Parametrized URL to set dashboard filters for Cognos - cognos

We want to pass some Parameters from our UI to Cognos Dashboard (IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1 R7 (LTS)) via url method. Is it possible for Dashboard to set filters dynamically from url or with SDK ?
We are planning to embed the Dashboard URL within iFrame interface and want to pass values from custom UI.


Create auto policy in policy center via webservice

Guidewire Policy Center 10.2 self managed. I'd like to create and quote submission for auto policy line.
Is there a rest api for submission creation exposed via the policy center? Based on the documentation I've an impression it should be there but swagger ui doesn't show related api
I found only soap based web service. Now coming to submission api I see it's very generic, it looks policyPeriodData should be a raw xml that contains all the data about drivers, vehicles etc. How can I get such template in an easy way?
Using gosu scratchpad I was able to generate sample xml for policy period
var pp = new gw.webservice.pc.pc1000.gxmodel.policyperiodmodel.PolicyPeriod(pd) print(pp.asUTFString())
it contains drivers data but I don't see any api how to pass vehicles data

SharePoint 2019 - Create OAuth Request Within Display Template To Request An Image From Another Site Collection

We have a SharePoint 2019 environment with one publishing site and multiple authoring sites, we have pages on the publishing site that use the Content Query Web Part to return a document and it's metadata from whichever authoring site is requested.
We are running into issue with having the preview images for these documents displaying on the Publishing site due to issues with Auth0. We are looking to include code in our display template to request the image via OAuth/Low-Trust SharePoint Add-in, but are unsure how to go about doing to.
Currently the line within the display template that requests/renders the image is:
var pictureMarkup = "";

How to make report page default for different customers using Power BI API?

We are embedding all our customers reports from power bi web to our own website and from there customers can view their insights/reports. Now, customers are requesting for default report page. so instead of viewing main page of report, they want to see their own report page as default. We have many customers, so we have to be done this for all of our customers. FYI: we are using c# for writing web services.
What are the ways of doing this? I believe we have to store report bookmarks guid in our database? if so then how can I access that bookmark guid?
so basically, do I need to create a table and store the customer id and bookmark guid for report page and whenever they access I should have to return that page guid according to customer id?
So is there anything to do from power bi API side or just need to make a changes from portal side?
Please suggest any possible ways of doing this.
If it is only about the page, then you can simply store the page name and switch to it programmatically by calling page's setActive method, or to set the page name to pageName property of the embed configuration details when embedding the report.
If you still want to apply bookmarks, then again you can apply it on load, or apply predefined state.

How can we extract data from grafana dashboard?

Need to extract specific data from grafana dashboard. Grafana is connected to graphite in the backend. Seems there is no API to make calls to grafana directly.
Any help?
Ex: I need to extract AVG CPU value from graph of so and so server.
The only way I found in grafana 7.1 was to:
Open the dashboard and then inspect the panel
Open the query tab and click on refresh
Use the url and parameters on your own query to the api
note: First you need to create an API key in the UI with the proper role and add the bearer to the request headers

Get Custom Field from Acumatica using webservice

I customized screen of Acumatica by new text fields in customer screen below:
After I want get data from custom field in below code but it's not working:
foreach (CustomStringField customField in customerData.MainContact.Address.CustomFields)
You can go to Web Service Endpoint screen to create new endpoint by click extend endpoint from default endpoint. You need to find Endpoint > Customer then click on fields tab and click populate(click EXTENDENTITY to Enable). Then search for Main Address and you will see your custom field.
If you don't want to modify the existing endpoint but just get "Custom" fields then you can append an additional value to the URL - MYOB Advanced uses the same accumatica system
Search for $custom Parameter - in the parameter string you would attach $custom=ItemSettings.PostClassID to get one of the custom fields.
You can get a list of Custom fields using the getSchema method
