Consume a Kafka Topic every hour using Spark - apache-spark

I want to consume a Kafka topic as a batch where I want to read Kafka topic hourly and read the latest hourly data.
val readStream = existingSparkSession
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", hostAddress)
.option("subscribe", "kafka.raw")
But this always read first 20 data rows and these rows are starting from the very beginning so this never pick latest data rows.
How can I read the latest rows on a hourly basis using scala and spark?

If you read Kafka messages in Batch mode you need to take care of the bookkeeping which data is new and which is not yourself. Remember that Spark will not commit any messages back to Kafka, so every time you restart the batch job it will read from beginning (or based on the setting startingOffsets which defaults to earliest for batch queries.
For your scenario where you want to run the job once every hour and only process the new data that arrived to Kafka in the previous hour, you can make use of the writeStream trigger option Trigger.Once for streaming queries.
There is a nice blog from Databricks that nicely explains why a streaming query with Trigger.Once should be preferred over a batch query.
The main point being:
"When you’re running a batch job that performs incremental updates, you generally have to deal with figuring out what data is new, what you should process, and what you should not. Structured Streaming already does all this for you."
Make sure that you also set the option "checkpointLocation" in your writeStream. In the end, you can have a simple cron job that submits your streaming job once an hour.


Structured Streaming startingOffest and Checkpoint

I am confused about startingOffsets in structured streaming.
In the official docs here, it says query type
Streaming - is this continuous streaming?
Batch - is this for query with forEachBatch or triggers? (latest is not allowed)
My workflow also has checkpoints enabled. How does this work together with startingOffsets?
If my workflow crashes and I have startingOffsets as latest, does spark check kafka offset or the spark checkpoint offset or both?
Streaming by default means "micro-batch" in Spark. Dependent on the trigger you set, it will check the source for new data on the given frequency. You can use it by
val df = spark
For Kafka there is also the experimental continuous trigger that allows processing of the data with quite a low latency. See the section Continuous Processing in the documentation.
Batch on the other hand works like reading a text file (such as csv) that you do once. You can do this by using
val df = spark
Note the difference in readStream for streaming and read for batch processing. In batch mode the startingOffset can only be set to earliest and even if you use checkpointing it will always start from earliest offset in case of a planned or unplanned restart.
Checkpointing in Structured Streaming needs to be set in the writeStream part and needs to be unique for every single query (in case you are running multiple streaming queries from the same source). If you have that checkpoint location set up and you restart your application Spark will only look into those checkpoint files. Only when the query gets started for the very first time it checks the startingOffset option.
Remember that Structured Streaming never commits any offsets back to Kafka. It only relies on its checkpoint files. See my other answer on How to manually set and commit kafka offsets in spark structured streaming?.
In case you plan to run your application, say, once a day it is therefore best to use readStream with checkpointing enabled and the trigger writeStream.trigger(Trigger.Once). A good explanation for this approach is given in a Databricks blog on Running Streaming Jobs Once a Day For 10x Cost Savings.

How to figure out Kafka startingOffsets and endingOffsets in a scheduled Spark batch job?

I am trying to read from a Kafka topic in my Spark batch job and publish to another topic. I am not using streaming because it does not fit our use case. According to the spark docs, the batch job starts reading from the earliest Kafka offsets by default, and so when I run the job again, it again reads from the earliest. How do I make sure that the job picks up the next offset from where it last read?
According to the Spark Kafka Integration docs, there are options to specify "startingOffsets" and "endingOffsets". But how do I figure them out?
I am using the"kafka") API to read the data from Kafka as a Dataset. But I did not find any option to get the start and end offset range from this Dataset read.

How does the default (unspecified) trigger determine the size of micro-batches in Structured Streaming?

When the query execution In Spark Structured Streaming has no setting about trigger,
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.Trigger
// Default trigger (runs micro-batch as soon as it can)
//.trigger(???) // <--- Trigger intentionally omitted ----
As of Spark 2.4.3 (Aug 2019). The Structured Streaming Programming Guide - Triggers says
If no trigger setting is explicitly specified, then by default, the query will be executed in micro-batch mode, where micro-batches will be generated as soon as the previous micro-batch has completed processing.
QUESTION: On which basis the default trigger determines the size of the micro-batches?
Let's say. The input source is Kafka. The job was interrupted for a day because of some outages. Then the same Spark job is restarted. It will then consume messages where it left off. Does that mean the first micro-batch will be a gigantic batch with 1 day of msg which accumulated in the Kafka topic while the job was stopped? Let assume the job takes 10 hours to process that big batch, then the next micro-batch has 10h worth of messages? And gradually until X iterations to catchup the backlog to arrive to smaller micro-batches.
On which basis the default trigger determines the size of the micro-batches?
It does not. Every trigger (however long) simply requests all sources for input datasets and whatever they give is processed downstream by operators. The sources know what to give as they know what has been consumed (processed) so far.
It is as if you asked about a batch structured query and the size of the data this single "trigger" requests to process (BTW there is ProcessingTime.Once trigger).
Does that mean the first micro-batch will be a gigantic batch with 1 day of msg which accumulated in the Kafka topic while the job was stopped?
Almost (and really has not much if at all to do with Spark Structured Streaming).
The number of records the underlying Kafka consumer gets to process is configured by max.poll.records and perhaps by some other configuration properties (see Increase the number of messages read by a Kafka consumer in a single poll).
Since Spark Structured Streaming uses Kafka data source that is simply a wrapper of Kafka Consumer API whatever happens in a single micro-batch is equivalent to this single Consumer.poll call.
You can configure the underlying Kafka consumer using options with kafka. prefix (e.g. kafka.bootstrap.servers) that are considered for the Kafka consumers on the driver and executors.

Spark + Read kafka topic from a specific offset based on timestamp

How do I set a spark job to pick up a kafka topic from a specific offset based on a timestamp ? Let's say that I need to get all data from a kafka topic starting 6 hours ago.
Kafka does not work in that way. You are seeing Kafka like something you can query with another different parameter than offset, besides keep in mind that topic can have more than one partition so each one has a different one. Maybe you can use another relational storage to map offset/partition with timestamp, a little bit risky. Thinking in akka stream kafka consumer, for example, each of your request by timestamp should be send via another topic to activate your consumers(each of them with one ore more partitions assigned) and query for the specific offset, produce and merge. With Spark, you can adjust your consumer strategies for each job but the process should be the same.
Another thing is if your Kafka recovers it´s possible that you need to read the whole topic to update your pair (timestamp/offset). All of this can sound a little bit weird and maybe it should be better to store your topic in Cassandra (for example) and you can query it later.
The answers provided here seems to be dated. As with the latest API documentation for Spark 3.x.x given here, Structured Streaming Kafka Integration
There are quite few flexible ways in which the messages can be retrieved between a specified window from Kafka.
An example code for the batch api that get messages from all the partitions, that are between the window specified via startingTimestamp and endingTimestamp, which is in epoch time with millisecond precision.
val df = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", bootstrapServers)
.option("subscribe", topic)
.option("startingTimestamp", 1650418006000)
.option("endingTimestamp", 1650418008000)
Kafka is an append-only log storage. You can start consuming from a particular offset in a partition given that you know the offset. Consumption is super fast, you can have a design where you start from the smallest offset and start doing some logic only once you have come across a message (which could probably have a timestamp field to check for).

Alternate to recursively Running Spark-submit jobs

Below is the scenario I would need suggestions on,
Data ingestion is done through Nifi into Hive tables.
Spark program would have to perform ETL operations and complex joins on the data in Hive.
Since the data ingested from Nifi is continuous streaming, I would like the Spark jobs to run every 1 or 2 mins on the ingested data.
Which is the best option to use?
Trigger spark-submit jobs every 1 min using a scheduler?
How do we reduce the over head and time lag in submitting the job recursively to the spark cluster? Is there a better way to run a single program recursively?
Run a spark streaming job?
Can spark-streaming job get triggered automatically every 1 min and process the data from hive? [Can Spark-Streaming be triggered only time based?]
Is there any other efficient mechanism to handle such scenario?
Thanks in Advance
If you need something that runs every minute you better use spark-streaming and not batch.
You may want to get the data directly from kafka and not from hive table, since it is faster.
As for your questions what is better batch / stream. You can think of spark streaming as micro batch process that runs every "batch interval".
Read this :
