Run a process on a specific CPU - linux

I have a Soc containing let's say an Arm M7-core and an Arm A53-core, I want to only program the M7-core (Linux) and run a specific process on the A53-core.
Is that possible or should I program both of them?
I read about thread Affinity in this article, and here I am not sure whether Affinity controls the running CPU in the Soc or the running core in the CPU (ARM cpu has several cores), please help.

ARM big.LITTLE have three implementations: . On the first two implementations you can only select a cpu pair (with an Arm M7-core and an Arm A53-core) to run your thread. Depending on the workload, your threads will be executed in an M7 or A53.
Only in Heterogeneous Multi-Processing (HMP) implementation OS scheduler sees all M7 and A53 cores and you can select a specific cpu type.
If the hardware has HMP, you can restrict your thread to a arbitrary set of cores using pthread_setaffinity_np ( ). The cpu set macros (which manipulate core sets) identify cores by number, so you will have to discover which numbers are M7 or A53. Probably it is the same numbering in /proc/cpuinfo or /sys/devices/system/cpu/.


Emulating a heterogenous system, like an ARM Processor with P and E Cores

I'm trying to emulate a processor which consists processor cores with different max frequencies per core, like ARM processors or newer Intel processors which have a couple of Performance Cores and Efficiency Cores.
I tried it with Qemu, but I only didn't get far, the only thing I found was qemu-system-aarch64 where you can configure cores per die and die count using nema but i did't find a possibilty to change frequency or core architechture for a specific die. Is it even possible with qemu or is there a alternative? Preferably the emulation should be able to run linux.
For clarification, I'm trying to show that on a heterogeneus system i.e. a processor with different core speeds a certain framework works better then another one.
Thanks to Nate I found Intel Simics which is able to simulate heterogeneous systems.

How to execute an application using a specific core or cores?

I'm writing an application that needs to be executed on a specific core of a processor.
For Example:
If we have 4 cores and i want to execute code on 2nd core only. I need help how to do this.
I'm writing an application that needs to be executed on a specific core of a processor.
This is extremely improbable on most platforms (since most multi-core processors are homogeneous). You really need to explain, motivate and justify such an usual requirement.
You can't do that in general. And if you could do that, how exactly you should proceed is operating system specific, and platform specific. Most multi-core processors are homogeneous (all the cores are the same), some are not.
On Linux/x86-64, the kernel scheduler sees all cores as the same, and will move a task (e.g. a thread of a multi-threaded process) from one core to another at arbitrary moments. Since scheduling is preemptive.
On some processors, moving periodically (e.g dozen of times per second) a task from one core to another is actually recommended (and done automagically by the kernel, or the firmware - e.g. SMM) to avoid overheating of that core. Read about dark silicon.
Some unusual hardware (e.g. ARM big.LITTLE) have two sets of different cores (e.g. 2 high-end ARM cores with 2 low-end ones, all sharing the same memory). If your platform is such, please state that in your question, and ask how to achieve processor affinity on your specific platform. Very likely your OS has appropriate system calls for that purpose.
Some high-end motherboards are multi-sockets. In such case, a RAM module is closer to one socket (in timing) than to another. You then care about non-uniform memory access.
So read more about processor affinity and non-uniform memory access. Most OSes have some support for both. On Linux, see pthread_setaffinity_np(3), sched_setaffinity(2), numa(7) etc...
To learn more about OSes, read Operating Systems: Three Easy pieces.
Notice that by pinning some thread to a some fixed core, you might lower the performance of your program. Since processor affinity is rarely useful.
The programmer can prescribe his/her own affinities (hard affinities) but
Rule of thumb: use the default scheduler unless a good reason not to.
here is a C/C++ function to assign a thread to a certain core
Kernel scheduler API
#include <sched.h>
int sched_setaffinity(pid_t pid, unsigned int len, unsigned long * mask);
sets the current affinity mask of process 'pid' to *mask
'len' is the system word size: sizeof(unsigned int long)
To query affinity of a running process:
[~]$ taskset -p 3935
pid 3945's current affinity mask: f

Programmatically disable CPU core

It is known the way to disable logical CPUs in Linux, basically with echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu<number>/online. This way, you are only telling to the OS to ignore that given (<number>) CPU.
My question goes further, is it possible not only to ignore it but to turn it off physically programmatically? I want that CPU to not receive any power, in order to make its energy consumption zero.
I know that it is possible disable cores from the BIOS (not always), but I want to know whether is possible to do it within a certain program or not.
When you do echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu<number>/online, what happens next depends on the particular CPU. On ARM embedded systems the kernel will typically disable the clock that drives the particular core PLL so effectively you get what you want.
On Intel X86 systems, you can only disable the interrupts and call the hlt instruction (which Linux Kernel does). This effectively puts CPU to the power-saving state until it is woken up by another CPU at user request. If you have a laptop, you can verify that power draw indeed goes down when you disable the core by reading the power from /sys/class/power_supply/BAT{0,1}/current_now (or uevent for all values such as voltage) or using the "powertop" utility.
For example, here's the call chain for disabling the CPU core in Linux Kernel for Intel CPUs.
arch/x86/kernel/smp.c: smp_ops.play_dead = native_play_dead,
arch/x86/kernel/smpboot.c : native_play_dead() -> play_dead_common() -> local_irq_disable()
Before that, CPUFREQ also sets the CPU to the lowest power consumption level before disabling it though this does not seem to be strictly necessary.
intel_pstate_stop_cpu -> intel_cpufreq_stop_cpu -> intel_pstate_set_min_pstate -> intel_pstate_set_pstate -> wrmsrl_on_cpu(cpu->cpu, MSR_IA32_PERF_CTL, pstate_funcs.get_val(cpu, pstate));
On Intel X86 there does not seem to be an official way to disable the actual clocks and voltage regulators. Even if there was, it would be specific to the motherboard and thus your closest bet might be looking into BIOS such as coreboot.
Hmm, I realized I have no idea about Intel except looking into kernel sources.
In Windows 10 it became possible with new power management commands CPMINCORES CPMAXCORES.
Powercfg -setacvalueindex scheme_current sub_processor CPMAXCORES 50
Powercfg -setacvalueindex scheme_current sub_processor CPMINCORES 25
Powercfg -setactive scheme_current
Here 50% of cores are assigned for desired deep sleep, and 25% are forbidden to be parked. Very good in numeric simulations requiring increased clock rate (15% boost on Intel)
You can not choose which cores to park, but Windows 10 kernel checks Intel's Comet Lake and newer "prefered" (more power efficient) cores, and starts parking those not preferred.
It is not a strict parking, so at high load the kernel can use these cores with very low load.
just in case if you are looking for alternatives
You can get closest to this by using governors like cpufreq. Make Linux exclude the CPU and power saving mode will ensure that the core runs at minimal frequency.
You can also isolate cpus from the scheduler at kernel boot time.
Add isolcpus=0,1,2 to the kernel boot parameters.
I know this is an old question but one way to disable the CPU is via grub config.
If you add to end of GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub (assuming you are using a standard Linux dist, if you are using an appliance the location of the grub config may be different), e.g.:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=".......Current config here **maxcpus**=2"
Then remake you grub config by running
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg (or grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg depending on your installation). Some distros may require nr_cpus instead of maxcpus.
Just some extra info:
If you are running a server with Multiple physical CPU then disabling one CPU may will most likely disable the memory set that is linked to that CPU, therefore it may have an effect on the performance of the server
Disabling the CPU this way, will not effect your type 1 hypervisor from accessing the CPU (this is based on xen hypervisor, I believe it will apply to vmware as well, if anyone can provide confirmation would be great). Depending on virtualbox setup, it may restrict the amount of CPU you can allocate to VM's unless you are running para-virtualization.
I am unsure however if you will have any power savings, most servers and even desktops these days, already control the power well, putting to sleep any device not needed for the current load. My concern would be by reducing the number of CPU (cores) then you will just be moving the load to the remaining CPU and due to the need to schedule the processors time, and potentially having instructions queued, and the effect of having a smaller number of cores available for interrupts (eg: network traffic), it may have a negative effect on power consumption.
AFAIK there is no system call or library function available as of now. or even ioctl implementation. So apart from creating new module / system call there are two ways I can think of :
using ASM asm(<assembly code>); where assembly code being architecture specific asm code to modify cpu flag.
system call in c (man 3 system). Assuming you just want to do it through c.

Understanding KVM CPU scheduler algorithm

I am trying to understand CPU scheduling algorithm in KVM, but I haven't found the appropriate documentation for it.
For example, in XEN, when more than 1 vCPU is assigned to a single physical CPU (i.e., overcommitting), XEN's default Credit Scheduler decides the order at which vCPUs will get access to that single pCPU. Then there are a number of parameters that can adjust the default behaviour, i.e., you can change default scheduling quanta (from 30~ms), you can assign different weights to VMs giving more/less CPU time, set work-preserving mode etc.
However, I am not clear about the degree of control that you get in KVM. This documentation explains how to pin vCPUs to pCPUs (which works fine). But I would like to know which scheduling algorithm is used by KVM and do we have any way to tweak it? For example to give more priority (CPU time) to some VMs or adjust I/O vs computing intensive tasks?
KVM is a Kernel-based virtualization infrastructre, so it uses Linux Kernel's native CPU scheduler, which is CFS by default.
*Source of image from ResearchGate

Intel MSR frequency scaling per - thread

I'm extending the Linux kernel in order to control the frequency of some threads: when they are scheduled onto a core (any core!), the core's frequency is changed by writing the proper p-state to the register IA32_PERF_CTL, as suggested in Intel's manual.
But when different threads with different "custom" frequencies are scheduled, it appears that the throughput of all the thread increases, as if all the cores run at the maximum set frequency.
I did many trials and measurements in different conditions of load and configuration, but the result is the same.
After some trials with CPUFreq (with no running app, I set different frequencies on each core, and finally the measured frequencies, with cpufreq-info -w, were equal), I wonder if the CPU cores can really run at different, independent frequencies, or if there are hardware policies or constraints.
Finally, is there a CPU model which makes this fine-grained frequency scaling feasible?
The CPU I am using is Intel Core i5 750
You cannot control individual core frequencies for active cores. You can, however, control frequencies of all active cores to be the same. The reasons are in the previous answers - all cores are on the same active voltage plane.
Hopefully, the next-gen Haswell processors will make it possible to control each core separately.
I think you're missing a big piece of the picture!
Read up on power and clocks domains. All processor cores within a domain run at the same P-state (i.e., the same frequency and voltage). The P-state that all cores will run at in that domain will always be the P-state of the core requesting the highest P-state in that domain. The MSRs don't reflect this at all, nor do the interfaces that the kernel exposes.
Anandtech has a good article on this:
"This is all very similar to AMD's Phenom, but where the two differ is in how they handle power management. While AMD will allow individual cores to request different clock speeds, Nehalem attempts to run all of its cores at the same frequency; if one core is idle then it's simply power gated and the core is effectively turned off."
I haven't hooked a power-meter up to SB/IB, but my guess is that the behavior is the same.
cpufreq-info will display information about which cores need to be synchronous in their P-states:
[root#navi ~]# cpufreq-info
cpufrequtils 008: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2009
Report errors and bugs to, please.
analyzing CPU 0:
driver: acpi-cpufreq
CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0 1 <---- THIS
CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0 <--- and THIS
maximum transition latency: 10.0 us.
At least because of that, I'd recommend going through cpufreq interfaces instead of directly setting registers, as well as making it possible to run on non-intel CPUs which might have uncommon requirements.
Also check on how to make kernel threads stick to specific core, to avoid unexpecteded switching, if you didn't do so already.
I want to thank everyone for the contribution!
Further investigating, I found other details I share with the community.
As suggested, Nehalem places all the cores in a single clock domain, so that the maximum frequency set among all the cores is applied to all of them; some tools may show different frequencies on idle cores, but it is sufficient to run any application to make the frequency raise to the maximum.
This, from my tests, also applies to Sandy Bridge, where cores and LLC slices all reside in the same frequency/voltage domain.
I assume that this behavior also happens with Ivy Bridge, as it is only a 'tick' iteration.
Instead, I believe that Haswell places cores and LLC slices in different, singular domains, thus enabling per-core frequencies. This is also advertized in several pages like
