Html table in CISCO Webex Teams - cisco

Has anyone tried printing/sharing a html table in Cisco Webex (with markdown or anything)?
I have been trying, but never works.
Not formatted correctly

The best I've been able to do is use Markdown table syntax. Unfortunately
Use a markdown table generator such as here and make sure you right click and paste as snippet (Ctrl+Shift+V on Windows). You can also paste within the markdown code block.
Webex will not show it as a table, but will make it look like a table using dashes and vertical bars.

Try wrap your code with (get rid of the '' when you wrap, just the back tick)
'``` html (optional)'
This should work.


How to create full featured snippets in Dreamwever CS6?

How to create full featured snippets in Dreamwever CS6 ?
(similar to creating snippets in Sublime Text 2 - just like in this video: Here). I want to create a snippet with two or more places where i can insert a code (and switching between those places with tab). Is it doable in Dreamweaver ?
Dreamweaver does not support parameterizable snippets, you cannot hit tab and the cursor is moved to the next parameter in your code chunk. Once a snippet is added to the page, it is editable like all other text.
The only way to get anything like a parameterizable snippet would be to create a Dreamweaver extension user interface (perhaps an Object or Command). Perhaps the following article can help with that:

Live preview markdown editor

Forgive me if this is has been answered. I have looked around, but didn't find anything.
I am creating a site for non-techies and it requires them to be able to add rich text content. I have been looking at Markdown for this, and would like to use that.
I have been searching around for a nice (jquery) ui control to make editing simple, but everything I have looked at has the live preview living somewhere else on the page other than the input box. (WMD is like this, markitup, etc..)
I would like to use something that makes it feel like you are using a word processor. Like how TinyMCe does it, but running on Markdown, not HTML
Is there anything like that, or maybe somewhere that shows how to build it?
To clarify, I'm looking for an editor that makes it feel like you are typing in the live preview; not a textbox with a preview above/below.
If I get what you're looking for, then the simplest approach would be to generate HTML with TinyMCE or CKEditor, then apply something like Markdownify to the output of e.g., tinymce.getContent().
I have since found something that I love. the Pen editor on Github does just what I wanted. I am glad to see someone has taken this on
Check out Stack Edit It's a great WYSIWYG markdown editor - syncs with Google Docs, Dropbox & CouchDB, publishes to Github (and many other places), and offers easy link sharing. You can access it on their website or using the Chrome app. You can create titles and lists in the editor there, and it will show you the corresponding text in markdown format. You can then save, publish, share, or download the file.
Markdown would not be compatible with a WYSIWYG editor. Consider this sample Markdown:
Let's link to [Google][].
If you were making a WYSIWYG editor, what would happen after you typed [Google]? Would you see blue underlined text? Would you just see [Google] since it's not a valid hyperlink yet? What about after you type the trailing []? It's still not a fully-defined hyperlink; you can't click it, because Markdown doesn't know where it links.
And how does the user type that [Google]: follow-up line? That line isn't displayed; it's markup; it's invisible. Where do you type invisible text into a WYSIWYG editor?

Is there a text editor that displays a file in more than one column

I have a wide screen and I would like to see the code I edit on multiple columns, like an article in a news paper. Ideally I would want the full screen filled with the content of the file I edit.
I am not interested in displaying multiple views of the same file in multiple windows, that's a different feature.
Have a look at Follow Mode (Mentioned in this post).
Otherwise, have you considered putting your widescreen in pivot-mode? It' quite useful both for coding and web-browsing! :)

Is it possible to provide Code highlighting on websites?

Is it possible to do Code Syntax highlighting on websites like the way we do it on or
Unfortunately there is until now no support for syntax highlighting within Google Sites. As a workaround you could use and enter your code there and copy the colored output (not the HTML) directly into your Google Sites page.
This works perfectly, as long as you don't need to edit large pieces of the code regularly.
I have tried creating a gadget myself with Google Code Prettify, and there were a few issues.
One is that classes aren't supported, so you will have to follow what Stack Overflow is doing to prettify.
The other problem I faced was the interaction between the iframe and the parent frame. You will notice that there is a domain permission problem, and so you will be unable to access the parent.document from your iframe.
This should save some people a few hours of hacky testing.
Yes, you can!
Just select the desired text, and go to "Formatting" -> "Code" OR "Block Code"
You can insert gadgets into Google Sites pages. You could create a gadget that did syntax highlighting using any number of open source javascript syntax highlighters.
Not an ideal solution but would get you what you want. Lemme know if you want further pointers.
I've found an alternative way.
If you use IntelliJ, just copy the code from the IntelliJ editor and paste it into your Google site text (not in html mode).
Works out-of-the-box!

Displaying code snippets in Sharepoint wiki

Is there a way to get SharePoint to display code snippets in a pre-formatted way?
Currently if you insert any code, it just looks exactly like the rest of the text. Anything would be better than nothing.
I found which produces html styled code which you can insert into a sharpoint wiki.
It supports a number of languages and styles and is an online app.
No because MOSS's wiki is just a new page with the word "wiki" attached to the link.
Even though this is an old question, I have yet another solution that possibly didn't exist at the time the question was asked:
You can create a GitHub Gist and use the embed code for the Gist on the SharePoint wiki page. This is especially useful if you are already using Gist, want to share the code snippet in multiple places aside from the wiki, and/or want to keep a history of the code snippet separate from the rest of the wiki page.
To use an embed code without the script tags being stripped, go to Insert > Embed Code in the ribbon when editing the page:
This solution assumes that you are using an IDE that already formats the code for you.
Some of the other answers would be better if you have a raw text file.
While editing a Sharepoint Wiki page:
Copy code from IDE to new MS Word doc
Highlight all in MS Word: Ctrl+A
Copy again inside MS Word
Switch to wiki page, Paste
Continue editing wiki or save
Works fine with Eclipse as IDE. Might be able to paste straight from VS to SharePoint.
If you have code snippets you will reuse in multiple pages, Use a similar copy/paste technique to save or upload htm files into a SharePoint document library and then insert a "Page Viewer Web Part" to view the htm inside a different page.
Not that I'm aware of if you're specifically using the Wiki feature. Your wiki entries are stored like rows in a table as far as I know. If you're not using the wiki you can use the syntax highlighter tool. It's all javascript.
For several weeks we are using Telerik Rad Editor
One of the tools is "Format Code Block"
You may see it here :
If you install the RadEditor for MOSS .. we will get this amazing tool in Wiki pages too.
So this is not a great answer but for us it was better then the default. You can write your wiki in a tool like Windows Live writer (WLW). WLW has an add in for a code formatter. If you write your wiki page via WLW with the code formatter you can then go to the Wiki page and select "edit HTML source." You can then copy from WLW to the wiki page and get good styling.
Best way I have found is to use
You can cut and paste your code into it and it will generate html that you can past into your sharepoint wiki
you can use prisimjs to show code snippets. When you add prisimjs and css you can use like this;
p { color: red }
if you want easier solution to use prisimjs, you can check this:
If you want this for modern pages, there is the Source code content webpart from Qualitem.
Disclaimer: I am a co-developer.
