Vlookup based on criteria - excel

The data I have in my "entity sheet"
entity id
source id
source entity id
In my working sheet, I need the source entity id (column c) data, by doing a VLOOKUP on the entity id (column A), based on source id (column b). that is I need only those beginning with "WS" IDs on my working sheet. My code is
Sub Test()
Worksheets("working sheet").Activate
Dim sht, sht1 As Worksheet
Dim i As Long, LR As Long
Set sht = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("working sheet")
Set sht1 = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("entity sheet")
LR = sht.UsedRange.Rows.Count
With sht
For i = 2 To LR
If InStr(sht1.Range("B" & i).Value, "WS") Then
sht.Range("B" & i).Value = (Application.VLookup(.Range("A" & i).Value, Worksheets("entity sheet").Range("A2:C5000"), 3, False))
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
desired result - in the working sheet
entity id
source entity id - WSS

Took me a little while but... I've got two different versions for you: one with VBA and one with just formulas.
With VBA
The issue you had was that VLOOKUP returns the first match but you needed to satisfy two criteria (that is: (i) match on entity id and (ii) match on source id begins with "WS").
This meant that you either had to:
use a formula that could match both criteria at the same time, OR
find all matches with the first criteria (e.g. with FIND) and then loop through the results to match the second criteria -- probably something like this: https://www.thespreadsheetguru.com/the-code-vault/2014/4/21/find-all-instances-with-vba
I selected option #1 as I expected it would make the code shorter.
To do this, I took advantage of a trick I've used in formulas before where I can use "&" between two ranges to match on two criteria at the same time. So, instead of matching "HR0012" first and then "WS-something" second, I match "HR0012WS-something" at once. (You can view this concept by pasting =A2:A20&B2:B20 in an empty column somewhere in your entity sheet.)
The following code assumes that your active worksheet is your working sheet. Paste this code behind your working sheet, then run it when you have that sheet open.
Public Sub tester()
Dim rg As Range
Dim sSourceEntityId As String
For Each rg In Range("A2:A16")
sSourceEntityId = Evaluate("=XLOOKUP(""" & rg.Value & "WS"",entity!A2:A20&LEFT(entity!B2:B20,2),entity!C2:C20,"""",0,1)")
If Len(sSourceEntityId) > 0 Then
rg.Offset(0, 1).Value = sSourceEntityId
End If
Next rg
End Sub
If the part inside the Evaluate is not clear, paste
somewhere inside your working sheet to see it more clearly.
Also, note that you used Instr, which would find "WS" anywhere in the string. I used LEFT(value, 2)="WS" to be sure that I matched only the first 2 characters.
I also had to use XLOOKUP instead of VLOOKUP to allow me to use the LEFT(value, 2). If you're using an old version of Excel, you won't have XLOOKUP, unfortunately.
Without VBA
Paste this formula into A2 on your working sheet:
Then copy that formula down to every row that you want to do a match on. Just to be clearer, it will look like this:
This is a little complex. I based it on an approach in this article, which explains step-by-step how to use INDEX(.. AGGREGATE(..)) for multiple matches. Although it's pretty neat how it works, you may prefer the VBA approach as it is probably easier to maintain.
I forgot to mention that there is a possibility that the IFERROR() in the formula may slow your spreadsheet down if you have many matches and rows. I also created a version of the formula that doesn't use IFERROR. It uses an IF to first check if there are any TRUE matches first before executing the INDEX.. AGGREGATE. You may not need it, but I've pasted it below just in case it's useful:
The statement used in the VBA Evaluate will also work directly as a formula and is much simpler to understand. I realized this when I realized that a single valid match is okay (i.e. we don't need multiple matches):


Copy & Pasting values from one Table to another using VBA and ListObjects

I am trying to compare spending data from two sources: a curated manual input from users and an automated extract, for different business units. The common data from both sources is the ID of the spending.
The idea is to aggregate both data sources (excel Tables) into one Table where the first two columns are the ID of the spending, the next column is the spending data from users related to that ID and the last one is the spending data from automated extract.
In this table, I'll have "double" the total spending for each ID, but then I can do a pivot table where I'll clearly compare the users input with the automated extract for each ID.
I highlighted the important fields I need to copy and paste.
My code is the following
Sub PGIvsManualInput()
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With
Set PGIvsManualTable = Worksheets("PGI vs Dépenses (Auto)").ListObjects("PGIvsManualInputAuto")
Set PGITable = Worksheets("PGI Clean").ListObjects("PGIExtract")
Set ManualInputTable = Worksheets("Dépenses").ListObjects("Dépenses")
'Cleaning the table
With Worksheets("PGI vs Dépenses (Auto)").Range("PGIvsManualInputAuto")
.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
End With
With PGIvsManualTable
If .ListRows.Count >= 1 Then
End If
End With
'Copy the data
PGITable.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.Resize(, 2).Copy Destination:= _
Ant that's where it gets messy. I can't even get the first batch of data to properly import! I am trying to copy the 2 first columns from PGITable and paste them in the 2 first columns of PGIvsManualTable. This worked previously without defining any destination column in my first example, even though both the input and destination Tables didn't have the same number of columns
But in this case, it extends the pasting to all columns of my destination table! I don't understand this comportment as it doesn't happen on my previous example with basically the exact same code!!
I tried to set the destination as follows but always got errors:
PGIvsManualTable.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.Resize(, 2) ==> Error 91
PGIvsManualTable.DataBodyRange(1,1) ==> Error 438
PGIvsManualTable.ListColumns(1).Resize(, 2) ==> Error 438
And a few others, but it never worked properly.
I expect the output to be my selected columns copy/pasted properly in my destination column, based on the coordinates I provide in the ListObecjts.DataBodyRange.
I guess that if I manage to make this first import work, all other will work on the same template, but in the meantime, my code seem to work on the previous example.
Deletion of the DataBodyRange.Rows will cause an issue if you then try to paste into the DataBodyRange.
As a workaround, you could delete all rows after the first, something like this example:
Sub Test()
Dim firstTbl As ListObject, secondTbl As ListObject
Set firstTbl = Sheet1.ListObjects("Table1")
Set secondTbl = Sheet1.ListObjects("Table2")
With secondTbl
If .ListRows.Count > 1 Then
.DataBodyRange.Offset(1).Resize(.ListRows.Count - 1).Rows.Delete
End If
End With
firstTbl.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange.Resize(, 2).Copy secondTbl.DataBodyRange(1, 1)
End Sub

RemoveDuplicates is not working as expected

I have a large data set that is exported from a website. I use a macro in my main ‘filter’ workbook to find the file and copy the data from Sheet1 of the exported file into Sheet1 of the filter workbook.
Once the data is copied into Sheet1 of the filter workbook, I use VBA to copy columns A/B/D/F/H/Z/AA/etc from Sheet 1 of the filter workbook into Sheet2 of the filter workbook AND also at the same time, I use this code here to attempt to delete any duplicate rows:
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A:DZ").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=15, Header:=xlYes
I am finding though that the RemoveDuplicates is not working as expected.
As an example, Sheet1 in the filter workbook (and export workbook) has 3344 rows. When I manually filter using conditional formatting to highlight duplicates, I can find 314 rows listed as duplicates (meaning 157 genuine rows of actual data and 157 rows which are duplicates of that actual data. I haven’t found any examples of duplicates existing more than one time each). So on Sheet2 I was expecting to see 3344 – 157 = 3157 Rows of real data. I don’t see that, or even 3030 rows (3344-314). Instead, I am getting 1897 rows paste into Sheet2, which is a difference of 1447 rows (1290 less rows than expected).
On top of that, I am manually checking the data to see what is up by using Control-F in the column and am finding that in some instances that both of the two duplicated items are missing from Sheet2 (versus it just deleting the one duplicate row).
The duplicate data is not on sequential rows and is scattered throughout the column in Sheet2. But when I sort it before I attempt to DeleteDuplicates, it does not seem to impact its accuracy or make it right.
I have also tried using the DeleteDuplicates in different locations of the code / at different times but the results are always off by the same amount (1447 missing rows instead of 157 missing rows).
I found only a few articles on this site, this one was the closest but not quiet my issue: Delete Rows With Duplicate Data VBA
And other help sites/forums mention there was some bug with office 2007 that prevents this from working (am using 2013).
Does anyone know where I can find a work around, or if one exists - or if this is still a real bug or just a problem with the code line I have above.
Adding bits of code I use in this example in case it is something within these that is causing the problem…
Part of the copy code:
wsToFile.Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
Application.CutCopyMode = False
wbFromFile.Close True
Part of the ‘paste column code’:
Sheets("Sheet2").Rows(1 & ":" & Sheets("Sheet2").Columns.Count).ClearContents 'Clear from row 1 down
LastRowFromSiteTracker = xSht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row 'original report has 128 columns
xSht.Range("B1:B" & LastRowFromSiteTracker).Copy ySht.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp) 'customer name
‘repeat a bunch of times, then…
Application.CutCopyMode = False 'do I need this line?
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A:DZ").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=15, Header:=xlYes
End Sub
Example/sample of data:
Row Source Data Expected Data Actual Data
1 1000474608 1000474608 1000474608 (Dup missing from sheet2)
2 1000474608 1000487672 1000487672
3 1000487672 1000487674 1000487674
4 1000487674 1000487676 1000487676 (missing from sheet2, wasn’t a dup)
5 1000487676 1000487678 1000487678
6 1000487678 1000487680 1000487680
7 1000487680 1000487682 1000487682 (Dup missing from sheet2)
8 1000487682 1000520278 1000520278
9 1000487682 1000520280 1000520280
10 1000520278 1000520282 1000520282 (Is there)
11 1000520280 1000520286 1000520286
12 1000520282 1000520336 1000520336 (Is there)
13 1000520282 1000520338 1000520338
14 1000520286 1000520392 1000520392
15 1000520286 1000520394 1000520394
16 1000520336 1000530333 1000530333
17 1000520338
18 1000520392
19 1000520394
20 1000530333
So I've tried to do some more manual testing, and tried two separate things with the same set of data, getting two different results. I used the Conditional Formatting - Highlight Duplicates from the main Home ribbon and the Remove Duplicates from the Data ribbon.
The Remove Duplicates button finds and removed 163 items in Column P and leaves 3181 rows.
However, when I use the Highlight Duplicates conditional format finds 314 items that are duplicated within Column P, leaving 3030 non duplicates.
It does not make sense that these two numbers do not match. I thought it has something to do with the duplicates themselves - as most duplicated items have only one dup of itself (123123 shows up in two rows) but then just a small handful of rows are duplicated multiple times (234234 shows up in 4 or 6 columns).
So instead of using the manual way, I used the suggestions I've found online, and both of these also provide differing results when run:
3344 Base records
1897 left after scrub of duplicates (1446 removed)
Dim tmpAddress As String
tmpAddress = "A2:BZ" & Worksheets("ColScrub").UsedRange.Rows.Count
Worksheets("ColScrub").Range(tmpAddress).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=15, Header:=xlNo
3181 left after scrub of duplicates (162 removed)
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$EI$3345").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=31, Header:=xlYes
My further experience now shows that UsedRange is completely unreliable if you have blank rows or columns. UsedRange only includes rows/columns up to the blank one. I have found a better way to get the last of each. These function use 2 basic assumptions, which should hold true for mostof your spreadsheets.
For LastRow there is a "key" column, i.e. a column where the MUST be
data, for example an ID column
For LastCol there should be a header row (or row where you can guarantee the last column is filled)
With this in mind, I have created the following 2 functions retrieve the last values accurately, every time ... well, almost (my complete function handles issues of the footer rows with merged cells)
For the last row
Public Function Excel_GetLastRow(xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet, _
ByVal KeyColumn As Long) As Long
' This could be adjusted for exact max rows Excel allows
Const MAX_XL_ROWS As Long = 1048000
Excel_GetLastRow = xlSheet.Cells(MAX_XL_ROWS, KeyColumn).End(xlUp).row
End Function
And for last column
Public Function Excel_GetLastCol(xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet, _
ByVal HeaderRow As Long) As Long
' This could be adjusted for exact max columns Excel allows
Const MAX_XL_COLS As Long = 16000
Excel_GetLastCol = xlSheet.Cells(MAX_XL_COLS, HeaderRow).End(xlToLeft).Column
End Function
Using these values you can now set your complete data range successfully.
top left = Cells(HeaderRow + 1, 1)
bottom right = Cells(LastRow, LastCol)
My complete functions include error handling and allowances for possible merged cells in the footer row and last header column, but you get the idea.
1) you are only clearing as many rows as your have columns, not rows
Also, you may not be clearing anything, so use the UsedRange.Rows for proper rowcount
This line ...
Sheets("Sheet2").Rows(1 & ":" & Sheets("Sheet2").Columns.Count).ClearContents
Should read ...
Sheets("Sheet2").Rows(1 & ":" & Sheets("Sheet2").UsedRange.Rows.Count).ClearContents
Without properly clearing the old data, unpredictable results may occur.
2) Excel VBA seems rather quirky in that many things won't work correctly without specifically "selecting" the object(s) in question AND specifiying complete (not columnar) ranges
3) I also prefer to leave out the header row (note the "A2") and pass Header:=xlNo
4) Unless you have more than 625 columns, BZ should be far enough
So add this to your code ...
Dim tmpAddress as String
tmpAddress = "A2:BZ" & Worksheets("Sheet2").UsedRange.Rows.Count
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(tmpAddress).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=15, Header:=xlNo
Hope this helps :)
I don't know why (or if/how) this is any different, but this seems to be the closest I can get to true removal of duplicates. I wanted to add it here as an answer for others in similar situations.
Dim lastrow As Long
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ColScrub")
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Cells) <> 0 Then
lastrow = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=.Range("A1"), _
Lookat:=xlPart, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
MatchCase:=False).Row 'Change P1 back to A1 if needed
lastrow = 1
End If
.Range("A1:AZ" & lastrow).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(16), Header:=xlYes
End With
I have to go through each row visually to prove this works I think, and to rule out that it isn't deleting things that should not be deleted - but this seems to get rid of the 'double duplicates' (4-6 lines items instead of 2 like the other duplicates).

Returning multiple values using Vlookup in excel

I have an excel sheet set up to automatically calculate meetings per day by day of the week. I would like to write a formula to return all dates I have a meeting scheduled (comma separated preferably), but I am having some difficulty. Using Vlookup, I can only get it to return the first date.
For example, here is what my data looks like:
Initial Meetings Follow-up Meetings Date
1 1 7/29/2015
0 1 7/30/2015
1 1 7/31/2015
0 0 8/1/2015
0 0 8/2/2015
I would like to write a formula to return "7/29/2015, 7/31/2015" in one cell, and "7/29/2015, 7/30/2015, 7/31/2015" in another, but I seem to be stuck.
You can't do this with vLookup.
This can be done relatively easily in a VB script, but it would affect portability as many if not most users disable macros by default and in many cases users are prevented from using Macros because their company disables them and makes it policy that users should not use them.
If you are OK with Macros, you can put the following into a new module and then use =MultiVlookup(lookup_value,table_array, col_index_num) in the same way as you'd use vlookup and it should give you a comma separated list of multiple matches:
Public Function MultiVlookup(find_value, search_range, return_row)
Dim myval ' String to represent return value (comma-separated list)
Dim comma ' Bool to represent whether we need to prefix the next result with ", "
comma = False
'Debug.Print find_value.value, return_row
For Each rw In search_range.Rows ' Iterate through each row in the range
If rw.Cells(1, 1).value = find_value Then ' If we have found the lookup value...
If comma Then ' Add a comma if it's not the first value we're adding to the list
myval = myval + ", "
comma = True
End If
myval = myval + Str(rw.Cells(1, return_row).value)
End If
MultiVlookup = myval
End Function
This may not be the cleanest way of doing it, and it isn't a direct copy of vlookup (for instance it does not have a fourth "range lookup" argument as vlookup does), but it works for my test:
Finally my original suggestion (in case it helps others - it's not the exact solution to the question) was:
I've not tried it myself, but this link shows what I think you might be looking for.
Great code, but don't forget to add the following is you use Option Explicit:
Dim rw As Range

Autofilter criteria value in VBA

I have a table with activated autofilter mode and it is known that only Criteria1-type filtering is applicable (i.e. items of interest are implicitly indicated). My goal is to extract a criteria list for each column in VBA. I used IsArray(.Filters(i).Criteria1) to determine if there is more than 1 item selected for a particular column and everything works fine when either 1 or more than 2 items are selected. However, when I select 2 items, .Filters(i).Criteria1 is not recognized as an array for some reason. .Filters(i).Criteria1 returns only the item that is higher in the list.
Could anyone explain me: why is it so and what is the best way to deal with this problem?
This is an old as question, but in case anyone ends up confused here, confused.
With the a filters object (part of the worksheet.autofilter.filters collection probably)
Here is 1 happens:
1 filter on a column:
filters(i).criteria1 is a string
2 filters on a column:
filters(i).criteria1 is a string
filters(i).criteria2 is a string
3 or more filters on a column:
filters(i).criteria1 is an array of strings (which is a variant)
filters(i).criteria2 doesn't exist
This isn't that clear from MSDN, but it's what happens. My only guess is that in past versions of excel it wasn't possible to add more than 1 filter criteria, and so the old criteria1 and criteria2 types were maintained for backwards compatibility. Still though, it's a stupid system.
Which means that the only way to get the filter properties (as far as I can see) is as follows:
For Each f In ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Filters
If f.On Then
If IsArray(f.Criteria1) Then
cA = f.Criteria1
c1 = f.Criteria1
On Error Resume Next
c2 = f.Criteria2
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End If
Because Criteria2 errors for both IsEmpty(f.Criteria1) and IsNull(f.Criteria1) so as far as I can see the only way to check if it exists is with an ugly on error resume next

Turning an excel formula into a VBA function

I'm a bit new to trying to program and originally was just trying to improve a spreadsheet but it's gone beyond using a basic function in excel. I have a table that I am having a function look at to find a building number in the first column and then look at start and finish dates in two other respective columns to find out if it should populate specific blocks on a calendar worksheet. The problem occurs because the same building number may appear multiple times with different dates and I need to to find an entry that matches the correct dates.
I was able to create a working though complicated formula to find the first instance and learned I can add a nested if of that formula again in the false statement with a slight change. I can continue doing that but it becomes very large and cumbersome. I'm trying to find a way to make a function for the formula with a variable in it that would look at how many times the it has already been used so it keeps searching down the table for an answer that fits the parameters.
This is currently my formula:
=IFERROR(IF(AND(DATE('IF SHEET (2)'!$F$7,MATCH('IF SHEET (2)'!$C$2,'IF SHEET (2)'!$C$2:'IF SHEET (2)'!$N$2,0),'IF SHEET (2)'!C$4)>=VLOOKUP("2D11"&1,A2:F6,4,0),DATE('IF SHEET (2)'!$F$7,MATCH('IF SHEET (2)'!$C$2,'IF SHEET (2)'!$C$2:'IF SHEET (2)'!$N$2,0),'IF SHEET (2)'!C$4)<=VLOOKUP("2D11"&1,A2:F6,4,0)),IF(VLOOKUP("2D11"&1,A2:F6,3,0)="2D11",VLOOKUP("2D11"&1,A2:F6,6,FALSE)),"NO ANSWER"),"ERROR")
Where you see 2D11&1 is where I need the variable for 1 so it would be "number of times it's been used in the function +1" then I could just loop it so it would keep checking till it ran out of 2D11's or found one that matched. I haven't posted before and I'm doing this through a lot of trial and error so if you need more info please post and say so and I'll try to provide it.
So rather than have someone try to make sense of the rediculous formula I posted I though I would try to make it simpler by just stating what I need to accomplish and trying to see how to turn that into a VBA function. So I'm kinda looking at a few steps:
Matches first instance of building name in column A with
building name for the row of the output cell.
Is date connected with the output cell >= start date of first entry(which is user entered in column D).
Is date connected with the output cell <= end date of first entry(which is user entered in column E).
Enters Unit name(located in column F) for first instance of the building if Parts 1, 2, and 3 are all True.
If parts 1, 2, or 3 are False then loops to look at next instance of the building name down column 1.
Hopefully this makes things clearer than the formula so I'm able to get help as I'm still pretty stuck due to low knowledge of VBA.
Here is a simple solution...
Building_name = ???
Date = ???
Last_Row = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To Last_Row
if cells(i,1).value = Building_Name Then
if date >= cells(i,4).value Then
if date <= cells(i,5).value Then
first instance = cells(i,6).value
end if
end if
end if
you should add a test at the end to avoid the case where there is no first instance in the table
If I understand correctly, you have a Table T1 made of 3 columns: T1.building, T1.start date, T1.end date.
Then you have 3 parameters: P1=building, P2=start date, P3=end date.
You need to find the first entry in table T1 that "fits" within the input parameters dates, that is:
P2<=T1.start date
P3>=T1.end date
If so, you can define a custom function like this
Public Function MyLookup(Key As Variant, DateMin As Variant, DateMax As Variant, LookUpTable As Range, ResultColumn As Integer) As Range
Dim iIndx As Integer
Dim KeyValue As Variant
Dim Found As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Found = False
iIndx = 1
Do While (Not Found) And (iIndx <= LookUpTable.Rows.Count)
KeyValue = LookUpTable.Cells(iIndx, 1)
If (KeyValue = Key) And _
(DateMin <= LookUpTable.Cells(iIndx, 2)) And _
(DateMax >= LookUpTable.Cells(iIndx, 3)) Then
Set MyLookup = LookUpTable.Cells(iIndx, ResultColumn)
Found = True
End If
iIndx = iIndx + 1
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error in MyLookup: " & Err.Description
End Function
That may not be the most performant piece of code in the world, but I think it's explanatory.
You can download this working example
