Cascading Template Use in mustache-express? - node.js

My intent is to define a page_layout template and a form template as well. Within the route handler i was going to parse the inner (form) template and inject into the greater layout than return.
After several plot twists i'm able to use the to get access to my mustache template engine and parse a view, but the HTML is getting escaped :(
let router = require('express').Router();
let mustache = require('mustache');
router.get('/plant', function(request,response) {'plantForm', {pageTitle: "Plant"},function (err, html) {
response.render ('layout', { pageContent : html});
yields the outer template with escaped html where I expect content:
<div class="form-group">
<label for="plantNameInput">Plant Type</label>
Perhaps I'm misusing the technology?

From the Mustache documentation:
All variables are HTML escaped by default. If you want to return unescaped HTML, use the triple mustache: {{{name}}}.


Node JS: given a html string, how can I get the content inside of all <script> tags, manipulate and replace it?

I am working on a project that has dozens of .Liquid (Shopify) snippets with <script> tags inside of them containing JS code.
They're similar to HTML, they look something like this:
{% assign variable = 'test' %}
<p>hey {{variable}}</p>
{% schema %}
...json stuff
{% endschema %}
Basically what I wanna do is get the content inside <script>, manipulate it and replace with the new manipulated one.
I managed to do this using cheerio, but it ends up messing up the Liquid variables since it doesn't recognize them.
My previous code was looking something like this:
let html = cheerio.load(code, { _useHtmlParser2: true });
const { data: js } = html("script").get()[0].children[0];
html("script").get()[0].children[0].data = await minifyJS(js);
const result = html.html();
Expected Behavior:
I need to:
Find all script tags in a HTML string;
Get the code inside of the <script> tag;
Manipulate this code (minify, essentially);
Replace it with the now minified code.
I am trying to avoid using regex, but I can't foresee any other solutions.
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
To get the content inside tags you can use Regular Expressions
This is just the regex
let str = <Whatever string or data you want to extract script tags>;
let result = let result = str.match(/<script(.|\n)*?<\/script>
in result you will get the content inside the script tag

Why is JSON.stringify needed to retain an object's value when importing it from node.js into an EJS template?

Environment: Node.js, Express, EJS
When JSON.stringify() is used to process objects passed from node.js to an EJS template the objects retain their original values. Although it works I find this result unexpected. JSON.stringify turns objects into strings. Why does this appear to work in reverse in this instance?
In the Node.js file:
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
let myArray = [1, 5];
let myObject = {
cats: 2,
dogs: 0
res.render('index', { myArray, myObject });
let importedArray = <%- JSON.stringify(myArray) %>;
let importedObject = <%- JSON.stringify(myObject) %>;
Rendered version in browser:
Although I find this result unexpected it works perfectly fine.
let importedArray = [1,5];
let importedObject = {"cats":2,"dogs":0};
Rendered after both JSON.stringify() are removed in EJS file:
The values are lost and the browser throws an error. I would have thought the unescaped output tag <%- would be enough but it's not.
let importedArray = 1,5;
let importedObject = [object Object];
Because when you're trying to specify the source code for a script that will live inside a <script> tag inside a web page, you need to generate RAW Javascript source code that will make your object in the web page.
So, you need some method of turning your live server-side Javascript object back into Javascript source code that describes the same object. JSON.stringify() is one such way to generate that Javascript source.
If you don't use something like JSON.stringify() and just pass your actual Javascript object, the EJS will see that it's not a string and it will call obj.toString() on it to try to get a string representation of it. Unfortunately, the implemention of .toString() for a Javascript object just generates "[object Object]" which is completely useless in an EJS template. So, you can't do it that way - you have to manually generate the correct Javascript source code string. And, JSON.stringify() is one such way to do that.
because ejs only render string text, and when use toString on a json, it will get '[object Object]' instead of your real content

React-like refs in lit-html / lit-element?

Does lit-html have by any change something like React's ref feature?
For example in the following pseudo-code inputRef would be a callback function or an object { current: ... } where lit-html could pass/set the HTMLElement instance of the input element when the input element is created/attached.
// that #ref pseudo-attribute is fictional
html`<div><input #ref={inputRef}/></div>`
In lit-element you can use #query property decorator. It's just syntactic sugar around this.renderRoot.querySelector().
import { LitElement, html, query } from 'lit-element';
class MyElement extends LitElement {
render() {
return html`
<div id="first"></div>
<div id="second"></div>
lit-html renders directly to the dom so you don't really need refs like you do in react, you can use querySelector to get a reference to the rendered input
Here's some sample code if you were only using lit-html
<title>lit-html example</title>
<script type="module">
import { render, html } from '^1.1.2';
const app = document.querySelector('.app');
const inputTemplate = label => {
return html `<label>${label}<input value="rendered input content"></label>`;
// rendering the template
render(inputTemplate('Some Label'), app);
// after the render we can access it normally
<div class="app"></div>
Other random input
<input value="this is not the value">
If you're using LitElement you could access to the inner elements using this.shadowRoot.querySelector if you're using shadow dom or this.querySelector if you aren't
As #WeiChing has mentioned somewhere above, since Lit version 2.0 you can use the newly added directive ref for that:
-- [EDIT - 6th October 2021] ----------------------------
Since lit 2.0.0 has been released my answer below
is completely obsolete and unnecessary!
Please check
for the right solution.
Even if this is not exactly what I have asked for:
Depending on the concrete use case, one option to consider is the use of directives.
In my very special use-case it was for example (with a little luck and a some tricks) possible to simulate more or less that ref object behavior.
const inputRef = useElementRef() // { current: null, bind: (special-lit-html-directive) }
return html`<div><input ref=${inputRef.bind}/></div>`
In my use case I could do the following:
Before rendering, set elementRef.current to null
Make sure that elementRef.current cannot be read while the component is rerendered (elementRef.current is not needed while rendering and an exception will be thrown if someone tries to read it in render phase)
That elementRef.bind directive will fill elementRef.current with the actual DOM element if available.
After that, elementRef.current can be read again.
For lit-html v1, you can define your own custom Derivative:
import { html, render, directive } from "lit-html";
function createRef(){ return {value: null}; }
const ref = directive((refObj) => (attributePart) => {
refObj.value = attributePart.committer.element;
const inputRef = createRef();
render(html`<input ref=${ref(inputRef)} />`;
// inputRef.value is a reference to rendered HTMLInputElement

ejs 2 custom delimiter

EJS2 can only do character to be use with angle brackets for open/close:
ejs.delimiter = '$';
ejs.render('<$= users.join(" | "); $>', {users: users});
I would like to use {{ }} instead of <% %>, previous version will allow this = '{{' and esj.close = '}}'.
Any help?
EJS has been updated & changed maintainers, so the main site is found here:
and the Github is here:
Unlike previous versions of EJS, you can't use completely custom delimiters now - you can use 'partial' custom delimiters - the first set of brackets aren't optional, but the following character is. To set up a custom delimiter you can do the following:
// app.js
const ejs = require('ejs');
ejs.delimiter = '?';
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.render('index', {
myVariable: 'Hey!'
// index.ejs
<?=myVariable ?>
// index.html (rendered output)
You can add a complete options object and other things, but hopefully that gets you started if you want to change the default delimiters.
Documentation states that custom delimiters are supported:
This isn't possible without modifying the module's source code.
My solution to using custom delimiters is be doing a string replace on the template
const template = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, './template.html'), 'utf8').replace('{{', '<%').replace('}}', '%>')
const render = ejs.compile(template)
This allows me to declare my template like this:
{{ if (someVar) { }}
{{= someVar }}
{{ } }}

Using interpolation within Node.js EJS includes

My Express app is using EJS, and my views directory looks like this:
I'm trying to load home.ejs in my layout.ejs view conditionally based on a local variable named contents in my routes/index.js. That file looks like this:
* GET home page.
exports.index = function(req, res){
res.render('index', { title: 'Home', contents: 'home.ejs' });
Ideally I could simply write (in layout.ejs):
<% include '/contents' + contents %>
where the trailing "contents" is the local variable which contains the relative path to the body text to load.
But alas, it appears EJS always interprets the text following an include directive literally, and there is no chance for any interpolation magic to happen.
I've also tried to no avail:
<% function yieldContent(contents){ %>
<% var contentPath = 'contents/' + contents; %>
<% include contentPath %>
<% }; %>
<% loadContent(); %>
Does anyone have a creative solution for conditionally including a view based on a variable passed in routes?
I think there is no way to do this kind of dynamic includes in EJS. It might break the separation of business logic and view.
The solution can be to rendering the subtemplate in the controller, and passing its content to the layout.
For rendering subtemplate in the controller use something like this:
var ejs = require('ejs'),
, fs = require('fs')
, home = ejs.render(fs.readFileSync("contents/home.ejs", "utf-8"))
In the version 2 of EJS, the include function does it well. With it, includes are inserted at runtime so variables can be used as pathnames.
In this case, the solution may be :
<%- include('contents/' + contents) %>
The function can also have another argument if necessary :
<%- include('mypathname', {foo:"bar"}) %>
The pathname has to be relative to the template which calls the function.
Currently this hasn't been implemented into ejs but, there is this discussion and pull request that offers the functionality.
in your render function you can include fs.readFileSync and __dirname.
Render your page with options like this
Then you can use it in your .ejs page like this. This remains in server side.
<% var products=JSON.parse(file_get_contents(__dirname+'/web/data/products.json','utf8')) %>
You can print the data on client HTML like this.
<%- JSON.stringify(products)%>
Note : Using this method means you have fs included somewhere at the top of your script.
var fs = require('fs')
