How to utilize the High Performance cores on Apple Silicon - multithreading

I have developed a macOS app which is heavily relying on multithreading (a call center simulator). It runs fine on my iMac 2019 and fills up all cores nicely. In my test scenario it simulates app. 1.4 mio. telephone calls in total in 100 iterations, each iteration as a dispatch item on a parallel dispatch queue.
Now I have bought a new Mac mini with M1 Apple Silicon and I was eager to see how the performance develops on that test machine. Well, it’s not bad but not as good as I expected:
iMac 2019, Intel 6-core i5, 3.0 GHz, Catalina macOS 10.15.7
19.95 s
Mac mini, M1 8-core, Big Sur macOS 11.2, Rosetta2
26.85 s
Mac mini, M1 8-core, Big Sur macOS 11.2, native ARM
17.07 s
Investigating a little bit further I noticed that at the start of the simulation all 8 cores of the M1 Mac are filled up properly but after a few seconds only the 4 high efficiency cores are used any more.
I have read the Apple docs „Optimize for Apple Silicon with performance and efficiency cores“ and double checked that the dispatch queue for the iterations is set up properly:
let simQueue = .userInitiated)
But no success. After a few seconds of running the high performance cores are obviously not utilized any more. I even tried to set up the queue with qos set to .userInteracive up that didn’t help either. I also flagged the dispatch items with proper qos but that didn’t change anything. It looks to me that other apps (e.g. XCode) do utilize the high performance cores even for a longer time.
Does anybody know how to force a M1 Mac to utilize the high performance cores?

"M1 8 core" is really "M1 4 performance + 4 power saving cores". I expect it to have be a bit more performance than an Intel 6 core, but not much. Exactly has you see, 15% faster than six Intel cores or about as fast as 7 Intel cores would be. The current M1 chips are low end processors. "A bit better than Intel six cores" is quite good.
Your code must be running on the performance cores, otherwise there would be no chance at all to come close to the Intel performance. In that graph, nothing tells you which cores are used.
What happens most likely is that all cores start running, each trying to do one eighth of the work, and after about 8 seconds the performance cores have their work done. Then the power saving cores move their work to the performance cores. And you are just misinterpreting the image as only low performance cores doing the work.

I would guess that Apple has put a preference on using efficiency cores over performance for many reasons. Battery life being one, and most likely thermal reasons as well. This is the big question mark with a SoC that originally was designed for smartphones and tablets. MacOS is a much heavier OS then IOS or iPad OS. Apple most likely felt that performance cores were only needed in the cases where maximum throughput was needed. No doubt, I think some including myself with a M1 Mac Mini would like a way to adjust this balance between efficiency and performance cores. Personally overall, I would prefer all cores be capable of switching between efficiency and performance such as in Intel's Speed shift technology. This may come along with the M1's advancements in terms of Mac Pro models and other Pro models.


Intel 12th Gen only efficient core were used for the computation

Using an Intel 12th gen laptop on Windows 11 with parallelization for a computational task.
In the first run both the power cores and the efficient cores were activated, with the power core running at 100% and the efficient core at 80%.
After a while the utilization of the efficient core slowly went up to 100%. But on the second run, the power cores were never used and only the efficient cores were at 100%.
It's not a displacement mistake from the windows 11 because the computer temperature cooled and the fan stopped buzzering. But strangely with the power core at rest the computer still became stuck and froze.
The third run both the power cores and the efficient cores were actived.
How was this possible and how to tell python to use all the cores?

Why does some nodeJS tasks makes Ubuntu freeze and not Windows?

I have been facing an intriguing problem lastly.
I am working on a project with a pretty heavy front in Angular JS with a hundred of Jest tests. I have 16 Go of ram but the project is so heavy that sometimes it fills up completely the ram and often the computer cannot handle the project running plus a yarn test at the same time (which takes up to 3 to 4 Go of ram) or a cypress workflow test without big latency problems.
To avoid big freezes (up to several minutes) and crashes, I increased the swap to 16 Go.
That being said, for various reasons I had to work on the project on Windows 10 and faced none of these problems.
Everything runs smoothly, the graphical interface doesn't lag even with screen sharing even-though the ram is also completely filled up and the CPU at 100%.
I am even able to run 20 yarn test at the same time without much lag which seems completely impossible on Linux even with the increased swap.
I've seen that windows use ram compression by default and not linux but I only had up to 549 Mo of compressed ram during my comparisons.
I firstly though that it could be a problem with gnome which is known to be heavy and sometimes buggy but I also tested it with KDE and have the same results.
I also heard that windows allocate special resources to the graphical environment where linux may treat it like any other process but that alone cannot explain all the problems because the whole computer freezes on linux and not in windows.
So I'm starting to wonder if there is something about the memory or process management that windows do significantly better than linux.
My config :
Computer model : Dell XPS-15-7590
Processor : Intel core i7 9750H, 2,6 GHz, 4,5 GHz turbo max (6 cores, 12 threads)
RAM : 16 Go
Graphic card : GTX 1650M
Screen : 4K 16:9
SSD : NVME 512 Go
I was facing the same issue on Ubuntu 22.04 with 16GB RAM and Intel i5-12400 Processor
My solution was to limit the number of max workers on jest config
"maxWorkers": 4

Performance check between shared cluster and laptop with Intel(R)Core™ i7

I am not really familiar with shared clusters, but I am assuming performance should not differ much in terms of completing a single task when compared with a laptop processor. I have a C++ code which I ran on my laptop with Intel(R)Core™ i7-4558U 2.80 GHz CPU and 16.0 GB RAM, with the operating system of 64 bit Windows 10. On the other hand, I have results of the same code from a publication which belong to the tests conducted on a shared cluster with Intel Xeon 2.3 GHz CPU and 4 GB memory limit with Linux operating system. The program uses CPLEX as the solver: my laptop has IBM Cplex 12.7 whereas previous runs used IBM CPLEX 12.4 (Cplex, 2012). My results seem to take 300 times more than the reported results of the previous run. Does this much difference make sense? If so what could be the driver behind it?
This could be attributed to performance variability (see, for example, section 5 of the MIPLIB 2010 paper here). In a nutshell, minor differences in problem formulation (e.g., order of constraints, input format, etc.), or running on different platforms, can have a great effect on the time to solve. With CPLEX 12.7, you can use the interactive to help you evaluate variability.

GPU vs CPU? Number of cores/threads in a GPU for program calculation acceleration?

I need some help understanding the concept of cores on a GPU vs. cores in a CPU for the purpose of doing parallel calculations.
When it comes to cores in a CPU, it seems pretty simple. I have a super intensive "for" loop that iterates four times. I have four cores in my Intel i5 2.26GHz CPU. I give one loop to each core. Each of the four loops is independent of the other. Boom - I now have four threads created and 100% CPU usage (instead of 25% CPU usage with only one core). My "for" loop now runs almost four times faster than it would have if I did not parallelize it. By the way, for the "for" loop, I was using the auto-parallelization available on Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, as in this online example:(
In contrast, I don't even know the number of cores in my laptop's GPU (Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD, or Intel HD Graphics, with 1696MB shared memory) that I can use for parallel calculations. I don't even know a valid way of comparing the GPU to the CPU. When I see "12#500MHz" next to my graphics card description, I wonder if that means the graphics card has 12 cores for parallelization that can work kinda like the 4 cores in a CPU, except that the GPU cores run at 500MHz [slow] instead of 2.26GHz [fast]? Is there a GPU usage comparable to the CPU usage in Windows task manager? I'm an utter novice trying to use the C++ library in visual studio 2012, if that makes any difference. When I write the actual GPU software, the parallelization code looks like this:(
So, would you please fill some of the gaps or mistakes in my knowledge or help me compare the two? I don't need a super complicated answer, something as simple as "You can't compare a CPU core with a GPU core because of blankity blank" or "a GPU core isn't really a core like a CPU core is" would be very much appreciated.
First, the OS initiate more cores only if you ask for them in your code. Try using OpenMP or Win32 threads to achieve parallelism on your i5.
Second, the CPU clocking is more than GPU clocking. If the clocking of GPU is same as CPU, you can use it as a stove to cook. The cores in the GPU are more than CPU. There is a difference between a thread and core.
Third, I recommend you to read specifications and reference manuals for your CPU and GPU. Also, dont forget PCI-e. It is the bottleneck for Parallel Programming implementation.
Hope this clarifies your doubts. Any more questions, feel free to ask.

How to quantify the processing tradeoffs of CUDA devices for C kernels?

I recently upgraded from a GTX480 to a GTX680 in the hope that the tripled number of cores would manifest as significant performance gains in my CUDA code. To my horror, I've discovered that my memory intensive CUDA kernels run 30%-50% slower on the GTX680.
I realize that this is not strictly a programming question but it does directly impact on the performance of CUDA kernels on different devices. Can anyone provide some insight into the specifications of CUDA devices and how they can be used to deduce their performance on CUDA C kernels?
Not exactly an answer to your question, but some information that might be of help in understanding the performance of the GK104 (Kepler, GTX680) vs. the GF110 (Fermi, GTX580):
On Fermi, the cores run on double the frequency of the rest of the logic. On Kepler, they run at the same frequency. That effectively halves the number of cores on Kepler if one wants to do more of an apples to apples comparison to Fermi. So that leaves the GK104 (Kepler) with 1536 / 2 = 768 "Fermi equivalent cores", which is only 50% more than the 512 cores on the GF110 (Fermi).
Looking at the transistor counts, the GF110 has 3 billion transistors while the GK104 has 3.5 billion. So, even though the Kepler has 3 times as many cores, it only has slightly more transistors. So now, not only does the Kepler have only 50% more "Fermi equivalent cores" than Fermi, but each of those cores must be much simpler than the ones of Fermi.
So, those two issues probably explain why many projects see a slowdown when porting to Kepler.
Further, the GK104, being a version of Kepler made for graphics cards, has been tuned in such a way that cooperation between threads is slower than on Fermi (as such cooperation is not as important for graphics). Any potential potential performance gain, after taking the above facts into account, may be negated by this.
There is also the issue of double precision floating point performance. The version of GF110 used in Tesla cards can do double precision floating point at 1/2 the performance of single precision. When the chip is used in graphics cards, the double precision performance is artificially limited to 1/8 of single precision performance, but this is still much better than the 1/24 double precision performance of GK104.
One of the advances of new Kepler architecture is 1536 cores grouped into 8 192-core SMX'es but at the same time this number of cores is a big problem. Because shared memory is still limited to 48 kb. So if your application needs a lot of SMX resources then you can't execute 4 warps in parallel on single SMX. You can profile your code to find real occupancy of you GPU. The possible ways to improve you application:
use warp vote functions instead of shared memory communications;
increase a number of tread blocks and decrease a number threads in one block;
optimize global loads/stores. Kepler have 32 load/store modules for each SMX (twice more than on Kepler).
I am installing nvieuw and I use coolbits 2.0 to unlock your shader cores from default to max performance. Also, you must have both connectors of your device to 1 display, which can be enabled in nVidia control panel screen 1/2 and screen 2/2. Now you must clone this screen with the other, and Windows resolution config set screen mode to extended desktop.
With nVidia inspector 1.9 (BIOS level drivers), you can activate this mode by setting up a profile for the application (you need to add application's exe file to the profile). Now you have almost double performance (keep an eye on the temperature).
DX11 also features tesselation, so you want to override that and scale your native resolution.
Your native resolution can be achieved by rendering a lower like 960-540P and let the 3D pipelines do the rest to scale up to full hd (in nv control panel desktop size and position). Now scale the lower res to full screen with display, and you have full HD with double the amount of texture size rendering on the fly and everything should be good to rendering 3D textures with extreme LOD-bias (level of detail). Your display needs to be on auto zoom!
Also, you can beat sli config computers. This way I get higher scores than 3-way sli in tessmark. High AA settings like 32X mixed sample makes al look like hd in AAA quality (in tessmark and heavon benchies). There are no resolution setting in the endscore, so that shows it's not important that you render your native resolution!
This should give you some real results, so please read thoughtfully not literary.
I think the problem may lie in the number of Streaming Multiprocessors: The GTX 480 has 15 SMs, the GTX 680 only 8.
The number of SMs is important, since at most 8/16 blocks or 1536/2048 threads (compute capability 2.0/3.0) can reside on an single SM. The resources they share, e.g. shared memory and registers, can further limit the number of blocks per SM. Also, the higher number of cores per SM on the GTX 680 can only reasonably be exploited using instruction-level parallelism, i.e. by pipelining several independent operations.
To find out the number of blocks you can run concurrently per SM, you can use nVidia's CUDA Occupancy Calculator spreadsheet. To see the amount of shared memory and registers required by your kernel, add -Xptxas –v to the nvcc command line when compiling.
