Is sharing your C:/Users name a security risk? - security

I was wanting to show a video of my python code working to someone but in this video I need to show my folders. C:\Users\etc\etc. Is giving the users bit a risk (obviously it's my windows name in place of 'users') because I often see tutorials blocking this name.

Short answer, yes it is a security risk, you are telling someone the username for your system. However, the better question is, should you go to the effort of hiding it based on the security risk?
Unfortunately this question is much harder to answer with a simple yes / no answer and depends a lot on your personal (and your organisations) attitude to risk.
If someone is trying to hack into their system having valid credentials for the system is obviously a good way to go, hence the amount of effort that goes into phishing style e-mails, websites etc. By showing your username you have given the attacker half the things they need (assuming no MFA etc.).
That being said often usernames are often very easy to guess. Built in accounts e.g. Administrator in Windows and root in Linux have been targets in the past, although they are better protected from Network logins these days. In corporate environments, usernames are often e-mail addresses or the user part of the address (the bit before the # symbol).
As well as considering how available your username is in the public domain already you need to consider where is the video going to be shared. For example if you are in a corporate environment where usernames are firstname.lastname and this video is only going to be shared on the company intranet. Well, quite honestly, anyone with access to the video can guess your username.
Based on the hints above you can make your mind up about whether or not you need to hide your username. Let's look at this from another angle, how hard is it to hide the username. Assuming that your demonstration works just as well from any directory on your computer, why not put everything you need in C:\temp and then there is no need to show a path with your username in?
In summary, the choice is yours and I hope you this gives you a guide to how to consider the risks and make an informed choice. Personally (sorry SO rule followers, I will give a quick opinion here) I would avoid showing it as generally it is easy to build a video from a temp directory rather than one off C:\Users\<username> equally when using a Linux system I don't lose any sleep over the fact that the prompt shows my username.


What is the best way to secure your program

I searched a lot about what is the best way to secure your program and I found many results and there were two good ways.
The first one is to hash the mac address of the computer and link it with an activation code but it's still vulnerable.
And the second one is to use a usb device but I didn't find any detail so can anybody tell me in details what is the best way and how to implement it please.
First of all, you need to consider that it doesn't matter what you do, someone will be able to crack it, and because of this is that you need to consider a balance between the security of your application and how hard you will make it for legitimate users (since you don't want to punish a user who already paid for your product, just because you want to protect your applications from the guys who don't want to pay).
Having this in mind, you could go with digital signatures using asymmetric encryption, where you'll sign your license "activation" with your private key, and then your application will use its public key to verify that the received license was submitted by you. You should also take a look at this discussion (I recommend you to focus on the 2nd answer, not the selected one) and this one.
But again, your objective should be to just make things hard for bad guys, but without punishing your legitimate users, because for an attacker, it could be as easy as de-compiling your program and removing your logic to validate the license (unless you're creating an "always online" application, but usually users don't like that, and I'm saying this as a user).

Providing a public link to an admin area - bad idea?

I have a client who is requesting that we add a link to the system admin area on the main (public) website so that they can just go to the site and click the URL.
Would you consider this to be a bad idea? I find it a bit odd that they cant remember to go to /admin - seems pretty much like you're inviting someone to try and break in, does it not?
I've been trying to come up with some other method. If it was me, I'd just bookmark it, however my client is a consortium of...'old gentlemen' with little computing know-how.
Any thoughts on how this should be tackled?
Whilst I can't imagine that this could really be described as "good practice", it would seem that the additional "security" afforded to you by not linking the administrative area publicly is relatively minimal.
Since there are a limited number of common "admin-area" type paths - /admin, /administrator, /admincp etc., and (assuming your question hasn't been censored) you are indeed using one of them, you're probably only keeping out the most amateur of attackers by not linking to it, and you'd hope that they would be defeated by the login mechanism you surely have on the administrative area anyway.
The remainder of the more determined adversaries will no doubt manage to find the admin. area by simply probing common paths whether you link to it or not.
Having a link to the admin area is not a security risk in itself. If you have done a good job at securing the admin area, then it really does not matter to make the address public. If making the URL private increases the security, it means that you are at risk.

Corporate Espionage of Website Source Code

This may not be the most technical question, but I was just interested, nonetheless...
How does a giant company like Google keep from having their code stolen by employees? Maybe I'm wrong, but I would assume that their source code to their search algorithms (amongst other things) would be valuable to their competitors (i.e. Microsoft).
I guess I can best phrase it like this:
What's keeping an unscrupulous
employee who has sufficient clearance from
accessing Google's code repository for
a specific project and copying significant amounts of code
to a flash drive and taking it to their
Fear of being sued?
Things within a company like Google are also compartmentalized. So not everybody has access to all code. If someone has access to code, you can bet that Google knows when they access it. I'm sure they have some kind of algorithm that looks and sees if somebody just downloads a lot of files very fast. The search algorithm isn't a small file obviously, it is a gigantic application.
All this would allow them to track who has stolen the code from within. There is also the fact that any self-respecting company or company with something to lose (i.e. Microsoft) would not take anything like this from somebody. They would probably even tell Google about it.
It is called protocol. The idea that only a few people get to know the code. In which then those few have to tell a major very embarrassing secret to the others. So then nobody can tell or else they get outed in the public. Which can be very simple like they like something, compared to as bashful as they are all the way to they killed somebody.
Many employers, including one that I've worked for, completely block flash drives.
In many cases, though, this is to protect non-technical confidential information.
Companies that are serious about protecting their assets will have access logging on their core systems and active scanning to detect suspicious patterns. Similar security is implemented for employees of government agencies (e.g. tax, social security) holding sensitive personal information. Users who access data outside of their assigned cases can be flagged and investigated.
I suspect (but don't know) that similar scanning could be implemented in high value source code repositories.
Some organizations block the use of removable media (It has been reported that some agencies have reacted to Wikileaks with such policies), in some cases by physically gluing up the USB/media ports. This restricts potential thiefs to network transfers of material which can be scanned.
I think companies such as Google will implement access control on their source code repository / version control system. So their employee would only be able to access source code in which they were involved. And their access could be revoked from previous repository if they're being assigned to different project. Its the same thing with normal internal documents, would a security-conscious company let documents be downloaded by any employee freely ?
I think codethis hit the nail on the head. Some fly-by-night operation may be interested, but Microsoft, Yahoo, etc - wouldn't touch stolen code with a ten foot pole. And the fly-by-night wouldn't have the infrastructure. If you didn't tell anybody it was stolen - it's not like you could get away with walking in to a company with an entire spider/searching algorithm on your thumbdrive and declare you wrote it last week.
The bigger threat is details of the search algorithm getting out. SEOers, as a whole, are rather shady - and many would kill for solid facts about how the algorithm ranked or downranked pages. Even then, Google has demonstrated the ability to change their ranking algorithms so quickly that it wouldn't much matter.
On the other hand, Google doesn't have that much super-secret code. Most of their cool stuff (MapReduce is publicly available (see Hadoop). This question is probably more applicable to a company like Adobe. Some of their Photoshop algorithms are really cool, and would probably hurt them if they got out - but again, no legit company would touch it.

I want to use security through obscurity for the admin interface of a simple website. Can it be a problem?

For the sake of simplicity I want to use admin links like this for a site:
So the actual URL and the parameter would be some completely random string which only I would know.
I know security through obscurity is generally a bad idea, but is it a realistic threat someone can find out the URL? Don't take the employees of the hosting company and eavesdroppers on the line into account, because it is a toy site, not something important and the hosting company doesn't give me secure FTP anyway, so I'm only concerned about normal visitors.
Is there a way of someone finding this URL? It wouldn't be anywhere on the web, so Google won't now it about either. I hope, at least. :)
Any other hole in my scheme which I don't see?
Well, if you could guarantee only you would ever know it, it would work. Unfortunately, even ignoring malicious men in the middle, there are many ways it can leak out...
It will appear in the access logs of your provider, which might end up on Google (and are certainly read by the hosting admins)
It's in your browsing history. Plugins, extensions etc have access to this, and often use upload it elsewhere (i.e. StumbleUpon).
Any proxy servers along the line see it clearly
It could turn up as a Referer to another site
some completely random string
which only I would know.
Sounds like a password to me. :-)
If you're going to have to remember a secret string I would suggest doing usernames and passwords "properly" as HTTP servers will have been written to not leak password information; the same is not true of URLs.
This may only be a toy site but why not practice setting up security properly as it won't matter if you get it wrong. So hopefully, if you do have a site which you need to secure in future you'll have already made all your mistakes.
I know security through obscurity is
generally a very bad idea,
Fixed it for you.
The danger here is that you might get in the habit of "oh, it worked for Toy such-and-such site, so I won't bother implementing real security on this other site."
You would do a disservice to yourself (and any clients/users of your system) if you ignore Kerckhoff's Principle.
That being said, rolling your own security system is a bad idea. Smarter people have already created security libraries in the other major languages, and even smarter people have reviewed and tweaked those libraries. Use them.
It could appear on the web via a "Referer leak". Say your page links to my page at, and I publish my web server referer logs on the web. There'll be an entry saying that was accessed from
As long as the "login-URL" never posted anywhere, there shouldn't be any way for search engines to find it. And if it's just a small, personal toy-site with no personal or really important content, I see this as a fast and decent-working solution regarding security compared to implementing some form of proper login/authorization system.
If the site is getting a big number of users and lots of content, or simply becomes more than a "toy site", I'd advice you to do it the proper way
I don't know what your toy admin page would display, but keep in mind that when loading external images or linking to somewhere else, your referrer is going to publicize your URL.
If you change http into https, then at least the url will not be visible to anyone sniffing on the network.
(the caveat here is that you also need to consider that very obscure login system can leave interesting traces to be found in the network traces (MITM), somewhere on the site/target for enabling priv.elevation, or on the system you use to log in if that one is no longer secure and some prefer admin login looking no different from a standard user login to avoid that)
You could require that some action be taken # of times and with some number of seconds of delays between the times. After this action,delay,action,delay,action pattern was noticed, the admin interface would become available for login. And the urls used in the interface could be randomized each time with a single use url generated after that pattern. Further, you could only expose this interface through some tunnel and only for a minute on a port encoded by the delays.
If you could do all that in a manner that didn't stand out in the logs, that'd be "clever" but you could also open up new holes by writing all that code and it goes against "keep it simple stupid".

Where do you record your authentication information (urls/ips/usernames/passwords)?

I'm wondering what people use for storing their username, passwords, urls, IPs, domains, and any other login information they need to both do their job and in general life. It might also store serial numbers or similar data.
I find that I'm registering for probably 5 sites a month, paying some piece of software, just setting up a new hosting account or ssh access to something. By the end of the month, I've both forgot what those sites were and what my username and/or password is--not that I use a completely different password every time. Next month when I go back, I end up using the forgot password and then changing the password to something that I'll forget.
I'm also thinking it needs to be mobile, probably browser based (not a USB key or other protable media) and very secure.
I'm thinking there are maybe 2 different solutions: one for a company where everyone in the company can access it and one where it's only you.
What does everyone else use to store their authentication information?
Edit: I'm looking for something to store more than just a username and password. It needs to store IPs or domains for example for SSH access. It also needs to have the ability to put some kind of comment in or other information because, for example, the site maybe limited to 1 IP.
I use KeePass. It has versions for various platforms (KeePassX for Linux, for example) and has been quite stable for me. No lost data yet, so I haven't had to resort to my backups :)
I use PasswordMaker and it's fantastic Mozilla Firefox add-on. All passwords are generated from a website URL and your username. You enter a master password which then essentially "unlocks" all your passwords so you really only have to remember one password but can have a unique password for each website you have an account on.
PasswordMaker was also recommended by Jim McKeeth in Stack Overflow Podcast #9.
Note also that there are many other ways to integrate with PasswordMaker besides the Firefox add-on. For example, they have an online version that can be used essentially anywhere as long.
I use a certain string of characters in all my passwords, then for each new site I register on I append another string of characters which can be determined by looking at the site's name or URL. All I have to remember is the base password and the algorithm for determining the rest of the password.
Try Password Gorilla and use to keep it synced across machines. I think it was recommended by the developers of this site.
I keep everything always with me on my Treo, with SplashId. (Handles custom fields, too)
I have two different solutions:
For work related passwords (login to our webbservers and mysql users and logins), we use a shared google doc. It's not ideal, but it's better than having just one password (we did when I started), and it's better than being locked out if one guy gets run over by a bus.
My private solution is a variant of Jeremy Rutens solution, an algo that gives a couple of chars based on the url/hostname and another algo for the second half of the password (which usually gives me two or three choices when I've forgotten the pass - but that takes just a few minutes extra).
Here's a simple solution that I think fits your requirements.
Store all your usernames, passwords, URLs, IPs, whatever in a plain text file. Yes, really. You may even want to have one text file for usernames & passwords, another for URLs, another for IPs ... whatever works for you.
Alternatively, if you'll have MS Office, Open Office, Star Office, or some other compatible office program available at every site, a spreadsheet works splendidly for this type of thing.
Zip this (these) file(s) up and apply a good password.
Attach this zip file to an e-mail you keep in your favorite Web-based e-mail box. To keep it easy to find, you might want to create a separate folder, or just create a separate e-mail account just for this purpose.
That's it. Assuming you can rely on have a Web browser with access to your Web mail, an unzip utility, and a text file reader (or better yet, spreadsheet reader), you can access your information securely from anywhere.
I use Password Safe. You can store, organize and retrieve all the essentials in a snap. It also has a handy "generate random password" that I use more and more, especially for those once-in-a-while-never-worth-remembering-the-password sites.
I store my passwords in text files on an encrypted partition.
Like claudiu I use a several tier system and my memory, I have a good handful of passwords that I know all from memory, and depending on what type of stuff I'm using depends on what passwords I use. Effectively I have two or three passwords for each of my "tier" catagories. Sometimes I have to try several of them if it's a site I don't use often until I get in. Though typically I'm very good at remembering which one's I uses on which sites.
Clipperz looks like a good solution. It allows you to store pretty much anything you want and encrypts all of your data with your password. It also includes an export feature and offline read-only version. And it's free!
Keepassc ( on my Linux machines, with the database file stored within Dropbox so it can be synced with my Android phone (KeepassDroid) and Windows machines (Keepass). Works great!
Use the same password for everything. Give it out to strangers.
Just kidding. I use three tiers of passwords - the lowest one is really easy to remember, and applies to all accounts whose security I don't care about. I just use it for most things like this.
For the other stuff, I don't find it to be such sensitive information, so I'll store them in a large "info.txt" text file. I'll put a password hint next to it, such as "the bad one", or "double z" for example, if I have a password I use a lot that has two zs in it. I just use standard CTRL+F search to lookup the info.
