Azure Logic App + SendGrid Email link formatting - azure

I have a logic app that is being used to send emails using a SendGrid subscription. There is a unique link sent to each user. I can embed this link variable in the message text using expressions, but when the email is sent it transforms the link to plain text.
There is a "link" button that can be used to manually add a link but it only accepts plain text as the link title and target, it does not appear it can be mapped to any expressions or dynamic content.
I thought I could maybe add a placeholder link through the SendGrid Link insertion, and then find it in the corresponding json template for the app and map it to an expression but something happens when it is saved and it is transformed.

According to some test, it doesn't show same problem in my side. I received the email in outlook and in my opinion, it may be influenced by your email tool. In my side, the link was transformed to plain text only if the email is filtered into Junk Folder.
To solve this problem, you can test it in another email tool. Or you can do it like below screenshot, store the link with <a> tag in a variable and then use the variable in email body.


Within the eSignature API, is there a way to append text to the default text for "email blurb"?

Default text for "email blurb" is something like:
recipientFirstName recipientLastName,
Please DocuSign sameTextAsEmailSubject
Thank You, SalesPersonSmith
Is there a way to append text to this ? For example I would append the email signature for SalesPersonSmith so something like:
p 555.555.1212
f 555.555.2323
There are two ways to modify the content of the emails that DocuSign sends to recipients:
You can use the emailBlurb inside the envelopeDefinition object.
You can modify the email resources file for your account.
Option 1 is limited, as you cannot change everything in the email message. However, you can have each envelope use a different blurb.
Option 2 is account-wide, meaning that it's not per-envelope, but you have more flexibility in the changes you make in the entire email look-and-feel.

Localization in email template sent by Kentico forms

I have developed a form using form builder in Kentico Xperience.
I am using localized strings for the titles and texts of my form components.
For example for a radio button component, I have
which consists of the following localized strings:
It works fine until the form is submitted and sent by email.
The email template is built as follow:
$$label:Participation$$: $$value:Participation$$
But I receive email like:
Participation in meeting: {$Form.Participation.Virtual$}
While I would like to receive the localized text in my email as follow:
Participation in meeting: Virtually
How can I do that? Is there a specific syntax in the email template?
The correct syntax in my email template to obtain what I am looking for is:
$$label:Participation$$: {%Participation%}
The behavior is by design. If you use a compoment with list of options and you add just a localization macro there, there is a risk that chaning the string will cause wrong values. The recommended and supported format is:

Azure Logic app read my approval email in form of HTML tags

I have created a Azure Logic app to read the email body and check for the condition - If the email body 1st line has the only word called "Approved", then trigger another process or else do nothing.
But when performing it, I could see the condition gets to false even though the mail has only Approved word in it accommodated with signatures in the bottom. After researching, I could see the email is being read like HTML tags. So i created two more variable to extract a part of this e-mail and check for condition.
EmailBodyTrimmed = trim(substring(toUpper(replace(replace(trim(variables('EmailBody')),' ',''),'.',''),),0,500))
EmailBodyTrimmedFinal = trim(substring(trim(replace(trim(variables('EmailBodyTrimmed')),' ','')),0,indexOf(replace(variables('EmailBodyTrimmed'),' ',''),'<')))
But nothing seems to give correct answer. Can anyone help me ?
I think you can use Body Preview to receive the body of the email:
According to my test results, it receives the text in non-HTML format, so you don't have to extract the body from the HTML text.
Then you only need to add a condition and use starts with to determine whether it starts with approved.
Of course, this premise is that your email body is in plain text format, if it is in excel format, you need to do other processing.

How to extract the url from an embedded link in an email

I've got an email processing agent. It copies the body of the email into a document's rich text field. If there are any embedded links in the email I want to process that embedded link and extract the url. I started playing around with MIMEEntity but nothing came of it. Any ideas?
Hi Rich,
Well here's a more robust explanation of what's going on. I have several Notes apps which deal with email correspondence. An email comes in, a Notes document is created with some meta data (system generated ID, user's email, name, company, status, etc). The email body is added to a 'correspondence' rich text field of the created Notes doc. The app allows for someone on our side to follow up on the email (ask a question, provide some feedback, etc). That response from us is pre-pended to the original email. If the original sender responds with some further information, THAT email is also pre-pended. To do this pre-pending, I do
bodyText = EmailDoc.GetFirstItem("Body").text
textFromNotesDoc = CTdoc.GetFirstItem("Issue").text
newTextFromNotesDoc = bodyText + <some stuff> + textFromNotesDoc
I then do a replace.
This worked perfectly fine for years. However, recently users have been sending in emails containing embedded links. Of course anything like that is lost when I do the NotesDocument.GetFirstItem().Text. So I've been trying to think of a way to capture the embedded link. The other day it occurred to me that if I could read the html, I could find and extract the url and simply add it to text. I thought maybe using NotesMIMEEntity would allow me to read through the body field and find the url but that's not working.
The solution is to NOT NotesDocument.GetFirstItem().Text. Just simply take the email coming in and prepend the body field to the discussion RT field. I add tags to the email going out so that I know if the person responding included the previous conversation. That took a little work to figure out but by using NotesRichTextNavigator and related classes, I'm able to deal with that.

DocuSign Customize Email in Brand To Use [[EnvelopeId]] in a link

I am trying to customize the brand resource file so that it uses the EnvelopeId within a query parameter in a custom html link so that the destination site can filter rows based on the Envelope.
For example, when using the following in the DocuSign XML Email resources file for the brand (e.g. in envelope completed email):
View Rows
DocuSign escapes the [[EnvelopeId]] (presumably because its within a link), causing the resulting html for the email to be
View Rows
instead of
View Rows
Is there a way to prevent the EnvelopeId from being escaped or another way to use the EnvelopeId with a custom link in the envelope completion email?
Whenever you see [[ ]] that refers to something called a DocuSign Merge Field. As you are referring to, these are dynamic variables which get replaced with expected values at runtime. I do not believe that EnvelopeID is a valid merge field in this context. The closest thing you have to referencing a link to the envelope is the [[QuickURL]] merge field.
If you were going down an API integrated route, you could specify the entire email message body contents via the API, and you would know the envelopeID at that point and could pass it in w/your logic.
