SwiperJS get crushed by using GRID - layout

i'm working on some website. I wanted to add a Cube Effect by swiper.js.
But when i'm adding into my JS an [effect: 'cube',] the whole website is going crazy :/
But if delete [effect: 'cube',] OR use flex-box instead of GRID, everything works?
Plz help

The solution was to add a position: absolute; FOR .swiper-wrapper


Bottom of the page footer positioning issue

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to make my footer stick to the bottom of the screen, even when the page is smaller than the screen.
I'm guessing it's something to do with the container length, but I'm honestly completely unsure.
Any help would be appreciated. :)
This concept is something known as a sticky footer. The Mozilla Developer Network has a page here illustrating a few ways to accomplish it. In the example of your www.test-domain.sk page, I believe you can add the following css to make your footer stick to the bottom of the viewport (screen).
html {min-height:100%)
body {100vh}
div#page {min-height:100vh; display:grid; grid-template-rows: auto 1fr auto}
Assuming you are looking for something like this, but if not, be more specific. As in post the code you already have.
footer {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;

Code bbcode in phpbb3

Here is a question for the code bbcode in phpbb3. As we can see here (official site of phpbb3) two ways of presenting a code are used. Is this a bbcode? If so, how can I add it to the board? If not, is this a mod? If yes, where can I find it?
I have searched a lot of how I can achieve a result like this but I came up empty. I appreciate for your help.
Edit: I am talking of course about the code that is presented as an inline next to the text.
I'm not sure how phpBB implement it, but you could use BBcode to achieve the same effect. To add custom BBcode go to the Posting tab in your ACP, and BBcodes is the first option in the left column.
BBcode usage:
HTML replacement:
<span style="background: #fff none repeat scroll 0 0;border: 1px solid #c9d2d8;color: #2e8b57;display: inline;font-family: Monaco,"Andale Mono","Courier New",Courier,monospace;font-size: 0.9em;font-style: normal;line-height: 1.3em;padding: 0 3px;">{TEXT}</span>
Help line:
[inline-code]Your code here[/inline-code]
The above css is taken from the link you posted so should look the same on your site.

core-drawer-panel vs paper-fab z-index

I've got a fairly basic core-drawer-panel setup with a core-header-panel inside another core-header-panel in the main panel of core-drawer-panel. With me so far? OK.
Now in that container I have a paper-fab, which is great except it appears on top of the drawer when it slides out. I've tried messing about with z-indexes but can't seem to affect the drawer's z-index at all.
Anyone faced a similar issue?
I had the same issue. Setting z-index of the drawer to big number solved it for me, without any side effects
core-header-panel[drawer] {
z-index: 9999;

xpages views alternating row colors

I am trying to add alternating row colors in a dynamicViewControl. I found this article by Mark Hughes http://dominoextnd.blogspot.com/2009/10/xpages-alternate-view-row-colors-made.html but when I try to enter rowEven, rowOdd in the rowClasses I get an error message about invalid character (comma) I have tried all sorts of different ways without success. What am I doing wrong. I have seen it in the examples, but I cannot reproduce that
You can try to use css:
.someClass tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: yellow;
Naveen's solution worked fine. I just need to get more in the habit of working in the source code rather than the GUI for alot of things. Thanks!

cms question pointing to a local server url

just successfully imported a db from a real website to my local website.
the problem is, the localhost/mysite doesn't display the template. i'm thinking it might be a problem of the URL while importing.
The settings in the configuration are also correct.
Now in my CSS
if i want to point it locally, is this correct: or do I have to eliminate the C:/ ?
Appreciate for your help
.product #header {
background: url('c:/xampp/htdocs/mysite/assets/templates/mysite/css/images/header_.jpg') no-repeat left;
Is this the correct way to write the path locally?
Ideally any paths to images should be relative, so that when moved the site will still work correctly.
You should be using something like
.product #header {
background: url('/assets/templates/mysite/css/images/header_.jpg') no-repeat left;}
I don't think you can even reference a file the way you are doing. Maybe if you had url('file://C:....') but I can't see a good reason for it.
