How to get and parse .xlsx file in Azure Function called from Azure Logic App? - azure

I am working on a logic app that gets a file azure file file shares, adds them in azure blob storage and then calls a Azure Function that receives that blob (.xlsx file).
After the blob is created the Azure Function will parse the data in the blob and will insert the data in MS dynamics CRM entity.
My question is how can I access the blob in Azure Function and parse it so I can the data that will be store in the entity?
I have successfully created the logic app that performs the mentioned steps:

My question is how can I access the blob in Azure Function and parse
it so I can the data that will be store in the entity?
From your screenshot, seems your logic app to trigger function is triggered by Http. So you can use azure function blob binding to access the blob in storage:
(The information of blob name is incoming by json format, so binding can directly get the name.)
Regarding parsing, I think there are a lot of codes that can be used for reference. It is no need to be given here. If you need it, you can tell me(And please tell the language you are using.).


How to invoke a POST web api when a file arrives in azure blob storage, and post the file to the api?

I have video files arriving into Azure blob storage.
When the file arrives, I want to invoke a REST api and pass the file in the api's POST method.
What is the Azure blob storage setting where-in I can configure the api call trigger (when new file arrives) and specify that the file needs to be POST'ed?
What is the Azure blob storage setting where-in I can configure the
api call trigger (when new file arrives) and specify that the file
needs to be POST'ed?
There are many ways to accomplish this.
One possible solution is to make use of Blob Triggered Azure Function. The Function will be triggered when a blob is created. In your Function code, you can invoke your API and post the blob data.
Other option would be to use Azure Logic Apps where you can define a workflow that gets invoked when a blob is created.

Automatically pickup uploaded text file from Blob Storage and import data to Azure SQL

I have a Blob Storage, and an Azure SQL DB.
When I upload a text file to my Blob Storage, says users.txt which contains list of users I need to import to User table in my SQL DB.
Is there a way that whenever a file arrive to Blob Storage, it will trigger an event. That event will trigger another event to import data to SQL DB(I don't know, but may be an Azure function, Logic App...). Therefore I don't need to write any code. Is that possible? If so, could you please let me know step by step how to do it?
Any help would be highly appreciated!.
Teka a look at Azure Blob storage trigger for Azure Functions, which describes how you can use a "blob added" event to trigger an Azure Function. You can do something like below.
public static void Run(
[BlobTrigger("container-with-text-files/{name}", Connection = "StorageConnectionAppSetting")] Stream streamWithTextFile)
// your logic for handling new blob (streamWithTextFile)
In the implementation, you can save the blob content to your SQL database. If you want to make sure that the blob is not lost due to any transient errors (like issues with db connectivity), you can first put the info about new blob to an Azure storage queue, and then have a separate Azure Function to take each blob-info from the queue and transfer the content to the database.
One solution that comes to mind, other than the options you already know, is Azure Data Factory. It is a kind of ETL tool for the cloud. It allows you to set up pipelines for data processing with defined inputs and outputs. In your scenario the input would be a blob and the output would be a Sql Server database record.
You can trigger the pipeline to be executed in the event a new blob is added. The docs even have an example showing just that, you can find it here.
In your case you can probably use the Copy Activity to copy the data from the blob to sql server. A tutorial titled "Copy data from Azure Blob storage to a SQL Database by using the Copy Data tool" is found here
An Azure Function will do the job as well but will involve coding. A Logic App is also a good option.
You answered your function or logic app. You can declaratively bind to your blob within an azure function, you can use the blob trigger on a logic app as well. Someone suggested data factory (this would necessarily be the most expensive option).

Saving a JSON data from an Azure Function

I have integrated an Azure Service Bus and an Azure Function to receive a message, and then update a SQL DB.
I want to save a JSON created from a query from the same Database to a Azure Blob.
My questions are:
I can save the JSON by calling the Azure Blob REST API. Is it a Cloud Native pattern to call one service from another service?
Is sending the JSON to the Azure Service Bus and another Azure Function saving the data to the Blob an optimal approach?
Is a resource other than Azure Blob to save the JSON data from an Azure Function which will make the integration easy.
There are many ways of saving a file in Azure Blob, if you want to save over HTTP, use Azure Blob REST API, you can also use Microsoft Azure Storage SDK that you can integrate into your application, there are storage client for many languages (.NET, Python, javascript, GO, etc.) or if you are using Azure function, you can use Output Binding.
it depends... Blob Storage is not the only location where you can save JSON, you can also save JSON straight into a SQL database for instance.
The easiest way to save from an Azure function is to use Azure Blob storage output binding for Azure Functions.

Sql to Azure Blob to LogicApp

I am new Azure functions, One of my task is to read data from Sql database and upload that data as a csv file in azure Blob storage using Azure functions and then using logicapps to retreive it. I am stuck with Sql to file to Azure Blob
I would start with the Azure Functions documentation. I did a quick internet search and found this article on how to access to SQL database from an Azure Function:
Here is another article which shows how to upload content to blob storage:
Apply your learnings from both and you should be able to accomplish this task.
What about if instead you create a trigger to start the logic apps when something happen in your DB. Interesting article here :
you can then pass the information to a function to process the data and push the new csv file to the storage :
Optionally you might need to transform what the trigger from sql returns you, there you can use the logic apps transform the input :

Azure Blob storage and HDF file storage

I am in the middle of developing a cloud server and I need to store HDF files ( ) using blob storage.
Functions related to creating, reading writing and modifying data elements within the file come from HDF APIs.
I need to get the file path to create the file or read or write it.
Can anyone please tell me how to create a custom file on Azure Blob ?
I need to be able to use the API like shown below, but passing the Azure storage path to the file.
These files i am trying to create can get really huge ~10-20GB, So downloading them locally and modifying them is not an option for me.
One possible approach, admittedly fraught with challenges, would be to create the file in a temporary location using the code you included, and then use the Azure API to upload the file to Azure as a file input stream. I am in the process of researching how size restrictions are handled in Azure storage, so I can't say whether an entire 10-20GB file could be moved in a single upload operation, but since the Azure API reads from an input stream, you should be able to create a combination of operations that would result in the information you need residing in Azure storage.
Can anyone please tell me how to create a custom file on Azure Blob ?
I need to be able to use the API like shown below, but passing the
Azure storage path to the file.
Windows Azure Blob storage is a service for storing large amounts of unstructured data that can be accessed via HTTP or HTTPS. So from application point of view Azure Blob does not work as regular disk.
Microsoft provides quite good API (c#, Java) to work with the blob storage. They also provide Blob Service REST API to access blobs from any other language (where specific blob storage API is not provided like C++).
A single block blob can be up to 200GB so it should easily store files of ~10-20GB size.
I am afraid that the provided example will not work with Windows Azure Blob. However, I do not know HDF file storage; maybe they provide some Azure Blob storage support.
