Using Gitlab as a yum repository? - gitlab

My customer is migrating off of Nexus (which has a yum repository), and they want to use Gitlab. I know Docker can hold docker images and JAR files via its maven feature. But does Gitlab allow you to host yum repositories as well? I wasn't able to find anything after some googling.

You can store rpm packages (or .deb, etc.) in the Gitlab Registry, but there isn't official support for that package type so you'd have to use the "Generic" version. The downside to this is that you wouldn't be able to use the Gitlab Registry as a yum repo, however you could do something like:
#this downloads the package with filename `:filename:`
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""
# Use rpm to install a package from a local file instead of a yum repo:
rpm -i :filename:.rpm
# For this use case, the file will have to be a .rpm file
The -i flag tells rpm to install the package. Another option is to yum localinstall :filename.rpm:.
Generic Packages must be enabled on your Gitlab instance (if you're using a self-hosted version).
Generic Packages docs are here:
An example .gitlab-ci.yml file using Generic Packages is here:

Check out OpenRepo:
This is an open source package hosting server that can make packages available for both Debian (APT) and Red Hat (RPM) files.
In this case, you would configure your GitLab CI build to push your rpm files to the OpenRepo server.


install python3 on VM without using internet

I need to install python 3 on my virtual machine (I have python 2.7) but I don't have access to internet from my VM. Is there any way to do that without using internet I have access to a private gitlab repository and private dokcer hub.
Using GitLab
Ultimately, you can put whatever resources you need to install Python3 directly in GitLab.
For example, you could use the generic packages registry to upload the files you need and download them from GitLab in your VM. For example, you can redistribute the files from this way.
If you're using a debian-based Linux distribution like Ubuntu, you could even provide the necessary packages in the GitLab debian registry (disabled by default, but can be enabled by an admin) and just use your package manager like apt install python3-dev after configuring your apt lists to point to the gitlab debian repo.
Using docker
If you have access to dockerhub, technically you can access files from docker images as well. Here I'll assume you're using ubuntu or some debian-based distribution, but the same principle applies for any OS.
Suppose you build an image:
FROM ubuntu:<a tag that matches your VM version>
# downloads all the `.deb` files you need to install python3
RUN apt update && apt install --download-only python3-dev
You can push this image to your docker registry
Then on your VM, you can pull this image and extract the necessary install files from /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb in the image then install using dpkg
Extract files from the image (in this case, to a temp directory)
destination_path=$(mktemp -d)
docker pull "$image"
container_id=$(docker create "$image")
docker cp "$container_id:$source_path" "$destination_path"
docker rm "$container_id"
Install python3 using dpkg:
dpkg --force-all -i "${destination_path}/*.deb"

Docker: container cannot find local repo

I am trying to build a centos image, then run basic yum commands from a company network with no internet access. After successfully grabbing the centos artifact in step 1, next comes RUN yum update where the container tries to load plugins using, and that obviously will not work. It cannot resolve that host because no web access. So, I get the error:
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, ovl
Determining fastest mirrors
..."Could not resolve host; Unknown error"
One of the configured repositories failed (Unknown),
and yum doesn't have enough cached data to continue. At this point the only
safe thing yum can do is fail. There are a few ways to work "fix" this:
1. Contact the upstream for the repository and get them to fix the problem.
2. Reconfigure the baseurl/etc. for the repository, to point to a working
upstream. This is most often useful if you are using a newer
distribution release than is supported by the repository (and the
packages for the previous distribution release still work).
3. Run the command with the repository temporarily disabled
yum --disablerepo=<repoid> ...
4. Disable the repository permanently, so yum won't use it by default. Yum
will then just ignore the repository until you permanently enable it
again or use --enablerepo for temporary usage:
yum-config-manager --disable <repoid>
subscription-manager repos --disable=<repoid>
5. Configure the failing repository to be skipped, if it is unavailable.
Note that yum will try to contact the repo. when it runs most commands,
so will have to try and fail each time (and thus. yum will be be much
slower). If it is a very temporary problem though, this is often a nice
yum-config-manager --save --setopt=<repoid>.skip_if_unavailable=true
Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base/7/x86_64
The command '/bin/sh -c yum update' returned a non-zero code: 1
I have a repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d that contains content described here. In that file, I have multiple local repo URLs. An [updates] entry has a baseurl for /updates. Is this entry supposed to be used by the container when I do a RUN yum update in my Dockerfile? How does the container know where to look for a local mirror repo or other repo?
Is there also an issue regarding localhost on the host vs. localhost in the container?
I have researched a dozen S.O. entries with no luck.
UPDATE: Dockerfile so far...
RUN yum update
So, it errors upon yum update.
When you're creating images that can't reach the web but only internal network, you must change tools configuration before trying to use them.
With yum, you have to remove existing repos and replacing them with yours before RUN yum update, something like that :
RUN rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo
COPY myprivate.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
RUN yum update
File myprivate.repo must be defined in the same folder as your Dockerfile and must declares your repos.
Furthermore, this created image can now be used as a base image for all others images you need to create.

Install ansible off-line from binaries [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to install packages offline?
(12 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
we have rhel linux machine without network access
and we want to install ansible on that machine
but we want to install the ansible from binaries ( not like pip/yum install ) , because we want to avoid any pip dependencies issues
is any approach that is relevant ?
example of the legacy way
Step 1: Update your Control Node
Any time you are installing new software, it is a good idea to ensure your existing operating system software is up to date. Let’s start with that task first.
yum update
Step 2: Install the EPEL Repository
Installing Ansible is pretty straightforward. First, we’ll need to install the CentOS 7 EPEL repository.
yum install epel-release
Step 3: Install Ansible
Next, we install the Ansible package from the EPEL repository.
yum install ansible
Perhaps not ideal, but you can just run from source. I've done it that way for years without any problems. I just put the initialization routine in my .bashrc file, so it's always ready to use.
Running Ansible from source (devel)
Once you pull from git on a machine that has internet access, sneakernet it over to the machine you want it on.
As mentioned in the official documentation you can use rpm available in official release repo. Since you dont have internet access you will have to download it somewhere else & copy it over to control node.
RPMs for currently supported versions of RHEL, CentOS, and Fedora are available from EPEL as well as
You can also build an RPM yourself. From the root of a checkout or tarball, use the make rpm command to build an RPM you can distribute and install
However I would not recommend Running Ansible from source (devel) because as already mentioned in the doc, this could be unstable.
You should only run Ansible from devel if you are actively developing content for Ansible. This is a rapidly changing source of code and can become unstable at any point.
If you would like to build rpm on your own, you should probably use the tagged releases.
Available both in github & Ansible releases

What is a repository in CentOS?

What is a repository in Centos and what does it contain. I I remove all the .repo files from the system. What will be its implications. Will it remove the packages as well and will hinder normal operations or will package just not get auto-updated?
"Repositories" are locations where you can download software.
".repo" files are definition files for repositories you might wish to use.
Deleting a .repo file will not affect any packages you already have installed - it will just prevent you from updating it (assuming the package in question is available only from that one repository).
You can learn more here:
Repositories in CentOS are collections of software that the server administrator can easily install.
For instance, should you choose to install Firefox, the following command will query all configured repositories, and if one of the repos has Firefox then yum will download and install it:
$ sudo yum install firefox
Additionally, you can search for software without installing it:
$ yum provides firefox
Therefore, repositories (or repos) are online collections of software which yum may query and download from.

Linux - /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios file couldnt create

I am trying to install nagios 4.0.6 and nagios -plugins-2.0.2 on fedora 17.
I have followed steps which is mentioned in sourceforge documentation.
unfortunately /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios this file isnt created I mean even bin folder haven't created. so that I am unable to start nagios service.
What should I do?
You can install Nagios right from the Fedora repositories.
yum install nagios nagios-plugins
You can also see a list of Nagios-related packages with: yum search nagios.
I suggest you always install apps from the repositories, since the package manager will take care of the dependencies as well as the installation, and the packages there have been already revised and tested for the version of your OS. Use only 3rd party source builds or install/build the packages manually as a last resort.
