Truncate AWS logs using parse command - substr

I'm having some hard time making a easy AWS Logs Insights statement. At the moment I have it like this:
filter #message like /product-id/
| parse "product_id=" as id
The point that I want to achieve is to only have the product-ids, nothing else after that in the id column. The product-id is at the moment a 10 character long string, followed by some other logs values that I am not currently interested in.
I know that i have to use the substr function but haven't managed to integrate it into my search statement in AWS Cloudwatch.


Regular expression with if condition activity in Azure

I want to check if a file name contains a date pattern (dd-mmm-yyy) in it using if condition activity in Azure Data Factory. For example: The file name I have is like somestring_23-Apr-1984.csv which has a date pattern in it.
I get the file name using Get Metadata activity and passing it to the if condition activity where I want to check if the file name has the date pattern in it and based on the result I would like to perform different tasks. The only way I know to do this is by using regex to check if the pattern is available in the file name string but, Azure does not have a regex solution mentioned in the documentation.
Is there any other way to achieve my requirement in ADF? Your help is much appreciated.
Yes,there is no regex in expression.There is another way to do this,but it is very complex.
First,get the date string(23-Apr-1984) from the output of Get Metadata.
Then,split the date string and determine whether each part match date pattern.
Below is my test pipeline:
First Set variable:
name: fileName
value: #split(split(activity('MyGetMetadataActivity').output.itemName,'_')[1],'.csv')[0]
Second Set variable:
name: fileArray
value: #split(variables('fileName'),'-')
If Condition:
By the way,I want to compare date with 0 and 30 originally,but greaterOrEquals() doesn't support nested properties.So I use contains().
Hope this can help you.

Azure adds timestamp at the beginning logs

I have a problem with the logs retrieving from my docker containers with Azure log analytics, all logs are retrieving well but Azure adds a date at the beginning of each line of the log, which means that an entry is created for each line and I can't analyze my logs correctly because they are divided...
For example on this image I have in the black rectangle an added date (by azure I think) and in the red rectangle the date appearing in my logs :
Also, if there is no date on a line of my logs, there is still an added date on all lines, even the empty ones
The problem is that azure cuts my log file line by line by adding a date on each line when I would like it to delimit with the dates already present in my logs files.
Do you have any solutions?
One of the solution I can think of is that, when you query the logs, you can use the replace() method to replace the redundant date(replace it with a empty string etc.). And you need to write the proper regular expression for your purpose.
A false query like below:
| extend new_logEntry=replace(#'xxx', #'xxx', LogEntry)
Currently Azure Monitor for containers doesn’t support multi-line logging, but there are workarounds available. You can configure all the services to write in JSON format and then Docker/Moby will write them as a single line.

tailLines and SinceTime in logging api,both not worked simultaneously

I am using container engine, and my pods are hosted there.
I am trying to fetch logs, using log api :
if i used both the query params separately, it works and show the proper result, but if i am using it simultaneously only the top 100 logs are returning, the sinceTime param is get ignored.
my scenario is, i need a log from a specific time, in a chunk like, 100 lines, 100 lines.. like this.
I am not sure, whether it is a bug, or it is not implemented.
I found this from the api reference manual
tailLines - If set, the number of lines from the end of the logs to
show. If not specified, logs are shown from the creation of the
container or sinceSeconds or sinceTime
So, that means if you specify tailLines, it start from the end. I dont see any option explicitly mentioned other than limitBytes. But you will have to play around with it as it does not guarantee number of lines.
tailLines=X tells the server to start that many lines from the end
sinceTime tells the server to start from the specified time
the options are mutually exclusive
Thanks All,
I have later on recognized that, it is not ignoring the sinceTime, as the TailLines intended functionality is return the lines from the last.
So, if i mentioned the sinceTime= 10 PM yesterday, it will return the records from that time..And if also tailLines, is mentioned, so it will return the recent logs from that chunk.
So, it was working as expected. I need to play with LimitBytes for getting the logs in chunk, from that time, Instead of full logs.

Node.js - Oracle DB and fetchAsString format

I am stuck on a problem and I am not sure what is the best way to solve it. I have a date column that I want to select and I want to fetch it as a string. Which is great, node-oracledb module has this option with fetchAsString mehotd. But it fetches the date like this for example 10-JAN-16 and I want to fetch it like this 10-01-2016. Is there a way to do that from the node-oracledb module, or I should modify the date after I get the result from the query?
UPDATE: I mean solution without to_char in the query and without query modifications
Check out this section of my series on Working with Dates in JavaScript, JSON, and Oracle Database:
The logon trigger shows an example of using alter session to set the default date format. Keep in mind that there is NLS_DATE_FORMAT, NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT.
I only show NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT because I convert to that type in the examples that follow as I need to do some time zone conversion for the date format I'm using.
Another way to set the NLS parameters is to use environment variables of the same name. Note that this method will not work unless you set the NLS_LANG environment variable as well.

Using indexed types for ElasticSearch in Titan

I currently have a VM running Titan over a local Cassandra backend and would like the ability to use ElasticSearch to index strings using CONTAINS matches and regular expressions. Here's what I have so far:
After is run, a Groovy script is used to load in the data from separate vertex and edge files. The first stage of this script loads the graph from Titan and sets up the ES properties:
The second part of the script sets up the indexed types:
The third part loads in the data from the CSV files, this has been tested and works fine.
My problem is, I don't seem to be able to use the ElasticSearch functions when I do a Gremlin query. For example:
returns 0 results, even though I know this field contains the string "test" for that property at least once. Weirder still, when I change CONTAINS to something that isn't recognised by ElasticSearch I get a "no such property" error. I can also perform exact string matches and any numerical comparisons including greater or less than, however I expect the default indexing method is being used over ElasticSearch in these instances.
Due to the lack of errors when I try to run a more advanced ES query, I am at a loss on what is causing the problem here. Is there anything I may have missed?
I'm not quite sure what's going wrong in your code. From your description everything looks fine. Can you try the follwing script (just paste it into your Gremlin REPL):
config = new BaseConfiguration()
g =
alice = g.addVertex(["name":"alice"])
bob = g.addVertex(["name":"bob"])
alice.addEdge("knows", bob, ["property":"foo test bar"])
// test queries
The last 2 lines should return something like e[1t-4-1w][4-knows-8]. If that works and you still can't figure out what's wrong in your code, it would be good if you can share your full code (e.g. in Github or in a Gist).
