How to aggregate data by period in a rrdtool graph - linux

I have a rrd file with average ping times to a server (GAUGE) every minute and when the server is offline (which is very frequent for reasons that doesn't matter now) it stores a NaN/unknown.
I'd like to create a graph with the percentage the server is offline each hour which I think can be achieved by counting every NaN within 60 samples and then dividing by 60.
For now I get to the point where I define a variable that is 1 when the server is offline and 0 otherwise, but I already read the docs and don't know how to aggregate this:
DEF:avg=server.rrd:rtt:AVERAGE CDEF:offline=avg,UN,1,0,IF
Is it possible to do this when creating a graph? Or I will have to store that info in another rrd?

I don't think you can do exactly what you want, but you have a couple of options.
You can define a sliding window average, that shows the percentage of the previous hour that was unknown, and graph that, using TRENDNAN.
This defines avg as the 1-min time series of ping data. Note we use step=60 to ensure we get the best resolution of data even in a smaller graph. Then we define offline as 100 when the server is there, 0 when not. Then, pcavail is a 1-hour sliding window average of this, which will in effect be the percentage of time during the previous hour during which the server was available.
However, there's a problem in that RRDTool will silently summarise the source data before you get your hands on it, if there are many data points to a pixel in the graph (this won't happen if doing a fetch of course). To get around that, you'd need to have the offline CDEF done at store time -- IE, have a COMPUTE type DS that is 100 or 0 depending on if the avg DS is known. Then, any averaging will preserve data (normal averaging omits the unknowns, or the xff setting makes the whole cdp unknown).
rrdtool create ...
rrdtool graph ...
If you are able to modify your RRD, and do not need historical data, then use of a COMPUTE in this way will allow you to display your data in a 1-hour stepped graph as you wanted.


Hazelcast mangement center - show statistic for customized period of time

I have set up Hazelcast with JCache, where I want to get a more comprehensive statistic of my cache usage. Mainly I want to see the cache entries' stats over some period of time (e.g. past 24 hrs), but the graph seems only allows me to select a point of time, and show the 5 mins statistics of it.
Is there a way I can update this behavior and create a more meaningful graph? Thanks!
Hazelcast MC version: 5.0.2
I want this graph to allow me to select a period of time, instead of a point of time.

Hazelcast management center shows get latency of 0 ms for replicated map

Setup :
3 member embedded cluster deployed as a spring boot jar.
Total keys on each member: 900K
Get operation is being attempted via a rest api.
I am trying to benchmark the replicated map of hazelcast.
Management center UI shows around 10k/s request being executed but avg get latency per sec is coming 0ms.
I believe it is not showing because it might be in microseconds.
Please let me know how to configure management center UI to show latency in micro/nanoseconds?
Management center UI shows around 10k/s request being executed but avg get latency per sec is coming 0ms.
I believe you're talking about Replicated Map Throughput Statistics in the replicated map details page. The Avg Get Latency column in that table shows on average how much time it took for a cluster member to execute the get operations for the time period that is selected on the top right corner of the table. For example, if you select Last Minute there, you only see the average time it took for the get operations in the last minute.
I believe it is not showing because it might be in microseconds.
Cluster is sending it as milliseconds (calculating it as nanoseconds in a newer cluster version but still sending as milliseconds). However, since a replicated map replicates all data on all members and every member contains the whole data set, get latency is typically very low as there's no network trip.
I guess that the way we render very small metric values confused you. In Management Center UI, we only show two fractional digits. You can see it in action in the below screenshots:
As you can see, since the value is very low, it is shown as 0. I believe we can do a better job rendering these values though (using a smaller time unit for example). I will create an issue for this on our private issue tracker.

Prometheus recording rule to keep the max of (rate of counter)

Iam facing one dillema.
For performance reasons, I'm creating recording rules for my Nginx request/second metrics.
Original Query
Recording Rule
- expr: sum(rate(nginx_http_requests_total[5m])) by (cache_status, host, env, status)
record: job:nginx_http_requests_total:rate:sum:5m
In original query I can see that my max traffic is 6.6k but in recording rule, its 6.2k. That's 400 TPS difference.
This is the metric for last one week
Question :
Is there any way to take the max of the original query and save it as recording rule. As it's TPS, I only care about the max, not the min.
I think having having 6% difference on value in some very short burst is pretty OK.
In your query your are getting (and recording) an average TPS during the last 5 minutes. There is no "max" being performed there.
The value will change depending on the exact time of the query evaluation - possibly why you see difference between raw query and values stored by recording rule.
Prometheus will extrapolate data some when executing functions like rate(). If you have last data point at time t, but running query at t+30s, then Prometheus will try to extrapolate value at t+30s (often this is noticed as a counter for discrete events will show fractional values)
You may want to use irate() function if you are really after peak values. It will use at each evaluation two most recent points to calculate most current increase as opposed to X minutes average that rate() provides.

How to deal with a large amount of logs and redis?

Say I have about 150 requests coming in every second to an api (node.js) which are then logged in Redis. At that rate, the moderately priced RedisToGo instance will fill up every hour or so.
The logs are only necessary to generate daily\monthly\annual statistics: which was the top requested keyword, which was the top requested url, total number of requests daily, etc. No super heavy calculations, but a somewhat time-consuming run through arrays to see which is the most frequent element in each.
If I analyze and then dump this data (with a setInterval function in node maybe?), say, every 30 minutes, it doesn't seem like such a big deal. But what if all of sudden I have to deal with, say, 2500 requests per second?
All of a sudden I'm dealing with 4.5 ~Gb of data per hour. About 2.25Gb every 30 minutes. Even with how fast redis\node are, it'd still take a minute to calculate the most frequent requests.
What will happen to the redis instance while 2.25 gb worth of dada is being processed? (from a list, I imagine)
Is there a better way to deal with potentially large amounts of log data than moving it to redis and then flushing it out periodically?
IMO, you should not use Redis as a buffer to store your log lines and process them in batch afterwards. It does not really make sense to consume memory for this. You will better served by collecting your logs in a single server and write them on a filesystem.
Now what you can do with Redis is trying to calculate your statistics in real-time. This is where Redis really shines. Instead of keeping the raw data in Redis (to be processed in batch later), you can directly store and aggregate the statistics you need to calculate.
For instance, for each log line, you could pipeline the following commands to Redis:
zincrby day:top:keyword 1 my_keyword
zincrby day:top:url 1 my_url
incr day:nb_req
This will calculate the top keywords, top urls and number of requests for the current day. At the end of the day:
# Save data and reset counters (atomically)
rename day:top:keyword tmp:top:keyword
rename day:top:url tmp:top:url
rename day:nb_req tmp:nb_req
# Keep only the 100 top keyword and url of the day
zremrangebyrank tmp:top:keyword 0 -101
zremrangebyrank tmp:top:url 0 -101
# Aggregate monthly statistics for keyword
rename month:top:keyword tmp
zunionstore month:top:keyword 2 tmp tmp:top:keyword
del tmp tmp:top:keyword
# Aggregate monthly statistics for url
rename month:top:url tmp
zunionstore month:top:url 2 tmp tmp:top:url
del tmp tmp:top:url
# Aggregate number of requests of the month
get tmp:nb_req
incr month:nb_req <result of the previous command>
del tmp:nb_req
At the end of the month, the process is completely similar (using zunionstore or get/incr on monthly data to aggregate the yearly data).
The main benefit of this approach is the number of operations done for each log line is limited while the monthly and yearly aggregation can easily be calculated.
how about using flume or chukwa (or perhaps even scribe) to move log data to a different server (if available) - you could store log data using hadoop/hbase or any other disk based store.

Tracking metrics using StatsD (via etsy) and Graphite, graphite graph doesn't seem to be graphing all the data

We have a metric that we increment every time a user performs a certain action on our website, but the graphs don't seem to be accurate.
So going off this hunch, we invested the updates.log of carbon and discovered that the action had happened over 4 thousand times today(using grep and wc), but according the Integral result of the graph it returned only 220ish.
What could be the cause of this? Data is being reported to statsd using the statsd php library, and calling statsd::increment('metric'); and as stated above, the log confirms that 4,000+ updates to this key happened today.
We are using:
graphite 0.9.6 with statsD (etsy)
After some research through the documentation, and some conversations with others, I've found the problem - and the solution.
The way the whisper file format is designed, it expect you (or your application) to publish updates no faster than the minimum interval in your storage-schemas.conf file. This file is used to configure how much data retention you have at different time interval resolutions.
My storage-schemas.conf file was set with a minimum retention time of 1 minute. The default StatsD daemon (from etsy) is designed to update to carbon (the graphite daemon) every 10 seconds. The reason this is a problem is: over a 60 second period StatsD reports 6 times, each write overwrites the last one (in that 60 second interval, because you're updating faster than once per minute). This produces really weird results on your graph because the last 10 seconds in a minute could be completely dead and report a 0 for the activity during that period, which results in completely nuking all of the data you had written for that minute.
To fix this, I had to re-configure my storage-schemas.conf file to store data at a maximum resolution of 10 seconds, so every update from StatsD would be saved in the whisper database without being overwritten.
Etsy published the storage-schemas.conf configuration that they were using for their installation of carbon, which looks like this:
priority = 110
pattern = ^stats\..*
retentions = 10:2160,60:10080,600:262974
This has a 10 second minimum retention time, and stores 6 hours worth of them. However, due to my next problem, I extended the retention periods significantly.
As I let this data collect for a few days, I noticed that it still looked off (and was under reporting). This was due to 2 problems.
StatsD (older versions) only reported an average number of events per second for each 10 second reporting period. This means, if you incremented a key 100 times in 1 second and 0 times for the next 9 seconds, at the end of the 10th second statsD would report 10 to graphite, instead of 100. (100/10 = 10). This failed to report the total number of events for a 10 second period (obviously).Newer versions of statsD fix this problem, as they introduced the stats_counts bucket, which logs the total # of events per metric for each 10 second period (so instead of reporting 10 in the previous example, it reports 100).After I upgraded StatsD, I noticed that the last 6 hours of data looked great, but as I looked beyond the last 6 hours - things looked weird, and the next reason is why:
As graphite stores data, it moves data from high precision retention to lower precision retention. This means, using the etsy storage-schemas.conf example, after 6 hours of 10 second precision, data was moved to 60 second (1 minute) precision. In order to move 6 data points from 10s to 60s precision, graphite does an average of the 6 data points. So it'd take the total value of the oldest 6 data points, and divide it by 6. This gives an average # of events per 10 seconds for that 60 second period (and not the total # of events, which is what we care about specifically).This is just how graphite is designed, and for some cases it might be useful, but in our case, it's not what we wanted. To "fix" this problem, I increased our 10 second precision retention time to 60 days. Beyond 60 days, I store the minutely and 10-minutely precisions, but they're essentially there for no reason, as that data isn't as useful to us.
I hope this helps someone, I know it annoyed me for a few days - and I know there isn't a huge community of people that are using this stack of software for this purpose, so it took a bit of research to really figure out what was going on and how to get a result that I wanted.
After posting my comment above I found Graphite 0.9.9 has a (new?) configuration file, storage-aggregation.conf, in which one can control the aggregation method per pattern. The available options are average, sum, min, max, and last.
