Azure DevOps API - how to reference other pipeline as resource parameter - azure

I have an Azure DevOps pipeline and want to reference other pipeline that my pipeline will fetch the artefacts from. I am struggling to find a way to actually do it over REST API. specifies there is a BuildResourceParameters or PipelineResourceParameters but I cannot find a way to get it to work.
For example:
Source pipeline A produces an artefact B in run C. I want to tell API to reference the artefact B from run C of pipeline A rather than refer to the latest.

In your current situation, we recommend you can follow the below request body to help you select your reference pipeline version.
"stagesToSkip": [],
"resources": {
"repositories": {
"self": {
"refName": "refs/heads/master"
"pipelines": {
"myresourcevars": {
"version": "1313"
"variables": {}
Note: The name 'myresourcevars' is the pipeline name you defined in your yaml file:
enter image description here


Azure Databricks CLI: update workflow/job definition

I have created a pipeline in Azure DevOps to perform the following three steps:
Retrieve the job definition from one Databricks workspace and save it as a json (Databricks CLI config is omitted)
databricks jobs get --job-id $(job_id) > workflow.json
Use this json to update the workflow in a second (separate) Databricks workspace (Databricks CLI is first reconfigured to point to the new workspace)
databricks jobs reset --job-id $(job_id) --json-file workflow.json
Run the updated job in the second Databricks workspace
databricks jobs run-now --job-id $(job_id)
However, my pipeline fails at step 2 with the following error, even though the existing_cluster_id is already defined inside the workflow.json. Any idea?
Error: b'{"error_code":"INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE","message":"One of job_cluster_key, new_cluster, or existing_cluster_id must be specified."}' 
Here is what my workflow.json looks like (hiding some of the details):
"job_id": 123,
"creator_user_name": "user1",
"run_as_user_name": "user1",
"run_as_owner": true,
"name": "my-workflow",
"existing_cluster_id": "abc-def-123-xyz",
"email_notifications": {
"no_alert_for_skipped_runs": false
"webhook_notifications": {},
"timeout_seconds": 0,
"notebook_task": {
"notebook_path": "notebooks/my-notebook",
"base_parameters": {
"environment": "production"
"source": "GIT"
"max_concurrent_runs": 1,
"git_source": {
"git_url": "",
"git_provider": "azureDevOpsServices",
"git_branch": "master"
"format": "SINGLE_TASK"
"created_time": 1676477563075
I figured out that you don't need to retrieve the entire workflow definition json file, as shown in step 1, but only the "settings" part, i.e. modifying step 1 to this solved my issue:
databricks jobs get --job-id $(job_id) | jq .settings > workflow.json

Azure Data Factory Get Metadata activity returning "(404) not found" error when getting column count

I am trying to implement a Get Metadata activity to return the column count of files I have in a single blob storage container.
Get Metadata activity is returning this error:
I'm fairly new to Azure Data Factory and cannot solve this. Here's what I have:
Dataset:Source dataset
Name- ten_eighty_split_CSV
Connection- Blob storage
Schema- imported from blob storage file
Parameters- "FileName"; string; "#pipeline().parameters.SourceFile"
Name: ten eighty split
Parameters: "SourceFile"; string; "#pipeline().parameters.SourceFile"
Settings: Concurrency: 1
Get Metadata activity: Get Metadata
Only argument is "Column count"
Throws the error upon debugging. I am not sure what to do, (404) not found is so broad I could not ascertain a specific solution. Thanks!
The error occurs because you have given incorrect file name (or) name of a file that does not exist.
Since you are trying to use blob created event trigger to find the column count, you can use the procedure below:
After configuring the get metadata activity, create a storage event trigger. Go to Add trigger -> choose trigger -> Create new.
Click on continue. You will get a Trigger Run Parameters tab. In this, give the value as #triggerBody().fileName.
Complete the trigger creation and publish the pipeline. Now whenever the file is uploaded into your container (on top of which you created storage event trigger), it will trigger the pipeline automatically (no need to debug). If the container is empty and you try to debug by giving some value for sourceFile parameter, it would give the same error.
Upload a sample file to your container. It will trigger the pipeline and give the desired result.
The following is the trigger JSON that I created for my container:
"name": "trigger1",
"properties": {
"annotations": [],
"runtimeState": "Started",
"pipelines": [
"pipelineReference": {
"referenceName": "pipeline1",
"type": "PipelineReference"
"parameters": {
"sourceFile": "#triggerBody().fileName"
"type": "BlobEventsTrigger",
"typeProperties": {
"blobPathBeginsWith": "/data/blobs/",
"blobPathEndsWith": ".csv",
"ignoreEmptyBlobs": true,
"scope": "/subscriptions/b83c1ed3-c5b6-44fb-b5ba-2b83a074c23f/resourceGroups/<user>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blb1402",
"events": [

Updating pipeline variables at a given scope using Azure DevOps REST api

I am currently trying to update a pipeline variable at the scope, DEV however, I am having hard time updating that variable. Is it possible to update the variable at a scope other than "Release"? If so, how? Below is the code that I used and the error that I received.
let reqLink = ''+ organization +'/'+project+'/_apis/release/releases?api-version=5.1';
let reqBody = {
"definitionId": definitionId,
"variables": {
"value": "foo",
"scope": "DEV"
sendHttpRequest('POST',reqLink,reqBody).then(response => {
let data = JSON.parse(response);
This is the error that I am receiving:
{"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"Variable(s) someVar do not exist in the release pipeline at scope: Release
Scoped variables are defined not on the root level. But on stage level. So you must modify this here:
Here you have variable SomeVer scoped to Stage 1. The easiest way to achieve this will be hit endpoint with GET, manipulate on json and hit endpoint with PUT.
And what I noticed you are hiting release/releases whereas you should hit rather specific release release/releases/{releaseId}. Or maybe your goal is to update definition itself?
Is it possible to update the variable at a scope other than "Release"? If so, how?
The answer is yes.
The REST API you use is to create a release, if you want to update a release pipeline, using:
The request body of the REST API may need detailed information of the release pipeline. Use the following REST API to get it.
Then you can modify its response body and use it as the request body of the first REST API.
The property variables doesn't have a property called scope. If you want to update a variable from 'Release' scope to a stage scope, you need to delete the variable's original definition in variables and redefinite it in target environment. Here is an example.
Original script:
"variables": {
"somevar": {
"value": "foo"
The modified script:
"environments": [
"id": {stage id},
"name": DEV
"variables": {
"somevar": {
"value": "foo",
"variables": {},
Here is the summary: To change the scope of a variable, just move the variable definition to target scope.

How to get the Azure Data Factory parameters into the ARM template parameters file (ARMTemplateParametersForFactory.json) after publishing

I am trying to create my Azure DevOps release pipeline for Azure Data Factory.
I have followed the rather cryptic guide from Microsoft ( ) regarding adding additional parameters to the ARM template that gets generated when you do a publish ( )
Created a arm-template-parameters-definition.json file in the route of the master branch. When I do a publish, the ARMTemplateParametersForFactory.json in the adf_publish branch remains completely unchanged. I have tried many configurations.
I have defined some Pipeline Parameters in Data Factory and want them to be configurable in my deployment pipeline. Seems like an obvious requirement to me.
Have I missed something fundamental? Help please!
The JSON is as follows:
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines": {
"*": {
"properties": {
"parameters": {
"*": "="
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationRuntimes": {
"*": "="
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers": {},
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/linkedServices": {},
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/datasets": {}
I've been struggling with this for a few days and did not found a lot of info, so here what I've found out. You have to put the arm-template-parameters-definition.json in the configured root folder of your collaboration branch:
So in my example, it has to look like this:
If you work in a separate branch, you can test your configuration by downloading the arm templates from the data factory. When you make a change in the parameters-definition you have to reload your browser screen (f5) to refresh the configuration.
If you really want to parameterize all of the parameters in all of the pipelines, the following should work:
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines": {
"properties": {
I prefer specifying the parameters that I want to parameterize:
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines": {
"properties": {
Just to clarify on top of Simon's great answer. If you have non standard git hierarchy (i.e. you move the root to a sub-folder like I have done below with "Source"), it can be confusing when the doc refers to the "repo root". Hopefully this diagram helps.
You've got the right idea, but the arm-template-parameters-definition.json file needs to follow the hierarchy of the element you want to parameterize.
Here is my pipeline activity I want to parameterize. The "url" should change based on the environment it's deployed in
"name": "[concat(parameters('factoryName'), '/ExecuteSPForNetPriceExpiringContractsReport')]",
"type": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines",
"apiVersion": "2018-06-01",
"properties": {
"description": "",
"activities": [
"name": "NetPriceExpiringContractsReport",
"description": "Passing values to the Logic App to generate the CSV file.",
"type": "WebActivity",
"typeProperties": {
"url": "[parameters('ExecuteSPForNetPriceExpiringContractsReport_properties_1_typeProperties')]",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"body": {
"resultSet": "#activity('NetPriceExpiringContractsReportLookup').output"
Here is the arm-template-parameters-definition.json file that turns that URL into a parameter.
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines": {
"properties": {
"activities": [{
"typeProperties": {
"url": "-::string"
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationRuntimes": {},
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers": {},
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/linkedServices": {
"*": "="
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/datasets": {
"*": "="
So basically in the pipelines of the ARM template, it looks for properties -> activities -> typeProperties -> url in the JSON and parameterizes it.
Here are the necessary steps to clear up confusion:
Add the arm-template-parameters-definition.json to your master branch.
Close and re-open your Dev ADF portal
Do a new Publish
Your ARMTemplateParametersForFactory.json will then be updated.
I have experienced similar problems with the ARMTemplateParametersForFactory.json file not being updated whenever I publish and have changed the arm-template-parameters-definition.json.
I figured that I can force update the Publish branch by doing the following:
Update the custom parameter definition file as you wish.
Delete ARMTemplateParametersForFactory.json from the Publish branch.
Refresh (F5) the Data Factory portal.
The easiest way to validate your custom parameter .json syntax seems to be by exporting the ARM template, just as Simon mentioned.

Azure Data Factory - How can I trigger Scheduled/OneTime Pipelines?

Background : I have scheduled pipelines running for copying data from source to destination. This is scheduled to run daily at a specific time.
Problem : The input dataset to the pipeline is external and not available at specific time intervals. This means the copy activity will have to wait until the Scheduled Start time mentioned in the Pipeline to kickoff. Considering the volume of data, I don't want to waste my time here.
Requirement : At any given time I have access to the time when my input data set is available. With this in hand, I want to know how to trigger a ADF Pipeline from C# though its scheduled to start only at a specific time.
I ran into this same issue, I needed to run my pipeline only when a local job was completed. To do that I modified the local job to kick off the pipeline as its last step. I have a write up here on how to start an ADF pipeline with C#. Here is the link to the ADF developer reference which might also be helpful. I also have an example here on how to trigger ADF pipelines from Azure Functions, if you are interested. This is using the same code from the first example but I get the benefit of running the whole process in the cloud and the ability to use the azure function scheduler.
Here is the relevant method to modify the pipeline. You would need to change the start and end dates based on when you want the slice to run.
public void StartPipeline(string resourceGroup, string dataFactory, string pipelineName, DateTime slice)
var pipeline = inner_client.Pipelines.Get(resourceGroup, dataFactory, pipelineName);
pipeline.Pipeline.Properties.Start = DateTime.Parse($"{slice.Date:yyyy-MM-dd}T00:00:00Z");
pipeline.Pipeline.Properties.End = DateTime.Parse($"{slice.Date:yyyy-MM-dd}T23:59:59Z");
pipeline.Pipeline.Properties.IsPaused = false;
inner_client.Pipelines.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup, dataFactory, new PipelineCreateOrUpdateParameters()
Pipeline = pipeline.Pipeline
To trigger ADF you need to have input dataset in 'Ready' state. If it is in ready state you can manually go to Monitoring tab to manually 'Re-Run', if input dataset is not ready then you need to make that dataset ready to manually start ADF.
If you want to trigger the job only once then you can set StartDate and EndDate to be the same time:
pipeline.Pipeline.Properties.Start = DateTime.Parse($"{someDate:yyyy-MM-dd}T00:00:00Z");
pipeline.Pipeline.Properties.End = DateTime.Parse($"{someDate:yyyy-MM-dd}T00:00:00Z");
pipeline.Pipeline.Properties.IsPaused = false;
Here is some example from Microsoft Doc...(link for reference)
(Only applies to V2)
"properties": {
"name": "MyTrigger",
"type": "ScheduleTrigger",
"typeProperties": {
"recurrence": {
"frequency": "Hour",
"interval": 1,
"startTime": "2017-11-01T09:00:00-08:00",
"endTime": "2017-11-02T22:00:00-08:00"
"pipelines": [{
"pipelineReference": {
"type": "PipelineReference",
"referenceName": "SQLServerToBlobPipeline"
"parameters": {}
"pipelineReference": {
"type": "PipelineReference",
"referenceName": "SQLServerToAzureSQLPipeline"
"parameters": {}
Save the code with .JSON file in your dir and deploy using following command...
Set-AzureRmDataFactoryV2Trigger -ResourceGroupName resourceGroupName -DataFactoryName dataFactoryName -Name "ScheduleTriggerName" -DefinitionFile ".\ScheduleTriggerName.json"
Check this out:
As of today, I believe you can use this:
