Add character on twig with replace - twig

I want to add character like ** with replace in twig.
{% if faq.customer_username|length > 2 %}
<span class="card-user colorBlack fz12">
{{faq.customer_username|replace({(faq.customer_username|last):'**'}) }}
{% else %}
<span class="card-user colorBlack fz12">
{{ faq.customer_username|replace({(faq.customer_username): faq.customer_username + '**'}) }}
{% endif %}
But it's not work please help me thank so much


How to hide an element only in homepage?

Trying to do "if homepage hide " a button.
Current code is here...
<div class="mobile-bar sticky-bar">
{% if j3.settings.get('mobileCustomMenuStatus1') %}
<a class="mobile-custom-menu mobile-custom-menu-1" href="{{ j3.settings.get('mobileCustomMenuLink1.href') }}" {{ j3.linkAttrs(j3.settings.get('mobileCustomMenuLink1.attrs')) }} style="margin-left:10px; margin-right:-30px">
{{ j3.countBadge(j3.settings.get(''), j3.cache.update(j3.settings.get('')), j3.settings.get('mobileCustomMenuLink1.classes')) }}
{% endif %}
{% if j3.settings.get('mobileCustomMenuStatus2') %}
<a class="mobile-custom-menu mobile-custom-menu-2" href="{{ j3.settings.get('mobileCustomMenuLink2.href') }}" {{ j3.linkAttrs(j3.settings.get('mobileCustomMenuLink2.attrs')) }}>
{{ j3.countBadge(j3.settings.get(''), j3.cache.update(j3.settings.get('')), j3.settings.get('mobileCustomMenuLink2.classes')) }}
{% endif %}
You can store the current page within a $data variable in your menu controller just like this:
$data['current_url'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
Within your twig file you can check it's value against whatever you want. This can be achived using a small vqmod or ocextension.

Conditionnal display with twig

I'm using Twig in Views to rewrite output with condition.
{{ field_illus_lycee }}
{% if field_titre_pour_views is defined %}
{% if field_titre_pour_views is not empty %}
{{ field_titre_pour_views }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ title }}
{% endif %}
<span class="accroche-admin">{{ body }}</span>
I want to display field_titre_pour_views only if it exists and isn't empty, otherwise the regular title should be displayed. But at this point the regular title isn't displayed.Inspired by this
I don't understand which mistake I've made.
EDIT: correct code
{{ field_illus_lycee }}
{% if field_titre_pour_views is defined %}
{% if field_titre_pour_views is not empty %}
{{ field_titre_pour_views }}
{% else %}
{{ title }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ title }}
{% endif %}
<span class="accroche-admin">{{ body }}</span>
Sometimes, to ask is to find...this code do the trick:
{% if field_titre_pour_views |default %}
{{ field_titre_pour_views }}
{% else %}
{{ title }}
{% endif %}
Auto fixed :)
Hope it would help someone else.

How to reduce duplication in Twig template

I have an if/else condition in a twig template which switches the out tag of a block of code, however the inner block is the same. Is there a way to reduce the duplication without creating a separate file?
This is what I have at the moment:
{% if condition %}
<a href="">
{{ content }}
{% else %}
{{ content }}
{% endif %}
I was hoping to do something such as:
{% if condition %}
<a href="">
{% include mycontent %}
{% else %}
{% include mycontent %}
{% endif %}
{% mycontent %}
{{ content }}
{% endmycontent %}
Is such a thing possible?
If you don't want to use extra files you could use macro's :
{% import _self as macro %}
{% macro foo(content) %}
{{ content }}
{% endmacro %}
{% for condition in [0, 1, 0, 1, ] %}
{% if condition %}
{{'Bar') }}
{% else %}
<span>{{'Bar') }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
What you want to do has to be done using the normal syntax. an extra file. and include this file.
But if u want to do this without extra file. use the {% set variablecontent = "put content here" %} and then in your "{% mycontent %}" part u put {{ variablecontent }}
hope this helps

Symfony / a2lix_translations / customize

can someone help me.
How can I modify default template to bootstrap version?
Because input's doesn't have a class "form-control".
Here is defaul:
{% block a2lix_translations_widget %}
{{ form_errors(form) }}
<div class="a2lix_translations tabbable">
<ul class="a2lix_translationsLocales nav nav-tabs">
{% for translationsFields in form %}
{% set locale = %}
<li {% if app.request.locale == locale %}class="active"{% endif %}>
<a href="#" data-toggle="tab" data-target=".{{ }}_a2lix_translationsFields-{{ locale }}">
{{ locale|capitalize }}
{% if form.vars.default_locale == locale %}[Default]{% endif %}
{% if translationsFields.vars.required %}*{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="a2lix_translationsFields tab-content">
{% for translationsFields in form %}
{% set locale = %}
<div class="{{ }}_a2lix_translationsFields-{{ locale }} tab-pane {% if app.request.locale == locale %}active{% endif %} {% if not form.vars.valid %}sonata-ba-field-error{% endif %}">
{{ form_errors(translationsFields) }}
{{ form_widget(translationsFields) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block a2lix_translationsForms_widget %}
{{ block('a2lix_translations_widget') }}
{% endblock %}
I have no idea what should I insert/delete/modify :(
I have done a custom form template for a2lix_translations with bootstrap(full code is too long and not optimal to paste here) But to get the classes I need like form-control into the widgets I have done the following:
{%for field in translationsFields%} {# further break the transliationsfields into individual inputs #}
{%if field.vars.attr is not empty and field.vars.attr['class'] is defined and field.vars.attr['class']=="tinymce"%}
{{form_widget(field ,{'attr':{'class':' tinymcertl'}} )}}
{{form_widget(field,{'attr':{'style':'direction:rtl','class':class~' form-control'}} )}}
The ugly code above is basically saying, if the widget already has a class, add the class form-group to it. If the widget does not have a class at all, set the class to be form-group. I have done that if statement to avoid null pointers since if I try to reference the form class and there isn't one, the code will crash. And if I just do set class to form-group, it will erase the previous classes.
I hope this helps. My full code might not be helpful to you because the languages I was working with involved left to right language and right to left languages, so a lot of conditions had to be implemented to orient my page in the right direction, which is messy and you might not need...
PS: this was done on symfony 2.7 or so. Did not test on symfony 3.
in my case sf 3.2 i just did this change in my config.yml and all forms are bootstraped :
# app/config/config.yml
- 'bootstrap_3_layout.html.twig'

Wrap content by an element that satisfies a condition in Twig

I often have similar boilerplate code in Twig:
{% if (somelongcond) %}
{% endif %}
<p>Some long content</p>
{% if (somelongcond) %}
{% endif %}
The problem with the above is if the condition is changed, it can be a maintenance nightmare, I also have to go look all the way down to find the matching if statement and see if the condition is the same.
An alternative is something like this:
{% if (somelongcond) %}
{% include 'content' %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'content' %}
But that requires creating a new file, which can become a mess if I need to do this many times.
Is there a better way to do the above.
There is a good example here:
{% set content %}
<p>Some long content</p>
{% endset %}
{% if somelongcond %}
{{ content }}
{% else %}
{{ content }}
{% endif %}
This is a bit shorter
{{ if somelongcond ? '<div>'|raw }}
<p>Some long content</p>
{{ if somelongcond ? '</div>'|raw }}
Then, if the same condition is repeated, you can maybe set it at the top of your file, then if you need to change it you only have to do it once.
{% if somelongcond %}
{% set cond = true %}
{% else %}
{% set cond = false %}
{% endif %}
{{ if cond ? '<div>'|raw }}
<p>Some long content</p>
{{ if cond ? '</div>'|raw }}
