Deploy only modified ARM templates when redeploying the infrastructure - azure

I use Azure DevOps with which I execute an Azure Pipeline bash script that deploys my ARM templates stored on Github.
Github repo structure:
- arm_templates_folder
- storageacocunt.json
- eventhub.json
How is it possible to only deploy templates that has been modified on Github since the last deployment?
For example, eventhub.json changed, than Event Hubs gets redeployed, but the storageaccount.json will be skipped.

You can combine the following command
git diff --name-only HEAD HEAD~1
with your deployment script.
But... Why do you want to detect what has been modified? Do you want to optimize deployment time? If yes, then combine all templates into one and let Azure Resource Manager deploy them in parallel while maintaining defined dependencies.


Azure devops - How to use same yml for multiple git repos

I use github for hosting my projects and have multiple projects in github. And I use Azure devops for CICD alone. I have a single project in Azure devops, where I create individual pipeline corresponding to each project in my github repo. All these github projects would need to use the same azure-pipeline.yml for build. So instead of keeping the same yml file in each project, is there a way I can keep this yml centrally. So that in future, if at all a change is required, I need not do it for all individual projects, instead, update the main yml template.
A single yml file where I have all the code is even possible for my usecase? Any help is much appreciated
Have you considered using templates? Essentially you have would end up with a single template containing the main build steps that is reusable and individual yaml for each pipeline that can pass parameters to the template for any differences you have between them (such as different triggers or variable values). This way you can update all pipelines by making changes to the template
Template documentation
According to your description, you may setup a repo contains all the YAML files for pipelines. Kindly also be advised that we can also keep the templates in other repositories, if we have defined the repository resources in the core YAML pipeline. Kindly refer to the sample Core and template YAML files below.
#Core YAML in Azure Repos
trigger: none
  vmImage: ubuntu-latest
  - repository: GitHub_REPO_1
    type: github
    name: GitHubAccountName/GitHubRepo1
    endpoint: GitHubServiceConnectionName
  - repository: GitHub_REPO_2
    type: github
    name: GitHubAccountName/GitHubRepo2
    endpoint: GitHubServiceConnectionName
  - checkout: none
  # - checkout: GitHub_REPO_1
  - template: GHREPO1.yml#GitHub_REPO_1
  # - checkout: GitHub_REPO_2
  - template: GHREPO2.yml#GitHub_REPO_2
#Template YAML from GitHub Repo
- script: echo "This YAML template is from GitHubRepo1"
  displayName: 'Template From GitHubRepo1'
By the way, we could also checkout the code from one or multiple repository resource(s) and trigger the pipeline by the commits from the repository resources. Please refer to the following documents for more information.
Define YAML resources for Azure Pipelines - Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Docs
Check out multiple repositories in your pipeline - Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Docs

Script path of PowerShell task Azure DevOps release

I have PowerShell script, that I would like to use in deployments of Dynamics 365 to migrate an Access Team Template to our Test and Prod environments.
I have added the PowerShell script to the repository, and I would now like to add a PowerShell task to each of the stages in the deployment to migrate the Access Team Teamplate correctly in each of the environments.
However, I am not sure how to reference the path of the script in each of the stages in the release. When I click on the three dots to select the file, it is looking at the Linked artifacts - and not the repo.
If I add the PowerShell task to the pipeline, then I can select the script from the three dots.
Is it possible to reference the script in the release somehow?
You need to add your repository as a artifact or publish this script as artifact in the pipeline.
First, use Add an artifact and select the repository where you keep the script:
Then you will get the repo as a regular artifact.
Another way is to publish this script. To do that you need to check the repo in the pipeline which you already have produce your primary artifact and publish just this script. Then it will become available as you already have a defined source of artifacts.

Azure DevOps - Automated Pipeline Creation

I'm new to Azure DevOps, and I was wondering if there was a way to automatically detected a .yml build file and create a pipeline without having to interact with the site.
I have tried creating a file called azure-pipelines.yml in the root of the repo, with no luck.
Is there anyway to automatically create pipelines? Like how Jenkins detects a Jenkinsfile?
No this is nott possible out of the box, because YAML file is not always pipeline definition. You my try to figure out if it is trully is, however you need to listen for repo changes and in fact you can do this via another pipeline ;) for instance as this:
check if commit has a new yaml file added
verify if the file is pipeline
create a pipeline using azure cli (for instance)
However, this would be quite a lot of work and then you need to create such pipeline in every repo you want to have this detection enabled.

Azure DevOps dynamic Release Pipeline creation

I am currently planning on a type of multi-tenant system, were different resource groups with a set of AppServices are deployed for customers via ARM Templates. Hence, each customer has its own Resource Group and set of AppServices. Currently we use Azure DevOps to deploy to a set of AppServices used for Development and Quality Assurance before it gets to Production. I am now trying to incorporate DevOps into the mix, automating a pipeline creation of some sort... (it would be a copy of an existing pipeline but only changing the Target AppServices). Which is were my question comes from, Is there a way to dynamically create or edit a Release pipeline to add the deployment of those new AppServices, without the need of manually edit or create a pipeline an adding those newly created AppServices, I was thinking something around the lines of being able to copy a yaml file template then replacing the necessary info to point to those AppServices after they have been created, but I am not totally sure where could I store the new yaml file so that it is picked up by Azure DevOps, or how could I would accomplish these, with the main idea being that all of this continues to be part of an automated process (if possible).
Thanks a lot for any help, any suggestion is appreciated.
The question is not about how to Deploy an ARM Template through the DevOps release pipeline (I plan on using a PowerShell Script/REST API to accomplish that), instead, is about when the AppServices Resources are created, I need to deploy code to those newly created AppServices and also update that code when necessary (Hopefully through a Release Pipeline), somehow generate a new release pipeline each time I deploy a new set of Resources. So that, when there is a new update, I could easily have that pipeline triggered and that set if AppServices can be updated (created as part of the automation process "dynamically"). (I Already have a similar pipeline that deploys to a "static" set of AppServices).
This is possible as you eluded to with YAML Pipelines. Based upon the scenario you have subscribed each repository would have it's own pipeline.yml file that will define the trigger, pool etc. It would also reference a repository that will house your yaml template.
The template would accept whichever parameters you may required (resource group, app service name, etc...) The triggering pipeline associated with each repository would pass this information leveraging the teamplate.
By doing this CI/CD can be set up to trigger on the individual pipelines and deploy the appropriate code all while leveraging the same YAML template.
The repository reference would be similar to:
- repository: YAMLTemplates
type: git
name: OrginazationName/YAML Project Name
With the call to the template being similar to:
- template: azure-ARM-template.yml#YAMLTemplate
appServiceName: 'AppServiceName'
resourceGroupName: 'ResourceGroupName'
At a high level the YAML pipeline would consist of the following. If all App Services are similar as stated and ARM Templates are similar this how it could be constructed and triggered based on a folder path:
Build necessary artifacts
Publish Pipeline
Deploy Azure Resource Group Task
Deploy App Settings Task (if applicable)
Deploy App Service
Release the deployment pieces for each environment in appropriate stages to help alleviate the amount of copying and pasting each of the above tasks can be part of a template either individually at a task, combination of tasks, or all in one. This would allow for defining the YAML once and referencing it and including app specific components as needed as parameters to the templates.

ARM template link to refactor template values

Summary: We have Below mentioned release pipelines
1. Release1 -This pipeline will create resources like Application insights, App service plan, Key vault. (ARM files -azuredeploy.json and azuredeployparameters.json)
2. Release2 Pipeline: This pipeline will create resources like App service/Function App using Release1 components like Application insights, App service plan, Key vault. (ARM files -azuredeploy.json and azuredeployparameters.json)
We have multiple micro services In Release2 pipelines,
Environments like Dev, QA, Test .
Each environment has separate resource group.
azuredeployparameters.json all values are same for all services except webapp name.
Issue:If we want change or update any value in all azuredeployparameters.json files in all Release2 pipeline services, We are updating manually.
Kindly suggest the solution on below:
Can we link all our release2 azuredeployparameters.json files to one centralized azuredeployparameters.json file.
If we modify centralized azuredeployparameters.json file, it should update all azuredeployparameters.json files in all release 2 services.
You can put your azuredeployparameters.json in your central/main repo. And if you use release pipelines for instance, you should create build for your central repo and publish azuredeployparameters.json as artifact. You can later use this artifacts in any release pipeline you want. So you can get it Release1 and Release2.
If you use build pipelines also to deploy, you can use multiple repos and get source code (in release 1) from your central repo and repo dedicated to this release. In the same way you have this file available.
If you want to customize file a bit in Relese pipeline you can tokenize you azuredeployparameters.json file and replace those tokens in release. Here you have extension for this.
