect("Slice must be valid UTF-8 text");
Notice there is no unsafe code except to call the FFI function; you could also use with_capacity + set_len (as in wasmup's answer) to skip initializing the Vec to 1000 zeros, and use from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked to skip checking the validity of the returned string.
See this:
fn get_compilation_log(&self) -> String {
let mut len = 0;
unsafe { gl::GetShaderiv(, gl::INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &mut len) };
assert!(len > 0);
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(len as usize);
let buf_ptr = buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut gl::types::GLchar;
unsafe {
gl::GetShaderInfoLog(, len, std::ptr::null_mut(), buf_ptr);
buf.set_len(len as usize);
match String::from_utf8(buf) {
Ok(log) => log,
Err(vec) => panic!("Could not convert compilation log from buffer: {}", vec),
See ffi:
let s = CStr::from_ptr(strz_ptr).to_str().unwrap();
I am using the Human Interface Device protocol to get data from an external device. The library I'm using returns an array of bytes ([u8; 64]) which I want to extract an i7 (which will be i8 in Rust) from one byte.
The byte I want to manipulate has two different pieces of information in it:
1 bit for something
the 7 other bits (which I have to decode as a signed integer) for another thing.
Do you know what can I do to achieve this?
Using the crate bitreader I have been able to properly decode the signed integer of 7 bits.
let mut bit_reader = BitReader::new(buffer);
let first_useless_bit: u8 = bit_reader.read_u8(1).unwrap();
let extracted_value: i8 = bit_reader.read_i8(7).unwrap();
Your question is pretty unclear, but I think you are just asking about normal bit manipulation. Mask the 7 bits (assuming the lower 7 bits, although you did not say) and convert the remaining bits to a signed number:
fn main() {
let byte = 0xFFu8;
let byte2 = (byte & 0b0111_1111) as i8;
println!("{}", byte2);
If you want to turn an array of u8 into a vector of i8 while ignoring the most significant bit, you can do it in the following manner:
fn main() {
let array_unsigned = [1u8, 2, 3]; // this will work for 64 values too
let vec_signed: Vec<i8> = array_unsigned.into_iter()
.map(|&e| if e <= 127 { e as i8 } else { (e - 128) as i8 }).collect();
println!("{:?}", vec_signed);
This way consumes the input array. It could probably be done in a nicer way with some bit-fiddling.
This question already has answers here:
How to convert Vec<char> to a string
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I've got a Vec<char> that I need to turn into a &str or String, but I'm unsure of the best way to do this. I've looked around and every resource I've found seems to be out-dated in some way. The answers in this question don't seem to be applicable for the newest build.
I'm using the nightly for 2015-3-19
The iterator based approach with .collect should work, after updating for language changes:
(I've chosen to replace .map(|c| *c) with .cloned() but either works.)
If your vector can be consumed, you can also use into_iter to avoid the clone
fn main() {
let char_vector = vec!['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'];
let str: String = char_vector.into_iter().collect();
println!("{}", str);
You can convert the Vec into a String without doing any allocations. It requires quite some unsafe code though:
#![feature(raw, unicode)]
use std::raw::Repr;
use std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut;
fn inplace_to_string(v: Vec<char>) -> String {
unsafe {
let mut i = 0;
let ch_v = &v[..];
let r = ch_v.repr();
let p: &mut [u8] = from_raw_parts_mut( as *mut u8, r.len*4);
for ch in ch_v {
i += ch.encode_utf8(&mut p[i..i+4]).unwrap();
let p = v.as_ptr();
let cap = v.capacity()*4;
let v = Vec::from_raw_parts(p as *mut u8, i, cap);
fn main() {
let char_vector = vec!['h', 'ä', 'l', 'l', 'ö'];
let str: String = char_vector.iter().cloned().collect();
let str2 = inplace_to_string(char_vector);
println!("{}", str);
println!("{}", str2);
Detailed Explanation
This creates a mutable u8 slice and a char slice simultaneously to the same buffer (breaking all Rust guarantees). Note that the u8 slice is four times as large as the char slice, since char always takes up 4 bytes.
let ch_v = &v[..];
let r = ch_v.repr();
let v: &mut [u8] = from_raw_parts_mut( as *mut u8, r.len*4);
We need that to iterate over the unicode chars and replace them by their utf8 encoded counterpart. Since utf8 is always shorter or the same length as unicode, we can guarantee that we never overwrite any part we haven't read yet.
for ch in ch_v {
i += ch.encode_utf8(&mut v[i..i+4]).unwrap();
Since a char is always unicode and our buffer is always exactly 4 bytes (which is the maximum number of bytes a utf8 encoded unicode char will need), we can encode our chars to utf8 without checking if it worked (it will always work). The encode_utf8 function returns the length of the utf8 representation. Our index i is the location of the last written utf8 char.
Finally we need to do some cleaning up. Our vector is still of type Vec<char>. We get all the info we need (Pointer to the heap allocated array and the capacity)
let p = v.as_ptr();
let cap = v.capacity()*4;
Then we release the previous vector from all obligations like freeing memory.
and finally recreate the u8 vector with correct length and capacity, and directly turn it into a String. The conversion to String does not need to be checked, as we already know the utf8 is correct, since the original Vec<char> could only contain correct unicode chars.
let v = Vec::from_raw_parts(p as *mut u8, i, cap);