My html cant find my linked javascript event though its in the correct directory, very stumped here - node.js

where I link index.js
<script src="/assets/js/index.js"></script>
Folder Directory is such
enter image description here
Error Im getting
index.html:25 GET file:///assets/js/index.js net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND

I guess you are using an express app(by the tag in question). The static resources such as your javascript, css, images, etc. should be inside the public folder which gets served on running the application. Could you try moving the assets folder inside the public folder and then have a script tag pointing to that resource.

Maybe it helps to remove the first slash:
<script src="assets/js/index.js"></script>
Or startend with a dot
<script src="./assets/js/index.js"></script>


vite base path doesnt respect dist-directory

I am using vite purely as dev server with a backend server that does the file serving for me and has no connection to vite itself. My vite application lives under nested path. Thats why I set the base-url as specified in the config to '/my/path/'. This works well and everything is served correctly.
Once I run build, it creates a dist folder with a manifest file. My index HTML that is served by the backend server either includes the vite devserver in dev more or loads the main.ts as specified by the maninifest.json { "src/main.ts": { "file": "assets/main.b3ed3483.js", ...}}. Therefore my index HTML looks somewhat like this:
<?php if($dev): ?>
<script type="module" src="http://localhost:3000/#vite/client"></script>
<script type="module" src="http://localhost:3000/src/main.ts"></script>
<?php else: ?>
<?php $entry = parseJson('dist/manifest.json'); /* pseudocode */ ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/my/path/dist/<?= $entry.css[0] ?>" />
<script type="module" src="/my/path/dist/<?= $entry.file ?>"></script>
<?php endif ?>
Now, I have the problem, that whenever a module is imported, it tries to load it from /my/path/assets instead of my/path/dist/assets. I tried changing the basepath to /my/path/dist/ but now obviously the path arent resolved in dev correctly. What do I have to do to make this work?
I am not sure if I completely understand the src paths in your script tags but I think this should work, though you might need to make some changes to make your src paths match.
Option one: If you are using linux, I would create a symbolic link from /my/path/ to/dist/assets/ e.g. ln -s -r ./dist/assets/ assets (-s for symbolic link and -r for relative links). This will provide two paths to the same directory, one from /my/path/assets and one from /my/path/dist/assets/.
Option two: use a relative base path i.e. set base in your vite config to ''. Note: in vite 2.x there is an issue where if you have multiple entry points the asset path will be incorrect. There is a fix merged for vite 3.0.

jhipster index.html not allowing changes

I created a jhipster ui only angular 6 app.
I now want to add a script to index.html:
<script src='widgets/widgets.js'></script>
When I run the index.html is copied to the build/www directory fine, but in the app my script tag or any other changes are not there.
Seems that webpack does not use my new version.
How do I get webpack to use the changed template?
You have to use webpack in order to achieve the script tag injection.
Add your script to the entry points of webpack in the entry property located in (or prod) file, then add the related key inside the chunks array of the HtmlWebpackPlugin (it is located in webpack.common file).
This should inject the script tag inside your index.html

Installed Node + vue-cli on AWS. But get a blank page?

Ok, learning here. Installed the default vue-cli app on AWS. I do a npm run build. When I launch the default index.html I'm served a blank page. If I go into dist, there is another index.html, that serves links to js files, but still a blank page.
I'm guessing webpack wants me to launch an index.html, but don't see how I can hit that with a browser. No errors anywhere. But no Hello World either. thanks for help.
What I'm seeing in the browser:
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset=utf-8><title>hello-world</title><link href=/static/css/app.87e65e7c83fb67c04e58d4461a7fd8e8.css rel=stylesheet></head><body><div id=app></div><script type=text/javascript src=/static/js/manifest.fa7eecfb52900d1cfb0a.js></script><script type=text/javascript src=/static/js/vendor.9baeef453ba99a70f46a.js></script><script type=text/javascript src=/static/js/app.cdfbb21001bbc43de4bc.js></script></body></html>
When you npm run build Webpack should produce an index.html file along with a static/ directory that contains all of your javascript and css. The link to static/ is an absolute link (i.e. When you try to open index.html as a file, the browser will look for the /static/ folder on the root of your file system, which of course it won't find.
To run it locally you need to fire up an http server locally. One option is to cd into the directory with a terminal app and run python -m http.server. Then go to http://localhost:8000/. That should work because the root of the directory tree will be the folder from where you are serving it.
Getting it running on AWS S3 will be a matter of making sure you get the static directory in the right place and get the links pointing to it. Hard to say exactly how without knowing details of how you are organizing the site in your bucket.
You can change how the static folder is saved in the webpack config if you need to:
You will find a folder named /dist in your project directory.Just point the index.html file within the /dist directory and rest will work fine I think. I have just done that and it's working fine.
Hope it will work.

js file not found on Heroku

My socket.js file can not be found when my Node.js server runs on Heroku, however when it runs on localhost, it is found. In addition, although the app.js file is in the same directory with socket.js file, it can not be found. I've seen some posts suggesting to use
app.use('/', express.static(__dirname));
but i guess it is not the case here.
my index.html file :
<script src="/angular-socket-io/socket.js"></script>
<script src="/socket.js"></script>
<script src="/"></script>
Amongst them, the only one couldnt be found is the second directory(/socket.js) which contains the 'socket factory'inside.
My folder tree is as follows;
Any help please?
Just add app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'app/assets'))); to your main code and after that you can use <script src="/socket.js"></script>
My JavaScript file didn't initialize because of how I imported the JQuery script inside of my index.html.
If your JavaScript file that contains JQuery is not initialized. Make sure to import it with HTTPS not HTTP.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
This solved my problem of missing the JavaScript file on Heroku.

website directory structure and file paths

I am attempting to make a small website with a directory structure like this:
Within each of the sub folders are the directories css/ , js/ and html/ so I keep my pages and apps separate and my file types separate within them, which seems sensible to me.
My root page I want to load when some one goes to is
1) Is this something which can be typically configured on a web server?
2) And is it possible to reference paths to css and script files in different directories? For example my lanidng page rootURL/landing/html/landing.htm , can it use the line
<script type="text/javascript" src="rootURL/common/jQuery.js"></script>
and if not is there anothr way to access files in other directories?
All of that is possible. For your landing page, will either have to have a redirect page in the root directory, use URL rewriting, or simply put your home page in the root directory.
To reference paths you can use
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/file.js">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../relative/path/to/file.js">
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
