Connecting with PnP PowerShell(without username and password) - sharepoint-online

Is it possible to connect a site of SharePoint without creditiantials(Username, Password, pre-stored credentials using the Secrets Management, Ref. Link: )? Because I have required permissions for Azure AD App.
Kind Regards,
Sezgin Tabak

You could you could refer to the below documentation to use AAD App for authentication with PnP PowerShell:
I have also answered your question here, please check it:


Login to Microsoft Graph JavaScript SDK using federated credential instead of client secret or certificate (application user)

How can we authenticate to Microsoft Graph using federated credentials and GitHub workflows?
I have registered an app in Azure Active Directory under 'App Registrations'. And I'm planning to use federated credentials (not client secret or certificate) in Azure App Registration to make Microsoft Graph API calls from GitHub Actions workflows. But in Microsoft documentation, I found only about how to authenticate using a client secret.
Thanks for reaching out
FederatedIdentityCredentialRequest is available for beta API, could you please check out -
hope this will help you.

Setting up ADFS for a Web App

Following scenario:
I have a web app running in the MS Azure cloud
The app provides a user logon with username and password
The new requirement is to provide the AD FS SSO for the web app, so that once a user has logged on the Windows machine, her AD credentials can be used to log on the web app.
Can anyone help with some background information and step-by-step instruction. Thank you.
Yes - you can do this by federating ADFS and Azure AD.
That provides SSO and lets the users authenticate on the intranet.
Do you have to use ADFS? If not, pass-through is a good alternative.
To connect the web app to ADFS, you could try to use the scripted setup for automated integration or use the manual setup to step-by-step.
For the details, you could refer to the docs.
Hope this can help you.

Azure Mobile App authentication only with Azure AD but Windows Account can also login?

Why after setup my Mobile App authentication only with Azure AD, the authentication popup window can allow not only my company account, but also allow public Windows Account like to be authenticated?
I follow this official procedures and I did check that Microsoft Account authentication is "Not Configured."
It's very weird.
Thanks for your answer.
This is probably because the account you are testing with is also a guest member of your Azure AD tenant. Try using a new account or one owned by a friend who has no connections to your organization to verify.
You can config multi authentication providers in your Azure App Services. And there are needed to configured manually. The post you provided guides you how to config AAD to your Azure App Service. To config Microsoft Account provider, you can refer to
Additionally, you can set the default authentication provider as the image:
And as your requirement, you can manually choose the authentication provider in your client code, E.G. in cordova sample:
var client = new WindowsAzure.MobileServiceClient("<mobile_app_url>");
// use aad
// use microsoft account
Any further concern, please feel free to let me know.

Authentication for Azure Active Directory using adal for node.js application

I am trying to authenticate users through Azure Active Directory in a node.js application. I am using azure-activedirectory-library-for-nodejs. Here is the sample code I have replicated . I have created a self signed certificate and uploaded to Azure AD using Azure AD power shell. I am still getting certificate un-trsuted error. Can anyone suggest a solution for the issue?
The sample code ( don't need to use any self signed certificate to authenticate user.
Generally, Using management certificate to authentificate for Service Management on Azure, please refer to
The easy way to authenticate users for sign-in nodejs app is using "passport-azure-ad" package, you can refer to And there is a sample for this scenario.
The passport-azure-ad is a strategy of passportjs for Azure AD OpenID connect.
If you just want to authenticate users for using AAD to sign-in apps, you can also try to use passport-azure-ad-oauth2
About the usage of PassportJS, please refer to

Azure AD Graph API - does not provide option to enable multifactor authentication during user creation

Currently i am able to create user with multi-factor authentication enabled using "Azure management portal".
But when i am creating the user using Graph API, i don't find any option to enable multi-factor authentication in the REST contract.
Could you please help here. Or is there any alternative way to achieve this?
I'm a program manager on the Azure Active Directory team at Microsoft. This is currently not exposed through the AAD Graph. I've added an item to our backlog to get it added.
