Compaction total time in Cassandra - cassandra

Is there any way to find exact timing taken by a compaction for particular table or when compaction starts or ends in Cassandra using nodetool or opscenter. Couldn't find any.

I think the closest you'll find for that is nodetool compactionstats. If the compactions are actively running, you'll be able to see them queued-up, along with a completion percentage and an estimate on the time remaining.
DataStax docs - nodetool compactionstats
pending tasks: 5
compaction type keyspace table completed total unit progress
Compaction Keyspace1 Standard1 282310680 302170540 bytes 93.43%
Compaction Keyspace1 Standard1 58457931 307520780 bytes 19.01%
Active compaction remaining time : 0h00m16s


STCS : how I can improve compaction performance?

I have six nodes Cassandra cluster, which host a large columnfamily (cql table) that is immuable (because it's a kind of an history table from an application point of view). Such table is about 400Go of compressed data, which is not that much!
So after truncating the table, then ingest the app history data in it, I trigger nodetool compact on it on each node, in order to have the best read performance, by reducing down the number of SSTables. The compaction strategy is STCS.
After running nodetool compact, I trigger nodetool compactionstats to follow the compaction progress :
id compaction type keyspace table completed total unit progress
xxx Compaction mykeyspace mytable 3.65 GiB 1.11 TiB bytes 0.32%
After hours I have on that same node :
id compaction type keyspace table completed total unit progress
xxx Compaction mykeyspace mytable 4.08 GiB 1.11 TiB bytes 0.36%
So the compaction process seems to work, but it's terribly slow.
Even with nodetool setcompactionthreshold -- 0, the compaction remains terribly slow. Moreover, CPU seems to be used to 100% because of that compaction.
Questions :
What are configurations parameters that I can tune to try to boost compaction performance ?
Could the 100% CPU when compaction occurs be related to GC pressure ?
If compaction is too slow, it is relevant to add more nodes, or add more CPU/RAM to each nodes ? Could it help ?
Performance of compaction depends on the underlying hardware - its performance depends on what kind of disks is used, etc. But it also depends on how many compaction threads are allowed to run, and what throughput is configured for compaction threads. From command line compaction throughput is configured by nodetool setcompactionthroughput, not the nodetool setcompactionthreshold as you used. And number of concurrent compactors is set with nodetool setconcurrentcompactors (but it's available in 3.1, IIRC). You can also configure default values in the cassandra.yaml.
So if you have enough CPU power, and good SSD disks, then you can bump compaction throughput, and number of compactors.

CPU 100% due to thousands of Pending Compaction

Recently we inserted millions of records and deleted millions of records from a table, a table of size 10 GB was truncated.
We are running with 2 nodes with SizeTieredCompactionStrategy, currently CPU utilization is 100% and pending compaction is increasing , currently pending compaction is 293144
Any pointers to reduce CPU utilization and get the compaction done quickly.
reduce CPU utilization and get the compaction done quickly.
These two things are orthogonal. You can either accelerate the compaction (by using more resources) or limit the resources for the compactions so that your writes aren't affected but have it take longer.
If you have an ingest running against your cassandra cluster, I would try to ensure that it is not affected by your compactions. As long as the # of pending compactions is decreasing over time it's just a matter of time.
If you don't have reads or writes coming in (I.E. downtime or you're bootstrapping) it's okay to let compactions use up all your resources and finish fast.
The levers are:
1) get/set compaction throughput (nodetool)-- only kicks in for the next available compaction. This is how fast the compaction will occur. Default is 16 mb/s if you have resources available, you can increase this to a larger number.
2) concurrent compactors -- there are 2 values you have to set in JMX. you can do this on the fly using jmxsh or jconsole, etc. This is the number of compactions you can run at a time (number of cores).
Watch nodetool compactionstats or OpsCenter (you can also chart pending compactions and set alerts) to find out the progress for the current compactions or nodetool comactionhistory for completed compactions.
Other things
a table of size 10 GB was truncated.
Truncates are free, no compaction needed.

Do we need to run manual compaction with Leveled compaction strategy and SIzeTiered compaction strategy

We have a couple of tables with Leveled compaction strategy and SizeTiered compaction strategy. How often do we need to run compaction? Thanks in advance
Compaction runs on its own (as long as you did not disable autocompaction in the yaml).
Compaction - what is it?
Per the cassandra write path, we flush memtables to disk periodically into SSTables (sorted string tables) which are immutable. When you update an existing cell, it eventually gets written in an sstable. Possibly a different one than the original record. When we read, sometimes C* has to scan across various sstables (with some optimizations, see bloom filters) to find the latest version of a cell. In Cassandra, last write wins.
Compaction takes sstables and compacts them together removing duplicate data, to optimize reads. This is an automatic operation, though you can tune compactions to run more or less often.
Some useful details on Compaction
Size tiered compaction is the default compaction strategy in cassandra, it looks for sstables that are the same size and compacts them together when it finds enough (4 by default). Size tiered is less IO intensive than leveled and will work better in general when you have smaller boxes and rotational drives.
Leveled compaction is optimized for reads, when you have read heavy workloads or tight read SLA's with lots of updates leveled may make sense. Leveled compaction is more IO and CPU intensive because you are spending more cycles optimizing for reads, but the reads themselves should be faster and hit fewer SStables. Keep an eye on io wait and on pending compactions in nodetool compaction stats when you first enable these or if your workload grows.
Compaction Tunables / Levers
multi threaded compaction - turn it off, the overhead is bigger than the benefit. To the point where it's been removed in C* 2.1.
concurrent compactors - now defaults to 2, used to default to number of cores which is a bad default. If you're on the 2.0 branch and not running the latest DSE check this default and consider decreasing it to 2. this is the number of simultaneous compaction tasks you can run (different column families).
Compaction throttling - a way of limiting the amount of resources that compactions take up. You can tune this on the fly with nodetool getcompactionthreshold and nodetool setcompactionthreshold. You want to tune this to a point where you are not accumulating pending tasks. 0 --> unlimited. Unlimited is, unintuitively, not usually the fastest setting as the system may get bogged down.

Cassandra high number of SSTables

After launching some long running write jobs (batch insert from an Apache Spark Job with Spark Cassandra Connector), Cassandra (v. 2.1) created thousands of SSTables for the target table (more than 4500).
The minor compaction thresholds are set to the default values (4 to 32). This means that, in theory, a lot of minor compaction tasks should be scheduled automatically.
I checked the status and nodetool indicated that no tasks were being scheduled. I stopped doing any operation for few hours. Then I restarted the cluster multiple times. Waited some more time. Disabled and re-enabled autocompaction. Waited. Increased the throughput to 999 MB/s. Waited.
During these tests, just few minor compaction were randomly started in some nodes for a limited period of time. Most of the nodes have been doing nothing for an entire day.
Then, I decided to manually launch a Major compaction (it is going to take days... Amazon EBS).
Why is Cassandra not doing any minor auto-compaction, even if the number of SSTables is 100 times greater than the threshold (32) ?
The answer is in the documentation:
By default, a minor compaction can begin any time Cassandra creates four SSTables on disk for a column family. A minor compaction must begin before the total number of SSTables reaches 32.
The total number of my SSTables is fairly greater than 32...

Major compaction in cassandra

I have a 4 node brisk cluster with 2 Cassandra nodes in Cassandra DC and 2 brisk nodes in Brisk DC. I stress tested this set up using stress tool which is being shipped along with cassandra for 10 Million writes
On executing
$ ./nodetool -h x.x.x.x compactionstats
pending tasks: 17
compaction type keyspace column family bytes compacted bytes total progress
Major Keyspace1 Standard1 45172473 60278166 74.94%
AFAIK major compaction is manually triggered from node tool. But I'm able to see that it has been triggered automatically.
Is this a desired behavior? If so what are all the situations this may occur?
From the doc:
Compactions are triggered when at least N SStables have been flushed
to disk, where N is tunable and defaults to 4.
"Minor" compactions merge sstables of similar size; "major" compactions merge all sstables in a given ColumnFamily.
Again from the doc:
A major compaction is triggered either via nodeprobe, or automatically:
Nodeprobe sends TreeRequest messages to all neighbors of the target
node: when a node receives a TreeRequest, it will perform a readonly
compaction to immediately validate the column family.
Automatic compactions will also validate a column family and broadcast
TreeResponses, but since TreeRequest messages are not sent to
neighboring nodes, repairs will only occur if two nodes happen to
perform automatic compactions within TREE_STORE_TIMEOUT of one
You may find more info here and here
