I am new to coding in Python and I am struggling with a very simple problem. There is the same question but for javascript on the forum but it does not help me.
My code is :
def filter_list(l):
for i in l:
if i != str():
i = i + 1
If you can help!
Before I present solution here are some problems you need to understand.
str() creates a new instance of the string class. Comparing it to an object with == will only be true if that object is the same string.
print(1 == str())
>>> False
print("some str" == str())
>>> False
print('' == str())
>>> True
iterators (no +1)
You have i = i + 1 in your loop. This doesn't make any sense. i comes from for i in l meaning i looping over the members of list l. There's no guarantee you can add 1 to it. On the next loop i will have a new value
l = [1,2,'a']
for i in l:
>>> 1
>>> 2
>>> 'a'
To filter you need a new list
You are appending to l when you find a string. This means that when your loop finds an integer it will append it to the end of the list. And later it will find that integer on another loop interation. And append it to the end AGAIN. And find it in the next iteration.... Forever.
Try it out! See the infinite loop for yourself.
def filter_list(l):
for i in l:
if type(i) != str:
Fix 1: Fix the type check
def filter_list(l):
for i in l:
if type(i) != str:
This infinite loops as discussed above
Fix 2: Create a new output array to push to
def filter_list(l):
output = []
for i in l:
if type(i) != str:
return output
>>> [1,2]
There we go.
Fix 3: Do it in idiomatic python
Let's use a list comprehension
l = [1,2,'a','b']
output = [x for x in l if type(x) != str]
>>> [1, 2]
A list comprehension returns the left most expression x for every element in list l provided the expression on the right (type(x) != str) is true.
I have written a program which is counting trigrams that occur 5 times or more in a text file. The trigrams should be printed out according to their frequency.
I cannot find the problem!
I get the following error message:
list index out of range
I have tried to make the range bigger but that did not work out
f = open("bsp_file.txt", encoding="utf-8")
text = f.read()
words = []
for word in text.split():
word = word.strip(",.:;-?!-–—_ ")
if len(word) != 0:
trigrams = {}
for i in range(len(words)):
word = words[i]
nextword = words[i + 1]
nextnextword = words[i + 2]
key = (word, nextword, nextnextword)
trigrams[key] = trigrams.get(key, 0) + 1
l = list(trigrams.items())
l.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
for key, count in l:
if count < 5:
word = key[0]
nextword = key[1]
nextnextword = key[2]
print(word, nextword, nextnextword, count)
The result should look like this:(simplified)
s = "this is a trigram which is an example............."
this is a
is a trigram
a trigram which
trigram which is
which is an
is an example
As the comments pointed out, you're iterating over your list words with i, and you try to access words[i+1], when i will reach the last cell of words, i+1 will be out of range.
I suggest you read this tutorial to generate n-grams with pure python: http://www.albertauyeung.com/post/generating-ngrams-python/
If you don't have much time to read it all here's the function I recommend adaptated from the link:
def get_ngrams_count(words, n):
# generates a list of Tuples representing all n-grams
ngrams_tuple = zip(*[words[i:] for i in range(n)])
# turn the list into a dictionary with the counts of all ngrams
ngrams_count = {}
for ngram in ngrams_tuple:
if ngram not in ngrams_count:
ngrams_count[ngram] = 0
ngrams_count[ngram] += 1
return ngrams_count
trigrams = get_ngrams_count(words, 3)
Please note that you can make this function a lot simpler by using a Counter (which subclasses dict, so it will be compatible with your code) :
from collections import Counter
def get_ngrams_count(words, n):
# turn the list into a dictionary with the counts of all ngrams
return Counter(zip(*[words[i:] for i in range(n)]))
trigrams = get_ngrams_count(words, 3)
Side Notes
You can use the bool argument reverse in .sort() to sort your list from most common to least common:
l = list(trigrams.items())
l.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
this is a tad faster than sorting your list in ascending order and then reverse it with .reverse()
A more generic function for the printing of your sorted list (will work for any n-grams and not just tri-grams):
for ngram, count in l:
if count < 5:
# " ".join(ngram) will combine all elements of ngram in a string, separated with spaces
print(" ".join(ngram), count)
I'm trying to make a program that will pick up randomly a name from a file. The user would be asked if he wants to pick up another one again (by pressing 1).
The names can't be picked up twice.
Once picked up, the names would be stocked in a list, written into a file.
When all the names are picked up, the program would be able to restart from the beginning.
I checked other similar problems, but I still don't get it...
from random import *
#import a list of name from a txt file
def getL1():
l1 = open("Employees.txt", "r")
list1 = []
x = 0
for line in l1:
x = x+1
list1 = [el.replace('\n', '') for el in list1]
#print("list" 1 :",list)
return list1
#import an empty list (that will be filled by tested employees) during
#execution of the program
def getL2():
l2 = open("tested.txt", "r")
list2 = []
for line in l2:
list2 = [el.replace('\n', '') for el in list2]
#print("list 2 :",list2)
return list2
def listCompare():
employees = getL1()#acquire first list from employee file
tested = getL2()#acquire second list from tested file
notTested = []# declare list to hole the results of the compare
for val in employees:
if val not in tested: #find employee values not present in tested
notTested.append(val)#append value to the notTested list
return notTested
def listCount():
employees = getL1()
tested = getL2()
for val in employees:
if val not in tested:
x = x+1
return x
#add the names of tested employees the the second second file
def addTested(x):
appendFile = open("tested.txt", "a")
def main():
entry = 1
while entry == 1:
pickFrom = listCompare()
if listCount() > 0:
y = randint (0, (listCount ()-1))
print ('\n' + "Random Employee to be tested is: ", pickFrom(y), "\n")
entry = int(input("Would you like to test another employee? Enter 1:"))
print("The entry must be a number")
entry = 0
print("\n/\ new cycle has begun")
wipeFile = open("tested.txt", "w")
print ("goodbye")
The last error that I have is :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "prog.py", line 78, in <module>
File "prog.py", line 65, in main
print ('\n' + "Random Employee to be tested is: ", pickFrom(y), "\n")
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
As per the code print pickFrom is a list and when you are referencing it in the print it needs to be called using [ ]. Change it to pickFrom[y]
I started learning Python 3.x some time ago and I wrote a very simple code which adds numbers or concatenates lists, tuples and dicts:
X = 'sth'
def adder(*vargs):
if (len(vargs) == 0):
print('No args given. Stopping...')
L = list(enumerate(vargs))
for i in range(len(L) - 1):
if (type(L[i][1]) != type(L[i + 1][1])):
global X
X = 'bad'
if (X == 'bad'):
print('Args have different types. Stopping...')
if type(L[0][1]) == int: #num
temp = 0
for i in range(len(L)):
temp += L[i][1]
print('Sum is equal to:', temp)
elif type(L[0][1]) == list: #list
A = []
for i in range(len(L)):
A += L[i][1]
print('List made is:', A)
elif type(L[0][1]) == tuple: #tuple
A = []
for i in range(len(L)):
A += list(L[i][1])
print('Tuple made is:', tuple(A))
elif type(L[0][1]) == dict: #dict
A = L[0][1]
for i in range(len(L)):
print('Dict made is:', A)
adder(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
adder([1,2,3,4], [2,3], [5,3,2,1])
adder((1,2,3), (2,3,4), (2,))
adder(dict(a = 2, b = 433), dict(c = 22, d = 2737))
My main issue with this is the way I am getting out of the function when args have different types with the 'X' global. I thought a while about it, but I can't see easier way of doing this (I can't simply put the else under for, because the results will be printed a few times; probably I'm messing something up with the continue and break usage).
I'm sure I'm missing an easy way to do this, but I can't get it.
Thank you for any replies. If you have any advice about any other code piece here, I would be very grateful for additional help. I probably have a lot of bad non-Pythonian habits coming from earlier C++ coding.
Here are some changes I made that I think clean it up a bit and get rid of the need for the global variable.
def adder(*vargs):
if len(vargs) == 0:
return None # could raise ValueError
mytype = type(vargs[0])
if not all(type(x) == mytype for x in vargs):
raise ValueError('Args have different types.')
if mytype is int:
print('Sum is equal to:', sum(vargs))
elif mytype is list or mytype is tuple:
out = []
for item in vargs:
out += item
if mytype is list:
print('List made is:', out)
print('Tuple made is:', tuple(out))
elif mytype is dict:
out = {}
for i in vargs:
print('Dict made is:', out)
adder(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
adder([1,2,3,4], [2,3], [5,3,2,1])
adder((1,2,3), (2,3,4), (2,))
adder(dict(a = 2, b = 433), dict(c = 22, d = 2737))
I also made some other improvements that I think are a bit more 'pythonic'. For instance
for item in list:
instead of
for i in range(len(list)):
In a function like this if there are illegal arguments you would commonly short-cuircuit and just throw a ValueError.
if bad_condition:
raise ValueError('Args have different types.')
Just for contrast, here is another version that feels more pythonic to me (reasonable people might disagree with me, which is OK by me).
The principal differences are that a) type clashes are left to the operator combining the arguments, b) no assumptions are made about the types of the arguments, and c) the result is returned instead of printed. This allows combining different types in the cases where that makes sense (e.g, combine({}, zip('abcde', range(5)))).
The only assumption is that the operator used to combine the arguments is either add or a member function of the first argument's type named update.
I prefer this solution because it does minimal type checking, and uses duck-typing to allow valid but unexpected use cases.
from functools import reduce
from operator import add
def combine(*args):
if not args:
return None
out = type(args[0])()
return reduce((getattr(out, 'update', None) and (lambda d, u: [d.update(u), d][1]))
or add, args, out)
print(combine(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))
print(combine([1,2,3,4], [2,3], [5,3,2,1]))
print(combine((1,2,3), (2,3,4), (2,)))
print(combine(dict(a = 2, b = 433), dict(c = 22, d = 2737)))
print(combine({}, zip('abcde', range(5))))
Python 3
Hello guys I'm a python beginner studying dictionary now
below is what I have learned so far how to save list into a file
and count items in list like below.
class item:
name = None
score = None
def save_list_in_file(file_name:str, L:[item]):
f = open(file_name,'w')
for it in L:
f.write(it.name + "" + str(it.score))
def count_item_in_list(L:[item])->int:
n = 0
for it in L:
if it.score >= 72:
n += 1
return n
and I'm not sure if using dictionary is same way as I use in list
for example:
def save_dict_to_file(file_name:str, D:{item}):
f = open(file_name,'w')
for it in D:
f.write(it.name + "" + str(it.score))
def count_item_in_dict(D:{item})->int:
n = 0
for it in D:
if it.score <= 72:
n += 1
return n
will be correct? i thought dict would be different than using a list.
Thanks for any comment!
You can't use a dictionary the same way as using a list.
A list is defined as a sequence of elements. So when you have the list:
You can loop it like this:
for it in L:
And it will print:
Instead, a dictionary is a group of tuples of two elements where one is the key and the second is the value. So for example you have a Dictonary like this:
D = {'firstletter' : 'D', 'secondletter': 'a', 'thirdletter' : 'v' }
And when you loop it like a list:
for it in L:
it will print only the keys:
so in order to obtain the values you have to print it like this:
for it in D:
that will display this result:
If you need more information you can check de documentation for dictionary :)
Python 3 documentation of Data Structures