how to run feedconsumers and consumers multiple for kafka in docker? - node.js

So I have this docker file and i want to run feed-consumers and consumers multiple times and i tried to do so. We have a node.js application for feed-consumers and consumer and pass user_levels to it.
I just want to ask is this the right approach?
FROM ubuntu:18.04
# Set Apt to noninteractive mode
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
# Install Helper Commands
ADD scripts/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/*
RUN apt-install-and-clean curl \
build-essential \
git >> /dev/null 2>&1
RUN install-node-12.16.1
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
COPY . /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
#RUN yarn init-cache
#RUN yarn init-temp
#RUN yarn init-user
RUN yarn install
RUN yarn build
RUN node ./feedsconsumer/consumer.js user_level=0
RUN for i in {1..10}; do node ./feedsconsumer/consumer.js user_level=1; done
RUN for i in {1..20}; do node ./feedsconsumer/consumer.js user_level=2; done
RUN for i in {1..20}; do node ./feedsconsumer/consumer.js user_level=3; done
RUN for i in {1..30}; do node ./feedsconsumer/consumer.js user_level=4; done
RUN for i in {1..40}; do node ./feedsconsumer/consumer.js user_level=5; done
RUN for i in {1..10}; do node ./consumer/consumer.js; done
ENTRYPOINT ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
Or is there any other way around?

A container runs exactly one process. Your container's is
ENTRYPOINT ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
This translates to "do absolutely nothing, in a way that's hard to override". I typically recommend using CMD over ENTRYPOINT, and the main container command shouldn't ever be an artificial "do nothing but keep the container running" command.
Before that, you're trying to RUN the process(es) that are the main container process. The RUN only happens during the image build phase, the running process(es) aren't persisted in the image, the build will block until these processes complete, and they can't connect to other containers or data stores. These are the lines you want to be the CMD.
A container only runs one processes, but you can run multiple containers off the same image. It's somewhat easier to add parameters by setting environment variables than by adjusting the command line (you have to replace the whole thing), so in your code look for process.env.USER_LEVEL. Also make sure the process stays as a foreground process and doesn't use a package to daemonize itself.
Then the final part of the Dockerfile just needs to set a default CMD that launches one copy of your application:
COPY package.json yarn.lock .
RUN yarn install
COPY . .
RUN yarn build
CMD node ./feedsconsumer/consumer.js
Now you can start a single container running this process
docker build -t my/consumer .
docker run -d --name consumer my/consumer
And you can start multiple containers to run the whole set of them
for user_level in `seq 5`; do
for i in `seq 10`; do
docker run -d \
--name "feed-consumer-$user_level-$i" \
-e "USER_LEVEL=$user_level" \
for i in `seq 10`; do
docker run -d --name "consumer-$i" \
my/consumer \
node ./consumer/consumer.js
Notice this last invocation overrides the CMD to run the alternate script; this becomes a more contorted invocation if it needs to override ENTRYPOINT instead. (docker run --entrypoint node my/consumer ./consumer/consumer.js)
If you're looking forward to cluster environments like Kubernetes, it's often straightforward to run multiple identical copies of a container, which is what you're trying to do here. A Kubernetes Deployment object has a replicas: count, and you can kubectl scale deployment feed-consumer-5 --replicas=40 to change what's in the question, or potentially configure a HorizontalPodAutoscaler to set it dynamically based on the topic length (this last is involved, but possible and rewarding).


Docker: Running two services with one Dockerfile

I am working on telegram group for premium members in which I have two services, one is monitoring all the joinee and other one is monitoring if any member has expired premium plan so It would kick out that user from the channel. I am very very new to Docker and deployment things. So I am very confused that, to run two processes simultaneously with one Dockerfile. I have tried like this.
here is the file structure:
cd TelegramChannelMonitor
pm2 start services/kickNonPremium.js --name KICK_NONPREMIUM
pm2 start services/monitorTelegramJoinee.js --name MONITOR_JOINEE
FROM node:12-alpine
WORKDIR ./TelegramChannelMonitor
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
What should I do to achieve this?
A Docker container only runs one process. On the other hand, you can run arbitrarily many containers off of a single image, each with a different command. So the approach I'd take here is to build a single image; as you've shown it, except without the ENTRYPOINT line.
FROM node:12-alpine
# Note that the Dockerfile already puts us in the right directory
WORKDIR /TelegramChannelMonitor
# Important: no ENTRYPOINT
# (There can be a default CMD if you think one path is more likely)
Then when you want to run this application, run two containers, and in each, make the main container command run a different script.
docker build -t telegram-channel-monitor .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name kick-non-premium \
telegram-channel-monitor \
node services/kickNonPremium.js
docker run -d -p 8081:8080 --name monitor-joined \
telegram-channel-monitor \
node services/monitorTelegramJoinee.js
You can have a similar setup using Docker Compose. Set all of the containers to build: ., but set a different command: for each.
(The reason to avoid ENTRYPOINT here is because the syntax to override the command gets very clumsy: you need --entrypoint node before the image name, but then the rest of the arguments after it. I've also used plain node instead of pm2 since a Docker container provides most of the functionality of a process supervisor; see also what is the point of using pm2 and docker together?.)
Try pm2 ecosystem for apps(i.e services) declaration and run pm2 in non-backrgound mode or pm2-runtime

azure self hosted agent linux do not run with "--once" parameter

i like to run the self-hosted Linux container only once per pipeline
that means when the pipeline is done i like the container to stop
i saw that there is a parameter called "--once"
please this link in the bottom :
but when i start the docker like this with the once after the run :
docker run --once --rm -it -e AZP_WORK=/home/working_dir -v /home/working_dir:/azp -e AZP_URL= -e AZP_TOKEN=nhxxxxxu76mlua -e AZP_AGENT_NAME=ios_dockeragent
I'm getting :
unknown flag: --once
See 'docker run --help'.
also if i put it in the docker file
COPY ./ .
RUN chmod +x
CMD ["./ --once"]
Im getting error when trying to run the docker :
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "exec: \"./ --once\": stat ./ --once: no such file or directory": unknown
where do i need to set this "--once" command in dockerized agent?
Is for the agent's run, not the docker run. from the docs:
For agents configured to run interactively, you can choose to have the
agent accept only one job. To run in this configuration:
./ --once
Agents in this mode will accept only one job and then spin down
gracefully (useful for running in Docker on a service like Azure
Container Instances).
So, you need to add it in the bash script you configure the docker image:
FROM ubuntu:18.04
# To make it easier for build and release pipelines to run apt-get,
# configure apt to not require confirmation (assume the -y argument by default)
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN echo "APT::Get::Assume-Yes \"true\";" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90assumeyes
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
ca-certificates \
curl \
jq \
git \
iputils-ping \
libcurl4 \
libicu60 \
libunwind8 \
COPY ./ .
RUN chmod +x --once
As far as I know, there's no way to pass it in from the outside; you have to go into the container and edit the file to add the --once argument to the appropriate line.
exec ./externals/node/bin/node ./bin/AgentService.js interactive --once & wait $!
Side note: depending on your requirements, you might also take the opportunity to remove the undocumented web-server from

Docker Container exits upon running with "sh -c"

I am trying to run a webserver (right now still locally) out of a docker container. I am currently going step by step to understand the different parts.
FROM node:12.2.0-alpine as build
ENV environment development
COPY . /app
RUN cd /app/client && yarn && yarn build
RUN cd /app/server && yarn
CMD ["sh", "-c","NODE_ENV=${environment}", "node", "server/server.js"]
I have the "sh", "-c" part in the CMD command due to the fact that without it I was getting this error:
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed:
container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "exec:
\"NODE_ENV=${environment}\": executable file not found in $PATH":
Building the container:
Building the container works just fine with:
docker build -t auth_example .
It takes a little while since the build context is (even after excluding all the node_modules) roughly 37MB, but that's okay.
Running the container:
Running the container and the app inside works like a charm if I do:
MyZSH: docker run -it -p 5000:5000 auth_example /bin/sh
/app # NODE_ENV=development node server/server.js
However, when running the container via the CMD command like this:
MyZSH: docker run -p 5000:5000 auth_example
Nothing happens, no errors, no nothing. The logs are empty and a docker ps -a reveals that the container was exited right upon start. I did some googling and tried different combinations of -t -i -d but that didn't solve it either.
Can anybody shed some light on this or point me into the right direction?
The problem is you're passing three arguments to sh -c whereas you'd usually pass one (sh -c "... ... ...").
It's likely you don't need the sh -c invocation at all; use /usr/bin/env to alias that environment variable instead (or just directly pass in NODE_ENV instead of environment):
FROM node:12.2.0-alpine as build
ENV environment development
COPY . /app
RUN cd /app/client && yarn && yarn build
RUN cd /app/server && yarn
CMD /usr/bin/env NODE_ENV=${environment} node server/server.js

Why app in docker container doesn't restart?

I've deployed some docker containers with golang apps. One of them I need to start by this command:
docker run --restart unless-stopped -it myapp /bin/bash
The next step I enter the container and edit some config files, then I run
go build main.go
and ./main
After that I press ctrl+q and leave it out.
Everything works perfectly and all my containers restart perfectly after restarting server. But there is one issue, when myapp container restarts, the golang application doesn't run while container still works. I have to enter this again and run ./main. How can I fixed it?
FROM golang:1.8
WORKDIR /go/src/app
COPY . .
RUN go-wrapper download # "go get -d -v ./..."
RUN go-wrapper install # "go install -v ./..." RUN ["apt-get","update"]
RUN ["apt-get","install","-y","vim"]
CMD ["app"]
When you create a container and pass in /bin/bash as the command, that's as far as Docker cares. When the container restarts, it will start up another instance of /bin/bash.
Docker doesn't watch your shell session and see what things you do after it starts the command. If you want to actually run ./main as the command of the container, then you'll need to pass in /go/src/app/main as the command instead of /bin/bash.
Additionally, compiling code is something better done during the image build phase instead of at container runtime.

Docker cannot run on build when running container with a different user

I don't know the specifics why the node application does not run. Basically I added a dockerfile in a nodejs app, and here is my Dockerfile
FROM node:0.10-onbuild
RUN mv /usr/src/app /ghost && useradd ghost --home /ghost && \
cd /ghost
ENV NODE_ENV production
VOLUME ["/ghost/content"]
WORKDIR /ghost
CMD ["bash", "start.bash"]
Where start.bash looks like this:
chown -R ghost:ghost /ghost
su ghost << EOF
cd "$GHOST"
NODE_ENV={$NODE_ENV:-production} npm start
I usually run docker like so:
docker run --name ghost -d -p 80:2368 user/ghost
With that I cannot see what is going on, and I decided to run it like this:
docker run --name ghost -it -p 80:2368 user/ghost
And I got this output:
> ghost#0.5.2 start /ghost
> node index
Seems, like starting, but as I check the status of the container docker ps -a , it is stopped.
Here is the repo for that but, the start.bash and dockerfile is different, because I haven't committed the latest, since both are not working:
I manage to make it work, there is no error in the start bash file nor in the Dockerfile, it's just that I failed to build the image again.
With that said, you can checkout the final Dockerfile and start.bash file in my repository:
Ghost-blog__Docker (
At the time I write this answer, you can see it in the feature-branch, feature/dockerize.
