Sublime Text 3 - snippet with csv scope? - sublimetext3

How do I define csv scope, so snippet would only apply to csv files?
I have this snippet:
access_${1:name},access_${1:name} user,model_${1:name},${2:base.group_user},1,0,0,0
<description>Ir Model Access CSV</description>
But it does not show up in tab autocomplete. Also tried source.csv, same thing. If I remove scope, then it does show up, but then it is suggested on any type of file, which I don't want to.


Copy CSV File with Multiline Attribute with Azure Synapse Pipeline

I have a CSV File in the Following format which want to copy from an external share to my datalake:
Test; Text
"1"; "This is a text
which goes on on a second line
and on on a third line"
"2"; "Another Test"
I do now want to load it with a Copy Data Task in an Azure Synapse Pipeline. The result is the following:
Test; Text
"1";" \"This is a text"
"which goes on on a second line";
"and on on a third line\"";
"2";" \"Another Test\""
So, yo see, it is not handling the Multi-Line Text correct. I also do not see an option to handle multiline text within a Copy Data Task. Unfortunately i'm not able to use a DataFlow Task, because it is not allowing to run with an external Azure Runtime, which i'm forced to use, due to security reasons.
In fact, i'm of course not speaking about this single test file, instead i do have x thousands of files.
My settings for the CSV File look like follows:
CSV Connector Settings
Can someone tell me how to handle this kind of multiline data correctly?
Do I have any other options within Synapse (apart from the Dataflows)?
Thanks a lot for your help
Well turns out this is not possible with a CSV File.
The pragmatic solution is to use "binary" files instead, to transfer the CSV Files and only load and transform them later on with a Python Notebook in Synapse.
You can achieve this in azure data factory by iterating through all lines and check for delimiter in each line. And then, use string manipulation functions with set variable activities to convert multi-line data to a single line.
Look at the following example. I have a set variable activity with empty value (taken from parameter) for req variable.
In lookup, create a dataset with following configuration to the multiline csv:
In foreach, where I iterate each row by giving items value as #range(0,sub(activity('Lookup1').output.count,1)). Inside for each, I have an if activity with following condition:
If this is true, then I concat the current result to req variable using 2 set variable activities.
temp: #if(contains(activity('Lookup1').output.value[add(item(),1)]['Prop_0'],';'),concat(variables('req'),activity('Lookup1').output.value[item()]['Prop_0'],decodeUriComponent('%0D%0A')),concat(variables('req'),activity('Lookup1').output.value[item()]['Prop_0'],' '))
actual (req variable): #variables('val')
For false, I have handled the concatenation in the following way:
temp1: #concat(variables('req'),activity('Lookup1').output.value[item()]['Prop_0'],' ')
actual1 (req variable): #variables('val2')
Now, I have used a final variable to handle last line of the file. I have used the following dynamic content for that:
Finally, I have taken copy data activity with a sample source file with 1 column and 1 row (using this to copy our actual data).
Now, take source file configuration as shown below:
Create an additional column with value as final variable value:
Create a sink with following configuration and select mapping for only above created column:
When I run the pipeline, I get the data as required. The following is an output image for reference.

How to use sublime text vars in snippets?

I am trying to create snippet where must be displayed the name of the current file
I tried to do this:
<content><![CDATA[Hello, this is a $file_name]]></content>
But it does not work
I found the answer. I did it like this:
<content><![CDATA[Hello, this is a $TM_FILENAME]]></content>

HTML code as text in Excel

I have an Excel file that will be saved as an .csv file for importation into an email automation system. In a function I need to return a piece of HTML code as text.
The "CHECKMARK CODE" needs to be replaced by:
> < span style="font-size:16px">& #10003;</span>.
For this post, spaces were added to prevent code from display as a checkmark.
However, all my attempts at the format_text function or adding apostrophes only yields errors.
How do I return this as text exactly as needed by the email automation system?
Please try escaping the double quotes:
=IF(A2<0,"<span style=""font-size:16px"">& #10003;</span>",A2)

input is self closing and should not have content

When I load my Express webpage I'm getting the following error:
500 Error: /app/views/index.jade:114 112| td 2 113| td 4 years > 114| input is self closing and should not have content.
112| td 2
113| td 4 years
> 114|
input is self closing and should not have content.
at Object.Compiler.visitTag (/app/node_modules/jade/lib/compiler.js:434:15)
at Object.Compiler.visitNode (/app/node_modules/jade/lib/compiler.js:210:37)
at Object.Compiler.visit (/app/node_modules/jade/lib/compiler.js:197:10)
at Object.Compiler.visitBlock (/app/node_modules/jade/lib/compiler.js:278:12)
at Object.Compiler.visitNode (/app/node_modules/jade/lib/compiler.js:210:37)
at Object.Compiler.visit (/app/node_modules/jade/lib/compiler.js:197:10)
at Object.Compiler.visitTag (/app/node_modules/jade/lib/compiler.js:443:12)
at Object.Compiler.visitNode (/app/node_modules/jade/lib/compiler.js:210:37)
at Object.Compiler.visit (/app/node_modules/jade/lib/compiler.js:197:10)
at Object.Compiler.visitBlock (/app/node_modules/jade/lib/compiler.js:278:12)
This doesn't show up when run locally with foreman start, only when its on the server.
Looks like you've got content inside your input tags. In HTML, input tags can't have content, therefore you should delete any whitespace or characters following input tags in your jade file.
input(type="text",name="whatever") something
should be input(type="text",name="whatever",value="something")
Sometimes the answer is a little tricker than just some content after the tag on the same line (such as a few spaces). Watch out for the line following the input tag being indented by mistake!
After running into the same error I was checking the line of jade template marked in error report. It was actually containing input definition, but that definition was fine for there wasn't any whitespace and printable content succeeding it. The following line was even less indented (two levels up for starting another row of form) and thus there was definitely no content to input element defined in marked line.
However there was another input succeeding this marked one a few lines down the template. And that input element indeed was having some subordinated content. Removing content there was fixing somewhat false positive "here".
I had a similar problem I solved with this:
+inputWithTextContent('whatever', 'something')
mixin inputWithTextContent(name, message)
!='<input type="text" name="'+name+'">'+message+'</input>'
Another solution is to create a label after the input and then display it inline. This will sit the label along side the control. This is how I solved the issue with a checkbox input in jade.
JADE (Bootstrap):
input(type='checkbox', value='remember-me',)
label.inlineLabel Remember me
display: inline

Defining scope for custom Sublime Text 2 snippets

While trying to write my own snippets for Sublime Text 2, I ran into the following two problems:
Finding scope keys. I figured out that I can look through my packages one by one and find references to a declared "scope" property. For example in ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/JavaScript/Comments.tmPreferences (a file in my HTML package) there's these two lines:
So if I want my current snippet to work on javascript files, I define my scope like:
I'm assuming all these scope keys are defined on-the-fly based on what Packages I have installed. Does Sublime Text build a list anywhere that I can more easily reference? Perusing through a bunch of package files seems overly tedious.
Defining multiple scope properties. This I've figured out, and the following line allows my snippet to work in both HTML and JavaScript files.
<scope>text.html, source.js</scope>
Here is a list of scopes to use in Sublime Text 2 snippets -
ActionScript: source.actionscript.2
AppleScript: source.applescript
ASP: source.asp
Batch FIle: source.dosbatch
C#: source.cs
C++: source.c++
Clojure: source.clojure
CSS: source.css
D: source.d
Diff: source.diff
Erlang: source.erlang
Go: source.go
Groovy: source.groovy
Haskell: source.haskell
HTML: text.html(.basic)
JSP: text.html.jsp
Java Properties:
Java Doc: text.html.javadoc
JSON: source.json
Javascript: source.js
BibTex: source.bibtex
Latex Log: text.log.latex
Latex Memoir: text.tex.latex.memoir
Latex: text.tex.latex
LESS: source.css.less
TeX: text.tex
Lisp: source.lisp
Lua: source.lua
MakeFile: source.makefile
Markdown: text.html.markdown
Multi Markdown: text.html.markdown.multimarkdown
Matlab: source.matlab
Objective-C: source.objc
Objective-C++: source.objc++
OCaml campl4: source.camlp4.ocaml
OCaml: source.ocaml
OCamllex: source.ocamllex
Perl: source.perl
PHP: source.php
Regular Expression(python): source.regexp.python
Python: source.python
R Console: source.r-console
R: source.r
Ruby on Rails: source.ruby.rails
Ruby HAML: text.haml
SQL(Ruby): source.sql.ruby
Regular Expression: source.regexp
RestructuredText: text.restructuredtext
Ruby: source.ruby
SASS: source.sass
Scala: source.scala
Shell Script:
SQL: source.sql
Stylus: source.stylus
TCL: source.tcl
HTML(TCL): text.html.tcl
Plain text: text.plain
Textile: text.html.textile
XML: text.xml
XSL: text.xml.xsl
YAML: source.yaml
If anything is missing, add it in this gist
View Current Scope of Cursor Position
Place your cursor in the file where you wish to know the scope.
Use this keyboard-shortcut:
Windows: ctrl+shift+alt+p
Mac: ctrl+shift+p
The current scope will be displayed in the left side of the status bar on Windows, or in a popup window on Mac.
Use these as the <scope> key in your foo.sublime-snippet file.
The returned scopes are listed generic to specific. Choose the scope(s) which best "scoped" the snippet to where it should be available to tab trigger.
There's a package called Scope Hunter, by Isaac Muse, which is really helpful for this.
It can show you the scope under any cursor in a document, which I've found really helpful when debugging my own snippets. Sometimes it's very detailed; a sample scope from my frontmost document:
Scope: text.tex.latex
(Wrapped for ease of reading)
I wouldn't have been able to find that if I spent a week picking SL2 apart, but this package gets it in seconds. Highly recommended.
This level of detail also means that you can define snippets in a very granular way, if you want. For example, the meta.function.environment.list.latex corresponds broadly to lists in LaTeX, so I have a snippet that inserts a new \item when I press super+enter in a list environment, but nobody else. I can target snippets much more effectively than with blind guesswork.
The source code is in Github, or you can install it through Package Control.
Actually, you can use the Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P (without using Scope Hunter) and it will show you the scope on the bottom bar on the left side right after the Col/Line information. It's pretty small print but it's there.
To answer, #1, look in the syntax's .tmLanguage file, look for the key: scopeName. This is what the syntax uses for the snippet's scope value.
For example, an excerpt from nathos / sass-textmate-bundle
So you would use source.sass in your snippet.
Here is more info on defining a syntax
