truffle: Error while creating instance of the contract - no code at address 0x3800e97896c6fdb614b9d011c9344dea32e49047 - node.js

I have deployed a simple 'HelloWorld' contract on the ethereum node using truffle. I am trying to access and call a function inside the contract with a node API.
Below is the code:
var Web3 = require('web3');
var express = require('express');
const app = express();
const artifact = require('./../ethereumapp/example/smartContract/build/contracts/HelloWorld.json')
const contract = require('truffle-contract');
const HelloWorldContract = contract(artifact);
var web3 = new Web3('http://localhost:8000');
var contractapp ='0x3800e97896c6fdb614b9d011c9344dea32e49047').catch((err)={
//Error gets thrown here
console.error("Error in creating instance of HelloWorld :"+err)}
app.get('/', (req, res)=>{
res.send("Hey! The app is up and running");
console.log('Invoking smart contract...');
app.listen(3000, ()=>{
console.log("App started on 3000");
I am new to ethereum/truffle and can't find out why this error is thrown. Please provide any sample nodejs code which can help me sort out this.

In my case this error occurred because the contract deployment transaction was running out of gas. Truffle's default gas limit used for deploys is 6721975 (reference: truffle general options).
Here's the help text that appeared for the deployment dry-run explanining the issue:
Error: *** Deployment Failed ***
"LinearLiquidityPool" ran out of gas. Something in the constructor (ex: infinite loop) caused gas estimation to fail. Try:
* Making your contract constructor more efficient
* Setting the gas manually in your config or as a deployment parameter
* Using the solc optimizer settings in 'truffle-config.js'
* Setting a higher network block limit if you are on a
private network or test client (like ganache).


Why am I getting: AskSdk.Request verification failed Error, Missing Certificate for the skill request?

I got a self hosted skill in Cloud Foundry, that uses Node js, Typescript and Express.
The code looks like this:
const app: express.Application = express()
// Skill entry point
const skill = application.getSkillBuilder.createSkillForWebService()
const adapter = new ExpressAdapter(skill,,
const PORT = app.listen(process.env.PORT ||"/", adapter.getRequestHandlers())
const listener = app.listen(PORT, function () {
const { address, port } = listener.address() as AddressInfo
logger.debug("%s listening to %s%s",, address, port)
So when I deploy into a lower environment and a new instance of the Express adapter is created, I pass false for verify signature and verify timestamp.
And it works when I test it on an Alexa device and on the Alexa developers console.
And when I deploy it into production and a new instance of the Express adapter is created, I pass true for the verify signature and verify timestamp.
And I get this error: AskSdk.Request verification failed Error, Missing Certificate for the skill request
Am I missing something in my code??
Do I need to upload the certificate in the Developers console??
Thanks in advance for your help

How to use Bolt events with the newer Slack API manifests?

I'm building a Slack App using Bolt and I've got the basics working using Socket Mode. The docs say that socket mode apps are not allowed in the public directory, which I do want my App in when it's ready. I've now turned off socket mode and got ngrok working as described here. Slack was able to validate the url anyway.
But what's not working is a slash command. The manifest editor says the url is required for a slash command, but how does that line up with bolt? Are there better docs for non-socket-mode somewhere? It seems like every example of using bolt says "let's use socket mode, it's easy".
Manifest portion:
- command: /sb
url: https://[my url]
Sample code:
const { App } = require('#slack/bolt');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const boltApp = new App({
signingSecret: config.slackApp.signingSecret,
token: config.slackApp.token,
endpoints = '/'
app.use('/slack/events', boltApp.receiver.router);
Slack App Manifests
I got this working with a combination of the following:
setting every url in the manifest (slash_commands, event_subscriptions, interactivity) to
attaching Bolt to an existing Express App, attempting to follow this PR to use app and/or router config prop on ExpressReceiver, but strangely what worked was putting the express app into the router
setting up Bolt like below
Example Code:
const expressApp = express();
const boltReceiver = new ExpressReceiver({
router: expressApp,
endpoints: '/slack'
const boltApp = new App({
receiver: boltReceiver,
socketMode: false,

Firebase Cloud Function Keep return "Request failed with status code 404"

I created some functions in firebase cloud functions, but all of them are works. But i have a new function which is not work properly. I don't know why but i think it has same pattern with others.
this is my code:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const appVideo = express();
const cors = require('cors')({ origin: true });
appVideo.get('/update-video', async(req, res) => {
console.log('updateStatusVideo idCourse', req.query.idCourse, ' idMateri: ', req.query.idMateri, ' idVideo:', req.query.idVideo);
}) = functions.https.onRequest(appVideo)
I often call partial deploy like
firebase deploy --only functions:video. But when i execute the functions https through browser it often return
Request failed with status code 404
other weird things is when i inspect the browser and switch to console, i found
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
this is the url of function in firebase: [modified for confidential]
Please help
When you export this line: = functions.https.onRequest(appVideo);
You define a Cloud Function called video that is deployed as where PROJECT_ID is whatever your Firebase Project ID is.
Because you use a express application for this exported function, any URL that is handled must first start with (the BASE_URL).
This line:
appVideo.get('/update-video', ...)
attaches a listener to BASE_URL/update-video, which becomes
If you want to use just as-is, you'll need to change to using
appVideo.get('/', ...)
If you want to use just, you'll need to change to using
appVideo.get('/', ...)
exports.update = {}; = functions.https.onRequest(appVideo);
// "" is deployed as "update-video"
Note: This last part abuses deploying groups to get the desired URL

Firebase Functions: Upload Error: HTTP Error: 400, Unknown Error

I tried to deploy the server side of my Angular Universal SSR app to Firebase Functions, but ran into the error Upload Error: HTTP Error: 400, Unknown Error.
From what I understand, this error happens pretty often when the deployment is a huge file (in my case it's 438mb). The reason it's so big is because I'm deploying localized versions of my website so dist/browser and dist/server both have en, de, and fr directories with pretty much the same content. How can I solve this issue?
console output
=== Deploying to 'PROJECT_NAME'...
i deploying functions
Running command: npm --prefix "$RESOURCE_DIR" run lint
+ functions: Finished running predeploy script.
i functions: ensuring required API is enabled...
i functions: ensuring required API is enabled...
+ functions: required API is enabled
i functions: preparing dist directory for uploading...
i functions: packaged dist (438.04 MB) for uploading
! functions: Upload Error: HTTP Error: 400, Unknown Error
Error: HTTP Error: 400, Unknown Error
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
// Increase readability in Cloud Logging
const expressApp = require('./server/proxy').app();
exports.ssr = functions
proxy.ts (which gets compiled to js and put into the dist/server folder)
import * as express from 'express';
import * as cookieParser from 'cookie-parser';
import { join } from 'path';
export function app() {
const server = express();
const languages = ['en', 'de', 'fr'];
languages.forEach((locale) => {
const appServerModule = require(join(__dirname, locale, 'main.js'));
server.get('/(:locale(en|fr|de)/)?*', (req, res, next) => {
const { locale } = req.params;
let userLocale = (req.headers['accept-language'] || '').substring(0, 2);
if(!languages.includes(userLocale)) {
userLocale = 'en';
if (locale !== userLocale) {
res.redirect(userLocale + req.url);
return server;
function run() {
app().listen(4200, () => {
console.log(`Node Express server listening on http://localhost:4200`);
I had the same problem with NextJS and firebase functions,
Here is my solution:
Remove node_modules and run npm i
Remove cache files, out or public builds
Check functions console registry from firebase panel (here you can check your serve status/logs)
I hope this could help to someone.
I decreased the size of my deployment, and it immediately fixed the issue. I would say you just have to optimize the files you have, or think about storing some files in another location other than the firebase functions codebase (perhaps firebase storage)
I had this issue and just was able to fix it. In my case I had deployed to firebase a number of times and with each deploy the upload directory got bigger and bigger. I ended up changing my hosting settings to only keep the last 3 deploys which ended up dropping my package size from around 170MB to 15MB once the previous deploys were deleted. For some reason with each deploy it would take in each previous deploy when trying to upload a new release which doesn't make sense to me.

Get my Action’s server URL in (JavaScript) fulfilment code

I am using actionssdk and I build my Action fulfilments using Javascript and node.js + Express.
I am looking for a way to get the url (protocol + host name + port) of the server where the fulfilment is hosted.
Is there a simple way to do this? E.g. in the MAIN intent? Is there some conv-property I can use? Can I get hold of a req-parameter in the MAIN-intent, from which I can deduct hostname etc?
const express = require('express');
const expressApp = express();
const { actionssdk, ... } = require('actions-on-google');
const app = actionssdk({
ordersv3: true,
clientId: ...
});'/fulfilment', app);
app.intent('actions.intent.MAIN', (conv) => {
let myUrl: string = ... // ???????
(background: obviously I know myself to where I deployed my fulfilment code. But I have a reusable template for fulfilment code in which I want to refer to the host url, and I do not want to type that in manually each time I develop a new Action).
You can get access to the request object in a middleware via Framework Metadata which is by default of type BuiltinFrameworkMetadata which contains objects used by Express
For example, you can use it like this, which will be ran before each request:
app.middleware((conv, framework) => {
