Update Mongoose update records with ejs templating - node.js

I have an web app with node.js and express with mongoose. I have a candidate profile that has a lot of inputs like user personal (name address etc.), info, parents info and next of kin. I view for the candidate profile.
My question is, what's the best approach to edit the user data?
Do I go the approach of rendering the whole candidate profile and making changes and updating, or I make the option to edit fields individually which will make me have a lot of code for each field, or are there better suggestions.


Server-side validation for auto-saving multipage form

I'm currently building out a multipage form using Flutter (frontend) and Node/Express/MongoDB/Mongoose (backend) for which I would like to implement auto-saving as the user progresses through each page (ie. clicking the next button after each page saves form data to the DB).
I have client-side validation to ensure fields are filled out and in the correct format, but I believe server-side validation is more important to implement in the event the user bypasses the client-side. I was wondering if anyone had general design ideas/processes I could implement for this idea. Some ideas I have:
I'm thinking about sending a POST/PUT request to our server after each page, but I have no way of validating the incoming data server-side unless I create over 30 schemas for each of the pages. Each page has different questions so there isn't a single common validator I can use.
Another option was having a temporary object with all the fields, and only validate the object at the very end when the user clicks 'submit,' but this is bad UX design in my mind as any error may require the user to be set back to the 1st or 2nd page which is frustrating for sure.
My main concern is validating the incoming data on the server-side as well as the client-side, but I can't seem to think of a good way to do both in a clean manner. I believe this question is language-agnostic, but I added my tech stack just in case.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Locking documents in firestore or don't allow two users edit a document at the same time

stack: NodeJS, ExpressJS, Firebase DB, VueJs
How to lock a firebase doc? I want to not allow two users editing a same document on front-end.
Example: Like in front-end if a user fetches a document by some id ant starts editing, editing takes like 10 minutes because there are a lot of inputs, but then a second user comes and tries to edit the same document by id. How to prevent it?
My solution: Create a database collection storing the id of currently edited document. And whenever a user tries to edit an document, there should be a check if the id doesnt exist in the collection and on save button the id should be removed from the collection.
Is my solution is good?
Maybe there are other solutions...
There is no pessimistic locking built into Firestore, but I'd typically implement this by adding a field to the document that is being locked. Something like currentEditor with as its value the UID of the current editor.
To manipulate this field you'll want to use a transaction to prevent users from overwriting each other's data, and you'll then want to use server-side security rules to enforce this.

Getting a list of BuildFire plugin users from the Widget side

I am developing a plugin that allows the user the post content that I am storing in an object in publicData. To identify the user that posted the data, I am storing the _id that is returned from buildfire.auth.getCurrentUser() in that publicData object along with the content of the post.
Is there a way I can access a list of the users of my plugin, then iterate through that to find the user with the corresponding _id? A list of the users of my plugin must exist somewhere, I just do not know how to/if I can access it.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
I would recommend caching the user object's nonsensitive data. Remember, you have a bit more access to the logged-in user over fetching another user profile using the user id. https://github.com/BuildFire/sdk/wiki/How-to-use-Auth#buildfireauth-getuserprofileoptionscallback
Since the user profile picture URL is really an API, you don't have to worry about the user changing it since it will always return the latest. The other property I recommend you cache is the Display name (not the first name and last name) since that rarely changes as well. This way your performance wont suffer and you can do a lazy fetch for a distinct list of user ids an update them as needed. KNowing most wont need an UI updates since nothing changed

How to use Strapi to store user data

I am creating an eCommerce platform using strapi. Strapi only has option for user-email and password.
I want to store user's address, contact details, previous orders etc. Is there a way to do so?
I am using the quickstart template.
Strapi version 3.0.0-beta.17.7 (node v10.16.3)
IMO the best way would be to create a profile model with a one to one relation to the user. You will need to create your own isOwner policy on the findOne, create, update routes however. This way on that user can view/create/update their own profiles.
Off course there is a way to do so!
Go to your admin panel http://localhost:1337/admin
Click on Content Type Builder on your left sidebar
Select User
Click on Add Another Field
And add every field you need for your eCommerce platform!

Spring Data Rest Frontend deep linking

So i have been struggling with this one question some time now:
How to handle details Page or deep linking on the Frontend.
So, say, we got a paged collection endpoint with user entities in it and a React App consuming the endpoint.
The flow would be, user authenticates, gets collections, clicks on an item and is either:
Redirected to a new Url say: webapp.com/users/userid
A modal opens with the user details.
Say we got a scenario were two people working with the webapp, Person 1 wants to share a link with Person 2. Person 2 should do some updates on a specific user, which is identified by the link.
The link should be something like : https://www.webapp.com/users/{slug or id}
With Option 2 this functionality is not mappable.
With Option 1 we got to expose the ids in the response to identify the resource, which may work, but we would still need to hardcode the url, as the findById method is not exported as a Uri Template.
So, my Solution would be to add a slug for the resources, implement a search method by the slug, and then get the user, if found, by its self-link.
Sounds like a good solution for me, but on the other hand, I would have to add an extra frontend id(the slug here) which would need to be also unique, to the database model.
So how do you guys handle a problem like this, or is there anybody using spring data rest in this way or in production mode where you have the handle situations like this?
Should mention that this isn’t a primary problem with spring data rest but rather with hateoas itself.
thanks in advance
You don't need to hardcode URL template. Spring data rest will generate links for each resource.
You can refer to it from front end by some format like: {your_user_object}._links.self.href
