How to route a workflow with webservice in IBM Maximo? - maximo

We are using Maximo We need to route a workflow with RESTAPI json services. It can be with ROUTEWF action, or custom java class/automation script.
I was searching web for weeks but find nothing :(
Does anyone know how Maximo route a workflow? What is behind ROUTEWF action? And how can I manually start ROUTEWF action? Or how can I copy what ROUTEWF action do?


What is the fastest way to generate an POST or GET SOAP XML payload for SuiteTalk Web services?

Hopefully someone can help me.
I am currently using POSTMAN to run SOAP web service tests on NetSuite.
Annoyingly, I am having to generate the body of an XML request from scratch, and would really like a method whereby a basic template is generated for me, and I simply fill in the gaps. Creating an XML web request from scratch is prone to errors hence my question. I tried SOAPUI but it does not
Any ideas is most appreciated!
hope you remember me!! The easiest way would be to download any of the existing working SOAP web request from any running build and modify that to suit your need. There is no out of the box built in template that you could build on at least as per my knowledge. Please specify the record for which you are building the SOAP request
The easiest way is to not use POSTMAN.
I used to do a lot of this and what I'd do is:
generate the java client for SuiteTalk
install a recording proxy (I think WireMock does this -- the one I used to use doesn't seem to be around anymore)
use JUnit tests to hit SuiteTalk
in the test setup override the SSL config to ignore host name verification
test an API call
extract the complete working SOAP from the proxy logs
templatize the SOAP and use it where needed.

Python beeceptor webhooks

I am trying to get my head around web hooks. I receive a web hook from Shopify. I use to receive the web hook which looks like the screenshot attached. It is a JSON. I want to use python to process the received POST and take some action. Can I know how I can retrieve this using python? Do I need to use the Flask framework or can I do with request? Here are details from Shopify
which I am unsure of.
You need to create a web app that can accept incoming HTTP traffic from Shopify - you can do this in Flask/Python or really any other web technology stack. Services like AWS Lambda can also work to receive the webhook and do some processing.

Liferay Search Container

I have used Liferay search container for displying data for custom entity and it is working.
I have another portlet where data coming from REST API so is there any way that I can use search container? OR I need to use datatable for that.
My REST API is with pagination and without pagination.
You can use SearchContainer with any data. Its uses with DB is more natural of course but where the data comes from is irrelevant as long as SearchContainer can access it. So you can build your own service that talks to remote API and provides data to the SearchContainer. In case you haven't done that for your other service, see here for example how it can be build server side.

Deploying a test web app for each GitHub pull request

Is it possible for GitHub to trigger a new test deployment when a pull request is submitted? I'd like for it to create a new folder on the server (Azure preferred) so that a test URL (e.g. is generated that we can refer to in the pull request.
This would allow anyone to test a pull request without having to clone the repo, check out the branch, and build it locally.
In my initial research I found that Travis CI can deploy all branches, but I'm not clear how this would be triggered. Do I have to write a custom app that's triggered by pull request web hooks? I'm hoping someone has discovered a simpler method.
Do I have to write a custom app that's triggered by pull request web hooks?
Yes, or find someone else who has happened to have written the exact webhook handler you need.
Writing a webhook handler isn't terribly much work. If you don't want to integrate it with your current app, you can use a micro-framework like Flask to do this in only a few lines of code.
Coming back to this in 2022, there is now also the option of Github Actions, which is a first-party CI service. Actions provides a framework for defining what things to do when certain triggers happen, and there's an extensive marketplace of drop-in components, so you may be able to do all of your triggering of other systems without writing any custom code or running a webserver to listen to webhooks.

Run a method of setup of liferay portal

I have a hook where to add an organization and few custom field variables (Expando Variables) automatically to a liferay portal. How do I run that hook or a method in the hook during liferay setup or the first time I start a liferay portal? Does anyone have any links or codes for this?
To reiterate your requirement you need to do some custom actions when Liferay server is started, so from what I understand you need a startup custom action hook.
This is nothing but a simple hook where you would override some porperties from and provide a custom action class like MyCustomStartupAction or MyCustomGlobalAction in that property and implement it.
In the user-guide here is a list of some properties you can configure: Startup Events
This SO Answer gives more information about creating a hook with such properties.
When you deploy that Hook (war file) into your server and restart it, in the (bin) logs, you could see one log statement which says that your particular Hook is available for use. This means your Hook has been successfully deployed into your Liferay portal.
To run the Hook or invoke a particular method inside your Hook, you need to invoke the flow for which your Hook was written.
For eg., if you have written a hook for and if you want to invoke this, then you need to logout from your portal.
In your case you have written a Hook for registration. So, you need to do registration. Remember your Hook method should have extended Action class.
