Kentico Language Packs - kentico

I need to change Kentico date format to dd/MM/yyyy. I tried following the settings here
but looks like I'm gonna need a CMS.resx pack. Where do I get this language pack for Australia (en-AU)?

The language packs are available for download on the Devnet portal. However, in case of EN-AU, if you do not require translation of the resource strings to the Australian English (I guess the EN-AU is pretty much the same as EN-US in this case), you can simply copy the CMS.resx file and rename it CMS.en-au.resx.
Or, you can use the CMSDefaultUICulture web.config key and set the default UI culture to EN-AU and then, the system will take the CMS.resx as the EN-AU culture's resource file. For more details please see the documentation on setting up multilingual UI.


How to add a new language to SAP Hybris e- Commerce Storefront(Electronics UK Website)

My requirement: I want to add one more language say Spanish in footer section of language drop down list on Electronic UK storefront. Once we select the Spanish language our website content should change to Spanish Language.
I have read the hybris wiki related to Internationalization and Localization but I could not find any optimal solution.
Please help me in this to achieve the above functionality.
Open hmc or backoffice. Open your current base store, navigate to languages and add spanish to the list.
Notice, that there will be no data for the language, so your homepage might look very empty.
If you want to add localizations for the cms and product content, you have to add the language to all your catalog versions. Otherwise, your language wont show up in the cmscockpit/productcockpit.
Everything that appears on your homepage as words separated by dots (e.g. "search.placeholder") is not saved in the database. Those are spring messages. They are maintained in a file in your storefront. Find them in
by the names
where XX is the isocode of your language (in your case es). If the file does not exist, create it. You can use the english file (e.g. as a template and change the values to spanish ones. Beware, there are a LOT!
There might be more pitfalls, but those are the ones, that came to my mind.

Kentcio v9 Smart Search Dialog with Results search mode localization

How can i localize the drop down option for the search mode? I did some digging and was able to adjust the localization for the search form labels but i'm at loss here.
The CMS Module SearchDialog.ascx call the drop down list here, but i can't see where the values come from.
<cms:CMSDropDownList runat="server" ID="drpSearchMode" CssClass="DropDownField" />
Go to the localization App and create resource strings for
Believe those are the 4 you need.
I couldn't find official documentation that helps much with this, though there have been articles in the past on older versions. However, one trick I've used previously is to look in the ~/CMSResources/cms.resx file, find the localized string there, and add a new one with the same key to the Localization module in Kentico. That is, add a new resource string in Kentico with the same key (the naming will be different depending on your version of Kentico).
Here's the docs discussing setting up a multilingual interface:
And here's a screenshot of the resx file:
So in your case I'd create a new resource string within Kentico called "srch.dialog.allwords" as an example and that should overwrite and take priority over whatever is in the .resx file, plus you can manage it via the Kentico admin. There may be a quicker or more reliable way to view the list of default resource strings but in my recent installs of Kentico, the list is hidden from the admin interface.
Alternatively, of course, you could manage the resource strings via various .resx files as in the documentation, but I try to manage as much of these pieces via Kentico as possible for convenience.

Kentico navigation webparts and multi-language

Am i correct in assuming that i need a nav webpart for each language with the correct corresponding culture code set?
I have on cms:CMSListMenu in my .Master page, and i'm going to be starting the french version of the site.
Your assumption is NOT correct. Kentico is made to use a single template and/or webpart for multiple languages. You do have the opportunity to use different templates per language but unless you need it for something very specific, it's not needed.
The webparts are smart enough to use the current language which has been selected/set on the website. There are some additional configuration options you can set like mixing the default culture with the current culture. What this means is if you are viewing the site in French and have a page in English but not French, it will display the English version and in place of the missing French version.
I'd suggest starting out with the Kentico localization documentation if you haven't already.
I can't agree with you assumption. You can specify culture for you control, so it will always use that culture, otherwise it should be using current culture.

Multilingual solution

Two questions, hopefully with similar answers.
I'll be releasing a JavaScript package in my solution where the error messages are to be displayed. The problems is that I'll be targeting German, English and French. Possibly, also a fourth language TBD. What would be the nicest way to resolve this?
The label names should definitely be localized. Is there a built-in approach to that in CRM 2011? Like a resource table or something like that?
My current solution for (1) is to keep an extra web resource with the strings and distributing a different file for each language. I may rebuild it and distribute all the languages at once and only use a parameter, possibly settable from the GUI if I create a settings-entity. A bit cumbersome.
My current solution for (2) involves a lot of praying and a divine act of some sort. :)
To determine current CRM user language dynamically from Javascript you can use window.USER_LANGUAGE_CODE (this variable exists on all CRM pages) - for example it will be equal 1033 for English. Than based on that info, you can pick needed string resources from your file.
Also in forms context there are two predefined functions, which return current Organization language code and current User language code: Xrm.Page.context.getOrgLcid() and
Xrm.Page.context.getUserLcid() .
If you are talking about custom entities and fields, you can easily add localized display names for them via your solution. You need to edit customizations.xml file from your unzipped solution. For each attribute there you will find such XML containing display names:
<displayname description="Created By" languagecode="1033" />
You can just add new display names for each language you need there.
P.S. If someone interested in different aspects of multilangual support for Dynamics CRM 2011 solutions, I strongly recommend to review this page, also here and here is a very helpful reading.

Translating string in Drupal

I've developed a site in english (admin & front end) but the site needs to be in a Dutch. Locale and i18n modules have been installed.
Dutch has been added to the list of languages and set as default in admin/settings/language.
I'm now wondering how I can translate strings like the date output? For ex, when I print out a date from a view, it still outputs the days and months in English.
In admin/settings/language/configure I've selected "path prefix only" but I don't get the language code in the url's and links. How is this achieved?
You can translate month names, days and much more using Translation interface. Navigate to:
Administer -> Site Building -> Translate interface (admin/build/translate) -> Search (admin/build/translate/search)
and use the search form to locate the string you wish to translate.
Since you've already added Dutch to your site, you can download entire Dutch translation on Site is currently in beta, so you will have to login using your credentials.
Use this link to export Dutch translation of Drupal. Just make sure you choose All in one file format so you can easily import it in your site using Translate interface -> Import
To get the language code in the URLs you will have to enable Multilingual support for each content type you need translated (admin/content/types) by opening edit and selecting desired option under Workflow settings -> Multilingual support.
After that make sure that you specify Dutch/English language while adding or editing nodes.
