Why does a boolean need to be atomic? - multithreading

In rust, there is such a thing as an AtomicBool. It is defined as:
A boolean type which can be safely shared between threads.
I understand that if you're using a boolean to implement a thread lock, to be used from multiple threads to control access to a resource, doing something like:
// Acquire the lock
if thread_lock == false:
thread_lock = true
// Release the lock
thread_lock = false
Is definitely not thread safe. Both threads can read the thread_lock variable at the same time, see that it's unlocked (false), set it to true, and both think they have exclusive access to the thread.
With a proper thread lock, you need a boolean where, when you try to set it, one of two things will happen:
Trying to acquire a lock can fail if another thread already has a lock
Trying to acquire a lock will block until no other threads have a lock
I don't know if Rust has a concept like this, but I know Python's threading.Lock does exactly that.
As far as I can tell, this is NOT the scenario that an AtomicBool addresses. An AtomicBool has a load() method, and a store() method. Neither return a Result<bool> type (implying the operation can't fail), and as far as I can tell, neither do any kind of blocking.
What exactly does an AtomicBool protect us from? Why can we not use a regular bool from different threads (other than the fact that the compiler won't let us)?
The only thing I can think of is that when one thread is writing the bits into memory, another might try to read those bits at the same time. A bool is 8 bits. If 4 of the 8 bits were written when the other thread tries to read the data, the data read will be 4 bits of the old value, and 4 bits of the new value. Is this the problem being addressed? Can this happen? It doesn't seem like even in that scenario, a bool would need to be atomic, since of the 8 bits, only one bit matters, which will either be a 0 or a 1.

What exactly does an AtomicBool protect us from? Why can we not use a regular bool from different threads (other than the fact that the compiler won't let us)?
Anything that might go wrong, whether you can think of it or not. I hate to follow this up with something I can think of, because it doesn't matter. The rules say it's not guaranteed to work and that should end it. Thinking you have to think of a way it can fail or it can't fail is just wrong.
But here's one way:
// Release the lock
thread_lock = false
Say this particular CPU doesn't have a particularly good way to set a boolean to false without using a register but does have a good single operation that negates a boolean and tests if it's zero without using a register. On this CPU, in conditions of register pressure, this might get optimized to:
Negate thread_lock and test if it's zero.
If the copy of thread_lock was false, negate thread_lock again.
What happens if in-betweens steps 1 and 2 another thread observes thread_lock to be true even though it was false going into this operation and will be false when it's done?

The thread lock in Rust is Mutex. It is typically used to provide multi-thread mutable access to a value (which is usually the reason why you want to lock between threads), but you can also use it to lock an empty tuple Mutex<()> to lock on nothing. I can't think of good reasons that you need to lock threads without needing to lock on particular values, though; for example if you want to write to a log file from multiple threads, you might want to have a Mutex<fs::File> like this:
let file = Arc::new(Mutex::new(fs::File::create("write.log")?));
for _ in 0..10 {
let file = Arc::clone(&file);
thread::spawn(move |file| {
// do other stuff
let mut guard = file.lock();
// do other stuff
For atomic values, usually the most important primitives are not load and store but compare_and_exchange, etc. Atomics can be thought as "lightweight" mutexes that only contain primitive data, but you perform all operations you want in a single call instead of acquiring and releasing it in two separate operations. Furthermore, mutexes can actually be implemented based on an AtomicBool if the operating system doesn't support it, like the following code:
struct MyMutex(AtomicBool);
impl MyMutex {
fn try_lock(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
let result = self.0.compare_exchange(false, true, Ordering::SeqCst);
if result {
Ok(()) // we have acquired the lock
} else {
Err(()) // someone else is holding the lock
fn release(&self) {
self.0.store(false, Ordering::Release);
You can share any value that is Sync from multiple threads, provided that you can deal with the lifetime properly. For example, the following compiles without any unsafe code:
fn process(b: &'static bool) {
if b { do_something () }
else { do_something_else() }
fn main() {
let boxed = Box::new(true);
let refed: &'static bool = my_bool.leak();
for _ in 0..10 {
thread::spawn(move || process(refed));
You can also do this with non-'static references with the sufficient tools, such as wrapping them in Arcs, etc.
A bool is 8 bits. If 4 of the 8 bits were written when the other thread tries to read the data, the data read will be 4 bits of the old value, and 4 bits of the new value.
This cannot happen in Rust. Rust enforces ownership and borrowing very strictly. You can't even have two mutable references to the same value on the same thread, much less on different threads.
Multiple mutable references to the same value is always Undefined Behaviour in Rust; there are no exceptions to this strict rule. By declaring that a reference is mutable, the compiler is allowed to do various optimizations on your code assuming that we are the unique place that can read/write the value; not other threads, not other functions, not even other variables (if a: &mut bool and let b = &mut *a, you can't use a before b is dropped). You will have much worse problems than writing different bits concurrently if you have multiple mutable pointers.
(By the way, "writing bits" to the same value is not a correct way of thinking it; it's much more complicated than "writing bits" in modern CPUs even without Rust's borrow checking rules)
TL;DR: If you don't have the unsafe keyword anyway in your code, you don't need to worry about race conditions. Rust is a very memory-safe language where memory bugs are mostly checked at compile time.


How to ensure a piece of code is always used by one thread at any given time?

I'm writing a function that needs to use mutable static variables to work (a weird implementation of a message loop). In order to allow only one writer to access those variables at any given time, I need to make the access to this function exclusive (to the first thread that accesses it).
Using AtomicBool
My first guess was to use an AtomicBool:
use std::sync::atomic::{Ordering, AtomicBool};
static FLAG: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
fn my_exclusive_function() {
if FLAG.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
panic!("Haha, too late!")
FLAG.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
/* Do stuff */
This code has an obvious flaw: if two threads happen to read FLAG at the same time, they would both think that this is ok for them to continue.
Using Mutex<()>
Then I thought about using a Mutex<()> for its lock.
use std::sync::Mutex;
static FLAG: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(());
fn my_exclusive_function() {
let _lock = FLAG.try_lock() {
Ok(lock) => lock,
Err(_) => panic!("Haha, too late!"),
/* Do stuff */
// `_lock` gets dropped here, another thread can now access the function
There are two problems here:
Mutex::new is not a const function which makes me unable to initialize the Mutex. I could use a library like lazy_static here but if I can avoid an additional dependency, it would be great.
Even if I use lazy_static, a user-defined function (the handler inside of the message loop actually) could panic and poison the mutex. Here again, I could use a thread-party library like parking_lot but that would be yet anther additional dependency.
I'm willing to use those if there is no alternatives but if I can avoid it, that is better.
What would the right way to do this look like? Is it just a matter of Ordering?
Related question that did not help me
How to ensure a portion of code is run by just one thread at a time? Answers are specifically focused on C# and .NET and involve features I don't have in Rust.

How can Rust be told that a thread does not live longer than its caller? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How can I pass a reference to a stack variable to a thread?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have the following code:
fn main() {
let message = "Can't shoot yourself in the foot if you ain't got no gun";
let t1 = std::thread::spawn(|| {
println!("{}", message);
rustc gives me the compilation error:
closure may outlive the current function, but it borrows message, which is owned by the current function
This is wrong since:
The function it's referring to here is (I believe) main. The threads will be killed or enter in UB once main is finished executing.
The function it's referring to clearly invokes .join() on said thread.
Is the previous code unsafe in any way? If so, why? If not, how can I get the compiler to understand that?
Edit: Yes I am aware I can just move the message in this case, my question is specifically asking how can I pass a reference to it (preferably without having to heap allocate it, similarly to how this code would do it:
std::thread([&message]() -> void {/* etc */});
(Just to clarify, what I'm actually trying to do is access a thread safe data structure from two threads... other solutions to the problem that don't involve making the copy work would also help).
Edit2: The question this has been marked as a duplicate of is 5 pages long and as such I'd consider it and invalid question in it's own right.
Is the previous code 'unsafe' in any way ? If so, why ?
The goal of Rust's type-checking and borrow-checking system is to disallow unsafe programs, but that does not mean that all programs that fail to compile are unsafe. In this specific case, your code is not unsafe, but it does not satisfy the type constraints of the functions you are using.
The function it's referring to clearly invokes .join() on said thread.
But there is nothing from a type-checker standpoint that requires the call the .join. A type-checking system (on its own) can't enforce that a function has or has not been called on a given object. You could just as easily imagine an example like
let message = "Can't shoot yourself in the foot if you ain't got no gun";
let mut handles = vec![];
for i in 0..3 {
let t1 = std::thread::spawn(|| {
println!("{} {}", message, i);
for t1 in handles {
where a human can tell that each thread is joined before main exits. But a typechecker has no way to know that.
The function it's referring to here is (I believe) main. So presumably those threads will be killed when main exists anyway (and them running after main exists is ub).
From the standpoint of the checkers, main is just another function. There is no special knowledge that this specific function can have extra behavior. If this were any other function, the thread would not be auto-killed. Expanding on that, even for main there is no guarantee that the child threads will be killed instantly. If it takes 5ms for the child threads to be killed, that is still 5ms where the child threads could be accessing the content of a variable that has gone out of scope.
To gain the behavior that you are looking for with this specific snippet (as-is), the lifetime of the closure would have to be tied to the lifetime of the t1 object, such that the closure was guaranteed to never be used after the handles have been cleaned up. While that is certainly an option, it is significantly less flexible in the general case. Because it would be enforced at the type level, there would be no way to opt out of this behavior.
You could consider using crossbeam, specifically crossbeam::scope's .spawn, which enforces this lifetime requirement where the standard library does not, meaning a thread must stop execution before the scope is finished.
In your specific case, your code works fine as long as you transfer ownership of message to the child thread instead of borrowing it from the main function, because there is no risk of unsafe code with or without your call to .join. Your code works fine if you change
let t1 = std::thread::spawn(|| {
let t1 = std::thread::spawn(move || {

How do I use static lifetimes with threads?

I'm currently struggling with lifetimes in Rust (1.0), especially when it comes to passing structs via channels.
How would I get this simple example to compile:
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread::spawn;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
struct Message<'a> {
text: &'a str,
fn main() {
let (tx, rx): (Sender<Message>, Receiver<Message>) = mpsc::channel();
let _handle_receive = spawn(move || {
for message in rx.iter() {
println!("{}", message.text);
let stdin = io::stdin();
for line in stdin.lock().lines() {
let message = Message {
text: &line.unwrap()[..],
I get:
error[E0597]: borrowed value does not live long enough
--> src/main.rs:23:20
23 | text: &line.unwrap()[..],
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ does not live long enough
26 | }
| - temporary value only lives until here
= note: borrowed value must be valid for the static lifetime...
I can see why this is (line only lives for one iteration of for), but I can't figure out what the right way of doing this is.
Should I, as the compiler hints, try to convert the &str into &'static str?
Am I leaking memory if every line would have a 'static lifetime?
When am I supposed to use 'static anyway? Is it something I should try to avoid or is it perfectly OK?
Is there a better way of passing Strings in structs via channels?
I apologize for those naive questions. I've spent quite some time searching already, but I can't quite wrap my head around it. It's probably my dynamic language background getting in the way :)
As an aside: Is &input[..] for converting a String into a &str considered OK? It's the only stable way I could find to do this.
You can't convert &'a T into &'static T except by leaking memory. Luckily, this is not necessary at all. There is no reason to send borrowed pointers to the thread and keep the lines on the main thread. You don't need the lines on the main thread. Just send the lines themselves, i.e. send String.
If access from multiple threads was necessary (and you don't want to clone), use Arc<String> (in the future, Arc<str> may also work). This way the string is shared between threads, properly shared, so that it will be deallocated exactly when no thread uses it any more.
Sending non-'static references between threads is unsafe because you never know how long the other thread will keep using it, so you don't know when the borrow expires and the object can be freed. Note that scoped threads don't have this problem (which aren't in 1.0 but are being redesigned as we speak) do allow this, but regular, spawned threads do.
'static is not something you should avoid, it is perfectly fine for what it does: Denoting that a value lives for the entire duration the program is running. But if that is not what you're trying to convey, of course it is the wrong tool.
Think about it this way: A thread has no syntactical lifetime, i.e. the thread will not be dropped at the end of code block where it was created. Whatever data you send to the thread, you must be sure that it will live as long as the thread does, which means forever. Which means 'static.
What can go wrong in your case, is if the main loop sends a reference to a thread and destroys the string before it has been handled by the thread. The thread would access invalid memory when dealing with the string.
One option would be to put your lines into some statically allocated container but this would mean that you never can destroy those strings. Generally speaking a bad idea. Another option is to think: does the main thread actually need the line once it is read? What if the main thread transfered responsibility for line to the handling thread?
struct Message {
text: String,
for line in stdin.lock().lines() {
let message = Message {
text: line.unwrap(),
Now you are transferring ownership (move) from the main thread to the handler thread. Because you move your value, no references are involved and no checks for lifetime apply anymore.

Why does Rust have mutexes and other sychronization primitives, if sharing of mutable state between tasks is not allowed?

My understanding is that it's not possible to share mutable state between tasks in Rust, so why does Rust has things like mutexes in the language? What's their purpose?
"Sharing mutable data between tasks is not allowed" is an oversimplification. No offense meant, it's also used in much introductory material on Rust, and for good reasons. But the truth is, Rust just wants to get rid of data races; not sharing anything is the preferred approach but not the only. Rust also wants to be a system programming language in the same sense as C and C++ are, so it won't nilly-willy completely remove some capability or performance optimization. However, in general shared mutable memory is not safe (data races etc.) so if you want it, you will have to acknowledge the responsibility by wrapping it in unsafe blocks.
Luckily, some patterns of using shared mutable memory are safe (e.g. using proper locking discipline). When these patterns are recognized and considered important enough, someone writes some unsafe code that they convince themselves (or perhaps even "prove") exposes a safe interface. In other words: Code using the interface can never violate the various safety requirements of Rust. For example, while Mutex allows you to access mutable memory from different tasks at different times, it never permits aliasing among tasks (i.e. access at the same time), so data races are prevented.
Rust defines a Mutex as
A mutual exclusion primitive useful for protecting shared data
A clear example of Mutex use can be found in the Mutex documentation. Note the use of the mut keyword to designate mutable variables:
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
const N: usize = 10;
// Spawn a few threads to increment a shared variable (non-atomically), and
// let the main thread know once all increments are done.
// Here we're using an Arc to share memory among threads, and the data inside
// the Arc is protected with a mutex.
let data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
let (tx, rx) = channel();
for _ in 0..10 {
let (data, tx) = (data.clone(), tx.clone());
thread::spawn(move || {
// The shared state can only be accessed once the lock is held.
// Our non-atomic increment is safe because we're the only thread
// which can access the shared state when the lock is held.
// We unwrap() the return value to assert that we are not expecting
// threads to ever fail while holding the lock.
let mut data = data.lock().unwrap();
*data += 1;
if *data == N {
// the lock is unlocked here when `data` goes out of scope.
Rust also provides an unsafe keyword. Unsafe operations are those that potentially violate the memory-safety guarantees of Rust's static semantics. So the guarantee of immutable safety is by no means assured.

How to avoid deadlocks?

When using multiple threads, shared memory needs to be locked by critical sections. However, using critical sections causes potential deadlocks. How can they be avoided?
One way is to use a hierarchy of critical sections. If you ensure that a parent critical section is never entered within one of its children, deadlocks cannot happen. The difficulty is to enforce this hierarchy.
The Related list to the right on this page contains a few links that provides interesting information on the topic.
In addition to that list, there are many other SO questions discussing the topic, such as
Threading Best Practices
Why is lock(this) {…} bad?
What are common reasons for deadlocks?
...and many more
You can avoid critical sections by using message passing instead (synchronous and asynchronous calls). When using synchronous calls, you still have to make sure not to make a circular call, in which thread A asks thread B a question, and B needs to ask A a question to be able to respond.
Another option is to make asynchronous calls instead. However, it is more difficult to get return values.
Note: Indeed, a message passing system is implemented using a critical section that locks the call queue, but it is abstracted away.
Among the various methods to enter critical sections -- semaphores and mutexs are the most popular.
A semaphore is a waiting mechanism and mutex is a locking mechanism, well the concept is confusing to the most, but in short, a thread activating a mutex can only deactivate it. with this in mind...
Dont allow any process to lock partial no of resources, if a process need 5 resources, wait until all the are available.
if u use semaphore here, u can unblock/un-wait the resource occupied by other thread. by this i mean pre-emption is another reason.
These 2 according to me are the basic conditions, the remaining 2 of the common 4 precautions can be related to these.
If u dont agree ps add comments. I've gtg already late, I will later add a cleaner and clearer explanation.
When I work in C++, the following works for me:
all public methods (excluding ctor and dtor) of a threadsafe class lock
private methods cannot call public methods
It's not a general deadlock avoidance method.
You must code multi-thread programs very carefully. There's no short-cut, you must understand the flow of your program, otherwise you'll be doomed.
Banker’s Algorithm
–Impose less stringent conditions than in deadlock prevention in an attempt to get better resource utilization
–Safe state
•Operating system can guarantee that all current processes can complete their work within a finite time
–Unsafe state
•Does not imply that the system is deadlocked, but that the OS cannot guarantee that all current processes can complete their work within a finite time
–Requires that resources be allocated to processes only when the allocations result in safe states.
–It has a number of weaknesses (such as requiring a fixed number of processes and resources) that prevent it from being implemented in real systems
One way is by using a non-blocking locking function. As an example, in rust You could use std::sync::Mutex::try_lock instead of std::sync::Mutex::lock.
So so if you have this example code:
fn transfer(tx: &Mutex<i32>, rx: &Mutex<i32>, amount: i32) -> () {
let mut tx = tx.lock().unwrap();
let mut rx = rx.lock().unwrap();
*tx -= amount;
*rx += amount;
You could instead do something like this:
fn transfer(tx: &Mutex<i32>, rx: &Mutex<i32>, amount: i32) -> () {
loop {
// Attempt to lock both mutexes
let mut tx = tx.try_lock();
let mut rx = rx.try_lock();
// If both locks were successfull,
// i.e. if they currently are not
// locked by an other thread
if let Ok(ref mut tx) = tx {
if let Ok(ref mut rx) = rx {
// Perform the operations needed on
// the values inside the mutexes
**tx -= amount;
**rx += amount;
// Exit the loop
// If at least one of the locks were
// not successful, restart the loop
// and try locking the values again.
// You may also want to sleep the thread
// here for a short period if You think that
// the mutexes might be locked for a while.
