Flutter MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method checkPermissionStatus on channel flutter.baseflow.com/permissions/methods) - flutter-layout

Having issue in release mode of the APK only, in debug mode it is working fine.
After too much of struggling I got issue is coming due to uses of two plugin file_picker & permission_handler If I remove anyone of that, It is working but I need to use both plugins
Please help me out from this issue if anyone know about it.

Issue resolved by simply adding two line of the code in app/build.gradle
buildTypes {
release {
shrinkResources false //add this line &
minifyEnabled false // this line
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
In my case, It is working hope it will be helpful


use Intent in Kotlin

When we want to move to another Activity using Intent in Kotlin, it gives this error.
In Intent, it doesn't recognize .java after ::class
And when I delete .java, Intent gives an error
Note: My problem was not solved with Invalidate Caches / Restart... option in File
I don't know where the problem is. please help me.
Kinda strange because it seems good to me. Try this.
Remove the lateinit and declare it directly when you need it, maybe it will solve the problem.
val intent = Intent(this, LauncherActivity::class.java)
I don't think the this#KotlinActivity is needed in this case.
Let me know if this fix it
Are you sure the findViewById<TextView>... is correct ? Shouldn't it has a declaration before ? Like
val view = findViewById<>...
The solution is:
In build.gradle (:app) file, in dependencies, you should change appcompat version to 1.4.2.
befor error:
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.5.0'
And when I changed the version to 1.4.2, the problem was solved
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.4.2'
And make sure the kotlin version is 1.5.0

How can I set Kotlin compiler options in my Android Studio project, when I can't use Gradle?

For a library I'm using, I get an error on some of the overridden methods:
Inheritance from an interface with '#JvmDefault' members is only allowed with -Xjvm-default option
The answer prior to my Bumblebee upgrade was to use kotlinOptions in the app build.gradle:
android {
kotlinOptions {
freeCompilerArgs = ['-Xjvm-default=compatibility']
jvmTarget = "1.8"
but now, kotlinOptions always breaks the build:
No signature of method: build_5rl9tbmrzydf364yqkdyvcpyq.android() is applicable for argument types: (build_5rl9tbmrzydf364yqkdyvcpyq$_run_closure1) values: [build_5rl9tbmrzydf364yqkdyvcpyq$_run_closure1#60f02a40]
so where else can I set the compiler options for Kotlin in Android Studio Bumblebee?
Or, how can I fix the build so that kotlinOptions works again?
The trick is to slow down and double check that you have all the requirements in your Gradle file for an Android Kotlin application. If you're missing version, or missing declaring dependencies, you're sure to get build errors. Once I checked off the boxes in the link here, everything built as it was supposed to.
In my case, I'm an iOS developer so a lot of 'fear of the unknown' was at work against me here. Once I just settled down and paid attention to giving my Gradle build the specifications it needed, I got more familiar and comfortable with the build system, and got the results I expected.

Kotlin, Android, how to debug coroutines correctly?

I'm trying to debug my coroutines, and breakpoints placed into suspend function don't work. Pls help me understand why.
Working with Android Studio.
Ok, I launch a coroutine from viewModelScope:
viewModelScope.launch(IO) {
when(val result = interactor.getAllWords()){...}
In getAllWords() I wrote:
override suspend fun getAllWords(): WordResult {
val words = mutableListOf<Word>()
when (val wordsResult = getAllWordsWithoutFiltersApplying()) {}
return getWordsWithSelectedPattern()
I have two suspend functions: getAllWordsWithoutFiltersApplying() and getWordsWithSelectedPattern(). I have a breakpoints into both of them, but they did't trigger in debug mode.
At the same time, line val words = mutableListOf<Word>() is triggering, when I put breakpoint to its line.
And, if I put some log stuff into "untracing" function, they will be work. I say it to make it clear, suspend function works. Breakpoints are not.
What should I do to debug them?
*Screenshot added. Look at the left side with row of icons. Why my lines are not available?
Based on your sample code, you switch the coroutine context between MAIN and IO so when you set the breakpoint, make sure the suspend option is ALL
To show the option of the breakpoint. Set a breakpoint with the left click of your mouse, and then right click your mouse on the breakpoint.
If you are using the JetBrain IDE, according to the document, when you set the breakpoint to make sure the suspend option is ALL not thread. it works for me.
and more detail you can check the document
It still does not work for me because I run the app first then attach the debugger, but when I use debug instead, it works.
I know I'm late, but this is for those people who made similar mistakes like me. I've also faced this issue recently and the root cause was related to dependencies. Actually I added coroutine core dependency but I forget to add coroutine android dependency. Please make sure both dependencies are present in your gradle file as shown below.
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.3.4"
implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:1.3.4'
I had forgot minifyEnabled set to true in my build.gradle file
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled true
debug {
minifyEnabled true <- Should be false for these breakpoints to work

How to prevent rawproto file generation or delete them automatically?

Android gradle plugin generates tons of .rawproto files in build/android-profile directory. What are they used for? Is there a way to disable this madness or automatically delete them?
I've been bugged by it for a long time, and now that I noticed there's gigabytes of this hogging my smallish SSD, I've decided to figure out a way to disable it. For me the most annoying thing before occupying too much space was gradlew clean leaving a build folder behind.
Only tested with com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.0.1, so YMMV.
For global application read last section, per-project use this in rootProject's build.gradle:
com.android.build.gradle.internal.profile.ProfilerInitializer.recordingBuildListener =
new com.android.build.gradle.internal.profile.RecordingBuildListener(
// and then `gradlew --stop && gradlew clean` to verify no build folder is left behind
Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/43910084/253468 linked by #JeffRichards mentioning ProcessProfileWriterFactory.java, I've put a breakpoint there and checked who's calling it by running gradlew -Dorg.gradle.debug=true --info (not to be confused with --debug) and attaching a remote debugger.
I followed the trail and found that ProcessProfileWriter.finishAndMaybeWrite creates the folder and writes. Backtracing on method calls I found that ProfilerInitializer.recordingBuildListener controls whether it's called ... and that is initialized directly by BasePlugin (apply plugin: 'com.android.*').
So in order to prevent anything from happening I opted to try to disable the guard, by pre-initialized that static field. Thankfully Groovy (and hence Gradle) doesn't give a * about JVM visibility modifiers, so without reflection here's the magic line:
com.android.build.gradle.internal.profile.ProfilerInitializer.recordingBuildListener =
new com.android.build.gradle.internal.profile.RecordingBuildListener(
I know, it's a bit verbose, but it works, and if you import stuff it looks better:
ProfilerInitializer.recordingBuildListener = new RecordingBuildListener(ProcessProfileWriter.get());
Applying the magic
In a single-project build (one build.gradle) you must apply this before
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
In multi-project builds (most template projects: app folder, settings.gradle, and many build.gradles) I suggest you apply it around the buildscript block:
buildscript {
// ...
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.0.1'
// magic line here
Make sure it's before any apply plugin:s, and not inside a buildscript block.
Applying the magic globally
Obviously if it bothers us in one project, it will in all cases, so following Gradle's manual, create a file in ~/.gradle/init.gradle or %USERPROFILE%\.gradle\init.gradle (mind you this folder can be relocated with GRADLE_USER_HOME) with the following contents:
// NB: any changes to this script require a new daemon (`gradlew --stop` or `gradlew --no-daemon <tasks>`)
rootProject { rootProject -> // see https://stackoverflow.com/a/48087543/253468
// listen for lifecycle events on the project's plugins
rootProject.plugins.whenPluginAdded { plugin ->
// check if any Android plugin is being applied (not necessarily just 'com.android.application')
// this plugin is actually exactly for this purpose: to get notified
if (plugin.class.name == 'com.android.build.gradle.api.AndroidBasePlugin') {
logger.info 'Turning off `build/android-profile/profile-*.(rawproto|json)` generation.'
// execute the hack in the context of the buildscript, not in this initscript
new GroovyShell(plugin.class.classLoader).evaluate("""
com.android.build.gradle.internal.profile.ProfilerInitializer.recordingBuildListener =
new com.android.build.gradle.internal.profile.RecordingBuildListener(

Android Studio -- clear application data for Instrumentation Test

How can I get Android Studio (AndroidJunitRunner) to clear application data preceding an instrumentation test without manually running adb command?
I discovered that android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner kind of cheats -- it never actually invokes connectedCheck or connectedAndroidTest.
When run from command line $ gradle connectedCheck
:MyMainApp:assembleDebug UP-TO-DATE
:MyMainApp:assembleDebugTest UP-TO-DATE
When run from within IDE by clicking the instrumentation test configuration (green Android robot logo with red/green arrows)
**Executing tasks: [:MyMainAppApp:assembleDebug, :MyMainAppApp:assembleDebugTest]**
As you can see, the last gradle target is assembleDebugTest
I had added a hook onto connectedCheck in build.gradle to clear the data of the main app before starting the instrumentation test.
// Run 'adb' shell command to clear application data of main app for 'debug' variant
task clearMainAppData(type: Exec) {
// we have to iterate to find the 'debug' variant to obtain a variant reference
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
if (variant.name.equals("debug")) {
def clearDataCommand = ['adb', 'shell', 'pm', 'clear', getPackageName(variant)]
println "Clearing application data of ${variant.name} variant: [${clearDataCommand}]"
commandLine clearDataCommand
// Clear Application Data (once) before running instrumentation test
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
// Both of these targets are equivalent today, although in future connectedCheck
// will also include connectedUiAutomatorTest (not implemented yet)
if(task.name.equals("connectedAndroidTest") || task.name.equals("connectedCheck" )){
I realize that alternatively I could implement a 'clear data' button in the main app and have the instrumentation app click through the UI, but I find that solution undesirable.
I looked at AndroidJUnitRunner API and there are hooks via Runlistener interface but hooks are during the context of the test app, i.e. running on device, and Android forbids one app from modifying another app.
Best answer goes to you if you can help me trigger one of the following automatically from within Android Studio:
execute a command line adb shell pm clear my.main.app.package,
or preferably invoke my gradle task clearMainAppData
I'm also all ears if there is an alternate way. Surely with device testing automation there should be a clear way to clear application data?
Thank you!
I know it's been a while, and hopefully by now you will have this issue sorted.
I ran into that same issue today, and crashed here without any solution.
But I managed to make it work by calling my task from the test configuration.
Step 1 : Go to your test configuration
Step 2 : Simply add the gradle task you created
By the way, the task in my case simply looks like this :
task clearData(type: Exec) {
def clearDataCommand = ['adb', 'shell', 'pm', 'clear', 'com.your.application']
commandLine clearDataCommand
Hope this will help someone :)
With Android Test Orchestrator it is easier to provide this option via gradle script.
android {
defaultConfig {
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
// The following argument makes the Android Test Orchestrator run its
// "pm clear" command after each test invocation. This command ensures
// that the app's state is completely cleared between tests.
testInstrumentationRunnerArguments clearPackageData: 'true'
Below is the link for Android Test Orchestrator
