Too many open files error in Visual Studio Node.js under parallels after upgrade to MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 - node.js

I just upgraded my Mac to 10.15.7 today. I run Parallels Desktop on the Mac so I can run my Node.js Visual Studio projects. Upon doing this upgrade I can no longer get my project to run. Unfortunately I made a few changes to the code before trying to run but I do not think that is the source of the issue or the log files would be telling me something else. When I run I get hundred/thousands of lines with the "too many open files" error. Below is a sample of one of those lines:
SourceMaps: could not preload for generated script: c:\Users\chris\github\CollegeTennisRanks\CollegeTennisRanks\obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\node_modules\core-js\library\fn\string\bold.js. Error: Error: EMFILE: too many open files, open 'c:\Users\chris\github\CollegeTennisRanks\CollegeTennisRanks\obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\node_modules\core-js\library\fn\string\bold.js'
I tried a suggestion I found online to change the settings by going to e terminal window and running the following command:
sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 65536 200000
but that did not change anything, still the same errors when i run the project. The odd thin is that I actually have two projects in the solution and the 2nd one actually runs, but it is a much smaller project and only a console app that dows not start up a web server, etc.
I am assuming that the upgrade to 10.15.7 had something to do with this but no cluee where to go now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Well I'll be darned... it was a code change. I copied the project over to a PC and ran and got the same result. Went through last changes one by one undoing them and found that one of my controllers had an issue that for some reason prevented it from running. How to determine that from the log is another question but at least that answers that. Evidently all the "too many open files" messages in debug log are not an issue, which also seems odd.


node.exe does not return output in case a package is given at the parameters

We are using node to build the LESS files in our .NET application.
To do so, we have prepared some stuff to support that easier for all the developers. In the end we have a node version in the source control.
Everything works fine for everyone except one developer that has joined our team in the last days.
Whenever he tries to run the stuff, the CSS files are just empty.
To find the reason we have tried to skip all the stuff around and call node with the less package directly from console. This is working as expected on my PC but there is no output at the affected developers PC.
Also when we are using a path to not existing package there is no output.
On my PC there is an error logged into the console, the affected developer does not get any output.
The only parameters that seems to work are "-h" and "-v"...
As we could not find any usefull hints in the internet, maybe anyone having an idea what can be reason?
Windows-configurations, ....
Finaly we could solve the problem:
Don't ask why but uninstalling Visual Studio 2019, installing VS 2017 and installing 2019 again solved the issue somehow... everthing works as expected.
Reinstalling VS 2019 alone did not solve the problem before.
Maybe a hint in case someone else comes to this question with the same issue:
The reason for going to VS 2017 where different issues with ReSharper as well. Mainly performance issues of VS when ReSharper was active, but some functional issues too. This issues where gone as well after that.
It seems there was something broken with the VS2019 installation that was not repaired by uninstalling and reinstalling VS2019 but by VS2017...

Getting 500 error when starting IIS Express localhost (500.19)

Ive got a project which i run on my main computer, everything works fine there. Then i also want to use that project on my laptop, so i get the code via git from azure devops, build the project and everything shows up as working. As soon as i want to run the project, either via npm start or via visual studio 2019, i get a 500 error displayed in the browser, like really quick.
And i get zero error codes or messages, the only push in the right direction is that the cmd that displays the status of IIS, displays 500.19, but thats it. I have no idea what this might be since it doesnt show any errors?
It is installed on a fresh computer, we tried installing this on another computer and it worked there, but not on my computer.
Ive tried numerous things, such as reinstalling IIS Express, editing / removing applicationHost.config, editing web.config, checking access rights for all the files and folders.
Possible solution?:
According to my project on my other pc and the internet there should be an applicationhost.config in .vs/config/****, which it doesnt for me? which may be a problem? i dont know to be honest, i have been stuck on this problems for a couple of days now..

Eclipse locks up PC on first launch

I've just downloaded Eclipse on elementary OS and attempted to launch it. After doing so, I saw the loading screen for a few seconds before it disappeared and left me with the desktop. Since then, my computer (an old Dell with 4GB of RAM and an Intel Core Duo) has been very unresponsive and the disk activity indicator is almost constantly lit up. I've been looking at the desktop for around 30 minutes now! How can I solve this problem and launch Eclipse?
EDIT: Running eclipse -clean from the command line produces the following error: The org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration bundle was activated before the state location was initialized. Will retry after the state location is initialized.
First, you might review your installation steps. If nothing is obviously wrong, check the following:
check for any error logs
check that you're using the proper Java version
make sure that there's enough memory allocated for Eclipse (see the eclipse.ini file)
as a last resort, try reinstalling it
See also the following guide for installing on Elementary OS: how to install
If that's not working submit more details of your specific problems.
NOTE: You may have to find the right Java and install it "by hand" rather than relying upon the distribution's package manager. You can "point" Eclipse at the right Java by editing the .ini file.
Some related links are as follows:
a similar symptom related to multiple screens and/or corrupt workspace
General trouble-shooting related to your issue and symptoms

Visual Studio deployment error

"The application could not be launched for debugging. Please make sure the device is unlocked."
I am getting this error when I try to launch the app on my device for debugging.
I have tried the following:
Relaunch Visual Studio,
Reinstall Visual Studio,
Restart my computer,
I have selected both debug and release in the configuration window.
The problem is that its not getting launched even in the emulator. The emulator opens and never loads the app but gives the same error message. And I have tried to just open a new application on VS and tried to run the default application. That also gives the same problem.
Everything was working fine after I opened a few more projects for reference, It suddenly started giving this error message.
Make sure a Windows project is not set as startup(assuming you have both windoes project and phone project in the same solution). For example If your target platfrom is a Windows phone project WP7, then you cannot have a windows project as startup. This is a known reason for the error you mentioned.
Also what is the operating system you are working with? I know the error you mentioned reprorted on some OS's including Windows server 2003 and 2008. Try running your project in winsdows 7.
I suddenly got exactly the same issue today. I was coding like always and then I got this problem.
// P.S.
// Today I updated Windows from 8 to 8.1
// Then I installed VS 2013 preview
// But continued working in VS 2012 (I need R#)
// After ~ 5 hours of work I got this issue
I tried everything, deleted emulators from Hyper-V, deleted all virtual commutators, restarted VS 2012, restarted laptop, deleted Bin and obj folders from project, rebuilded project.
But nothing helped.
Then I tried to open solution in VS 2013 preview, and it works!!
I hope I help you with this answer.
If somebody know how to fix it in VS 2012, please tell us
I have a similar problem but I’m able to debug my app once I click OK on the error prompt following the “Launching TaskHost.exe failed.” message in the status bar. I haven’t been able to solve it but I’ve found a workaround that might also work for you.
Start the “Simulation Dashboard” under “Tools” and instead of starting the debugger the usual way build your project if needed and then try to start the debugger by clicking “Locked” under “Lock Screen” on the dashboard.
This answer worked for me.
Under the following:
Solution(Right-click) > Properties > Configuration Properties > Configuration
Ensure that your main project is set to 'Deploy.'

This app failed to launch because of an issue with its license

I'm happily in the middle of coding then I try to launch my app in debug mode but I get this error message.
Unable to activate Windows Store app
This app failed to launch because of an issue with its license
The app was launching fine a few minutes earlier so this came as a surprise. I tried restarting Visual Studio but doing so did not help.
I got the annoying "renew your developer license" dialog yesterday I think. It had renewed without issue.
How do I make this error message go away so i can debug my app?
Well, I got it working by deleting the main project's 'bin' and 'obj' folders. Cleaning and Rebuilding wasn't enough. Hope this answer saves someone else the few minutes of confusion I just experienced.
I recently had a similar issue. In my case I had to uninstall the re-install the app to get it working.
Hope this helps someone. Also, to find out further detail about why it failed, you can checkout the event logs:
Event Viewer > Applications and Services logs > Microsoft > Windows > Aps > Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational
There might be some more detail in there. In my case it was logged as an error event which said the app could not be launched because of a temporary issue with its license.
I just uninstalled the existing version of the app from the start screen, and then launched the app again from Visual Studio and it is launched just fine.
I think the reason behind this is because of renewing the license of Visual Studio and trying to launch an app that was installed when the previous license was active.
I see doing stuff with the bin and obj folders appears to be the accepted answer to this.
I fixed this issue by selecting the 'Uninstall and then re-install my package. All information about the application state is deleted.' check box under the Debug tab of the project properties. You can uncheck it once you've done it once for all future builds.
I haven't had any issue with this solution. Simple fix and you don't have to worry about someone doing something to folders that could cause bigger issues.
I've had this issue a few times now, most of the time deleting the Bin and Obj folders will clear the issue up (These folders are automatically generated during a project build so don't worry about deleting them)
I have found whilst debugging on a remote device (A tablet or phone) that Deleting these folders doesn't solve the problem though - in this case the best solution I have found is just to do a restart on the device I was remote debugging to.
Simple but it works!
I just cleaned my solution and re-started Visual Studio. That did the trick for me - and didn't involve hunting around for files to delete, so you might want to try that first.
go to BUILD-->Clean Solution and click and after its has been cleaned again go to BUILD-->Rebuild Solution. After it has successfully rebuilt your solution just deploy it(Ctrl+F5). This solved the problem for me.
