Disable style isolation in lit-element - lit-element

Is it possible to apply framework styles to nested lit-element? An idea is to disable shadow dom. I tried this.
createRenderRoot() {
return this;
It does not do what I need. I see that I can recompile styles into components. But right now I am looking for an easier solution.
There is a solution - Specify the render root. This solution rid of shadowRoot. Styles were applied but , does not work.

If you want to use global styles you'll have to disable Shadow DOM in the whole app tree: if a single component has a shadow root its whole subtree won't be affected by external styles.
Anyway, as you noticed, slots only work with shadow DOM enabled. In this case using a common style library/framework is still possible, see for example Sharing Styles, Using Bootstrap in Web Components, Importing external stylesheets.

Yes, but disabling shadow DOM is the wrong way to do it it.
LitElement used adopted stylesheets, which let you load/create the CSS once, but apply it to the shadow DOM of the component. You can create this globally, apply it in each component, and effectivly have styles that are shared by all your components, but (critically) don't apply to any external component you load or any external app that loads your component.
You can do something like:
// common-styles.js
export const styles = css`...`;
// any-component.js
import { styles } from 'common-styles.js';
static get styles () { return [styles]; }
As the styles object is shared it doesn't download or parse again - all your components get a reference to the same styles, rather than global styles cascading down.

It works as designed. The version above does not use ShadowDom. So styles are applied. In my case, all components while style bubbling has to disable ShadowDom.
But another issue appears.
createRenderRoot() {
* Render template without shadow DOM. Note that shadow DOM features like
* encapsulated CSS and slots are unavailable.
return this;
But I need slots.

It depends on what properties you want to share.
You can share these properties from the parent element:
font-family and other font-* properties
All CSS custom properties (--*)
Just you need to define these properties in the parent element's :root selector.
For more information: https://lit.dev/docs/components/styles/#inheritance


Vaadin Fusion Styling of Sub-Components

How do I apply part styling to a nested Vaadin component? Vaadin components expose "parts" for styling in their published APIs.
Specifically, the vaadin-upload component hosts another component, vaadin-upload-file. I can style the main vaadin-upload component alright, but how do I reach the parts of the nested vaadin-upload-file component?
E.g. for the "name" part of vaadin-upload-file I unsuccessfully tried CSS selectors like
[part="name"] { ... // plain, as if it were passed through
vaadin-upload-file[part="name"] { ... // qualified with the component name
[part="file-list"][part="name"] { ... // qualified by the part of vaadin-upload that hosts the file list
:host([part="file-list"]) [part="name"] { ... // same with :host() selector
This is all in the style of the component that deploys vaadin-upload.
As the answer made its way to me on a different path, here is the solution for SO:
You can only apply styles to Vaadin components and their sub-components using a custom theme.
Here is a slightly extended way to set this up using a parent theme.
Create a local custom theme in your app
path is frontend/themes/<my-theme-name>/
must contain a sub-directory components (to style Vaadin components)
must contain a styles.css (even empty)
must contain a theme.json with contents
"parent": "<my-parent-theme>"
but there are other keys for theme.json like importCss, documentCss or assets
the parent theme can be a pom dependency
Use the custom theme in your Application.java:
#Theme(value = "<my-theme-name>")
public class Application extends SpringBootServletInitializer ...
Then you can add style files locally to style Vaadin components, e.g.
add frontend/themes/<my-theme-name>/components/vaadin-upload.css:
[part=file-list]::before {
content: "These are the current files:";
[part=name] {
background-color: yellow;
This applies to Vaadin21 (e.g. in Vaadin19 using a parent theme is not working this way).

Add styles for a new page Template

I am new to SAP Commerce and Spartacus. I have created a new Page Template, Content Page and defined some slots in that.
I have used the existing component(s) in the content slot(s).
Now, How and where can I add the custom styles for the new Page Template?
Would you please refer to the documentation regarding Component Styles?
Since Spartacus components are built and distributed in libraries, component styles cannot be used. These styles would be pre-processed and baked into the component library. This means that the CSS rules would not be optional, nor would they be easily customizable.
Instead, component styles are delivered optionally in the styles library. You can use those styles, extend them, or completely skip them and build your CSS rules from scratch. The contract between the style library and the component library is done through the (unique) component selector.
Best regards,
Currently I found only one solution is to add global styles and use grids to make proper layout.

Conflicts between Custom theme CSS and Liferay CSS

I am trying to customize the Liferay UI by using custom theme using base as as "_Styled" theme.
I have my own css files which I coped to _diff/css folder of theme and imported them "custom.css" file .However its breaking the presentation of liferay.In my custom CSS I have styles defined for all the standard tags like body,div etc which is impacting the liferay UI too.
How can I resolve this conflict? Thanks in advance!
Quick (and not the best) solution is to remove contents of liferays css file (for example "base.css") and save this empty file in /diff/css/ folder of your theme. This way the base.css will get overriden with your new empty file and thus no styles will get loaded. And your custom.css will be the only stylesheet that is taken into account.
Well, of course it all has an effect on the rest of Liferay as well. Liferay provides quite a bit of the HTML DOM of your page, and if you change the presentation of all of those elements, you'll have to take care to style Liferay's elements too.
Is this a conflict? No. Let's go for the simplest case: You declare div {color:green;}. Of course, now everything, your components as well as Liferay's components, use green text. If you only want to style your own portlets, you might want to specify some portlets: div.portlet-my-own-application {color:green;}
I know that color is a too simple usecase, but I hope it illustrates the solution strategy.
Rather than following Artem Khojoyan's suggestion to override Liferay's base.css, I'd recommend to take a look at the resulting css, what's effective etc., and simplify your own css - adapt it to be used within Liferay - by inspecting the effective CSS for every elements that looks off. Firebug or any of it's relatives are your friend.
I'm afraid, with the details "I'm doing something which has an effect on Liferay UI" there's nothing much more to help you. In fact, I'd hope that what you do has an effect on Liferay's UI... You'll just need to find the proper CSS code
Ideally if your styles are loaded from custom.css, then will overwrite liferay default styles.
In some cases, to overwrite a style in css, you can use !important
for example, liferay default style
body {
background-color: #fff
You can specify your style to consider irrespective of order of loading
body {
background-color: red !important;

Removing Bootstrap 3 default styling

For a recent site, the client has 5 different brand styling colours. So to keep track of everything in the less files (which we use node to compile to one final css file), I've defined the colours as less variables and used the .button-variant() mixin to generate the styles. e.g.
#color-cta-light: #df134d;
#color-cta-dark: #860c2f;
#color-cta-background: #fcf7fa;
.btn-cta {
.button-variant(#ffffff, #color-cta-light, #color-cta-dark);
That works fine. However, I've done this with panels as well, and I've now ended up with an 11,000 line long css file. It is this long because we need the majority of the default Bootstrap styling (such as .btn styling) as well as my custom styles.
What I am wondering is, (and keeping it simply by using just buttons as an example) is there a good easy way to remove the lines in the css that pertain to the default Bootstrap button styling, i.e. btn-success, btn-warning, etc. By easy, I mean automatically. We're using the node lessc modules to compile the less files (using a grunt watcher), so I imagine whatever it is that would need to happen would be run after the compile.
Alternatively, should I just amend the default bootstrap mixins to do nothing, and use my own custom mixins? I feel like that should work but that would mean a bit of extra time each new version of Bootstrap (currently 3.1) spent making sure that the custom mixins are up to date.
What I'm hoping to end up with is a single stylesheet, with default button styling from button.less without the additional overload of unused CSS. With my understanding, it's not possible but I'm hoping there are some tools out there that I don't know of that would help my situation.
If I understand you correctly, looking at both your question and your comment to Bass Jobsen, you want to keep Bootstrap styling, but not for the "button styling."
I believe the LESS (reference) feature is still what you want, but just selectively applied.
Assuming you are using the "bootstrap.less" file, add the reference notation just before the "buttons.less" file, like so (I've elided much of the normal "boostrap.less" file for brevity):
// Core variables and mixins
#import "variables.less";
#import "mixins.less";
// Core CSS
#import (reference) "buttons.less";
// Components
// Utility classes
#import "utilities.less";
#import "responsive-utilities.less";
This will totally deactivate all classes from "buttons.less" from being generated in your output css code, but still keep those classes available for mixin purposes. Should you need a particular piece from that code, let us say you wanted to keep the base .btn class, then you would have to add it back into your css, like so:
.btn {
The outer .btn will reform a class in your code, while the inner .btn will use the referenced "buttons.less" .btn to generate the code.
Using (reference) in this way lets you selectively remove aspects of boostrap by module, while keeping those aspects accessible for the rest of bootstrap and for any mixin uses you have for it. This is probably a preferable method if you desire to remove most of the code from a module (if you actually wanted to keep most of the code, it would probably be best to just let the unused portion remain and import it normally).
You can use import with reference:
#import (reference) "bootstrap.less";
#color-cta-light: #df134d;
#color-cta-dark: #860c2f;
#color-cta-background: #fcf7fa;
.btn-cta {
.button-variant(#ffffff, #color-cta-light, #color-cta-dark);
This will give you only the CSS for you button. (and some :before : after pseudo classes which seems a bug for me).

Is there a function in Orchard CMS that will retrieve the Theme directory?

I have images in my theme (in the Content/ directory) and I want to show them in different places.
My current approach is : <img src="#Url.Content("~/Themes/MyTheme/Content/Images/image.gif")" />
This works, but is not very maintainable (what if I want to switch themes, etc).
Is there an built in method, something like GetCurrentThemeDirectory() that would return the directory so I could do or something like that?
Edit: from mdm's comment, I realize that changing the theme isn't a valid concern. I really just want to avoid typing out the url for every reference
Where are you referencing the image from? Module? Another theme?
If it is from the theme that has the image, then you don't need to worry about switching themes. If it is from another theme, then the image should be a part of the theme. If it is from a module, then it would make sense to store the image as part of the module or override it in the theme (see below).
If you wanted to have the image as part of the theme, then you could have the module return a 'default' shape and then override that in the theme. There really shouldn't be any reason to reference the theme's images from a module or vice versa.
Edit after your edit
In the themes I've written, I've followed what the Orchard authors do. Rather than using <img> tags, images are placed in Styles/images. They can then be referenced using the CSS background-image attribute.
In Views/Branding.cshtml:
<div id="header"></div>
<h1 id="branding">#WorkContext.CurrentSite.SiteName</h1>
And then in site.css:
#header {
/* snip */
background-image: url(images/header.png);
/* snip */
Themes/TheAdmin/site.css contains plenty more examples of this method.
