Protobuf-c: Nesting a message within a message creates a structure pointer - nested

I am new to protobuf usage. I am trying the following with protobuf-c to include a message within another message. It generated a structure pointer as below:
message Check {
bool check_valid = 1;
message main_check {
Check chk = 1;
//This generates a structure as below:
struct _Check
ProtobufCMessage base;
protobuf_c_boolean check_valid;
struct _main_check
ProtobufCMessage base;
Check *chk;
What should be done differently to have a Check chk instead of *Check chk
Also, I need to extend the requirement of having multiple messages defined within a oneof type.


Passing a std::unique_ptr to CListBox::GetSelItems

I have seen a great answer here which has helped me to a great extent (Proper way to create unique_ptr that holds an allocated array) but I still have an issue.
void CSelectedBroHighlight::BuildSelectedArray()
CString strText;
// empty current array
// get selected count
const auto iSize = m_lbBrothers.GetSelCount();
if(iSize > 0)
//auto pIndex = std::make_unique<int[]>(iSize);
auto pIndex = new int[iSize];
m_lbBrothers.GetSelItems(iSize, pIndex);
for(auto i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
m_lbBrothers.GetText(pIndex[i], strText);
delete[] pIndex;
If I turn pIndex into a smart pointer:
auto pIndex = std::make_unique<int[]>(iSize);
So that I don't need the delete[] pIndex; call. Then I can't pass pIndex to GetSelItems. I can pass pIndex.release() here but then we have a problem for deleting again.
I have looked at this discussion (Issue passing std::unique_ptr's) but we don't want to pass ownership.
If I simplify this and declar my variable: auto pIndex = std::make_unique<int[]>(iSize).release(); then I can pass it, but now have the issue of calling delete[] pIndex;.
Whats correct?
If you need access to the pointer to an object managed by a std::unique_ptr without transferring ownership, you can call its get() method. This is useful for interop with a C interface such as here (GetSelItems() is really just wrapping a call to SendMessage with the LB_GETSELITEMS message).
That'd work, though in this case I'd probably use a std::vector<int> instead. It provides the same properties as a std::unique_ptr with respect to automatic cleanup, but also has other features that come in handy (specifically range adapters). It also feels more natural to use a container here, but that's a matter of personal preference.
The following implements the proposed changes:
void CSelectedBroHighlight::BuildSelectedArray() {
// empty current array
// get selected count
auto const sel_item_count{ m_lbBrothers.GetSelCount() };
if(sel_item_count > 0) {
// get selected indices
std::vector<int> sel_items(sel_item_count);
// iterate over all selected item indices
for(auto const index : sel_items) {
CString strText;
m_lbBrothers.GetText(index, strText);
This provides the same automatic cleanup as an implementation based on std::unique_ptr, but also enables use of a range-based for loop further down.

Is it possible in Mono.Cecil to determine the actual type of an object on which a method is called?

For example, consider the following C# code:
interface IBase { void f(int); }
interface IDerived : IBase { /* inherits f from IBase */ }
void SomeFunction()
IDerived o = ...;
I know how to get a MethodDefinition object corresponding to SomeFunction.
I can then loop through MethodDefinition.Instructions:
var methodDef = GetMethodDefinitionOfSomeFunction();
foreach (var instruction in methodDef.Body.Instructions)
switch (instruction.Operand)
case MethodReference mr:
yield return memberRef;
And this way I can find out that the method SomeFunction calls the function IBase.f
Now I would like to know the declared type of the object on which the function f is called, i.e. the declared type of o.
Inspecting mr.DeclaringType does not help, because it returns IBase.
This is what I have so far:
TypeReference typeRef = null;
if (instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Callvirt)
// Identify the type of the object on which the call is being made.
var objInstruction = instruction;
if (instruction.Previous.OpCode == OpCodes.Tail)
objInstruction = instruction.Previous;
for (int i = mr.Parameters.Count; i >= 0; --i)
objInstruction = objInstruction.Previous;
if (objInstruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldloc_0 ||
objInstruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldloc_1 ||
objInstruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldloc_2 ||
objInstruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldloc_3)
var localIndex = objInstruction.OpCode.Op2 - OpCodes.Ldloc_0.Op2;
typeRef = locals[localIndex].VariableType;
switch (objInstruction.Operand)
case FieldDefinition fd:
typeRef = fd.DeclaringType;
case VariableDefinition vd:
typeRef = vd.VariableType;
where locals is methodDef.Body.Variables
But this is, of course, not enough, because the arguments to a function can be calls to other functions, like in f(g("hello")). It looks like the case above where I inspect previous instructions must repeat the actions of the virtual machine when it actually executes the code. I do not execute it, of course, but I need to recognize function calls and replace them and their arguments with their respective returns (even if placeholders). It looks like a major pain.
Is there a simpler way? Maybe there is something built-in already?
I am not aware of an easy way to achieve this.
The "easiest" way I can think of is to walk the stack and find where the reference used as the target of the call is pushed.
Basically, starting from the call instruction go back one instruction at a time taking into account how each one affects the stack; this way you can find the exact instruction that pushes the reference used as the target of the call (a long time ago I wrote something like that; you can use the code at as inspiration).
You'll need also to consider scenarios in which the pushed reference is produced through a method/property; for example, SomeFunction().f(5). In this case you may need to evaluate that method to find out the actual type returned.
Keep in mind that you'll need to handle a lot of different cases; for example, imagine the code bellow:
class Utils
public static T Instantiate<T>() where T : new() => new T();
class SomeType
public void F(int i) {}
class Usage
static void Main()
var o = Utils.Instantiate<SomeType>();
while walking the stack you'll find that o is the target of the method call; then you'll evaluate Instantiate<T>() method and will find that it returns new T() and knowing that T is SomeType in this case, that is the type you're looking for.
So the answer of Vagaus helped me come up with a working implementation.
I published it on github -
Included many unit tests, but I am sure I missed some cases.

Return result of Invoking a Delegate from another thread

I've got a GUI with a TabControl. Each new TabPage is created via a new Thread. I want to call this->tabControl->TabCount, but the tabControl is owned by a thread other than the one I'm calling from. Therefore, I need to Invoke a delegate. However, all the examples I find online show printing to std::cout from each of the delegate methods. I need a return value, in this case an int.
delegate int MyDel();
int InvokeTabCount()
if (this->InvokeRequired)
MyDel^ del = gcnew MyDel(this, &MyTabControl::InvokeTabCount);
auto temp = this->Invoke(del); // can't just "return this->Invoke(del)"
return temp; // Invoke() returns a System::Object^
return this->tabControl->TabCount;
void CreateNewTab()
// do stuff
this->tabControl->TabPages->Insert(InvokeTabCount() - 1, myNewTab); // insert a tab
this->tabControl->SelectTab(InvokeTabCount() - 2); // OutOfBounds and tabPageNew
System::Void MethodToAddNewTabPage() //actually a click event but whatever
System::Threading::Thread^ newThread =
gcnew System::Threading::Thread(
gcnew System::Threading::ThreadStart(this, &MyTabControl::CreateNewTab));
Currently, my InvokeTabCount() method is returning -1 when I simply this->Invoke(del) without returning it. And I am unable to return it because my method expects to return an int instead of a System::Object^ which is what Invoke() returns. However, when debugging I find that auto temp contains the value 2 which is correct. And temp->ToString() contains the value "2" which would also be correct.
How do I return this->Invoke(del)?
Do I need to set the value of a global variable from within my InvokeTabCount() method? I suppose I could find a way to translate from System::String^ to std::string to utilize std::stoi(), but that seems like an odd workaround.
Current solution:
delegate int MyDel();
int InvokeTabCount()
if (this->InvokeRequired)
MyDel^ del = gcnew MyDel(this, &MyTabControl::InvokeTabCount);
auto temp = this->Invoke(del);
return int::Parse(temp->ToString());
return this->tabControl->TabCount;
The result is an integer, boxed and contained in an Object^ reference. You should be able to simply cast it to int.
If you want to be extra safe, do a null check and verify that temp->GetType() returns int::typeid, but that's probably overkill since you're creating the delegate (still in the typed form) right there.

Mutating in Structure Swift Same function Name

Still trying out swift, and I came across this problem (not sure if it really classifies as one)
So we have a protocol, and a structure that inherits it.
protocol ExampleProtocol {
var simpleDescription: String { get }
func adjust()
struct SimpleStructure : ExampleProtocol{
var simpleDescription = "A simple structure"
mutating func adjust() {
simpleDescription += " (adjusted)"
func adjust() { //I created this second method just to conform to the protocol
var b = SimpleStructure()
b.adjust() //This generates a compiler error mentioning Ambiguity (Correct)
Question is how do I call the mutating adjust() not the adjust from the protocol. i.e. I know if I declare b as a protocol and initialized it to the struct it will call adjust from protocol, but how do I call the first adjust ? or is it not possible? Or Am I using it wrongly ?
Your code doesn't compile, but the error is in redefining the adjust method by adding the mutating attribute - that doesn't create an overloaded version of adjust.
In my opinion this is the correct code:
protocol ExampleProtocol {
var simpleDescription: String { get }
mutating func adjust()
struct SimpleStructure : ExampleProtocol{
var simpleDescription = "A simple structure"
mutating func adjust() {
simpleDescription += " (adjusted)"
which means: you have to define the adjust function as mutating in the protocol.

Why is my setter not working on an anonymous struct field?

I'm just learning Go, and here's some behaviour I can't quite get my head around:
package main
import "fmt"
type Message interface {
SetSender(sender string)
type message struct {
sender string
type Join struct {
Channel string
func (m message) SetSender(sender string) {
m.sender = sender
func main() {
var msg Message
msg = Join{}
fmt.Printf("%s", msg)
This prints {{} }, so the SetSender call doesn't seem to take effect. I suspect that it is somehow operating on a copy of the message, but I can't figure out where such a copy would come from. I tried changing SetSender to operate on *message but that won't compile.
Suggestions for alternative design patterns are also welcome. I have several types of messages (only Join is shown here), but they all have some fields in common (only sender is shown here). I'd like to avoid having to write and export a separate constructor for each message type, so it would be great if I can just keep exporting the types themselves.
You should use pointer to message, not a message.
func (m *message) SetSender(sender string) {
m.sender = sender
func main() {
var msg Message
msg = new(Join)
fmt.Printf("%s", msg)
It will change the structure. Function on message changes copy of the object, function on pointer to message changes the object.
