SharePoint Site workflow: wait for newly created item update - sharepoint

I'm having a site workflow and I'm creating new list item with status column value as "Pending" in one step and in the next step I want to wait for the same newly created item to update its status column value as "Approve/ Reject".
I want to use site workflow only so is there any way to wait until the current item update (item created in previous step.)

Items created by a workflow do not trigger a second workflow by design to prevent runaway recursion.
The item created by the site workflow could be assigned a workflow with a modify trigger to allow it to run as soon as it is edited by a user. This list workflow can validate the changes made to the item and take action on valid or invalid data.


SharePoint send notification Email After Assigning

I created in SharePoint a list. with column Assigned To. What I want is that an email is sent to the Assignee, if the Assignee is added to this column. But the problem is that Workflow is started only automatically if any changes are made in an element or when an element is created.
So my question is, is there a possibility to trigger an email by content changes in a specified column without sending 2 emails.
I think, If you are using SharePoint 2010 or 2013 workflow then you can set workflow to triger only for create and edit of item of list. But If you use Microsoft flow, you can trigger flow base on column change. But if you want to implement into 2010 and 2013 workflow then below step will work.
1) create one extra field and make it read only and hidden for every one.
2) trigger the workflow when item change into list.
3) if Assigned field is not null and not equal to extra field then send email and make extra field value same as Assigned field value.

Nintex Workflow: Querying Another List

I'm currently working on a nintex list workflow for List A. I want a certain step in this workflow to run when an associated folder for the item in library B is modified.
For example:
User adds document to Item 1 in Library B
This then fires Nintex step to change status of Item 1 in List A
Any suggestions?
You could make a new workflow on Library B which updates a status column in List A when the document is added. In list A workflow you can use "wait for item update" shape to run you steps once the status was changed.
Create a list level workflow in library B, change the trigger settings from manual to Create or change item. Then configure it so that it queries for the item in List A using the common field(lookup field), Update the item.

SharePoint: Trigger workflow only when field is blank

I am looking for a way in SharePoint Designer to trigger a workflow only if a field is blank. Thoughts?
You shoud start workflow every time list item is created or modified and then check value of the field in the workflow. If it is blank - perform some action, otherwise just end workflow

The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information

I have a very simple workflow which creates a log, sends an email to a user to preform a task when the item is created then sends a different email to an external address at the same time. A field is updated using the set field in current item and another log is created.
When I enter the first item in the list the work flow starts but when the second item is created the workflow fails with the following response "The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information"
I am using Sharepoint 2010 Foundation and Sharepoint Designer 2010. I have searched everywhere and even tried inserting 1 minute pause after the first log but it doesn't help.

Sharepoint Designer Workflow with multiple tasks in sequence

I have a multi-step Sharepoint workflow in task list A that starts when a new task is created in that list and creates a task in another list, B. When that task in list B is completed, I would like the workflow in list A to create another task in list C.
I am using Sharepoint Designer 2007 to build all of this and at the moment I have this represented by multiple steps. So, step one is to create the task in the other list, and store its ID as a variable. Step 2 is conditional on a value in the task created by step one being marked complete, and it creates a task in the next list, and so on.
However, when I run the workflow, it marks its status as complete as soon as the item in the first list is completed, and does not go on to create the task outlined in Step 2 of the workflow.
I would like to know why the workflow is marking itself complete at the end of step one, and why the subsequent steps are not executed. Thanks in advance for your help.
I feel some problem with your logic.
You should have two workflows for doing this task
Workflow associated with list A to create a task in list B
Workflow associated with list B to create a task in list C
I shall explain it step by step.
You need to create a hidden field in List B to store list A's ID
Create a workflow associated with A on item creation for creating new item in B and copy the A's ID in B's hidden field
Create another workflow associated with list B for creating new item in C. You can get the A's record by comparing the A's id field with B's hidden field
