Conditional Formatting in Pivot Table in Excel based on text field - excel

I would like to color code a pivot table based on a text field within the data.
This is a mock up, as I'm at a loss as to how this can be done. One of the tricky parts is that you can't actually display the text field that is the basis for the color.
Thank you,
Mock-up Pivot Mock-up (color coded)

You still don't need to use VBA to get the results you're looking for, but there is a little work to do in order to set it up. The solution is to use Conditional Formatting in which the formula is VLOOKUP. To make it work, you need to modify your table slightly.
VLOOKUP works by finding a unique value in the first column of a table or range. The first column values in your table are not unique, nor are the values in the second column. But if you combine the first and second columns, you can create a unique value. A column must be added to the left of your data to create this unique value:
The formula in Column A combines the values in columns B and C:
(There's a reason to format the date as just the Month, more later)
What we're ultimately looking for in your formatting rules is when any value in the pivot table, for a given month and contract, matches either "Complete" or "Pending". Because we've set up the data with the helper column, we can now create a `VLOOKUP' that can work for us. So we need a formula that does this:
VLOOKUP(unique value based on month and contract,get the pay status) = "Complete"
VLOOKUP(unique value based on month and contract,get the pay status) = "Pending"
The formula in the VLOOKUP has to reference back to the source data (when it's inside the pivot table). In order to lookup that unique value, we have to create it by combining values from the pivot table. If the VLOOKUP formula was in Cell B6 in the pivot table:
Then the formula will be:
Notice how the "lookup value" is not a single cell, but we're creating the same unique string/value in the helper column.
In your pivot table, click in the values area ("Sum of Payment") in Cell B6, then select Home -->Conditional Formatting-->Manage Rules. Next "Add New Rule" and then make sure your rule looks like this:
Create a second rule in the same manner and apply it to the pivot table.


Excel VBA macro create new value from 2 entire column

I need to sort values from an entire column.
I do have one column city which have different values of 0 or 1 ( 0% and 100% )
There are 90 000 rows.
I'll need to do a percentage by compiling the values of 0 and 1 by doing the average
I want that value to appear in the column I
Like what I want is that:
You can use AVERAGEIF combined with IF
My fake data:
My formula at C2 (and drag down)
Anyways, I would suggest to use indeed Pivot Tables:
Create a PivotTable to analyze worksheet
With Pivot Tables, you could group your data using cities field, and then calculate the average easily, and just 1 single row per city instead of those empty rows

How to create a dynamic formula to find the average of a set of values for a given vector

I am trying to create a formula that gives me the average of the last 12 entries in a given dataset depending on the associated vector.
Let's make an example:
I have in column F2,G2,H2 and I2 dates, Company1, Company2 and Company3 respectively. Then from row3 to row 33 I have months dates starting from May 2016.
Date Company1 Company2 Company3
May-16 2,453,845
Jun-16 13,099,823
Jul-16 14,159,037
Aug-16 38,589,050 8,866,101
Sep-16 63,290,285 13,242,522
Oct-16 94,005,364 14,841,793
Nov-16 123,774,792 7,903,600 41,489,883
Dec-16 93,355,037 12,449,604 69,117,105
Jan-17 47,869,982 13,830,712 83,913,764
Feb-17 77,109,905 10,361,555 68,176,643
The goal is to create a formula that, when I drag it down, correctly calculates the average of the last 12 values for a given company.
So for example i would have, say in table "B2:C5":
Company1 76,856,345
Company2 11,120,859
Company3 65,674,349
And, if a new Company4 is added to the list, then I just have to drag it down the formula, to calculate the average of the last 12 months for Company4.
Until now, I have came up with this formula:
This formula correctly calculates the average of a given column, considering only the last 12 values. The last step would be to come up with a formula that includes all the columns and then calculates the average for the given company.
I recommend that you use a named range to define your data in columns G:I. When a company is added, just modify the named range's specs. I used the name Target. Of course, you can replace it with $G:$I if you feel so inclined but I would rather recommend reducing the number of rows in the range, which is easier to manage when it is named.
Use the formula below to extract the company names from the first row of Target into the first column of your averages table. This is to ensure that the names are spelled identically in both locations.
The number 2 indicates the number of rows above the row containing the formula. it is copied here from cell M3. There, ROW()-2 creates the number 1, counting sequentially as the formula is copied down.
Now I have the formula below in my cell N3 and copied down.
The formula simply sums up the columns G, H, and I in 3 consecutive rows.
In the final step I inserted the range definition established above, meaning excluding the SUM() function, into your existing formula.

Fill in table based a column of categories in Excel

I have a table that looks like this:
Type Value
Movie 5
Food 3
Gas 10
Food 2
.... ....
And There's a second table I want to fill in with "Value" based on their type in the first table, so that the corresponding rows look like this:
Rent Food Movie Gas Clothing ... ( appear in specific order bc they are subcategories)
The title row is already there, so I was thinking there might be some kind of lookup method to do this? How do I do that?
your second table apperas to hold one value per row but it doesn't have a label. it does correlate to the original row number, is this by design or coincidence?
if this is by design then you can use those 2 columns, hide them if you like, get a unique list of categories by copying you r abels to a new colum, removing duplicates in the data tab, then paste special transpose in c1 to create colum headers.
so column a and b remain unchanged
row 1 contains header starting at column c
your data starts at c2
this is the formula
drag it down and to the right
you can copy paste special values when done to remove the formulas
for something with only a hundred or thousand cells this will be one of the easier options but i would not do this on large tables, for those i would use power query or VBA
Assuming your 1st table is in Sheet1 and 2nd table is in sheet2.. you may try to fill in Sheet2!A2
and drag it all the way.. Hope you get how it works.. and what you need.


Lets say I have 3 columns of data
55 49 4541
47 47 1515
42 47 4478
86 12 9993
12 100 1224
5 44 1452
100 4287
99 4444
What I need to check to see if the value in column A matches a value in column B. If there is a match, it will return the value from column C in column D. Now this is easy with a VLOOKUP however I am dealing with 700+ lines and there are multiple amounts that match. INDEX(MATCH) could work but it only returns one value. Is this a VB only problem?
I.E Value 47 exists in column B twice so therefore column D would return both invoice numbers (1515 - 4478)
In VBA, the problem would be trivial as you have already correctly described the logic with the problem statement itself.
Using Excel functionality only, without VBA is the interesting problem. You need to do the following steps to achieve an output that looks like this...
The steps are as follows:
Pivot Table: Make a pivot-table from the Columns (B) and (C) with Rows Fields as (B) and (C) and the minimum of AMOUNT(B) as the Value field. (See Figure below)
Helper Columns: Make a column on the side of the pivot table, say (Q) which is simply equal to everything in column (P)
Contd ... : In column (R) (which unfortunately happens to be in the sheet's column Q, sorry for the confusion there), as shown, for cell Q20 for e.g. put in the formula
That will result in the creation of something like the table below:
(P) (Q)
12 9993
44 1452
47 4478,1515
47 4478
49 4541
99 4444
100 4287,1224
100 4287
Now the hard work is done. All you need to do is to lookup using VLOOKUP key-value pairs from this helper table (P)(Q)
- It will be very fast because the pivot table always keeps it sorted and hence an exact LOOKUP is not necessary.
- Screenshots are shown below for the Pivot table as well as for the final VLOOKUP formula
Pivot Table and Helper Table:
Final Formula:
so I'm using the Countif to see if there are dups based on column A.
In the D column type, =IF(COUNTIF($A$2:$A$9,B2)>0,C2,"")

Excel: Match\Index specific column based on multiple criteria

I have two Tables, Table 1 Column A is a rolling date column. Table 2 consists of four columns of differing "Trigger Dates". Table 2, Column 1 contains an Annual trigger, ie occurs once a year. Table 2 Column 2 contains Bi-Annual Triggers, and occurs twice yearly. Table 2 Column 3 contains Monthly Triggers, "12 dates" and Table 2 Column 4 contains Weekly Triggers, "52 dates".
Ok, so what I'm looking for is to a formula that will return the date trigger, where Table 1 Column 1 matches a condition (Annually, Bi-Annually, Monthly, Weekly) selected in a cell "we'll say F1, outside of any ranges that may be created.
Example: If Table 1 Col 2 = "01/02/2013" and I select "Weekly" in F1, the formula will look in the weekly Column in Table 2 to determine if "01/02/2013" exists.
I've allocated a named range to each column in Table 2
I've allocated a named range to the condition in F1 which is a drop down list
Any suggestions?
You might try:
Ok, so supposing your Range Name is in F1, your formula to find the match would look as follows:
=If(IsError(Match(LookupVal,Indirect(F1),0)),"No Match", "Match")
...Something along those lines
Hope this helps point you in the right direction.
INDIRECT and VLOOKUP will be your friends here.
I constructed Table2 just as you had described, with the Annual,Bi-annual,Monthly,Weekly labels for the columns in the table - this will avoid having to keep named ranges up to date, as it's looking directly at the table in the formula
For the function, I then used VLOOKUP to find the date, in the column referenced by F1.
Column Reference: INDIRECT("Table2["&$F$1&"]")
Find Value: VLOOKUP([#Col2],INDIRECT("Table2["&$F$1&"]"),1,FALSE) (looking at column 1 in the return values, as I don't really care what value is returned.
This will return the date if found, and an error if not. I can then wrap the result in the IF(ISERROR( so I can return Yes or No if the date is found.
This produces the entire formula of
for the next column in Table1, so that when I change the value in F1, it will look for that column name in Table2, and let me know if it is found.
