Can't add Azure Search to SQL Database - azure

I have created Azure Search resource, and also SQL Database.
I'm trying to use "Add Azure Search" option in Azure Portal.
It splited to 2 steps.
Data source creation (done)
Indexer creation
When i'm trying to create indexer, it says
Import configuration failed, error creating Index
Error creating Index: "The request is invalid."
What does it mean? There is no any details.
My Table Schema looks like this:

Did you change any of the types in the index from the defaults? Here is a mapping of what SQL types map to Azure Cognitive Search index field types: From my link, nvarchar maps to Edm.String or Collection(Edm.String). In your screenshot above, it looks like you've changed several field types (to Edm.DateTimeOffset and Edm.Int64, for example). That may be causing the error when it tries to create the index.
Or, it may be that you specified a ‘suggester name’ and ‘search mode’, but none of the index fields have ‘Suggester’ checked (hard to tell if the screenshot includes all fields or not). If you need a suggester, you should mark at least one field to use it. If you don’t need it, don't fill in those fields; otherwise the index creation will fail.


How to insert item in CosmosDB(SQL API) from using Azure Data Factory activity

I have an ADF pipeline which is iterating over a set of files, performing various operations and I have an Azure CosmosDB (SQL API) instance where I would like to insert the name of file and a timestamp, mainly to keep track on which files have been already processed and which not, but in the future I might want to add some other bits of data related to each file.
What I have is my CosmosDB
And currently I am trying to utilice the Copy Data Activity for the insert part.
One problem that I have is that this particular activity expects source while at this point I have only the filename. In theory it was an option to use the Blob Storage from where I read the file at the beginning, but since the Blob Storage is set to store binary files I got the following error if I try to use it as source
Because of that I created a dummy CosmosDB Linked service, but I have several issues with this approach:
Generally the idea for dummy source is not very appealing to me
I haven't find a lot of information on the topic but it seems that if I want to use something in the Sink I need to SELECT from the source
Even though I have selected a value for the id the item is not saved with the selected value from the Source query, but as you can see from the first screenshot I got a GUID and only the name is as I want it.
So my questions are two. I just learn ADF but this approach doesn't look like the proper way to insert item into CosmosDB from activity, so a better/more common approach would be appreciated. If there is not better proposal, how can I at least apply my own value for the id column? If I create the item in the CosmosDB GUI and save it from there, as you can see I am able to use the filename as id which for now seems like a good idea to me, but I wasn't able to add custom value (string or int) when I was trying through the activity, so how can I achieve this?
This is how my Sink looks like

How to map my json path into cosmos db from Azure Data Factory

I'm trying to add entries into my cosmosdb using Azure Data Factory - However i am not able to choose the right collection as Azure Data Factory can only see the top level of the database.
Is there any funny syntax for choosing which collection to pick from Cosmos DB SQL API? - i've tried doing, entities[0] and entities['tasks'] but none of them seem to work
The new entries are inserted as we see in the red box, how do i get the entries into the entries collection?
Original Answer:
If the requirement you mentioned in the comments is what you need, then it is possible. For example, to put JSON data into an existing ‘tasks’ item, you only need to use the upsert method, and the source json data has the same id as the ‘tasks’ item.
This is the offcial doc:
The random letters and numbers in your red box appear because you did not specify the document id.
Have a look of this:
By the way, if the tasks have partitional key, then you also need to specify.

How to put value as DateTime in Azure Table from Logic App

I have a Logic App that should store data in Azure Table. Everything worked fine until I realized that one of my properties that should be stored as DateTime is stored as String.
The problem is that some other application is doing queries periodically on data in the table and it expects to find DateTimes there:
var query = new TableQuery<UserEntity>().Where(
DateTime.SpecifyKind(queriedDate, DateTimeKind.Utc)),
DateTime.SpecifyKind(queriedDate.AddDays(1), DateTimeKind.Utc))));
Basically, my C# app is looking for users who have their AccessEndTime property value set to some specific day.
Unfortunately, since the Logic App writes the value as a string, my query does not return any data.
Here's a part of my Logic App:
First I create an object with the proper data as JSON and then I use Insert or Replace Entity block, which used Body of that JSON as an entity to be put in the table. As you can see, AccessEndTime has a type: string. I tried using type: datetime, but it just fails with an error (no such type).
I guess I could handle it on the client-side, but then my UserEntity will have to have AccessEndTime as a String and it just doesn't feel right.
What am I missing?
I also found this. I tried to put my data like this:
So, I added explicitly the type of my property. Unfortunately, the result is still the same.
Check out this SO question's response around the same: Cannot query a DateTime column in Table Storage
It looks like you could have used formatDateTime() as per documentation, but this will not work as described below:
According to some test, the value is still in "String" type but not "DateTime" type. This document shows us the method formatDateTime() response a value in string.
So when we insert the value from method formatDateTime(), it will insert a string into the storage table. It seems there is a bug in display of azure portal, it shows the type is "DateTime". But if we open the table storage in "Azure Storage Explorer" but not on Azure portal, we can find the TimeOfCreation of new inserted record is in "String" type.
For this requirement, it's difficult to get a "DateTime" type value in logic app and insert it into table storage. We can just insert a string. But we can edit the type after insert the new record to table storage. We can do it on Azure portal or in "Azure Storage Explorer". If do it on Azure portal, just click "edit" the record and click "Update" button without do anything(because the type already show as "DateTime"). If do it in "Azure Storage Explorer", just change the type from "String" to "DateTime" and click "Update". After that, we can query the records by "TimeOfCreation" >= Last 365 days success.
The bad thing here is, we can just do it manually on each inserted record. We can't solve this problem in logic app or batch update the type(on portal or in explorer). If you want to batch update the type, you can query all of the new inserted records by this api (use $filter to filter timestamp). And then get each record's PartitionKey and RowKey, and loop them. Use this api to update the column TimeOfCreation type.

Kentico 12 Azure Search

I'm trying to implement Azure Search on Kentico 12. Following the article below.
However, I have multiple indexes defined on the smart search not just a single index code name that I can hard code and also cannot aford to hard code index fields. Is there any tutorial out there that I can follow?
It sounds as if you're referring to building an Azure Search web part, is this correct. If so, make a property in your web part which allows you to select the code name from a list in the database. Secondly, regarding field names, you should be using generic field names like DocumentName, NodeAliaspath, etc. Although if you have very specific search results that need to be displayed, simply put in a switch statement to get the field names based on a class name.

How to set a value in a list as the key for Azure Cognitive Search

The data I have is of the form
{"event": {"custom": {"dimensions": [{"Id": ....}, {},...{}]}, ...},...}
The key that I need to index by is in the list. However, Cognitive Search does not seem to let me access the value within the list. Azure Cog. Search also fails to access any content from the list while trying to index.
Are there any solutions you can think?
Not sure how you're trying, but Azure Cognitive Search supports Complex types. Take a look in the following link:
As an Alternative, you can project the internal dimensions (assuming they have a fixed number of dimensions) to fields in your index.
When using Indexers to import the data, key fields are limited to what can be expressed in a field mapping which has some support for mapping functions but wont allow you to select a value of an object in a collection. Your only options are to pre-process and transform the data (such as a query if this is coming from Cosmos DB, or azure function trigger if coming from blobs) or use a different field as the id and put the dimension id in another field that is queryable.
To make the data queryable you can use complex types or if the dimensions are always in the same ordinal you can use output field mappings to map it to a field by collection ordinal such as /document/event/custom/dimensions/1.
